- Abbink, John U., 594, 757–759
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- American Republics, U.S. policy toward the, 589, 594n , 596, 598, 619, 624, 627, 631, 656–657
- Argentina, U.S. relations with, 707–708, 710–711, 713–715, 717n , 727–728, 730, 743
- Atomic energy, international control of, 236
- Bolivia, U.S. relations with, 744, 746, 752–753
- Brazil, U.S. relations with, 757n , 759–760, 770, 773n , 774–781
- Canada, U.S. relations with, 583–584
- Caribbean area disputes, U.S. interest in peaceful settlement of, 641, 642n , 644, 649–650, 661, 666
- Chile, U.S. relations with, 783, 788–791, 793–797, 800–801
- Chinese representation in organs of the United Nations, U.S. policy regarding, 186–187, 189–191, 194–198, 200–205, 207, 209–210, 214–217, 219–220, 223–226, 238, 243–244, 245, 247–261, 264, 267–268, 287, 290–292, 294–296, 301–302, 372
- Colombia, U.S. relations with, 807, 814, 816, 831, 835
- Foreign Ministers’ meetings: London, 245; New York, 391n
- Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 867–870, 884–887, 914, 917–919
- Haiti, U.S. relations with, 933–935
- Indians in South Africa, treatment of, 562–564, 570, 572–573, 575
- Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 680
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 675
- Korean conflict, 254n
- Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan, 371–373, 379, 382–385, 387, 389–391
- Mexico, U.S. relations with, 936–939, 965n
- Organization of American States, U.S. ratification of the Charter of the, 639–640
- Pan American Society, speech of Sept. 19, 1949 to, 590
- Panama, U.S. relations with, 969, 972
- People’s Republic of China, non-recognition of, 241
- Peru, U.S. relations with, 982, 997–1000, 1002–1003, 1005
- South West Africa question, 474–481, 492–494, 497, 501–502, 505–507
- Soviet military and political activities, 206
- Soviet peace propaganda proposals, 404, 409–410, 413, 415–416, 419, 423–424
- Soviet Union, U.S. policy toward, 229
- United Nations, U.S. policy toward, 8
- U.N. General Assembly: Elections to U.N. organs, 87, 90, 92–93, 116–118, 121–122, 124; U.S. policies regarding matters before, 6–24, 182; “Uniting for Peace” Resolution, 303, 307–308, 310–326, 335–338, 344, 346, 350, 352–355, 357, 359, 366–370, 397n ; Yugoslav peace proposal, 426–428, 430–432.
- U.N. headquarters agreement, matters concerning, 55–65, 72–75, 78
- U.N. membership, 178–179, 182–183, 215–216
- U.N. Secretary-General, reappointment of, 98–99, 119, 121, 123, 125–126, 130, 132–134, 146–155, 156n , 157–161, 163, 174–175
- U.N. Security Council special meeting with Foreign Ministers as representatives, Lie proposal for, 230, 232
- U.N. specialized agencies, U.S. contributions to, 90–92
- U.N. trusteeship and non-self-governing territories, matters concerning, 434–440, 471–472
- Uruguay, U.S. relations with, 1009
- Venezuela, U.S. relations with, 1022–1024, 1041
- Ackerman, Ralph H., 660n , 664n , 665–667
- Adams, John Quincy, 614–615
- Afghanistan, 37, 309, 432, 522
- Afnan, 579
- Africa, 687, 764, 767, 769
- Aggression, proposals for prevention of. see under United Nations: General Assembly and under United Nations: Security Council.
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 964, 1022
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 597, 1040–1041
- Albania, 15, 37, 293
- Alemán Valdes, Miguel, 761, 946, 950–951, 953, 959n , 960–961, 965n , 967, 968n
- Allen, Roger, 195–196
- Allen, Ward P., 25, 96–97, 117, 324n , 406, 472n , 562, 564, 567
- Allessandri, Jorge, 785, 787
- Allison, John M., 25
- Alvarado Fuentes, Roberto, 924
- Alvarez, Alberto I., 212
- Amerado Petroleum Corporation, 985n
- American Airlines, 945
- American and Foreign Power Company, 697–698, 704, 708–711, 716, 718, 720, 722, 761
- American Independent Oil Company, 985
- American Motion Picture Association, 716
- American Republics (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Caribbean area disputes (see also under
Organization of American States: Council:
Provisional Organ of Consultation):
- Costa Rica-Nicaragua dispute, 642
- Cuba-Dominican Republic dispute, 643n , 651n , 652–656, 658, 661, 663
- Guatemala-Dominican Republic, 643n , 651n , 652–656, 661, 666
- Haiti-Dominican Republic, 641–656, 658, 661
- U.S. support of inter-American collective action for the peaceful settlement of, 625, 641–669, 1037
- U.S. suspension of arms shipments to disputing parties, 661
- Caribbean Legion, activities of the, 845, 848–849, 899–900, 912–913, 923, 1037
- Communist activities, 592–593, 603–609, 624–625, 669, 695, 697
- Currency devaluation, economic effects of, 675, 679
- Discrimination against U.S. business, 672–673
- Economic Cooperation Administration, offshore purchases by the, 593
- Economic development, 594
- Financial problems, 593
- Foreign Ministers’ Conference, proposed, 627
- Foreign Ministers’ Meeting at Rio de Janeiro, 1942, 790
- Good Neighbor Policy, 626, 884
- Gran Colombiana Economic Conference at Quito, 1948, 827
- Gran Colombiana relationship (Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela), 811–814, 826–827, 861, 978
- Korean conflict, participation in the (see also Korean subheadings under Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, and Guatemala), 670
- Lend-lease credits, 610
- Leticia settlement of Amazon frontier, 1933, 827
- Nonintervention policy, 618, 623, 652, 658, 660, 817, 820, 829, 852, 853n , 861, 871, 873–874, 885, 906, 975, 1027, 1034
- Pan-Americanism, 620–621
- Peaceful settlement of disputes, inter-American collective action for the, 641–668
- Political asylum, questions regarding, 653, 994–995, 1007
- Private investment, 594–595
- Recognition policy of the United States, 592
- Security problems, 596–597
- Strategic and critical materials, role in U.S. program for stockpiling of, 628, 631–632, 634
- Strategic importance to the United States, 599–600, 628, 632
- Surplus property credits, 610
- Technical assistance (see also U.S. technical assistance, infra ), 673, 675, 678–679
- U.S. Defense Mobilization Program, economic effects of, 687–690
- U.S. economic and financial assistance, 609–610, 613, 623, 626, 630–632, 634, 678, 686–688, 810
- U.S. information and educational exchange program, 626, 628, 632–633
- U.S. military assistance, 597, 627n , 628, 632, 635, 670, 768, 821n
- U.S. naval vessels, sale of, 775n , 798n
- U.S. policy toward, 589–637, 765n , 770
- U.S. private investment, 609–613, 623, 631
- U.S. technical assistance, 595–596, 610, 612–613, 626, 628, 631–632, 634, 678, 680–681, 687, 830, 917n , 918n
- U.S. trade relations with, 609–611, 636
- Caribbean area disputes (see also under
Organization of American States: Council:
Provisional Organ of Consultation):
- American Smelting and Refining Company, 751
- American States, International Conference of (Ninth), Bogotá, Mar. 30–May 2, 1948, 625, 676, 819, 837n
- American States, Organization of. see Organization of American States.
- Anderson, Clinton P., 957
- Anderson, Eugenie, 56
- Anderson, James F., 103
- Anderson, Roger V., 778, 787
- Arab League, 21, 98, 108–109, 116, 118, 128, 286
- Arab states, 29n , 44, 107, 111, 116–117, 164–165, 286, 344, 534, 536, 558, 686
- Arabian American Oil Company, 902
- Aram, G.A., 95–96, 109–110
- Arana, Col. Francisco Javier, 875, 923–924
- Arango, Eliseo, 812
- Arbejas, 875
- “Arbenz Guzman, Col. Jacobo, 870–875, 885, 889, 904, 908, 915, 921–925, 929–931
- Ares, Antonio, 725
- Ares, Roberto A., 710, 735–738
- Arévalo, Juan José, 865–867, 870, 872–873, 875, 878, 886, 888, 898, 901, 904–909, 911–912, 915–916, 918–923
- Arey, Hawthorne, 718
- Argentina (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Air routes, negotiations with the United States concerning, 717
- Anti-American attitudes, 703
- Braniff Airlines, landing rights for, 698, 704, 707, 729
- Brazil, relations with, 714, 721n , 732, 759, 1017
- Chile, relations with, 714
- Communist problem, 695, 697, 726, 732, 1021
- Consortium of private U.S. banks, agreement for credit from, 716, 718–719, 725, 727–729
- Discrimination against U.S. business, 673
- Dollar indebtedness problem, 695, 702–703, 705–706, 709, 712
- Economic and financial situation, 702, 706, 712, 719–720, 739
- Export-Import Bank loan, proposed, 691–692, 695, 699, 701n , 704–709, 711–715, 718–726, 728–731, 733–735, 742, 761, 766, 775, 810
- Expropriation of U.S. property, 692, 697n , 698n
- Food and Agriculture Organization, proposed membership in, 693, 721
- Friendship, commerce, and economic development treaty with the United States, proposed, 697, 701n , 703–705, 707, 717, 720–722, 743
- Good offices in Peruvian dispute with Colombia, proposed, 997–998, 1000
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, ratification of, 693, 696, 721, 728–729, 732
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, proposed membership in, 721
- International Monetary Fund, proposed membership in, 721
- Investment, American, treatment of, 722–723
- Joint Argentine-United States Committee on Commercial Studies, 695, 699, 703
- Korean conflict, support for U.S. action in, 730n , 731–732, 733n , 742
- Meat packing companies, American, difficulties of, 693–694, 697–698, 704, 707–708, 710, 729, 735–738, 740, 743
- Motion pictures, American, import permits for, 694, 708, 711, 716, 729
- Pan American Airways, dollar transfer problem for, 695, 698, 707–708
- Pan American Grace Airways, dollar transfer problem for, 695, 698, 704, 707, 729
- Petroleum companies, American, problems concerning, 694–695, 697–698, 704, 707–711, 729, 739
- Political influence in Latin America, 591, 596–597, 621
- Political situation, 702–703
- Rio Protocol between Ecuador and Peru, 1942, guarantor of, 860
- Subsidiaries, American and foreign, difficulties of, 697–698, 704, 708–711, 716, 718, 720, 722, 740
- Taxation, double, agreement with United States, July 20, 1950, 717n
- United Kingdom, trade negotiations with, 702, 708–709, 721n , 731, 741–742
- U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America, policy toward, 682
- U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 119
- U.S. military supplies and naval vessels, requests for purchase of, 729
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 629, 691–743, 758, 786, 810n , 1013
- Uruguay, relations with, 596–597, 1013–1014, 1016–1017
- Visit by Assistant Secretary of State Miller, 692–701, 703
- World Health Organization, proposed membership in, 693
- Arias, Arnulfo, 592, 969–971, 975–976
- Armour, Norman, 1042, 1044n
- Armour Meat Packing Company, 693, 738
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 788–790, 970n
- Arnold, Elting, 718, 963
- Arnold, H. A., 725–728, 733n
- Artigas, Gen. José Gervasio, 1009
- Arutiunian, Amazasp A., 78
- Asia, 767
- Asia, South (see also Southeast Asia), 260, 629, 686
- Asian states, 399
- Atlantic Union, 3
- Atomic energy, international control of. see under United Nations, United Nations: General Assembly, and under United Nations: Security Council.
