Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins), Temporarily at Tehran1
Immediate and urgent for Harry Hopkins signed Kirk.
With reference to document which you gave me for safe keeping pending instructions from Tehran I learn from Ryan of Ministry of Information that British have communicated text in code through British Embassy here to Foreign Office in London preparatory to release upon notification flash from your party. Ryan states such [Page 450] release will be immediate without twenty-four hour advance notice mentioned and that Cairo handout will be for background only and not for transmission.
In view of this situation I would appreciate immediate detailed instructions as to action to be taken by me so that there may be no slip-up by the Legation and in order that I may notify Chinese as you requested. Russell Barnes of Office of War Information now in Tehran is familiar with set-up here and can furnish you with any additional information in that regard.
- Sent via Army channels.↩