194. Telegram 234 from London, July 121

[Facsimile Page 1]

Ban from Harriman. Accompanied by Bruce, I called on Home this morning. After going over understandings reached with Hailsham, Home made following points:

1. He suggested non-dissemination should be discussed if possible prior to non-aggression pact. I agreed.

2. When he raised MLF, I replied that we would strongly defend proposed MLF as conforming to non-dissemination.

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3. He considers non-aggression pact to be reasonable in that legally it would not necessarily represent formal recognition of East German regime. When I pointed out German sensitivity, he agreed that we should object to it with Soviets and explore other possible formulae which have been previously proposed, including manner in which status quo in and access rights to West Berlin could be protected.

4. He readily agreed that every effort should be made to obtain a test ban, untied to any non-aggression arrangement on which of course no commitment could be taken without consultation with NATO Allies.

  1. Harriman’s meeting with Home to review decisions reached with Hailsham. Secret. 1 p. Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 US/Harriman.