- Atomic weapons, proposed prohibition of (see also under United Nations: General Assembly), 396–397
- Atterberry, Phil R., 963
- Attlee, Clement, 229, 314, 378, 382, 387, 480–481
- Atwood, Rollin S., 724n , 750, 754n , 832n
- Austin, Warren R.:
- Caribbean situation, address in Habana, Jan. 28, 1950, 649n
- Chinese representation in organs of the United Nations, 186–194, 201–202, 207–209, 212, 243, 247–249, 251, 253, 267–271, 274, 285, 294–296
- Human rights, matters concerning, 516–517
- Indians in the Union of South Africa, treatment of, 562–563, 570–575
- Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan, 390
- South West Africa question, 492–493, 497, 500–503, 505–508
- Soviet peace propaganda proposals, 396–397, 403–405, 409–415, 419–420, 423–425
- U.N. General Assembly elections, 87, 90, 93–94, 125, 127, 128n
- U.N. headquarters agreement, matters concerning, 47n , 55, 74–80
- U.N. membership questions, 178, 181–183
- U.N. Secretary-General, reappointment of, 98–101, 119–121, 123, 130–132, 134–141, 143–148, 150–151, 156, 158, 160, 163, 165, 168–176
- U.N. Security Council special meeting with Foreign Ministers as representatives, Lie proposal for, 230
- U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Chief of the, 2n , 24
- “Uniting for Peace” Resolution, development of and negotiations concerning the, 303–307, 312–313, 317, 331–333, 348, 351, 353–355, 357–358, 368–369
- Visit to Latin America, 591
- Yugoslav peace proposals, 426–433
- Australia (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 11, 98, 106–107, 109, 119, 446n , 452–453, 456, 761, 763
- Austria, 37, 183n , 221, 372, 545
- Austrian peace settlement or treaty, 374, 381
- Azkoul, Karim, 529–530, 579
- Bacon, Ruth E., 25, 245–247, 472n
- Baez, Maruicio, 668
- Bajpai, Sir Girja, 120, 151, 247, 248n , 313, 334n , 356
- Balfour, Sir John, 741n
- Baltra, Alberto, 685–686
- Bancroft, Harding F., 25, 132–133, 135–136, 231–233, 242, 291–292, 294–295, 343–345, 355, 357–358
- Bao Dai, 234
- Barber, Willard F., 231n , 589n , 648n , 650, 653n , 662n , 677n , 829n , 876n , 877, 880n , 907, 932n , 942, 957n , 965n , 997n , 1002, 1028n , 1040
- Baroody, Jamil, 579
- Barett, Edward W., 231n
- Barrett, John A., 865–866
- Battle, Laurie C., 590
- Battle, Lucius D., 27, 72, 158, 642n , 661, 662n , 936n
- Bauer Paiz, Alfonso, 883, 911
- Bay, Charles Ulrick, 253
- Bayard, Thomas F., 614
- Beaulac, Willard L., 802–814, 816–817, 830–839, 998, 1004n , 1007
- Beauvoir, Vilfort, 646, 655
- Bebler, Ales, 137–138, 167, 183, 188, 211, 225–226, 310, 412, 418–419, 421–422, 428–429
- Bechhoefer, Bernard G., 25
- Belaunde, Victor Andres, 127, 1003, 1006
- Belgium (see also Belgian trust territories and Washington conversations under United Nations: Trusteeship and non-self-governing territories), 105–107, 119, 265, 403, 446n , 452, 542, 544, 546, 549–551, 1037
- Belize (British Honduras), 925n , 926–927, 928n
- Bell, Bernard R., 799
- Bell, Mary Kathleen, 96
- Beltrán, Pedro, 986
- Bender, Albert F., 28
- Benelux countries, 97, 327, 356, 544, 580
- Bennett, Henry G., 681
- Bennett, William Tapley, 25, 876n , 880n , 972n
- Berckemeyer, Fernando, 984–986, 996, 1001, 1003, 1006
- Berendsen, Sir Carl, 127
- Berlin question, 29n , 46, 217, 221, 303, 381, 555, 627n , 828
- Bermudez, Antonio J., 951, 959n , 960
- Bernandino, Felix W., 659n , 663–664, 668
- Berry, Burton, 110–112, 125, 472n
- Betancourt, Rómulo, 827
- Beteta, Ramón, 951, 959n
- Bethlehem Steel Company, 762n , 1031
- Bevin, Ernest, 72, 88, 117, 146, 148n , 151–153, 220, 229, 245, 254–262, 287, 314, 340, 356, 382, 387, 391n , 440
- Bidault, Georges, 378, 382, 387
- Bieri, Vice Adm. B. H., 26
- Birgfeld, Clarence E., 708n , 715, 725–727, 734–735, 739–743
- Bissell, Richard M., 963
- Bitterman, Henry J., 718
- Black, Eugene R., 762–763, 771, 776, 778, 781, 799, 985
- Black, John W., 1037n
- Blanchard, Lee B., 28
- Blanco, Carlos, 143n , 150–151, 155n , 161–163, 166–167
- Blau, Clarence I., 718
- Blickenstaff, David, 176
- Bokhari, Ahmed S., 579
- Bolivia: American Smelting and Refining Company, operations of, 751; anti-Communist pact, proposed, 662; Argentina, relations with, 596–597; Catoni mine killings, judicial proceedings concerning, 746–747; Compagnie Aramayo de Mines en Bolivie, 754n ; copper mining, 751; Economic Cooperation Administration, attitude toward, 745; economic situation, 744–756; exchange decree of Aug. 11, 1950, 750–754; Export-Import Bank credits, 745, 749n , 810, 953; Foreign Bondholders Protective Association, 1948 agreement with, 755–756; Foreign Ministers’ Conference on Communist activities, proposal for, 625; International Monetary Fund Mission, 745; lend-lease settlement arrangement, payments on, 756; Patiño Mining Group, 745n ; political situation, 591–592, 596; request for foodstuffs and equipment from the United States, 748–749; South American Minerals and Merchandise Corporation, problems of, 750–752, 754n ; tin contract with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Aug. 1, 1950, 747n ; tin exports, problems concerning, 744–745, 748–751, 754; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 425, 570; U.N. Technical Assistance Mission, 749, 751–754; U.S. relations with, 627n
- Bolte, Charles, 26
- Bonnet, Henri, 472n
- Bonsai, Philip W., 155–156
- Bosch, Juan, 668
- Botha, J. S. F., 487
- Bourgerie, Elmer H., 472n
- Bowers, Claude G., 786, 789, 792, 796–798
- Boyd, J. G., 153
- Boykin, Samuel D., 53, 65
- Boza, Hector, 986
- Braden, Spruille, 637, 696n , 703
- Bramble, Harlan P., 747–748
- Bramuglia, Juan A., 726
- Braniff Airlines, 698, 704, 707
- Brannon, Charles F., 742
- Braun, Horace H., 954n
- Brazil (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions
and under
United Nations: General Assembly: Security Council
elections: Candidates):
- Air transport services agreement of 1946, amendment of, Dec. 30, 1950, 782
- Airline operations, negotiations concerning, 782
- Argentina, relations with, 597, 713–714, 721n , 732, 759, 1017
- Colombia, relations with, 826
- Communist activities, 726, 1021
- Cultural convention, Oct. 17, 1950, with the United States, 769, 772–773
- Debt service position, 961
- Discrimination against U.S. shipping lines, 672, 757
- Economic Cooperation Administration, attitude toward, 767
- Economic development, U.S. interest in, 757–782
- European stimulation of colonial production of competitive products, 679
- Export-Import Bank loan, negotiations concerning, 723, 760–762, 766, 771, 773, 775–778, 799, 953, 963
- Export-Import Bank Mission to Brazil, 776–777
- Foreign policy, 621
- Friendship, commerce, and economic development treaty with the United States, negotiations concerning, 769, 772
- Geographic location, 600–601
- Gillette report on coffee prices, resentment concerning, 768, 770, 774
- Good offices in the Peru-Colombia dispute, proposed, 1000
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, negotiations concerning loan from, 761–763, 766, 771, 776, 778–781
- Joint Brazil–United States Technical Commission (Abbink Mission), 594n , 757–758
- Joint Commission for Economic Development, 771, 776–779
- Joint Guaranty Fund Plan, proposed, 758–759, 769, 772–773
- Lend-lease settlement arrangement of 1948, payments under, 759
- Monazite deposits, negotiations with the United States concerning development of, 762n , 764
- Organization of American States, participation in, 770
- Political situation, 592, 714, 732, 759–760, 768–769, 774
- Rio Protocol between Ecuador and Peru of 1942, guarantor of, 860
- Taxation, double, proposed treaty with the United States, 769, 772–773
- Technical assistance agreement of Dec. 19, 1950 with the United States, 680, 778–779
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 11, 98, 105–107, 119
- U.S. cruisers, delay in transfer of, 774–775
- U.S. economic and financial assistance, 713–714
- U.S. relations with, 626–627, 629, 713, 723, 764–771, 774–775
- Uruguay, relations with, 1017
- Venezuela, relations with, 1038
- Bridgett, Charles, 991n
- Brignoli, José Julio, 695, 699, 704, 715–716, 734–735, 742
- Brin, Carlos, 969–971, 980
- British Broadcasting Corporation, 532–533
- British Cameroons, 442, 446n
- British Commonwealth (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 12, 96, 255, 444, 476, 481, 496, 629–630
- British Commonwealth Conference at Colombo, Jan. 9–14, 1950, 629
- British Honduras (Belize), 925n , 926–927, 928n
- British Togoland, 442, 446n , 461
- Broustra, Vincent, 100, 226–227, 337–340
- Brown, Benjamin H., 28
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 27
- Brown, Winthrop G., 939, 947
- Bruce, David K.E., 226–227, 311, 319, 327n , 436–437, 439
- Buchanan, James, 605
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 973
- Bulgaria, 12, 15, 37, 183n , 215, 225, 293, 565
- Bulhoes, Octavia Gouvêa de, 758, 763
- Burma, 37, 97, 217, 221, 262, 303, 496, 502, 570
- Burrows, B.A.B., 259n , 262–264
- Bussalleu, Alejandro, 990–991
- Butler, George H., 637, 903
- Butler, Robert, 154–155, 625, 649–650, 659–661, 663–664, 668–669
- Buy American Act, 583
- Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, 106, 251, 253, 265
- Cabreho, Lt. Col. José del Carmen, 982n
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 101–102, 212
- Cady, John C., 747, 809
- Calderon, 666–667
- Campbell, G.T.C., 93
- Campos, Rudecindo S., 737
- Canada (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions: Agreements with the United States), 584, 585, 587, 588; convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations, ratification of, 82, 85–86; defense, military procurement, and industrial mobilization, efforts to negotiate closer cooperation with the United States regarding, 583, 585–586; Export-Import Bank loan, 723; Joint United States–Canada Industrial Mobilization Planning Committee, 585; Permanent Joint (United States–Canada) Board on Defense, 584; petroleum production and exports, 825, 938, 1027, 1047–1048; U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 106, 108, 119
- Canessa, Roberto E., 864
- Cargo, William I., 25, 497
- Caribbean (see also Caribbean area disputes under American Republics), 625, 641, 651–653, 661n
- Caribbean Defense Command, 1041
- Caribbean Legion. see under American Republics.
- Carter, Albert E., 1010
- Carvajal Sinisterra, Manuel, 835n
- Central America, 881, 887
- Central American Olympic Games, 866, 867n , 868–869
- Cereijo, Ramón A., 679, 693–694, 697–699, 701n , 704–705, 707–708, 711–712, 713n , 715–717, 719, 724n , 725–730, 732–734, 736, 739–740
- Cesar Solis, Licenciado, 906
- Ceylon. see Sri Lanka.
- Chang Wen-tien, 200, 267
- Chapin, Selden, 474–475
- Charlone, César, 1009, 1012
- Charnaud Mac Donald, Augusto, 911, 924
- Chauvel, Jean, 99–101, 119–120, 137–138, 142, 145, 155, 156n , 157, 160–162, 166–168, 173–175, 212–214, 219, 227, 241, 250n , 252n , 269n , 309, 311, 316n , 325, 330, 346
- Chiang Kai-shek, 274, 294, 383
- Chi Chao-ting, 267
- Chile (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Anti-Communist pact, proposed, 662
- Argentina, relations with, 596–597, 714
- Communist activities, 726, 1021
- Copper, U.S. excise tax on, 786–787, 792–793, 798
- Debt service position, 961
- Discrimination against U.S. shipping, negotiations concerning, 672–673, 793–798
- Exchange rate proposal, International Monetary Fund disapproval of, 783, 787, 800–801
- Export-Import Bank loan, 723, 761, 766, 787, 791n , 799–800, 810
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, negotiations concerning, 786–787, 800
- International Monetary Fund recommendations regarding fiscal and financial reforms, 799
- Lend-lease settlement arrangement, Oct. 17, 1949 and Feb. 28, 1950, 783
- Nitrate plants, synthetic, Chilean interest in U.S. disposition of, 786, 788–789
- Organization of American States, matters concerning, 654
- Political situation, 592
- Rio Protocol between Ecuador and Peru of 1942, guarantor of, 860
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, member of, 105, 107, 119
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, 674, 682–686
- U.S. naval sales program, 786–788, 793, 798
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 783–801
- Venezuela, relations with, 1037
- Visit of Assistant Secretary of State Miller, 590
- Visit of President Gonzalez Videla to the United States, 590–591, 713n , 714, 784–786, 787n
- China (see also Chinese representation under United Nations: General Assembly and Security Council and see China, People’s Republic of, Formosa, and China and Chinese subheadings under individual subjects): Refugee problem, 542, 544–545; territorial integrity, 273; U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 107, 119; U.N. Security Council, permanent member of, 118; U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 119; U.S. policy toward, 29n ; United States Relations with China (White Paper), 382
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Formosa, lack of authority over, 263 286, 288
- French Indochina, policy toward, 273, 286, 292
- Huk movement in the Philippines, support for, 273
- India, attitude toward, 214–215, 225
- Indian policy toward, 214, 263, 292
- Inner Mongolia, question of authority over, 262–263
- Japanese prisoners of war, 553
- Korea, support for North Korean attack on Republic of Korea, 253, 256, 258, 270–273, 286, 288–289
- Korean hostilities, possible intervention in, 263–264, 270–271, 290, 431
- Malaya, influence in, 273
- Manchuria, question of authority over, 262
- Manchurian bombings, alleged, 295
- Mao visit to Moscow, 215, 218, 225
- Norwegian policy toward, 310
- Recognition of, 187–189, 193, 195–196, 199, 203, 206, 208–209, 212–215, 223, 225, 238–240, 244, 251, 253, 256, 261, 265–266, 268–269, 273, 279, 297
- Seizure of U.S., French, and Dutch official properties in Peiping, 205, 213
- Sinkiang, question of authority over, 262
- Tibet, question of authority over, 263
- United Kingdom, attitude toward, 214–215, 225
- U.S. nonrecognition policy, 191, 218, 223–224, 234–235, 238–244, 251, 256, 272
- U.S. restrictions on travel of representatives of, 55
- U.S. visas for representatives to the United Nations, question of, 46–49
- Viet-Nam Democratic Government recognition of, 213–214
- Chocano Bercerra, Alfredo, 874n
- Chou En-lai, 189, 200–201, 225, 256 267–268
- Chou Shih-ti, 267
- Churchill, Winston S., 372
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 944, 946
- Civil Service Commission, U.S., 973
- Clark, DuWayne G., 713n , 725
- Clark, Edward W., 874, 876–877, 903–904, 909n
- Clark, Harlan B., 25
- Clay, Henry, 614
- Cleveland, Harlan, 718
- Clubb, O. Edmund, 189n , 200–201, 262–264
- Clucas, Lowell M., 28
- Coerr, Wymberley DeR., 105
- Cohen, Andrew 472n
- Cohen, Benjamin, 371n
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 24, 73–74, 78, 8 131, 133–134, 272–274, 293–294 353, 355, 516, 518, 532, 56 568–569, 573–574
- Colombia:
- Air transport agreement with th United States, proposed, 814
- Brazil, relations with, 826
- Communist activities, 804, 820–821, 837–838, 840
- Currie Mission, 594
- Discrimination against U.S. shipping interests, negotiations concerning, 811–814, 826, 829–834
- Economic situation, 806–807, 809, 820
- Ecuador, relations with, 826–827, 860
- Exchange controls, 805
- Export-Import Bank loans, negotiations concerning, 809–810, 823, 826, 829, 953
- Friendship, commerce, and economic development treaty with the United States, negotiations concerning, 805, 814, 823–824, 829
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, proposed membership in, 825
- Gran Colombiana Merchant Marine, operations of, 811–814, 826–827, 831–834, 859
- Gran Colombiana relationship, 811–814, 826–827, 1038
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance, ratification of, 828
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 809–810, 823, 829
- International Trade Organization Charter, signatory of, 824
- Korean conflict, contributions to, 835
- Labor movement, 820–821, 866
- Lend-lease settlement, 814–816, 825
- Missionaries, American Protestant, treatment of, 816–817, 822–823, 829, 835–841
- Panama, relations with, 826, 978
- Peru, relations with, 827, 994n , 995, 997–1007
- Petroleum legislation, 803–804, 835
- Political situation, 591, 802–803, 808, 818–820, 822–823, 860
- Soviet Union, suspension of relations with (1948), 827
- Spain, relations with, 827
- Taxation, double, negotiation of agreement with, the United States, 595, 814
- Trade union affiliation with non-Communist trade union movement, 593
- Tropical Oil Company, problems encountered by, 803, 806, 825
- United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan, member of, 828
- United Nations General Assembly, matters concerning, 111
- United Nations Security Council, former member of, 828
- U.S. military assistance, 821–822
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 802–841, 990
- U.S. private capital investment, 805–806, 829
- U.S. technical assistance, 817, 823, 829–830
- Venezuela, relations with, 826–827
- Combs, J. M., 948
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 748, 788, 1046
- Commission on Organization of the Executive Brand of Government (Hoover Commission), 589
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 749n
- Communist Information Bureau (COMINFORM), 44, 325, 383, 417n , 419, 421, 426, 427n
- Congress, U.S.:
- Bolivia, U.S. economic aid to, 749n
- Coffee prices, investigation of, 768, 770, 774
- Communist Party, 1021
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, 677–679
- Economic mobilization proposals, 690
- Excise tax on copper, waiver of, 787, 792
- Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, 962
- Export-Import Bank loans, 734n , 761, 799
- Far East, U.S. policy in the, 224n
- Genocide convention, 518, 519n , 565, 574
- Gillette report on coffee prices, 768, 770, 774
- Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 865–866, 897
- Herter Bill, 595
- House of Representatives, 84–85, 1048
- Appropriations Committee, 91
- Armed Services Committee, 798n
- Foreign Affairs Committee, 91
- Small Business Committee, 949n
- Ways and Means Committed, 83
- Human Rights covenant (draft), 574
- Inter-American Highway project, 971, 972n
- Internal Security Act of 1950, 72n , 73–75
- International Court of Justice, compulsory jurisdiction of, 43
- International organization, draft resolutions and hearings concerning various proposals on, 3–6, 330, 351, 353
- International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, 50–51
- International Trade Organization Charter, question regarding ratification of, 40
- Lodge resolution, 224n
- Mexican farm labor, 955, 957n
- Mexico, U.S. relations with, 936, 938, 959
- Mutual Defense Act of 1949, 36
- Organization of American States, reservation to the Charter of the, 568, 639–640
- Panama, U.S. relations with, 970–971, 972n , 976
- Petroleum imports, proposed restrictions on, 947–949, 1028, 1032, 1043–1044, 1046
- Point Four Program, 769, 773
- Privileges and immunities for the United Nations, convention on, 42, 51, 83–85
- Protestant missions in Italy, 841
- Refugee problem, 539–540, 546
- Senate, 84, 518, 519n , 565, 568, 639n , 640, 792, 865–866, 1013n , 1048
- Agriculture and Forestry Committee, 768, 774
