365. Memorandum from President Kennedy to Martin, October 141
[Facsimile Page 1]
I am asking the Secretary of the Treasury to form a Committee to review
the United States position in the discussions now in progress on the
evolution of the international monetary system.
The Committee is described in the attached memorandum. I would appreciate
it if you would be willing to sit with the Committee when it meets.
October 14,
[Facsimile Page 2]
Now that the Deputies of the Committee of Ten have begun their
examination of possible improvements in the international monetary
mechanism, I wish to insure that the U.S. positions in these
discussions are formulated after thorough consideration within the
I understand that Under Secretary Roosa has the assistance of a committee of experts
from the departments concerned (the long-run International Payments
Committee) which was set up last year to discuss possible changes in
the international monetary mechanism. I think it would be useful to
have this group’s deliberations reviewed at a higher level, now that
we are considering this problem in an international forum. Since the
issues involved do not fall within the sphere of concern of all the
departments and agencies represented on the Cabinet Committee on the
Balance of Payments, I wish to designate a smaller committee
consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury as Chairman, the Under
Secretary of State, the Chairman of the Council of Economic
Advisers, and my Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, to
review the progress of the deliberations of the Deputies and the
U.S. position in their discussions, and to report to me as
I am also asking the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board to sit
with the Committee.