II. Problems arising under the United States-United Nations headquarters agreement of 1947, and related matters

[14] Memorandum by the Legal Adviser (Fisher)

Legal Adviser’s Files: Opinions by the Legal Adviser, et al.

[15] Memorandum by Mr. Raymund T. Yingling of the Legal Adviser’s Staff to the Chief of the Visa Division (L’Heureux)

Legal Adviser’s Files: Opinions by the Legal Adviser, et al.

[16] Memorandum by the Deputy Legal Adviser (Tate) to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Administration ( Humelsine )

L/UNA Files: Folder “UN—Privileges & Immunities—Laissez-Passer

[17] Memorandum by the Deputy Legal Adviser (Tate) to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for United Nations Affairs (Sandifer)

Legal Adviser’s Files: Opinions by the Legal Adviser, et al.

[20] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Denmark (Anderson)


[21] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in India (Henderson)

320/9–850: telegram

[25] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State

320/9–2950: telegram

[28] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State

315.41/11–2250: telegram

  1. Short title for the master files of the Reference and Documents Section of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State.