- Appropriations Committee, 103
- Armed Services Committee, 798n
- Finance Committee, 83, 787, 792n
- Foreign Relations Committee, 4–6, 566, 639–640
- Judiciary Committee, 957n
- Taxation, double, of U.S. employees of U.N. staff, 82–83, 85–86
- Technical Assistance Program, 596
- Trade agreement with Venezuela, proposed amendment of, 1045–1046, 1048
- Trade Agreements Act, renewal of, 1044, 1047–1048
- United Nations, attitude toward, 45, 151
- U.N. headquarters agreement, 42, 47–48, 55, 60–61, 75–77
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, 577
- U.N. specialized agencies, U.S. contributions to, 90–92, 103–104
- U.S. participation in the United Nations, 11
- Vandenberg Resolution, June 11, 1948, 6, 37, 355
- Venezuelan petroleum products, question of U.S. customs duties or quotas, 943–944, 948
- Connally, Tom, 224n , 585, 639–640
- Connelly, Bernard C., 479–480
- Conorada Oil Company, 985, 993
- Continental Oil Company, 985n
- Cook, Tomas F., 473
- Cooper, John Sherman, 24, 85–86, 133, 274, 474, 487, 490–492, 500–502, 516, 567, 574
- Corbett, Jack C., 711–713, 715–716, 718
- Corcoran, Thomas, 888
- Cordier, Andrew W., 183, 229–231, 233, 266, 268
- Corrigan, Frank P., 27
- Corse, Carl D., 943–944, 990n
- Cortina, Alfonso, 960
- Cory, Thomas J., 27, 421
- Costa Rica: Agreement with the United States for waiver of portion of reciprocal trade agreement of 1936, 842; Cuba, relations with, 848; economic agreement of Bogota, ratification of, 678; Guatemala, relations with, 902; labor movement, 866; lend-lease settlement arrangement, Oct. 18, 1950, 842; Nicaragua relations with, 596, 642; political situation, 592, 596n , 642n ; United Fruit Company contract, 911; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 402; U.N. Trusteeship Council, resignation from, 19, 97
- Cotton, J. R., 472n
- Coulson, J. E., 414
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 554
- Council on Foreign Relations, 735n
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 437
- Cox, Charles R., 792n
- Crain, Earl T., 668–669
- Crawford, Boyd, 26
- Crittenberger, Lt. Gen. W. D., 27
- Cuba (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions
and Cuban position under
United Nations: Security Council):
- Air Force Mission, U.S., agreement with the United States providing for services of, Dec. 22, 1950, 671
- Caribbean Legion, support for, 845, 848–849
- Claims of U.S. nationals against Cuban government, 845–847, 851
- Communist activities, 850
- Costa Rica, relations with, 848
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 596, 643n , 649–650, 651n , 652–656, 658–667, 845–846, 848–849, 852–853
- Economic situation, 844, 846
- Guatemala, relations with, 902
- Haiti, relations with, 849
- Joint anti-Communist declaration for the Caribbean, proposed, 625, 660–661
- Labor movement, 866
- Mexico, relations with, 850
- Nicaragua, relations with, 845–846, 848–849
- Organization of American States, participation in, 852
- Platt Amendment, 605–606, 844
- Political situation, 592, 660, 662n
- Puerto Rico, attitude toward, 848, 851
- Radio frequencies, problems concerning, 844, 847
- Soviet Union, relations with, 850
- Spain, relations with, 850
- Strategic importance of, 843
- Sugar preferences and quotas, U.S., 845–848, 851–852
- Trade and commercial relations with the United States, 843–845, 847–848, 851–852, 990n
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, policy toward, 682–683, 685
- U.N. Security Council, member of, 11, 87, 96, 98, 118
- U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo, maintenance of, 843, 845
- U.S. policy toward, 626, 843–853
- U.S. technical assistance, 846
- Venezuela, relations with, 849–850, 1037
- Culley, Perry, 1011
- Cyprus, 221
- Cyr, Leo G., 472n
- Cyrenaica, 21
- Czechoslovakia, 79, 106, 108, 119, 1037
- Damey, Henri, 472n
- Danaher, John A., 792
- Daniels, Paul C., 589, 639n , 642–644, 650, 653–656, 658n , 665, 926n , 927
- Dasso, Ingeniero Andrés, 987–988
- Davies, Ralph, 985
- Davis, Bainbridge, 1019
- Davis, Monnett B., 969–972, 975n
- DeCourcy, William E., 644–646, 932, 934–935
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 220n , 352, 584, 597, 729n , 795, 972–973, 976, 1041, 1046
- Defense Mobilization Program, 687–690
- Defense Production Act, 585, 689–690
- Déjean, Joseph L., 641, 653–656
- De la Colina, Rafael, 945n , 946, 952, 958n , 959–960, 968
- De la Tournelle, Guy, 156n
- Delgado Chalbaud, Lt. Col. Carlos, 849n , 1041
- Dembitz, Lewis, 718
- De Menthon, Bernard, 337
- De Moya, Oscar R., 645–649
- Dening, Maberly E., 214
- Denmark (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 11, 98, 106–107, 119, 446n , 452–453, 456
- Denton, W. C., 1010
- De Palma, Samuel, 527n , 529n , 531–533
- Deringer, Dewitt C., 746
- Desvernine, Eugene, 659, 660n , 662
- Díaz, Alvaro, 812–813, 831–832
- Diaz, Porfirio, 883
- Díaz Ordóñez, Virgilio, 645–646, 659–660, 667
- Dihigo y Lopez Arigo, Ernesto, 154–155, 663
- Dirkse-van-Schalkwyk, W., 477n
- Dodd, Norris E., 693
- Dodero, Alberto, 699
- Doganis, Theodore, 78–80
- Domínguez Cámpora, Alberto, 1015n
- Dominican Republic (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Angelita, negotiations regarding return by Cuba of, 659, 663n , 667, 853
- Anti-Communist pact, proposed, 662
- Cuba, relations with, 596, 643n , 649–650, 651n , 652–656, 658–667, 845–846, 848–849, 852–853
- Guatemala, relations with, 643n , 651n , 652–656, 661, 666, 849, 913
- Haiti, relations with, 596, 641–656, 658, 660n , 661, 932n , 933
- Lend-lease obligations, liquidation of remaining, 854
- Nicaragua, relations with, 647
- U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 12, 19
- Venezuela, relations with, 1037
- Dönges, Theophilus, 487–492, 497
- Donnelly, Walter J., 592, 939n , 943–944, 948, 1019–1020, 1021n , 1023n , 1024n , 1040–1041
- Doughton, Robert L., 786
- Douglas, Paul H., 4
- Douglas, Lewis W., 92–93, 152–153, 314–315, 320–321, 323–324, 383, 390, 476, 480–481
- Doyle, Doris, 27
- Dreier, John C., 25, 96n , 158–159, 161–163, 363–364, 472n , 639n , 662n , 683
- Dreiman, Lawrence S., 963
- Duke, Angier Biddle, 741
- Dulles, John Foster, 24, 73–74, 130, 132–133, 135, 139, 172, 271, 294, 343–348, 351, 353–354, 359–360, 363–370, 491, 516, 565–566, 574, 903, 1037n , 1041
- Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 569n
- DuPont, C., 472n
- Dupuy, Jean, 645–646
- Dutra, Eurico Gaspar, 714, 757, 765–766, 768–772, 775
- Eakens, Robert H. A., 939n , 954n
- Eastern Airlines, 945–946, 958–959, 968
- East-West trade, U.S. policy regarding, 381
- Eban, Abba, 365
- Echandía, Darío, 820
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 593, 639, 679, 745, 767, 795
- Ecuador (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions
and Ecuadoran position under
United Nations: Security Council):
- Colombia, relations with, 826–827, 860
- Discrimination against U.S. shipping interests, 672, 859–860
- Export-Import Bank loan, 862
- Friendship, commerce, and economic development treaty with the United States, negotiations concerning, 857–858
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, nonmember of, 859
- Gran Colombiana Merchant Marine, 826, 859–860
- Gran Colombiana relationship, 826–827, 861
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, ratification of, 856
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, negotiations concerning, 862
- International Trade Organization Charter, signatory of, 859
- Korean conflict, Ecuadoran contributions to assist U.N. effort in, 856
- Mexico, relations with, 162
- Panama, relations with, 978
- Peru: Boundary dispute with, 162, 860, 999, 1002, 1006; relations with, 860
- Political situation, 592, 856–857
- U.N. Security Council, member of, 118
- U.S. economic and financial assistance, 687, 857–858, 862
- U.S. military assistance, 856
- U.S. naval, air, and ground missions, 856
- U.S. naval and air bases during World War II., 855, 861
- U.S. policy toward, 855–863
- U.S. technical assistance, 857, 861
- Venezuela, relations with, 1038
- Visit by Assistant Secretary of State Miller, 590
- Egypt (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions and Egyptian position under United Nations: Security Council), 11, 89, 96, 98, 111, 116, 118, 454, 459
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 662–665
- El Salvador: Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, ratification of, 926; territorial seas, U.S. position respecting El Salvador’s definition of, 864; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 183n , 503
- Elsey, George M., 939n , 950, 951n
- Employment Service, U.S., 955–956
- Enrique Aybar, José, 660n
- Entezam, Nasrollah, 12, 90, 93–96, 109–110, 117, 122, 124–125, 134, 138, 170, 176–177, 268, 269n , 497, 502
- Eritrea, 21–22
- Erkin, Feridun C., 89, 111
- Esenbel, Melih, 110–111
- Eskesen, Aslag H., 70
- Estimé, Dumarsais, 642n , 645, 648, 932–934
- Estonia, 432
- Estrada de la Hoz, Julio, 906, 923
- Ethiopia, 21–22
- Europe, Western (see also individual countries), 599, 627, 764, 769, 810, 862
- European Recovery Program, 207, 593–594, 629, 758, 896
- Evans, Barbara, 27
- Export of strategic or critical materials to the Soviet bloc, U.S. controls over, 628, 634, 688–689
- Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, 961–962
- Export-Import Bank of Washington, loans and credits by the, 594–595, 610, 678, 691–692, 695, 701n , 704–709, 711–715, 718–726; 728–731, 733–735, 742, 745, 749n , 751, 758, 760–762, 766, 771, 773, 775–780, 781n , 787, 791n , 795, 799, 809–810, 826, 829, 862, 931, 937–938, 950, 952–954
- Expropriation, U.S. policy regarding, 938
- Falck, L. James, 1022n
- Falkland Islands, 708n
- Far East, 12, 122–123, 168–169, 171–172, 273, 579, 627, 745, 798
- Far Eastern Commission, 219, 226, 629
- Fassberg, Harold E., 1022n
- Fawzi Bey, Mahmoud, 144, 146, 241, 318
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S., 57–58
- Federation of Greek Maritime Unions, 56
- Feller, Abraham H., 76, 132, 227, 229–231, 233, 235, 371, 385–387
- Ferguson, C. Vaughan, 109
- Ferguson, Homer, 4
- Fernandes, Raul, 763–768, 771–772
- Fernandes, Raúl, 625n
- Fernández Fernandez, Joaquin, 788n
- Fezzan, 21
- Finland, 37, 183n , 221
- Firestone Rubber Company, 902
- First National Bank of Boston, 705
- Fischer, George, 65, 77–78
- Fishburn, John F., 880–884, 889, 903
- Fisher, Adrian S., 46–49, 65–71, 78
- Fisher, Allan J., 718, 963
- Florman, Irving, 746–747, 749n , 751n , 753–755
- Food and Agriculture Organization, 90–92, 103–104, 381, 388, 693, 721, 749n
- Foote, Wilder, 229, 233
- Ford, Peyton, 648n
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 756
- Foreign Ministers’ Meetings (U.S.-U.K.-France): London, May 11–13, 1950, 87n , 98, 178, 245, 440; New York, Sept. 12–14, 18–19, 1950, 287, 291, 327, 330–331, 346n , 391n
- Formosa (see also Formosa question under United Nations: General Assembly): Aggression against, possibility of, 303–305, 309, 324; British policy toward, 261, 309; French policy toward, 309; Indian policy toward, 309; Norwegian policy toward, 310; People’s Republic of China, lack of authority over, 263, 286, 288; Soviet policy toward, 256; U.S. policy toward, 205, 246–247, 257, 264, 272–274
- Forsyth, D. D., 479–480
- Fortuny, José Manuel, 904, 908–909, 924
- Fosdick, Dorothy, 231n
- Four-Power Statement at San Francisco on voting procedure in the Security Council, June 7, 1945. 309, 314n , 317, 326
- Fowler, R. W. D., 494
- France (see also France and French subheadings under individual subjects): Germany, West, French policy toward, 9; U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 107, 119; U.N. Security Council, permanent member of, 118; U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 119; U.S. policy toward, 630
- Franco, Francisco, 227, 272, 621, 827, 850, 978
- Franklin, Albert B., 697n
- Franklin, George S., 735n
- Franks, Sir Oliver, 254, 257, 259, 262, 264, 312–314, 472n , 473n
- Freedom of information, U.N. consideration of, 17, 60, 523–537, 575, 577, 580
- Freeman, Fulton, 246
- Freitas Valle, M. C. de, 87
- French Africa, 446n , 453
- French Indochina, 217, 221, 264, 273, 286, 292, 303, 372, 400
- Fulbright, J. William, 4
- Gaitan, Jorge Eliécer, 819
- Gallagher, Manuel, 997–998, 1002–1006
- Gallegos, Rómulo, 849
- Galsworthy, A.N., 472n
- Garner, Robert L., 778
- Gaspar Caraval, Antonia (also Juan Gaspar), 746
- Gaston, Herbert E., 691–692, 705, 711–713, 718–719, 721–723, 733, 781, 953–954, 959–960, 963–965
- Gates, William B., 718
- Gauss, Clarence, 711
- General agreement on tariffs and trade:
- Agreement, 1947, 824–825, 845n , 846, 848, 851, 852n , 859, 940–941, 987–989, 991, 1016, 1032, 1043
- Habana protocol, 1948, 991
- Tariff negotiations and sessions of contracting parties: Annecy, Apr. 8–Aug. 26, 1949, 991; Geneva, Feb. 23–Apr. 4, 1950, 991; Habana, 1948, 991n ; Torquay, Sept.–Nov. 1950, 987, 990–992, 1045n
- General Electric Company, 705
- George, Walter F., 786
- Gerberich, Albert H., 809–810, 835–836
- Gerig, Benjamin, 25, 96, 472n , 473–474, 487–492, 495, 497–500, 505
- German peace settlement or treaty, 374, 376, 395
- Germany (see also Berlin question), 29n , 352, 552–554, 556–557
- Germany, East, 372
- Germany, West, 9, 542, 545–546, 548–549, 758
- Geyer, A. L., 476, 480
- Gigliotti, Frank Bruno, 835–837
- Gildemeister, Agusto, 986
- Gillette, Guy M., 768, 770
- Giron, Colonel, 928n
- Gjesdal, Tor, 229
- Godoy Urrutia, César, 922
- Goedhart, G. J. van Heuven, 122, 420, 424–425, 550n , 577
- Gómez, Juan Vicente, 1025–1026, 1034, 1038
- Gomez, Laureano, 802–809, 814–816, 818–820, 823, 831, 835, 837, 997
- Gomez Morales, Alfredo, 698n , 725
- Gómez Ruiz, Luis Emilio, 1021n , 1024n , 1044n , 1045
- Gonzalez Arévalo, Licenciado Ismael, 867, 874–877, 884n , 901, 905–906, 909, 920, 923
- Gonzalez Videla, Gabriel, 590–591, 713n , 714, 784–788, 791, 796–798
- Goubaud Carrera, Antonio, 866, 869, 874, 877, 879, 886–887, 901, 904, 909–911, 925–928
- Gough, Betty C., 27, 96
- Grace Lines, 793, 796–798, 830–834, 1019–1020, 1032
- Grau San Martin, Ramón, 850
- Graves, Hubert A., 254, 257n ,
- Greece, 29n , 31, 177, 272, 362, 425, 542, 629
- Greek-American League for Democracy in Greece, 56
- Green, James F., 25, 519n , 575–583
- Greene, Joseph N., 25, 104
- Griffis, Stanton, 692–712, 715–716, 728–733, 735n , 736
- Griffiths, John, 696n
- Grosjean, Georges, 472n
- Gross, Ernest A., 3n , 24, 99, 101, 121, 125–126, 128–134, 138, 140–141, 157n , 158, 187n , 195n , 210–215, 217–219, 224–226, 229, 231, 233–243, 248–249, 268, 290–291, 294, [Page 1065] 304, 307n , 308–313, 355, 567n , 569n 574
- Guatemala:
- Aircraft, U.S., request for, 928
- Belize (British Honduras), Guatemalan claim to, 925n , 926–927, 928n
- Business concerns, U.S., problems encountered by, 865
- Caribbean Legion, support for, 899–900, 912–913, 923
- Central American Olympic Games, 866, 867n , 868–869
- Communist activities, 603, 726, 883–884, 896–897, 904n , 907–909, 912, 915, 920–924, 929–930; U.S. concern over, 865–866, 872–873, 879, 884–885, 899–900, 902, 905–909, 912–913, 918–920, 922, 929–930
- Costa Rica, relations with, 902
- Cuba, relations with, 902
- Discrimination against U.S. business interests, 672
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 643n , 651n , 652–656, 661
- Economic Agreement of Bogota, policy toward, 677–678
- Export-Import Bank loan, 931
- Haya de la Torre case, 1007
- Inter-American Highway, U.S. financial assistance for the construction of, 919
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance: Ratification of, 866–867, 886, 900, 909, 912, 918, 920, 925; reservation, 925–927, 928n
- Korean conflict, attitude toward, 906–909, 923
- Labor movement, activities of, 865–866, 880–884, 888n , 891–895, 897–900, 908–909, 912, 921
- Mexico, relations with, 902
- Peruvian attitude toward, 997
- Political parties: Committee for Political Action (CAP), 875, 878; Partido Acción Revolucionaria (PAR), 872–873, 875, 904, 908, 924; Partido Comunista de Guatemala (PCG), 904n , 908
- Political situation, 591, 596, 662n , 873, 886, 897–898, 906–907, 910, 920–921
- Puerto Rican independence movement, policy toward, 867–869
- Roosevelt Hospital of Guatemala City, 866, 919
- Sindicato de Empresa de Trabajadores de la United Fruit, activities of, 888n , 892
- United Fruit Company, difficulties of, 870, 873, 880–884, 887–889, 896–899, 902, 911–912
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 907
- U.S. Agricultural Mission, 917–918
- U.S. Ambassador Patterson, Guatemalan request for recall of, 876–880, 886, 899, 901–902, 904–908, 912–913, 920
- U.S. financial assistance, 919
- U.S. military assistance, 597, 909–910
- U.S. relations with, 865–931, 1008
- U.S. technical assistance, 900–901, 917–919
- Venezuela, relations with, 1037
- Visit by Assistant Secretary of State Miller, 887–888, 902–903, 905–907
- Gubitchev, Valentin A., 85
- Guell y Morales de los Rios, Gonzalo, 655
- Guerinoni, Jorge, 987–992
- Guerra Borges, Alfrédo, 908, 924
- Gulf Oil Company, 937n
- Gutiérrez Garbin, Victor Manuel, 887, 908, 924, 929
- Haiti:
- Cuba, relations with, 849
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 596, 641–656, 658, 660n , 661, 932n , 933–934
- Recognition of military junta government: France, 934; Mexico, 934; Spain, 934; United Kingdom, 934; United States, 932–935; Venezuela, 934
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 403
- U.S., relations with, 629
- Venezuela, relations with, 1038
- Hall, William O., 25, 84–86, 130, 132–133
- Halla, Philip J., 95
- Halle, Louis, 624–625, 628–638, 687n
- Hamilton, Tom, 174
- Hare, Raymond A., 231n , 472n
- Harford, Etienne, 472n
- Harmon, Lt. Gen. H. R., 27
- Harriman, W. Averell, 159, 1042
- Hassett, William D., 914
- Hauch, Charles C., 644, 648, 663n
- Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl, 827, 994–995, 997–1007
- Hayden, Carl, 787
- Henderson, Loy W., 63, 151, 248, 249n , 313, 334n
- Henkin, Louis, 416–419, 421
- Henry, Maj. Gen. Guy V., 584
- Herbruger, Rodolfo, 655, 972n
- Herrera, Olaya, 818
- Hevia, Carlos, 649–650
- Hickerson, John D., 4–6, 8n , 9, 10n , 22–24, 46, 54–55, 65, 95–96, 99, 103–105, 119–120, 128–129, 205–206, 249, 251n , 266, 269n , 273–274, 292–293, 295–296, 312–315, 324n , 325, 330, 334–335, 350, 379–383, [Page 1066] 385–387, 411, 440, 472n , 473n , 477n , 478–479, 482, 487, 489–490, 492, 566, 568–569
- High Commissioner’s Office in Germany (HICOG), 551, 557
- Hill, John L., 814n
- Hitler, Adolf, 488, 616
- Ho Chi-minh, 213–214, 221, 273
- Hochschild, Mauricio, 750–752, 755n
- Holley, William C., 956
- Holmes, Julius C., 195–196, 214–215, 219–220, 226, 326–327, 437–438
- Honduras: Agreements with the United States respecting the establishment of U.S. Air Force and Army Missions, Mar. 6, 1950, 671; economic agreement of Bogota, ratification of, 678; inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance, ratification of, 926; political situation, 592; United Fruit Company contract, 911; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 177, 402; U.S. relations with, 629
- Hong Kong, 255, 273, 544
- Hoo, Victor, 37n
- Hooker, John S., 718
- Hoover, Herbert, 8–9, 104
- Hoover Commission. see Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government.
