III. General organizational questions affecting the United Nations and of particular interest to the United States
[32] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, March
30, 1950—7 p. m.
330/3–3050: telegram
[33] Draft Position Paper Prepared in the Bureau of United Nations Affairs
[Washington,] April 18,
CFM Files: Lot M88, Box 2203
[34] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Webb)
[Washington,] April 27,
[35] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, April
29, 1950—6 p. m.
320/4–2550: telegram
[36] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, May 5,
1950—6 p. m.
315.2/5–550: telegram
[37] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State
London, May 9,
1950—6 p. m.
320/5–950: telegram
[38] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, May
10, 1950—7 p. m.
320/5–1050: telegram
[39] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, May
13, 1950—1 p. m.
320/5–950: telegram
[40] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
[Washington,] May 22,
[41] Minutes of Meeting of the United Nations Liaison Committee, Washington, Department of State, May 29, 1950
Washington, May 29, 1950
IO Files: US/A/23131
[42] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, June
1, 1950—7 p. m.
310.5/6–150: telegram
[43] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council (Ross)
York,] June
13, 1950.
IO Files: US/A/2325, US/S/1244
[44] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council (Ross)
York,] June 14, 1950.
IO Files: US/A/2333, US/1248
[45] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
[Washington,] July 6,
[46] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
[Washington,] July 13,
[47] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Howard Meyers of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs
[Washington,] August 1,
[48] Document Prepared in the Bureau of United Nations Affairs
[Washington, August 7, 1950.]
Under Secretary’s Meetings: Lot 53 D 250, Box 1
[49] Memorandum of Conversation, by the United Nations Adviser, Bureau of European Affairs (Raynor)
[Washington,] August 8,
[50] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Charge of Iranian Affairs (Ferguson)
[Washington,] August 17,
[51] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Berry)
[Washington,] August 23,
[52] Department of State Position Paper, for the Instruction of the United States Delegation to the Fifth Regular Session of the General Assembly
[Washington,] August 31,
IO Files: SD/A/231
[53] The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon
Washington, September 1, 1950, 12 noon.
330/8–2950: Telegram
[54] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Ward P. Allen of the Bureau of European Affairs
[Washington,] September 1,
[55] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics
Washington, September 2, 1950—1:30 p. m.
330/9–250: Circular airgram
[56] Department of State Position Paper, for the Instruction of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly
[Washington,] September 6,
IO Files: SD/A/232
[57] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, September 6, 1950—9 p. m.
310/9–650: Telegram
[58] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, September 11, 1950—3:51 p. m.
310/9–1160: Telegram
[59] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, September 11, 1950—8 p. m.
320/9–1150: Telegram
[60] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, September 12, 1950—4:44 p. m.
310/9–1250: Telegram
[61] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, September 14, 1950—8 p. m.
320/9–1450: Telegram
- Short title for the master files of the Reference and Documents Section of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State.↩