221. Table, August 231

[Facsimile Page 1]

Programmed and Augmented Capabilities of AEDS to Detect and Identify Nuclear Tests with 60–90% Probability*

Altitude USSR & China Remote
(km) Programmed Augmented Programmed Augmented
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0–10 5 5 200–500 40
10–20 5–100 5–10 200–1,000’s 40
20–50 5–50 5–10 200–1,000’s 20–40
50–100 ~ 10 5 100–1,000 20
100–1000 2 2 100–1,000 20
1000–10,000 5–100 5 100–1,000 20
10–100 (thousands) 1 1 1 1
100–300 (thousands) 1–10 1–5 1–10 1–5
300–1,000 (thousands) 10–100 10 10–100 10

*For 10% probability, all thresholds will be substantially reduced.

  1. “Programmed and Augmented Capabilities of AEDS to Detect and Identify Nuclear Tests with 60–90% Probability.” Top Secret. 1 p. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, ACDA, Disarmament, Test Ban and the U.S. Military.