- Home, John E., 27
- Howard, Harry N., 25, 96, 110–111, 127
- Howe, Fisher, 902
- Hoyer Millar, Sir Derick, 472n
- Hughes, William P., 990n
- Hulten, Charles M., 51–52
- Human rights. see under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Humelsine, Carlisle, 51, 589n , 755n
- Hungary, 12, 37, 101, 178, 183n , 565
- Hyde, James N., 27, 135, 308, 418
- Hydrogen bomb, 228–229
- Iceland, 37
- Ikramullah, M., 95
- Immigration Act of 1917, 957n
- Immigration Act of 1924, 49–50
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, 955–957, 967
- India (see also under) United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions and see Indian position under United Nations: Security Council: Chinese representation), 29n , 97, 106–107, 118–119, 214–215, 225, 261, 263, 292, 400, 454, 542, 546
- Indians in the Union of South Africa, treatment of. see under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Indonesia, 9n , 31, 45, 49–51, 181, 201–202, 216, 226, 372, 400, 570
- Ingram, George M., 25, 53
- Inner Mongolia, 262–263
- Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 595, 680–681, 857, 861, 1009, 1014–1015, 1033
- Inter-American Commissions for Production and Development, Conference of, 1944, 790
- Inter-American Conference for the Defense of Democracy, 1037
- Inter-American Defense Board, 628, 635
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 589–590, 673–686, 699, 704
- Inter-American economic conference at Buenos Aires, proposed, 676–677
- Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, 791
- Inter-American Highway, 919, 971, 972n
- Inter-American Juridical Commission, 1007
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 596, 641, 651, 653, 849
- Inter-American Radio Office, 847
- Interdepartmental Advisory Council on Technical Cooperation, 681
- Interdepartmental Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation, 595, 857
- Interdepartmental Trade Agreements Committee, 942–944, 1043n , 1045, 1047–1048
- Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 539
- Interior, U.S. Department of the, 689, 1046
- Internal Security Act of 1950 (McCarran Act), 72, 75–79
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 39, 388, 594, 721, 758, 761–763, 766, 771, 775–776, 778n , 779–781, 784, 786–787, 799, 809–810, 829, 862, 952; 962, 985, 996, 1015
- International Civil Aviation Organization, 90–92, 103, 388
- International Committee of the Red Cross, 380, 386, 388, 556, 558
- International Conference of American States (Ninth) at Bogotá, Mar. 30–May 2, 1948, 625, 676, 819, 837n .
- International Court of Justice, 12–13, 43, 142, 182, 344, 378, 456, 467, 474–490, 492n , 493–504, 506–507, 568, 827, 994–995, 997–1000, 1002–1005, 1007
- International Development Act, June 5, 1950, 596n , 680, 771, 776
- International Development Advisory Board, 681
- International Harvester Company, 1011
- International Justice, Permanent Court of, 475, 486
- International Labor Organization, 40, 90–92, 103, 381, 388, 973n
- International League for the Rights of Man, 64–65
- International Military Tribunal, 548
- International Monetary Fund, 388, 721, 745, 763, 783–784, 787, 799–801, 809, 824, 859, 979
- International Organizations Immunities Act, 1945, 47–49
- International peace and security, maintenance of. see under United Nations: General Assembly and under United Nations: Security Council.
- International Refugee Organization, 39, 287, 388, 537–539, 541–543, 545, 547, 549–550
- International Telecommunications Union, 103, 388, 533
- International Trade Organization:
- Interim Commission, 388
- Iran, 29n , 31, 45, 95, 106, 108, 119, 221, 265, 303, 432, 1048
- Iraq, 119, 302n , 500, 502–503, 550, 558, 570, 581
- Ireland, 37, 183n
- Isbrandtsen Lines, 1022
- Israel (see also Palestine), 14–15, 29n , 37, 218, 365–366, 549–550
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 31, 33, 293, 436
- Italy, 21, 29n , 37, 104–105, 183n , 202, 293, 542, 545, 758, 841
- Jackson, Donald L., 590, 905
- Jackson, Wayne G., 472n , 1037n
- James, S. T., 1010–1011
- Jamieson, Edward A., 657n , 926n
- Jamieson, K. D., 318n
- Janz, Robert, 836
- Japan, 552–554, 556–557, 599, 758
- Japanese peace settlement or treaty, 374, 376, 395, 629
- Jebb, H. M. Gladwyn, 102, 119–120, 123, 125–126, 129–130, 136, 138, 140, 142–144, 146, 148, 152, 156, 167, 181, 249, 269n , 308–309, 312–315, 316n , 325, 530
- Jersey Oil Company, 694, 708
- Jerusalem, Statute for, 14–15, 44, 217, 286
- Jessup, Philip C., 259, 331, 902–903
- Johnson, Edwin C., 787n
- Johnson, Herschel V., 759n , 760, 767, 770n , 782, 963, 1000n
- Johnson, Louis A. 583–584, 972–973
- Johnson, Richard A., 746
- Johnson, Richard N., 1042
- Joint, Edgar James, 739, 741–742
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 3, 350–351, 353
- Jones, J. Jefferson, 25, 472n , 477n
- Jones, Lewis, 630n
- Jooste, G. P., 356, 420, 475–480, 482, 484, 487, 489, 491, 495–497
- Jordan, 14–15, 37, 183n
- Juncosa Seré, Julio M., 695, 698–699, 704, 717, 743
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 52, 57, 61, 63, 72, 78, 648, 967, 1022–1023
- Kamarck, Andrew M., 963–964
- Kardelj, Edvard, 429n , 430
- Kashmir dispute, 31, 220, 224
- Katz-Suchy, Juliusz, 145
- Kaufman, Arthur, 28
- Kee, John, 224, 712
- Keenleyside, Hugh L., 751, 753, 754n
- Kefauver, Estes, 4, 953
- Keilhauer, Minor, 871, 931
- Kellog, Edmund H., 25
- Kellogg, Frank B., 606, 826
- Kelly, Willard F., 956
- Kempter, C. W., 759, 814n , 815–816
- Kennan, George F., 591, 598–624, 767, 899
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, 792n
- Keough, Eugene J., 948–949
- Kerno, Ivan S., 227, 371n
- Keynes, John Maynard, 689
- Kidder, Randolph A., 713n , 758n , 759n , 771–773, 775, 782
- King, Spencer M., 744–745, 747–750, 754n
- Kingsley, J. Donald, 550n , 577
- Kirk, Alan G., 189–190, 198–199, 220–223, 310–311
- Klein, Julius, 996
- Koehler, John T., 1023n
- Kopper, Samuel K. C., 472n
- Korea (see also North Korean aggression against
Republic of Korea under
United Nations: General Assembly
and Korean question under
United Nations: Security Council):
- North Korea: Attack on Republic of Korea, June 25, 1950, 245–247, 258, 272, 396, 476n , 585, 625, 627n , 630, 635, 670, 730n , 835, 856, 906–909, 923, 967, 994; People’s Republic of China, support from, 270–273; Soviet support for, 264, 271, 408, 850; U.N. membership, proposed, 37
- Republic of Korea, 29n , 31, 37, 183n
- Kotschnig, Edmund H., 25
- Krieg, William L., 947–949, 994, 996, 1000, 1028n , 1042–1046
- Kural, Adnan, 127
- Kuwait, 1048
- Kyriazidis, Nicolas J., 55–63
- Kyriazidis, Mrs. Nicolas J., 62–63
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 955
- Labor Organization, International, 40, 90–92, 103, 381, 388, 973n
- Lacoste, François, 99–100, 420, 427
- Laise, Carol C., 25
- Lall, Shamaldharee, 371n
- Lane, Arthur Bliss, 838n , 841
- Lange, Harvard M., 122, 152, 155
- Langier, Henri, 371n
- Lansing, Robert, 606
- Larin, Don, 956–957
- Laskey, D. S., 101, 406, 472n
- Latin America. see American Republics.
- Laurentie, Henri, 472n
- Lavalle Garcia, Juan Bautista de, 1003, 1006
- League of Nations: Council, 482, 490; Covenant, 486, 504, 507; dissolution of, 497; mandates system, 442, 445, 474n , 475n , 479, 481–482, 487; Permanent Mandates Commission, 476, 478–479, 485, 487, 490, 492, 494, 505; South West Africa mandate, 474, 477, 482–483, 486–488, 490–491, 493, 498, 501, 504, 506–508
- Lebanon. see under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions and under United Nations: General Assembly: Security Council elections: Candidates
- Lend-lease, matters concerning, 610, 756, 759, 783, 815–816, 825, 843, 854, 810, 984, 1036
- LeRoy, Phyllis L., 25
- Lesage, Jean, 550
- Levangie, George W., 982, 985–987
- Lewis, Harrison, 27
- L’Heureux, Hervé Joseph, 49
- Liberia, 403, 902
- Libya, 21, 286
- Lie, Trygve (see also
Secretary-General under
United Nations
and Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan under
United Nations: General Assembly):
- Atomic energy; proposed conference of scientists on, 236
- Chinese representation in organs of the United Nations, 189–190, 200, 205–206, 210–214, 217–218, 223, 226–228, 233–235, 237–238, 241–242, 244, 268–269, 285–286, 290, 372, 380, 384, 388
- Meeting between Stalin and President Truman, proposed, 373, 379–384
- Nongovernmental representation before U.N. agencies, 74–75
- Reappointment as Secretary-General, 87–89, 98–100, 102, 112–115, 120–121, 128–142, 144–173, 176–178
- South West Africa question, 497, 502
- Soviet boycott of the United Nations, 233–234
- Soviet withdrawal from the United Nations, possibility of, 234
- U.N. budget, 86
- U.N. headquarters agreement, 47n
- U.N. Security Council, special meeting with Foreign Ministers as representatives, proposal for, 229–233, 235–237
- “Uniting for Peace” Resolution, 311–312, 321, 335
- Visit to Europe, 207, 245, 371n , 373, 378–383
- Linz, Paul, 750–753
- Livesay, Frederick, 814n
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 643, 675
- Lleras Restrepo, Carlos, 593n
- Lobenstine, James C., 984–987
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 24, 85–86, 133, 135, 270, 293–294, 350–356, 411–412, 414, 416, 418–422, 431–432, 516, 565–570, 574
- Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 899, 1002
- Lopez, Alfonso, 808, 838–839
- López, García, 946
- Louchheim, Walter C., 718
- Louw, Erik H., 489
- Lubin, Isador, 27, 77–78, 518
- Lucas, Scott, 768, 774
- Luns, J.M.A.H., 413–414
- Luxembourg, 403, 551
- Lynch, Edward, 963
- Lynch, Thomas J., 718
- Mac Arthur, General of the Army Douglas A., 169, 264, 313, 335
- Machado, Gerardo, 848
- Machado, Christiano, 766–767
- Machado, Luis, 683, 912, 914, 918
- Mackenzie King, William Lyon, 585
- MacVane, John, 28
- Maffitt, Edward P., 27, 150–151, 290
- M.A. Hanna Company, 1031
- Makin, N.J.D., 138
- Maktos, John, 26
- Malan, Daniel, 477, 479–481, 499
- Malaya, 255, 273
- Maleady, Thomas J., 728–730, 754–755
- Malembaum, Wilfred, 747, 749
- Malik, Charles, 12, 94, 128n , 156, 163–167, 170, 173, 414
- Malik, Yakov Aleksandrovich, 104, 120, 123, 129–130, 135–141, 143–146, 156, 165–170, 175, 190n , 192, 196, 198–199, 211–214, 229, 248–254, 259, 296, 306, 309, 312, 372, 386
- Mallory, L.D., 696–701, 710, 725n , 731, 735–738, 740, 742, 743n , 1000n
- Manchuria, 262
- Mann, Thomas C., 644–649, 659–662, 665–666, 755n , 869n , 876–880, 886–889, 901n , 907–909, 921n , 926, 928–929, 932–933, 939n , 942–944, 945n , 946, 950, 954, 968, 971, 994–995, 1028n , 1044n
- Maritime Commission, U.S., 787n , 788, 811
- Mao Tse-tung, 199, 211, 215, 218, 225
- Mara, Colonel, 928
- Marget, Arthur, 718, 963
- Marroquin Wyss, Ernesto, 924
- Marshall, General of the Army George C., 1041;
- Marshall, Plan. see European Recovery Program.
- Martin, John, 472n
- Martin, William McChesney, 718, 734, 777–778, 800, 814, 962
- Martinez Baez, Antonio, 944n
- Martinez Vargas, Don Ricardo, 744–745, 752
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 1041
- McCaffrey, John L., 1011
- McCarran, Patrick A., 72
- McClelland, Roswell D., 26
- McCullough, James A., 963
- McDermott, Michael J., 935n , 1001
- McDonald, Harry A., 718, 722
- McEachen, Roberto E., 122
- McFall, Jack K., 231n , 585–586, 639–640, 755–756, 841, 957n
- McGhee, George C., 124–125, 472n , 902
- McGrath, J. Howard, 2, 57–58, 61–63, 73–74, 77–78, 567n , 625, 648, 689, 956
- McGrory, Elizabeth M., 939n , 944n
- McKeever, Porter, 28, 78, 135
- McMahon, Brien, 792
- McNair, Arnold Duncan, 490
- McNeil, Hector, 92
- McNeill, Charles R., 718, 963
- McNicol, David W., 103
- McNutt, Louise, 96–97, 472n
- McWilliams, William J., 869n , 897
- Meade, Gerald, 108–109, 117, 316n , 318n , 324n , 325, 472n , 473–474
- Meeker, Leonard C., 26, 73, 474
- Mendoza, José Luis, 927n
- Mendoza, Col. Miguel, 872
- Meng Yung-chien, 267
- Menon, 420, 579
- Merchant, Livingston T., 46n , 231n , 257n
- Merritt, M. M., 1010
- Messersmith, George S., 937n
- Metzger, Ham, 739–740
- Metzger, Stanley D., 880n
- Mexico (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Aerovías Guest, negotiations regarding landing rights for, 944, 946, 958–959, 968
- Belize, reservation of rights regarding, 926
- Civil aviation negotiations with the United States, 944–946, 957–959, 964, 968
- Communist activities, 726
- Cuba, relations with, 850
- Debt service position, 961–962
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, policy toward, 677–678
- Export-Import Bank loan, 733, 760–761, 766, 775, 810, 937–938, 950, 952–953, 959–965
- Guatemala, relations with, 902
- Haitian military junta government, recognition of, 934
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance, ratification of, 926
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, proposed, 952–953
- Irrigation project, proposed U.S. loan for, 950, 952–953, 964–965
- Labor movement, 866
- Mexican farm labor for the United States, problems concerning, 954–957, 965–968
- Petroleum companies, treatment of American and British, 881–882
- Petroleum imports, proposed U.S. restrictions on, 947–949
- Petroleum loan to Petróleas Mexicanos S.A. (PEMEX), proposed, 936–939, 950–954, 960, 965n
- Political situation, 592
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement of 1942 with the United States, termination of, 939–944, 948–949, 954, 990, 1028–1029, 1043–1047
- Territorial limit of 9 miles, U.S. protest against, 946–947
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 105, 108, 119
- U.S. economic and financial assistance, 939, 953
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 629, 936–968
- U.S. technical assistance, 612, 937, 939, 953
- Venezuela, relations with, 1037
- Meyers, Howard, 105
- Migratory Labor Commission, 966
- Military Tribunal, International, 548
- Miller, Edward G.:
- American Republics: U.S. economic and technical assistance policy toward, 672, 675–681, 686–687, 690n ; U.S. military policy toward, 597n , 632; U.S. policy regarding, 624–628, 635n , 637–638
- Argentina, U.S. relations with, 691–693, 696–701, 703–705, 707–708, 711–712, 713n , 714, 721, 724n , 725n , 728, 729n , 730–735, 738n .
- Bolivia, U.S. relations with, 744–745, 750–752
- Brazil, U.S. relations with, 757, 759n , 760–771, 767–768, 770, 774–780, 781n
- Caribbean area disputes, U.S. interest in peaceful settlement of, 641–642
- Chile, U.S. relations with, 786–788, 792–793, 798–800
- Colombia, U.S. relations with, 807, 809n , 814–815, 830–833, 834n , 835, 837n , 839–841
- Cuba, U.S. relations with, 851n
- Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 876, 877n , 880, 887–888, 901–907, 909–910, 919n , 923
- Haiti, U.S. relations with, 932–934
- Mexico, U.S. relations with, 936–937, 943–944, 946–947, 949n , 958n , 959–961, 963, 965n , 968, 1028n
- Panama, U.S. relations with, 971, 972n
- Peru, U.S. relations with, 983, 994n , 996, 998–1007
- U.N. Secretary-General, reappointment of, 159–163
- Uruguay, U.S. relations with, 1008–1009, 1011–1012, 1015n
- Venezuela, U.S. relations with, 1037n , 1040–1041, 1044n
- Visit to American Republics (see also Visit by Assistant Secretary of State Miller under Argentina and Guatemala), 590
- Millikin, Eugene D., 787n
- Mills, Sheldon T., 595n , 763, 792n , 805n , 809, 814–815, 943, 983–985, 994n
- Mills, William H. A., 27
- Mindszenty, Jozef Cardinal, 850
- Miranda, Miguel 726
- Modzielewski, Zygmunt, 136–138, 141, 147–148, 151
- Moline, Edwin G., 1046–1049
- Molotov, V. M., 170, 379–381, 387, 554
- Monetary Fund, International, 388, 721, 745, 763, 783–784, 787, 799–801, 809, 824, 859, 979
- Mongolian People’s Republic, 37, 183n
- Monod, Guy, 472n
- Monroe, James, 605
- Monroe Doctrine, 605–606
- Monsma, George N., 926n
- Monzón, Lt. Col. Elfego, 920n , 921n , 924
- Moore, Robert C., 89
- Morales López, Col. Oscar, 903–904, 928
- Moreno, Lt. Col. Felix Roman, 1040–1041
- Morgan, Hector, 924
- Morse, Wayne, 959n
- Most-favored-nation treatment, 940–942, 944n , 990–991, 1029
- Motley, Arthur W., 956
- Mudaliar, Ramaswami, 120
- Mulumba, Semakula, 444
- Munitions Board, 585, 689, 745
- Muniz, João C., 213
- Muñoz Marin, Luis, 851, 868
- Munoz Meany, Enrique, 867
- Murden, Forest D., 28
- Murphy, Charles S., 937, 939n , 950
- Murphy, Francis T., 984
- Murphy, Robert D., 438–441
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 36, 597, 729n , 821, 928n , 1037, 1040
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 639, 928–929
- Myrdal, Gunnar, 388
- Nabuco, Joaquim, 764, 766
- Nabuco, Mauricio, 763–771, 773n , 774–776
- Nambiar, A. C. N., 419
- Nash, Frank C., 27
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 716n , 717–724, 734n , 758, 761–762, 766, 771, 778, 780–781, 787, 799, 950, 953, 961–965
- National City Bank of New York, 705, 728
- National Security Council: American Republics, U.S. policy toward, 619–620, 624, 627–628, 637–638; defense of Western Hemisphere, 1037
- National Security Resources Board, 585, 689
- Naudy, Andre, 472n
- Nauru, 446n
- Near and Middle East countries (see also individual countries), 12, 168, 171–172, 352, 810, 938, 951, 1027, 1046–1047
- Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, 151, 248n , 255, 295
- Nepal, 37, 183n
- Neruda, Pablo, 886, 922
- Netherlands, 11, 403, 413–414, 420, 425–426, 446n , 452–453, 456, 480, 536, 551, 683
- Netherlands West Indies, 1030, 1038, 1047–1049
- Newbegin, Robert, 835, 837n
- Newberry, Camann, 28
- Newcomer, Gen. Francis, 970n , 980
- Newfoundland, 584
- New Guinea, 446n
- New Zealand, 119, 446n , 452–453, 456, 492, 500
- Nicaragua: Costa Rica, relations with, 596; Cuba, relations with, 845–846, 848–849; Dominican Republic, relations with, 647; technical assistance agreement with the United States, Dec. 23, 1950, 680; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 283
- Nicholson, Donald L., 876
- Nicolini, Oscar L. M., 726
- Nieto del Rio, Felix, 786–788, 791–792, 793n , 798
- Nisot, Joseph, 472n
- Nitze, Paul, 632, 637–638, 686
- Nolan, Charles P., 797n , 832n , 944n , 1019
- Nonintervention policy. see under American Republics.
- Norden, Carl F., 705
- Noriega, Raul, 163, 579
- North Atlantic Council, 9
- North Atlantic military program, 263
- North Atlantic Treaty, Soviet attitude toward, 170
- Norway (see also Norwegian position under United Nations: Security Council), 11, 19, 96–98, 118, 253, 266, 310, 402, 502–503, 551, 570
- Notter, Harley, 9–10
- Noyes, Charles P., 27, 132, 135, 158–159
- Nufer, Albert F., 589, 677n , 846n
- Oakley, R. Kenneth, 1010
- Oblitas, Severo, 746
- O’Connell, Joseph, 946, 957
- Odría, Gen. Manuel A., 982, 984n , 985–987, 992–993, 999–1000, 1002–1006
- O’Dwyer, William, 968n
- O’Gara, John E., 747–750
- Ohio Oil Company, 985n
- Ohly, John H., 729n
- Ohmans, John L. 956
- Olaya, Enrique, 826
- Olney, Richard, 605, 614
- Ordonneau, Pierre, 9, 93–94
- Organization of American States (OAS):
- Charter, 519n , 568, 639–640, 652
- Council (COAS):
- Chairman, 642–643
- Provisional Organ of Consultation:
- Caribean area disputes, 596, 643–644, 651, 653–659, 661, 664n , 849
- Costa Rica-Nicaragua dispute, 642
- Dominican charges against Cuba, Haiti, and Guatemala, 643n , 651n , 652–656, 658, 661, 663, 666, 849, 899
- Haitian charges against Dominican Republic, 641–644, 646, 648, 651n , 652–656, 658, 661, 849
- Investigating committee, 643–644, 648, 649n , 650–657, 666n , 899
- Special Committee for the Caribbean, 661n , 665–667
- U.S. representative, 589–590
- Economic disputes, 678
- Functions, 994, 998
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 683–684
- Lleras report, 675
- Organ of Consultation (Foreign Ministers) under Rio Treaty, 627n , 641–643, 651, 652n , 690n , 1007, 1045
- Participating countries, 852, 935
- Peru-Colombia dispute regarding asylum, 998
- Secretary-General, 21, 643, 675n
- U.N. action in Korean conflict, support for, 640
- U.N. observer, 21
- U.S. policy toward, 590, 631, 635–637, 662, 900
- Organization of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 207
- O’Shaughnessy, Elim, 472n
- Ospina Pérez, Mariano, 812, 813n , 814–816, 819–820, 822, 827, 829, 831–832
- O’Sullivan, James L., 472n
- Owen, David K., 371n , 684
- Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the, 446n
- Padillo Nervo, Luis, 93, 95, 100, 122–123, 146n , 148n , 154, 156, 158–168, 173–174, 411–412, 420, 563
- Page, Arthur, 792n
- Pakistan (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 13–14, 29n , 37, 106, 108, 119, 260, 542, 546, 559–563 passim
- Palar, Lambertus, 201–202
- Palestine (see also Israel and Jerusalem and Palestine question under United Nations: General Assembly and under United Nations: Security Council), 31
- Palestinian refugees, 639
- Pan American Grace Airways, 695, 698, 704, 707, 782
- Pan American Highway. see Inter-American Highway.
- Pan American Institute of Geography and History, 793
- Pan American Society, 590
- Pan American Union, 674, 925–927
- Pan American World Airways, 695, 698, 708, 782, 945–946
- Pan Americanism, 620–621, 770
- Panama:
- Abaca program, 970
- Claims convention with the United States, Jan. 26, 1950, 969, 971, 979
- Colombia, relations with, 826, 978
- Colón Corridor convention with the United States, May 24, 1950, 979
- Communist activities, 974–975
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, policy toward, 678
- Ecuador, relations with, 978
- Gran Colombiana relationship, 826, 861, 978
- Highway convention with the United States, Sept. 14, 1950, 980
- International Monetary Fund payments, arrangements for, 979
- International Trade Organization Charter, signatory of, 977
- Labor problems, 973–977, 980
- Organization of American States, matters pertaining to, 655
- Political situation, 591–592, 969–970
- Soviet Union, lack of relations with. 978–979
- Spain, relations with, 978
- Technical assistance agreement with the United States, Dec. 30, 1950, 680, 977n
- United Nations, policy toward, 978
- U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 402
- U.S. economic and financial assistance, 975, 977, 979
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 969–981
- U.S. technical assistance, 680, 969, 975, 977, 979
- Venezuela, relations with, 978
- Panama Canal, 599, 626, 818, 821, 843, 855, 970, 972–974, 977, 979
- Panama Canal Zone, 972–977, 979–981, 1024
- Panama Railroad Corporation, 972–973
- Pandit, Madame Vijavalakshmi, 334–335, 562–565, 568
- Pando, Colonel, 993
- Pannikar, K. M., 295
- Pao, Chun-chien, 240
- Paraguay: Debt service position, 961; Organization of American States, matters concerning, 654; political situation, 591, 806; technical assistance agreement with the United States, Dec. 29, 1950, 680; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 111, 403; U.S. economic assistance, 687; Uruguay, relations with, 1017
- Parodi, Alexandre, 250n , 311, 319
- Parrott, Cecil C., 92–93, 219–220, 339–340, 343n 356, 390, 406, 437–439, 480–481
- Parsons, William W., 718
- Pastrana, Misael, 1000n
- Patrick, M. G., 1010–1011
- Patterson, Richard C., 865–866, 869–872, 874n 875–879, 886, 899, 901–902, 904, 907, 913, 920
- Pattison, Daniel W., 816–817, 836, 838
- Paulino, Mrs. Anselmo, 645, 647, 649
- Pawley, William, 759
- Paz, Hipólito, 693, 726n 728–732
- Pearson, Lester B., 94–95, 102, 130, 400, 411, 414, 419, 426, 432, 584n
- Pellecer Duran, Carlos Manual, 924
- Peñaranda, Juan, 752
- Perez, Fortunato, 746
- Perez, Martin, 946
- Pérez Jimenez, Marcos 1042
- Perkins, George W., 54n 245, 255, 472n 583, 902
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 475, 486
- Peron, Juan, 272, 692–703, 707, 713n 714, 721, 725–733, 739–740, 997, 1016
- Peron, Mrs. Juan, 699–700, 702–703, 726–727
- Peru (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Argentine good offices, proposed, 997–998, 1000
- Arms shipments to, U.S., 597
- Brazilian good offices, proposed, 1000
- Colombia, relations with, 827, 994n , 995, 997–1007
- Commercial arrears, liquidation of, 988–989
- Double taxation convention with the United States, proposed, 992
- Ecuador, boundary dispute with, 162, 860, 999, 1002, 1006
- Export-Import Bank loan, 996
- Friendship, commerce, and navigation treaty with the United States, proposed, 992
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, attitude toward, 987, 990–992
- Guatemala, attitude toward, 997
- Haya de la Torre, dispute with Colombia regarding political asylum of, 827, 994–995, 997–1009
- Import restrictions, discriminatory features of, 988–989
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance, ratification of, 926, 983
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, proposed, 985, 996
- International Petroleum Company, proposed concession for, 983n .
- Klein Mission, 989, 992n , 996
- Lend-lease settlement, negotiations concerning, 984
- Petroleum legislation, 982–987, 992–994
- Political situation, 591–592
- Reciprocal trade agreement of 1942 with the United States, proposed revision of, 989–990
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 105, 107, 119
- U.S. good offices, offer of, 1000–1001
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 786, 982–1007
- Uruguay, attitude toward, 997
- Petroleum Policy Committee, 1046
- Philippines (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 12, 19, 97, 273, 291, 662
- Picó, German, 799–800
- Pierrot, A. Ogden, 26, 519n , 578, 580–581
- Pinkerton, Lowell C., 116n
- Pinto Usaga, Manuel, 865, 875–876, 884n 887, 908, 920, 924
- Platt amendment, 605–606, 844
- Plaza Lasso, Galo, 856–857, 859, 862
- Plimsol, James M., 103–104
- Point Four Program, 103, 595, 610, 612–613, 628, 631–632, 634, 639, 679–681, 769, 773, 777, 778n , 779, 830, 917–918, 937–938, 969, 977n , 1009, 1039
- Poland, 11, 77, 98, 106–108, 119, 302n , 432, 558n
- Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State: American Republics, U.S. policy toward the, 635n , 637–638; Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 903; recognition policy of the United States, 284
- Political asylum, 653, 994–995, 997–1002, 1004, 1007
- Poole, Jack, 741
- Popper, David H., 26–27, 86, 89, 95–96, 110–111, 124–126, 176–177, 269–270, 295, 334–337, 344, 391, 575
- Porter, Franklin, 28
- Portocarrero, Juan Nicolás, 1006
- Portugal, 37, 183n
- Potofsky, Jacob S., 724n
- Potsdam Conference, July 16–Aug. 2, 1945, 373
- Prebisch, Raúl, 684–685
- Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, 114–115, 133
- Price, Byron, 86, 205, 207, 371n , 379, 383
- Price, Leonard H., 659, 662n
- Prío Socorrás, Carlos, 154, 212, 659–661, 662n , 850–851, 912–916, 918–919
- Prisoners of war. see under United Nations: General Assembly. Public Roads Administration, 971
- Puerto Rico, 489, 698n , 848, 851, 867–869, 1037
- Quantitative trade restrictions, 655, 656n , 736, 746
- Quesada Guerra, Luis Miró, 986
- Quevedo, Antonio, 142–143, 146, 161–163, 167
- Quintanilla, Luis, 642–644, 656, 658n , 903
- Radius, Walter A., 717n
- Rankin, Forney A., 905
- Rau, Sir Benegal N., 137, 142–143, 146, 151–152, 156, 164–167, 169, 192, 204, 208, 210, 217, 292–293, 295–297, 304, 310, 313, 345, 425
- Ravndal, C. M., 682–686, 724n , 1008–1012, 1015n
- Rayburn, Sam, 947–949
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 10, 26, 97, 108–109, 153, 245–246, 316n , 318n , 337–340, 343n , 344, 356, 472n , 477n , 494–497
- Read, John E., 490
- Reams, Robert B., 196–197
- Recognition of governments:
- American Republics, U.S. recognition policy toward, 592
- China. see Chinese representation under United Nations: General-Assembly and under United Nations: Security Council and see under China, People’s Republic of.
- Diplomatic recognition, 281, 283–284
- Haiti, U.S. recognition of military junta government of, 932–935
- U.S. policy, 284, 974, 1034
- Red Cross, International Committee of the, 380, 386, 388, 556, 558
- Reece, William A., 697n
- Refugee Organization, International, 39, 287, 388, 537–539, 541–543, 545, 547, 549–550
- Refugees, Intergovernmental Committee on, 539
- Refugees from Palestine, 639
- Refugee questions. see Refugees and stateless persons under United Nations: Economic and Social Council and see under United Nations: General Assembly,
- Regules, Dardo, 1011
- Remorino, Jerónomo, 692, 698–699, 704–705, 717, 726, 730n , 731–732
- Rentzel, Delos, 717n
- Republic Steel Company, 1031
- Restrepo Jaramillo, Gonzalo, 837, 838n , 997
- Reuchlin, Jonkheer O., 105
- Revere Copper and Brass Company, 792
- Reyna, Manuel, 1047n
- Ribas, José M., 212
- Richard, Théophile, 660n
- Richmond Oil Company, 993
- Rickenbacker, Capt. E. V., 946
- Riddell, R. G., 411
- Ritchie, C. S. A., 411, 414, 426n
- Robertson, William S., 708, 740–741
- Rochefort, Robert, 577
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 681, 770n
- Rockwell, Stuart W., 26
- Rodieck, Col. L. H., 354
- Rodriguez, Gen. Juan, 668–669
- Rodriguez, J. R., 663n
- Rodriguez, José Horacio, 668–669
- Rodriguez Loran, Sebastion, 644–649
- Roland, Astrel, 645, 656
- Romania, 12, 37, 101, 178, 183n , 432, 565
- Romulo, Brig. Gen. Carlos P., 90, 93–96, 117, 130, 148, 156, 164–167, 170, 173, 189–190, 200, 223, 265–267, 269n , 276, 290–291, 296
- Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.), 24, 85, 133–134, 271, 274, 293, 418–419, 516–518, 521, 532–533, 541n , 567–568, 574, 578
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 372, 379, 585, 937
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 606
- Root, Elihu, 605
- Rope, Frederick, 28
- Roper, George S., 944–946
- Rosario Brache, Ruben, 647
- Ross, John C., 3n , 24, 86, 99–102, 120, 128, 135, 154, 160–165, 176–177, 210, 213–214, 227–231, 233–238, 266, 268, 269n , 290, 292–293, 295, 316n , 366n , 391, 397, 570, 574
- Ross, Robert W., 1011
- Rountree, William M., 109–110
- Ruanda-Urundi, 446n
- Rubottom, Roy R., 939–940, 942, 945n , 954–957, 967n , 968
- Ruiz, Julio, 788
- Runyon, Charles, 26
- Rusk, Dean, 4–5, 54–55, 73, 205–206, 227, 230, 231n , 238, 254, 257, 259, 262–264, 272–274, 344, 351, 472n , 653n
- Ryan, Oswald, 957–959
- Ryckmans, Pierre, 472n
- Saint Laurent, Louis S., 584n
- Salazar, Eduardo, 716
- Salazar, Joaquin E., 642–643
- Saldias, Rear Adm. Roque A., 982
- Salguero, Hugo, 922
- Salinas, Ramón, 796–797
- Salino, Charles, 875
- Salisbury, Lord, 605
- Samoa, Western, 446n
- Sampson, Mrs. Edith, 24, 516, 557n , 566, 574, 578
- Sanders, William, 657n , 658, 926n
- Sandifer, Durward V., 9n , 51, 53, 55, 65, 117, 152n , 153n , 231n , 266, 308, 335, 357, 366–368, 414
- Santa Cruz Barcelo, Hernán, 94–95, 122, 241, 363–364, 683–684
- Santos, Eduardo, 808
- Sarper, Selim, 124, 127
- Saudi Arabia, 522, 535, 630, 687, 1048
- Sauer, Walter C., 691, 711, 718, 733–734, 963
- Sawyer, Charles, 718, 770, 787–788, 965
- Saxon, James J., 718
- Sayre, Francis B., 196–197
- Scandinavian countries, 97, 530, 576
- Scarlett, Peter W.S.Y., 195
- Schachert, 737
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 747–748
- Schuman, Robert, 88, 100, 146n , 147n , 150–152, 156n , 157n , 245, 287, 292, 311, 340, 346, 382, 387, 391n , 437, 439n , 440
- Scientific and Cultural Cooperation, Interdepartmental Committee on, 595, 857
- Scott, Robert H., 215
- Scott, Michael, 63–65, 72–75, 477, 491
- Seatrain Lines, 845n
- Secretary-General of the United Nations. see Lie, Trygve and see also under United Nations.
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 722
- Shaffner, Felix I., 718
- Sharett, Moshe, 365–366
- Shaw, Leo Nelson, 728
- Shaw, George P., 864
- Shipping Act of 1916, 797, 1023
- Shone, Sir Terence, 93, 101, 241
- Shooshan, Harry M., 414
- Silva Jonana, Mario, 908
- Silvercruys, Baron Robert, 472n
- Simmons, John F., 228, 239
- Simsarion, James, 26, 516–517, 519n , 522n
- Singer, Jeanne, 28
- Sinkiang, 262
- Siracusa, Ernest V., 597n , 910, 920n , 925–930
- Smith, George, 739
- Smith, Mead, 973n
- Smuts, Field Marshal Jan Christiaan, 487–488
- Snow, William P., 155
- Snyder, John W., 717, 722, 771–772, 777–778, 781, 950, 963, 965
- Sobolev, Arkadiy Aleksandrovich, 211
- Socony Vacuum Oil Company, 694n
- Somaliland (Italian), draft trusteeship agreement for, 15
- Somoza, Anastasio, 899
- Soskice, Sir Frank, 427–430
- Sourdis, Evaristo, 811–814, 830n , 831–832
- South Africa, Union of see Union of South Africa.
- South American Minerals and Merchandise Corporation, 750
- South Asia, 260, 629, 686
- Southard, Frank A., 718, 783n , 963
- Southeast Asia, 260, 436, 767
- South West Africa. see South West Africa question under League of Nations, United Nations: General Assembly, United Nations: Trusteeship and non-self governing territories, and United Nations: Trusteeship Council.
- Sovereignty, matters concerning national, 4, 30, 34, 415, 443–444, 574, 599n , 623, 629, 797, 864, 881, 883, 894, 896, 925, 1014, 1016, 1027
- Soviet bloc. see under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions.
- Soviet satellites, 38, 44, 55, 178, 180, 214, 222, 242–243, 305, 352, 383, 394, 396n , 448, 454
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet and Soviet Union subheadings under individual subjects): Political and military activities and pressures, 31, 34, 128, 206, 217) 221–222, 304, 315, 338, 372, 389–390, 394, 400, 405, 599; U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 11, 106–107; U.N., Security Council, permanent member of, 118; U.N. Trusteeship Council, [Page 1075] member of, 119; U.S. policy toward, 229
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 130, 207
- Spain, 20–21, 29n , 37n , 182, 217, 227, 286, 533, 692, 827, 850, 934, 978
- Spalding, Hobart A., 649n
- Spangenberg, Guillermo Rogue, 741–742
- Sparkman, John J., 4, 24, 73, 86, 294–295, 516, 574
- Sparks, Edward John, 1041–1042, 1047n
- Spender, P. C., 419
- Spiegel, Harold R., 747
- Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 37, 183n , 260
- Stabell, B., 309–310
- Stabler, Wells, 26, 365–366
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich: Atomic weapons, proposed prohibition of, 380; Communist movement in Latin America, 914, 916; conventional armaments, Soviet position regarding regulation of, 380; International Trade Organization Charter, attitude toward, 381; Lie Peace Plan, 378–382, 384, 387; meeting with Secretary-General Lie, 170, 379–384; North Korea, cable to, 169, 171; portrait, 372; President Truman, proposed meeting with, 373, 379–380, 383–384; prestige of, 1002; technical assistance program, 381; U.N. specialized agencies, attitude toward, 381; United States, attitude toward, 372–373
- Stambaugh, Lynn, 711, 771, 776, 799
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 694n , 711, 937n , 983n , 1044n
- Startsev, A. K., 138
- State, U.S. Department of, Policy Planning Staff of. see Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State.
- Stein, Eric, 26, 105
- Steins, J. J., 718
- Stern, Fritz, 735n
- Stettinius, Edward J., 45, 788n
- Stewart, Gilbert, 28
- Stinebower, Leroy D., 781, 783–784, 814n , 953–954, 963
- Stockholm peace appeal, 396–397, 400, 403
- Strategic and critical materials, U.S. stockpiling program of, 628, 631–632, 634
- Straus, Oscar S., 751n
- Suárez Flamerich, Germán, 1042
- Sudan, 21
- Sunde, Arne, 136, 144–146, 213, 248, 309–310
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan (SCAP), 294, 551–553, 557
- Swayzee, Cleon O., 880n
- Sweden, 19, 37, 183n , 403, 432, 452, 570
- Swift International, 693, 698, 704, 707–708
- Switzerland, 542, 1047
- Syria (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 21, 116, 118
- Szymczak, M. S., 718, 721, 723
- Taboada, Diógenes, 736–737
- Taft-Hartley Act, 882
- Taillon, 911
- Takla, Philippe, 128n
- Tamagna, Frank, 963
- Tanganyika, 442, 446n
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 104–105
- Tate, Jack B., 26, 51–54, 73, 78, 132, 231n , 294, 472n , 566–567
- Taxation, double, agreements and conventions, 587, 717n , 769, 772–773, 814, 992
- Taylor, Amos, 684
- Taylor, Paul B., 26
- Taylor, Tom, 704, 707–708
- Technical Cooperation, Interdepartmental Advisory Council on, 681
- Technical Cooperation Administration (TCA), 680–681
- Telecommunications Union, International, 103, 388, 533
- Tello, Manuel, 153–154, 946, 958n , 959, 968
- Territorial waters, questions involving attempts to extend, 850, 864, 946–947
- Tewksbury, Howard H., 704, 715, 728n , 730, 741
- Texas Company, 694n , 937n
- Thailand (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions), 19, 97, 283
- Thomas, Elbert D., 4
- Thomen, Luis F., 647
- Thompson, 472n
- Thompson, Josephine, 28
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 231n
- Thompson, Malvina, 28
- Thornburg, Max, 804
- Thorp, Willard L., 705, 718, 720–724, 781, 800, 939n , 953–954, 1044n
- Thurston, Ray L., 26, 153–154, 562–563, 944–946
- Thye, Edward J., 755
- Tibbetts, Margaret Joy, 472n
- Tibet, 263
- Tirana, Rifat, 711, 718
- Tito, Josip Broz, 199, 226, 261, 426
- Tittmann, Harold H., 982–983, 984n , 986–988, 993, 997–998, 1002–1007
- Tobey, Charles W., 4
- Tobin, Maurice, 965
- Toriello, Jorge, 872
- Torres Bodet, Jaime, 100
- Townsend, Andres, 906
- Trade Agreements Act, 990, 1043–1044, 1047
- Trade Agreements Committee, Interdepartmental, 942–944, 1043n , 1045, 1047–1048
- Trade Organization, International. see
- International Trade Organization.
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 595, 762, 769, 773n , 780, 814
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also under individual countries):
- Aggression, convention defining, between the Soviet Union and bordering states, 1933, 431–432
- Air transport agreements: United States and Argentina, 1947, 717n ; United States and Panama, 1949, 978–979; United States and Venezuela, 1948, 1033
- Air transport services agreement between the United States and Brazil, 1946, 782; amendment, Dec. 30, 1950, 782
- Amity Pact between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 596n
- Bermuda air agreement, 1946, 826n
- Bogotá treaty, 1948, 770
- Claims agreement supplementing convention of 1935 signed Nov. 15, 1949 and Jan. 24, 1950, 587
- Cuba, relations between the United States and, 1903 and 1934, 844n
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, 1948, 675, 677
- Farm labor agreement between the United States and Mexico, 1949, 954–957, 966–967
- Friendship and cooperation treaty between the United States and Panama, 1936, 972–973, 976
- Friendship, commerce, and economic development treaty between the United States and Uruguay 1949, 595, 611, 677, 703, 814
- General agreement on tariffs and trade. see General agreement on tariffs and trade.
- Geneva conventions, 388, 552, 556
- Habana convention on the rights and duties of states in event of civil strife, 1928, 652
- Hague convention, 1907, 551–552
- Headquarters agreement between the United States and the United Nations, 1947, 42, 46–86, 283
- Hyde Park agreement between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Mackenzie King, 1941, 585
- Industrial mobilization agreement between the United States and Canada, Oct. 26, 1950, 585, 588
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance (Rio treaty), 1947, 596, 620, 625, 639–643, 650–651, 656, 658, 693, 696, 721, 727–729, 732, 770, 828, 856, 866–867, 886, 900, 909, 912, 918, 920, 925–927, 983, 994, 1014, 1036
- Lend-lease agreements between the United States and: China, 1943, 783; Colombia, 1942, 815–816; Costa Rica, 1942, 842; Dominican Republic, 1941, 854; Guatemala, 1942, 910; Peru, 1942, 984
- Mexico City agreement, 1945, 791
- Monetary agreement between the United States and Panama, 1904, 979
- Naval and air bases, U.S. leased in: Newfoundland, agreement between the United States and Canada, 1941 and 1942, 594
- North Atlantic Treaty, 1949, 170, 222, 350, 599, 896
- Olaya–Kellogg air pact, 1929, 826
- Panama, general relations agreement between the United States and, 1942, 970–971, 972n , 980
- Peace, amity, navigation, and commerce treaty between the United. States and New Granada, 1846, 824
- Peace treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, 12–13, 37
- Potsdam Proclamation of July 26, 1945, 20
- Prisoners of war, agreement between Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, Japan, and the Soviet Union regarding repatriation of,1946, 20, 552
- Prisoners of war, Moscow Foreign Ministers’ agreement of Apr. 23, 1947 regarding repatriation of, 20, 552
- Quito Charter, 1948, 861, 1038
- Refugees: Arrangements, 1926 and 1928; conventions, 1933 and 1938; and protocol, 1939, 547
- Rio protocol between Ecuador and Peru, 1942, 860
- Rio treaty. see Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance, supra .
- Staff agreement between the United States and Venezuela, 1942, 1031
- Taxation, double, conventions between the United States and Canada, 1942, 1944, and June 12, 1950, 587
- Trade, reciprocal, agreements between the United States and: Colombia, 1935, 824–825, 940; Costa Rica, 1936, 842; Ecuador, 1938, 858–859, 863; Mexico, 1942, 939–944, 948–949, 954, 990, 1028–1029, 1043–1047; Peru, 1942, 989–990; Venezuela, 1939, 949n , 1028–1029, 1032, 1039, 1042–1049
- Trade and payments agreement between the United Kingdom, and Argentina, 1949, 708n
- Treaty of Versailles, 1919, 475n
- United Nations Charter, 1945, 3, 5–6, 9, 14, 18–19, 29, 31–38, 44–46, 50, 64–69, 71, 86, 88, 101, 111–112, 114–116, 119n , 130–131, 140–141, 177, 182n , 186, 195, 212, 218, 222–224, 229, 231–233, 237, 257, 263, 267, 278, 280–281, 284, 288–290, 299–301, 304–307, 314, 316, 319–320, 322, 324–326, 327n , 328–329, 331–333, 336–339, 341–343, 345, 347–349, 353, 355, 357, 359, 361, 364–366, 368–369, 374, 376–378, 387, 389, 391n , 393–394, 406, 408–409, 415, 418, 420, 423–424, 427n , 428–429, 432–435, 441, 444–453, 455–456, 457n , 458, 460–462, 464–465, 467–469, 475, 484, 486, 491, 504, 507, 554–555, 558n , 559–563, 566–567, 569, 571, 925–927, 978
- Weather stations, Pacific Ocean, agreement between the United States and Canada, June 22, 1950, 588
- Wheat agreement, international, 1033
- Trieste, Free Territory of, 29n , 221
- Tripolitania, 21
- Tropical Oil Company, 803, 806, 825
- Trujillo Molina, Generalissimo Rafael L., 596, 643, 645–648, 649n , 656, 663–666, 668, 849, 899
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Address to the U.N. General Assembly, Oct. 24, 1950, 158n
- Argentina, U.S. relations with, 701–702, 707–708, 713, 730n , 735n
- Brazil, U.S. relations with, 759, 763–765, 770–772, 774–777, 778n , 781
- Canada, defense arrangements with, 584–585
- Chile, U.S. relations with, 786, 787n , 788, 791, 793n
- Chinese representation in organs of the United Nations, 251n , 256–257
- Conversations with: Gonzalez Vidella, President of Chile, 713n ; Trygve Lie, U.N. Secretary-General, 371–374, 379–384
- Double taxation convention between the United States and Canada, 587
- Economic mobilization program, 690n
- Formosa, U.S. policy toward, 205, 246–247, 274
- Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 865–866, 905, 912–914, 916, 918–920
- Haiti, U.S. relations with, 933–934
- Inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1949, 6, 30
- Internal Security Act of 1950, 72n
- Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan, 371–373, 379–385, 387
- Mexico, U.S. relations with, 761, 770, 937, 939n , 940, 942, 946n , 950–954, 957, 959n
- Migratory Labor Commission, 966
- Organization of American States, ratification of Charter of, 640
- Organization of American States reception, Oct. 12, 1950, 590
- Panama, U.S. relations with, 971n
- People’s Republic of China, non-recognition of, 241
- Petroleum import duties and taxes, 1046
- Puerto Rico, U.S. policy regarding 868
- Soviet Union, U.S. policy toward, 229
- Stalin, proposed meeting with, 373, 379–380, 383–384
- Technical assistance program, 376
- United Nations, reorganization of, Hoover suggestion on, 8–9
- U.N. headquarters agreement, 47n , 55
- U.N. Secretary-General, reappointment of, 89n , 158–160, 163, 174–175, 371n
- “Uniting for Peace” Resolution in U.N. General Assembly, 340n
- U.S. Mission to the United Nations, designation of, 2–3, 24n
- U.S. participation in the United Nations, reports to U.S. Congress on, 11, 14, 19
- Uruguay, U.S. relations with, 1009
- Truman, Mrs. Harry S., 704
- Tsiang, Tingfu F., 99–100, 120, 129–130, 142–146, 166, 187–189, 191–195, 203, 207, 212, 238–239, 241, 248–249, 267–268, 270–271, 274, 305
- Tufts, Robert R., 638
- Turkel, Harry R., 26, 987–992
- Turkey, 11, 110–111, 350, 359, 432, 519n , 522, 549, 577, 629, 953
- Ubico Castañeda, Gen. Jorge, 874, 883, 918
- Uganda, 444
- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 106, 251, 253, 265
- Ulate Blanco, Otilio, 590, 842
- Ultramar, S.A., 694–695, 708, 711
- Union of South Africa (see also South African position under United Nations: General Assembly: Indians in the Union of South Africa, treatment of and under United Nations: Trusteeship and non-self-governing territories: South-West Africa question), 14, 479, 484, 488–489, 560–562, 566, 571, 573
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. see Soviet Union.
- United Airlines, 945
- United Fruit Company, 806, 831, 870, 873, 880–884, 887–899, 902, 911–912
- United Kingdom (see also British and United Kingdom subheadings under individual subjects): British Commonwealth, relationship to, 629–630; territorial sea, extent of, 864; U.N. Economic and Social Council, member of, 11, 106–107; U.N. Security Council, permanent member of, 118; U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 119; U.S. policy toward, 599, 629
- United Nations:
- Administrative Committee on Coordination, 388–389
- Armaments, conventional, regulation and reduction of (see also under General Assembly, infra and Security Council, infra), 375–376, 380, 392
- Armed forces for the Security Council under Article 43 of the Charter, 35–36, 45, 329, 333, 336, 342, 346, 353, 368–369, 376, 380–381, 392, 395
- Atomic energy, international control of (see also under General Assembly and Security Council, infra), 375, 386, 392–393
- Atomic Energy Commission, 2, 34, 375
- Atomic weapons, proposed prohibition of (see also under General Assembly, infra), 380, 386, 388
- Budget, U.S. share of, 42, 90–92, 103–104
- Charter. see under Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc.
- Commission on Conventional Armaments, 2, 35, 192, 194
- Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, 42, 51, 53, 81–85, 207
- Economic and Social Council:
- Chinese representation, 197, 226, 245–246, 267
- Commissions and subcommissions, 282, 579
- Economic development plans, 39
- Freedom of information and the press, 60, 528, 532–537
- Human rights questions, 509–512, 513n , 515, 517–518, 520–521, 522n
- Nongovernmental organizations, representation of, 64–71, 77–78
- Refugees and stateless persons, 540–545, 547, 549–550
- Report, 575, 578
- Representation, principles of, 285
- Soviet boycott, 197–198, 226
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, 674, 684
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, 577
- U.S. representative, 2
- General Assembly:
- Agenda, 11, 14, 17, 19–21, 81, 125, 129, 134, 172, 182n , 270, 277, 280, 282, 286, 288–289, 296n , 297–298, 300–301, 318, 343, 350, 389, 391n , 392–393, 418–419, 502, 516, 518, 525, 531, 543–545, 552n , 557, 561, 571, 576
- Aggression, proposals for prevention of, 17–18, 315–316, 318–323, 325–332, 334, 336–337, 340–341, 345, 347, 352, 358, 360, 362–366, 368, 393–395, 397n , 398, 401, 405, 410, 414, 417, 419–420, 423–424, 426, 430–433
- Arab League participation, proposed, 21, 286
- Armaments, conventional, regulation and reduction of, 18, 34–35, 45, 394–395, 398, 405, 407, 414–416, 420, 423–424
- Atomic energy, international control of, 34–35, 375, 413–414, 420, 424
- Soviet position, 35, 400
- U.S. position, 44–45, 394, 403, 405, 407, 410, 415–416, 423
- Atomic weapons, proposed prohibition of 34–35, 398, 405, 407, 410, 412–416, 424
- Budget allocations, 90–92
- Chinese representation, question of, 188–189, 193, 195, 203–204, 206, 208, 210, 223, 257–260, 262, 268–269
- Canadian resolution as amended by Australia, 301–302
- Credentials Committee: Activities and hearings, 276–277, 279, 296–298; selection and appointment of, 264–266, 268, 275–277; U.S. position regarding, 264–266, 268
- Indian resolution, 292–293, 295–297, 301, 302n
- People’s Republic of China delegation, possibility of arrival of and question regarding hearing of, 275–276, 279, 292–294, 300
- People’s Republic of China requests for recognition, 197, 267–268, 275, 289
- Recognition of the representation of a member state, Cuban proposal on, 280–286, 288–289, 291–292, 294, 297, 300–301
- Resolution concerning, Sept. 19, 1950, 301–302
- Soviet position, 270, 275, 297, 302n
- Soviet resolutions, 297, 302n
- Special Committee on the representation of China, 301–302
- U.S. position, 17, 38, 257–258, 269–301, 394, 850
- Committee elections, 121–124
- Committees:
- Ad Hoc Committee on Refugees and Stateless Persons, 544n , 546
- Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and related problems, 543–544
- Ad Hoc Political Committee, 95, 122–123, 127, 182, 225, 285n , 452–453, 559, 563–564, 569–570, 573
- Contributions Committee, 92, 179–180, 185n
- Credentials Committee. see under Chinese representation, supra.
- General, 121–124, 277, 281, 286, 290, 297–298
- Interim Committee, 18, 21–22, 33, 195, 204, 208, 210, 282, 285, 312, 316–318, 323, 328–329, 332, 341–342, 349–350, 354, 380, 418, 421, 427, 430–431, 448
- Special Committee on information transmitted under Article 73(e) of the Charter, 19, 97, 434–435, 441, 445–454, 456–459, 469–476
- Special Committee on the representation of China, 301–302
- Committee I (Political and Security), 122–124, 172, 268, 277, 281–282, 287, 292, 294, 297, 359–361, 364, 367, 400, 410n , 425, 427n , 429, 430n , 433
- Committee II (Economic), 122
- Committee III (Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian), 79–80, 122, 510, 517, 519–526, 528–530, 533–536, 541n , 548–549, 557–558, 564, 575–582
- Committee IV (Trusteeship), 17, 64–65, 75, 122–123, 434–435, 437, 443–444, 450–452, 458, 467, 469–474, 476, 478, 485, 490–491, 492n , 495–496, 498–501, 503, 505n , 506, 508n , 559, 579–580
- Committee V (Administrative and Budgetary), 41, 83, 86, 124, 184, 578
- Committee VI (Legal), 124, 277, 281–282, 297, 581–582
- “Condemnation of Propaganda Against Peace” Resolution, Nov. 17, 1950, 425
- Contributions scale, 179–181, 184–185
- Country positions:
- Afghanistan, 522
- American Republics (Latin American countries, Latin American bloc), 11–12, 19, 44, 55, 87, 93–95, 97, 105, 107–108, 111, 117, 122–124, 127, 148, 150–151, 158–160, 177, 241, 283, 286, 318, 351, 399, 430, 527, 534, 536, 576–577, 580–581, 598–599, 627, 629–630, 636, 640
- Arab League, 21, 98, 108–109, 116, 118, 128, 286
- Arab states, 44, 107, 111, 116–117, 164–165, 286, 344, 534, 536, 558
- Argentina, 492, 500, 502
- Asian states, 399
- Australia, 13, 19, 117, 122, 301, 302n , 412–413, 419, 424, 430, 502, 513n , 522n , 550, 557, 576, 580–581
- Belgium, 265, 403, 542, 544, 546, 549–551
- Benelux countries, 327, 356, 544, 580
- Bolivia, 425, 570
- Brazil, 11, 87, 96, 98, 108, 117–118, 127n , 160, 183n , 213, 265, 452, 507, 519n , 522, 570–571, 577, 764–765, 770
- British Commonwealth, 96–98, 106, 109, 117, 122, 149, 155, 356, 412, 435, 496, 530, 559, 561, 564, 580–581
- Burma, 262, 496, 502, 570
- Canada, 96, 122, 183n , 293, 301–302, 331, 344, 359, 403, 411–415, 419, 424, 429, 492, 500, 502, 522n , 542, 544, 546, 549–550, 576, 580–581
- Chile, 122, 360, 363–364, 425, 534–536
- China, 99, 113, 120, 370
- Colombia, 111, 828
- Costa Rica, 111, 402
- Cuba, 17, 108, 111, 265, 270, 280–286, 288–289, 291–292, 294, 297, 300–301, 403, 430, 529, 536, 850–851
- Czechoslovakia, 79
- Denmark, 96–98, 105, 108, 402, 492, 500, 502–503, 507–508, 521, 570
- Dominican Republic, 20, 97–98, 109, 119, 182n , 402, 492, 500, 570
- Eastern Europe. see Soviet bloc, infra.
- Ecuador, 111, 283, 302n , 403, 570
- Egypt, 21, 98, 106, 108–109, 119, 318, 362–363, 425, 452, 500, 536, 550
- El Salvador, 111, 183n , 503
- Far Eastern countries, 122–123, 579
- France, 9–10, 39, 43, 77, 89–90, 93, 123, 291–292, 319–320, 322, 327n , 330, 337–338, 340, 346, 351, 354, 359, 370, 399, 402–403, 413, 420, 424–425, 429, 432, 513, 521, 524n , 526n , 527–529, 536, 542, 545, 549–551, 558, 577, 580
- Greece, 177, 362, 425
- Guatemala, 111, 907
- Haiti, 111, 403
- Honduras, 177, 402
- India, 64, 117, 262, 266, 286, 292–293, 295–297, 301, 302n , 334–335, 344–345, 356–357, 399, 402–403, 413, 419–420, 424–425, 452, 492, 494, 496, 500, 527–528, 534, 550, 558–565, 568, 570–572, 581
- Indonesia, 570
- Iran, 95, 265
- Iraq, 302n , 359–361, 369–370, 500, 502–503, 550, 558, 570, 581
- Israel, 14–15, 365–366, 549–550
- Jordan, 14–15
- Lebanon, 108, 110–112, 116, 127, 128n , 165, 361–362, 413–414, 418, 420, 422, 424–425, 433n , 528–530, 535–537, 550, 558
- Liberia, 403
- Luxembourg, 403, 551
- Mexico, 77, 122–123, 153–154, 302n , 370, 413, 420, 424–425, 452, 528–529, 558, 563, 570, 581
- Near and Middle East countries, 89, 93–95, 106–107, 111, 118, 120, 122, 527, 576–577, 579, 581
- Netherlands, 105, 108, 117–118, 127n , 403, 413–414, 420, 425–426, 480, 536, 551
- New Zealand, 492, 500
- Nicaragua, 111, 283
- Norway, 266, 402, 502–503, 551, 570
- Pakistan, 93, 97–98, 178n , 220, 529, 550, 559–563, 571, 581
- Panama, 402
- Paraguay, 111, 403
- Peru, 111, 182n , 362, 403, 502–503, 507
- Philippines, 97–98, 106, 108–109, 117, 119, 126n , 183n , 302n , 359, 452, 492, 494, 500, 502, 513, 521, 570
- Poland, 77, 126n , 302n , 558n
- Saudi Arabia, 522, 535
- Scandinavian countries, 530, 576
- Soviet bloc, 15, 98, 105–108, 122, 124, 126, 179, 266, 289, 425, 454, 459, 470, 513, 524, 550, 558, 579
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet Peace Propaganda Plan under General Assembly, infra), 14–15, 18, 44, 78, 97, 100, 108, 119–120, 126n , 179, 183–185, 265, 270, 275, 297, 302n , 312, 359–361, 368–369, 380–381, 384, 396, 429–432, 452, 508n , 513, 534, 579
- Sweden, 98, 106–108, 119, 126, 183n , 403, 432, 452, 570
- Syria, 21, 183n , 359–361, 369–370, 403, 507–508, 521, 558
- Thailand, 97–98, 109, 119, 262, 492, 496, 500, 502–503, 507–508
- Turkey, 89, 96, 98, 108, 110–111, 116–118, 124, 127–128, 359, 519n , 522, 549, 577
- Union of South Africa (see also South West Africa question under General Assembly, infra), 64, 265, 356, 420, 550, 559–564, 568, 571–572
- United Kingdom, 19, 39, 43–44, 86, 89, 92–93, 96–98, 106–109, 117, 119, 123, 126, 291–292, 320–327, 330–331, 338–340, 343–344, 351, 354–356, 358–359, 370, 390, 406, 411–414, 416, 419–420, 424–429, 432, 476, 480–481, 483, 494, 496–497, 499–502, 513, 517, 524, 529, 542, 544, 546, 549–550, 555–557, 561, 576, 580–581
- United States (see also under Chinese representation, Human Rights covenant, and “Uniting for Peace” Resolution under General Assembly, infra), 11–17, 19–20, 34–35, 39, 44–45, 81–90, 94–98, 112–119, 121–124, 127–128, 177–181, 182n , 184–185, 264–266, 268, 286, 371, 384–386, 389–405, 407–411, 413–416, 419–420, 423, 425, 429, 431–432, 519–580, 582
- Uruguay, 98, 106, 108, 111, 119, 126n , 265, 359, 508, 570
- Venezuela, 111, 122, 362, 452, 503, 549–550
- Western Europe, 12, 97, 105–107, 122–123, 496, 530, 545, 558n , 580–581
- Yugoslavia, 44, 225, 266, 334, 361, 410–412, 416–419, 421–423, 426–433, 522n , 550
- Economic and Social Council, elections to the: Area or regional representation, 107–108, 126; candidates, 98, 106–109, 119, 126; elections, 11, 97–98, 119, 126
- Economic development, 39
- Eritrea, disposition of former Italian colony of, 21–22
- Essentials of Peace Resolution, Dec. 1, 1949, 34, 44, 328, 331, 340, 361, 397–398, 400–401, 403, 405, 407–409, 414, 416, 423
- Formosa question, 292
- Freedom of Information Convention, 17, 523–537, 575, 577, 580
- Greek question, 15–16, 286, 293, 326, 372, 381
- Human rights, 392–393, 395, 398, 410, 509n , 510–511, 513n , 515–516, 518–523, 559, 562, 569
- Human Rights Commission, 509n , 510–517, 519–521, 525–526, 528, 531, 567–568
- Human Rights covenant (draft), 16–17, 40, 509n , 511–513, 519–520, 523, 525–526, 529; U.S. position regarding, 509–518, 521–522, 527–528, 530–532, 537, 546, 565–567, 575–580
- Human Rights Declaration, 1948, 14, 40, 377, 405, 407, 513n , 516, 518, 520, 548, 559–563, 571
- Human rights in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, observance of, 12, 37, 565
- Indians in the Union of South Africa, treatment of, 13–14, 286, 476, 484, 494, 501, 559–575
- Indonesian question, 372
- International peace and security, maintenance of, 32–33, 45, 315–316, 322, 328, 331–333, 336–341, 343, 346–349, 357, 360–361, 368, 412, 428
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 33, 293, 436
- Jerusalem, Statute for, 14–15, 44, 217, 280, 828
- Korea. see North Korean aggression against Republic of Korea, infra.
- Libyan-Egyptian frontier, adjustment of, 21, 286
- Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan, 19, 170, 371–396
- Membership question, 37, 100–101, 179, 181–183, 215–217, 225
- Newsgathering convention, development of, 524, 526–527, 529
- North Korean aggression against Republic of Korea, 11, 16–17, 23, 33, 45, 113, 130, 139–140, 145–146, 149–151, 159–160, 268–269, 274, 281, 286, 288, 290, 292–293, 300, 304, 315, 321–322, 327, 334–337, 351–353, 355–356, 365, 372, 392, 394, 397, 400, 405–410, 412, 431, 476n , 479, 483–484, 488–489, 640, 850, 907–909, 920; Resolution concerning, 426
- Organization of American States, observer from, 21
- Palestine question, 33, 579
- “Peace Through Deeds” Resolution, Nov. 17, 1950, 425
- Permanent Commission of Good Offices, Resolution concerning establishment of, 433
- President:
- Prisoners of war, failure of the Soviet Union to repatriate: Ad Hoc Commission, 557–558; Resolution, 558n ; U.S. position, 19–20, 550–558, 575–576, 578–580
- Refugee questions:
- Rights and duties of states, draft declaration on the, 16
- Secretary-General: Reappointment of, 87–89, 98–102, 112–116, 119–120, 125–126, 128–137, 140–141, 147, 150, 154, 166–168, 170–171, 176–177; Resolution, 177–178
- Security Council elections, 11,
87, 127–128
- Area representation: Arab League, 108, 116, 118, 128; Latin America, 87, 107–108; Near and Middle East, 89, 107, 111, 118, 128; Soviet bloc, 107
- Candidates: Brazil 11, 87, 96, 98, 108, 117–118, 127n ; Denmark, 96–98, 105, 108; Lebanon, 108, 110–112, 116, 127, 128n ; Netherlands, 105, 108, 117–118, 127n ; Turkey, 89, 96, 98, 108, 110–111, 116–118, 124, 127–128
- Security Council voting procedures, 187
- Somaliland, draft trusteeship agreement for former Italian, 15
- South-West Africa question, 64, 475–477, 479–482, 484–491, 493–498, 500, 502–503, 506–508; Resolution concerning, 507–508
- Soviet Peace Propaganda Plan, 371, 391n , 392–393, 396–398, 402–403, 421, 425–426; U.S. counter-proposals, 396–405, 407–411, 413–416, 419–420, 423, 425
- Spanish question, 20–21, 182, 217, 227, 286, 850
- Stateless persons, draft protocol relating to, 543–545, 547–549, 550n
- Statelessness, draft resolution concerning the elimination of, 543–545, 547, 550n
- Taxation, double, of U.N. staff members, resolution concerning, 81–86
- Trusteeship Council elections, 12, 19, 97–98, 109, 119
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, U.S. support for, 39, 575–577, 579–580, 582
- U.S. consultations with other members, 6–8, 9–10
- U.S. Delegation: Appointment of, 22, 24–28; briefing sessions, 516–518; decisions of, 408, 410–411, 502–503, 573–574; meetings of, 72–74, 77–78, 84–86, 125–126, 129–136, 172–175, 269–274, 291–295, 343–344, 350–356, 416–419, 498–501, 531–533, 564–569
- U.S. policy regarding, 6–8, 10–24
- “Uniting for Peace” Resolution, development of and
negotiations concerning, 172,
176, 303–370
- Amendments, proposed, 361–364
- British position, 320–327, 330–331, 338–340, 343–344, 351, 354–356, 358–359, 370
- Canadian position, 331, 344, 359
- Chilean proposal, 360
- Collective measures committee, proposed, 329–330, 333, 336, 342–343, 360, 362–363, 367n , 368
- Cosponsors of U.S. resolution, 359–360, 364, 367–368
- French position, 319–320, 322, 327n , 330, 337–338, 340, 346, 351, 354, 359, 370, 399
- Indian position, 334–335, 344–345, 356–357, 399, 402
- Iraq-Syrian draft resolution, 359–361, 369–370
- Peace Observation Commission, 316–318, 321, 323, 329–330, 332, 334–337, 341–342, 349–350, 360, 362–363, 367, 418–419, 421, 430, 433
- Resolution adopted, 360–361, 367, 416, 418, 421–422, 426–427, 430
- Seven-Power resolution, 359–361, 369
- Soviet draft resolutions, 359–361, 368–369
- U.N. military adviser, 329–330, 333–334, 336, 338, 342–344
- U.N. military experts panel, 359
- U.N. unit in armed forces of member states, 321, 323, 325, 329–330, 333, 335–338, 342, 344, 346–348, 350–354, 356, 358, 362
- U.S. proposals, drafts, and negotiations concerning, 303n , 315–318, 320–337, 339–359, 361–370, 393, 397n , 399–403, 404n , 405, 407–410, 416, 418, 421, 628, 635
- Vice presidents, 122–123, 277
- Warmongering resolution, 397
- Yugoslav peace proposals, 410, 416–419, 421–423, 426–433
- Genocide convention, questions regarding ratification of, 378, 518, 519n , 565, 574
- Headquarters agreement between the United States and the United
Nations, problems arising under the, 42,
- Internal Security Act of 1950, effect of the, 75–79
- Kyriazidis case, 55–63
- Laissez-passer, use by U.N. officials who are American citizens, 51–54, 81
- Restrictions on travel of Soviet bloc representatives, 54–55
- Visas, problems concerning issuance of, 46–51, 53–54
- Visas for representatives of nongovernmental organizations to attend meetings of the General Assembly, 63–75, 77–90
- International law, development, and codification of, 378, 392–393, 395
- International Law Commission, 16, 43, 432, 433n
- League of Nations, assumption of political functions or powers of, 497n
- Membership questions (see also under General Assembly, supra and under Security Council, infra), 37–38, 376, 389, 392–393, 395
- Military Staff Committee, 2–3, 36, 325, 354, 368
- People’s Republic of China representatives: Restrictions on travel, proposed, 55; visas, question regarding issuance of, 46–49
- Reorganization, proposals for, 3–6, 8–9, 104
- Secretary-General (see also Lie, Trygve), 11, 14, 16, 19, 41, 52, 55, 57–60, 62, 70–71, 73, 77n , 79–80, 83–85, 87–89, 98–102, 112–116, 119–121, 125–126, 128–138, 141–177, 185n , 200, 226, 267, 275, 279, 306, 308, 313, 316–318, 321, 328–330, 332–333, 341–343, 353, 362, 371n , 375, 380, 387, 422, 428, 430, 433, 435n , 446, 537n , 541, 543, 548, 550n , 557–558, 570–571, 577
- Security Council:
- Aggression, proposals for prevention of, 18, 45, 303–370, 376, 433
- Armaments, conventional, regulation and reduction of, 192, 194–195, 229
- Armed forces for the Security Council under Article 43 of the Charter, 35–36
- Atomic energy, international control of, 229, 232, 235–236, 242, 375
- Bacteriological weapons, proposed international control of, 229
- Berlin question, 828
- British position (see also under Chinese representation, infra), 136, 143; 148, 152–153, 155–156, 167, 170, 179n , 187n , 255, 305, 307n , 308–309, 312–315, 317, 382
- Chinese (Nationalist) position, 138, 145–147, 156–157, 166, 170, 178n , 187–190, 194–195, 245, 270, 293–294, 305, 312
- Chinese representation:
- British position, 188–189, 192–196, 203–204, 208–209, 212, 214–215, 219–220, 226, 242, 245–246, 248–249, 254–256, 259–264, 273
- Chinese (Nationalist) position, 187–189, 194–195, 245, 270, 293–294
- Cuban position, 192, 212, 234, 240
- Ecuadoran position, 192, 212, 228, 234, 238–241
- Egyptian position, 204, 238, 240–241
- French position 188, 212–214, 219, 221, 226–227, 234, 240, 248–249, 250n , 252n
- Indian position, 192–195, 204, 208–210, 212, 217, 220, 247–248, 255, 259–260, 262, 264, 273
- Norwegian position, 212–213, 248–249, 253
- People’s Republic of China position, 189–190, 197, 200–201, 212, 226, 267, 294–295
- Soviet position, 192, 194–195, 211–212, 230, 248–249, 251–252, 254, 257, 382
- Soviet resolution, 190–192, 194–195, 238–239, 253
- Soviet walk-out and boycott, 190n , 195n , 197–199, 201–202, 205–206, 208, 210–212, 216–228, 231n , 233–234, 242, 244, 269, 306n , 322, 327, 371n , 372, 382–384, 394; return to Security Council, 248, 251n , 254–255, 306, 309, 311, 314, 357
- U.S. policy and position, 186–187, 191–195, 202–210, 218–219, 223–224, 228, 230, 233–235, 237–253, 256–257, 262–263, 269–271, 289–290, 294, 384
- Yugoslav position, 137–138, 196–197, 199, 211, 225–226
- Commission of investigation and observation, proposed, 303–315, 317
- Committee of Experts, 203, 207–210, 216
- Cuban position, 138, 142–143, 147n , 150–152, 154–156, 160, 166, 173–174, 187n , 192, 212, 234, 240, 312, 851
- Ecuadoran position, 138, 142–144, 146, 147n , 150, 152, 156, 160, 162, 167, 173–174, 187n , 192, 212, 228, 234, 238–241, 312
- Egyptian position, 138, 144, 146, 152, 170, 173, 178n , 187n , 204, 238, 240–241, 246, 306, 309, 312
- French position (see also under Chinese representation, supra), 137–138, 142, 145, 148, 152, 155–158, 160–161, 166, 168–169, 173–175, 187n , 305, 307n , 308–309, 311–313, 317, 382
- Hydrogen bomb, 229
- Indian position (see also under Chinese representation, supra), 137–138, 142–156, 169–170, 178n , 187n , 246, 305–306, 308–310, 312–313, 317, 354
- Indonesian question, 31, 45
- International peace and security, maintenance of, 304–308, 316, 325–326, 328, 331–332, 336, 338–343, 346–349, 354, 357, 359, 361, 366, 368–369, 412–413, 418, 428, 555
- Iranian question, 31, 45
- Kashmir dispute, 31, 220, 224
- Korean question, 33, 38, 144, 146, 163–164, 167–169, 171–173, 178n , 245–247, 250–253, 255–256, 258–259, 263, 270, 303n , 305, 309, 311, 313, 322, 354
- Lie Twenty-Year Peace Plan, 389
- Membership questions, 37–38, 43, 100–101, 178–179, 181, 182n , 183, 201, 215–216, 219–220, 224
- Norwegian position, 136, 138, 144–146, 152, 155–156, 187n , 212–213, 248–249, 253, 307n , 308–310, 312–313, 317
- Organization of American States, actions of, 643
- Palestine Question, 31, 45, 144, 146, 828
- Secretary-General, reappointment of, 87–89, 100, 112–114, 116, 120, 129–177, 178n
- South-West Africa question, 484
- Soviet position (see also under Chinese representation, supra), 36, 136–145, 147–152, 154, 156, 159, 163–170, 176, 178n , 187n , 272, 311–312, 315, 323, 365, 381, 384
- Special meeting of the Security Council with Foreign Ministers as representatives, Lie proposal for, 229–233, 235–237, 374–375, 381–382, 384, 392, 394
- Trusteeship for strategic areas, 462, 465
- U.S. policy toward, 31–32
- U.S. position (see also under Chinese representation and Membership questions, supra), 136–139, 146–152, 155–156, 158–165, 168–175, 178–179, 187n , 231–233, 235–237, 253, 384, 394
- Veto question, 3, 32–33, 38, 43, 45, 88, 112, 120, 130, 132, 137, 142, 157–161, 163–164, 167–175, 186–188, 191, 194–195, 206, 211, 216, 222, 224, 235, 239, 242, 246–247, 252–253, 256, 258, 270, 272, 278, 290, 307, 309–310, 312, 316–317, 319–320, 322–323, 324n , 325–326, 328, 335–336, 341, 348–349, 354–355, 357–358, 368, 375, 380, 394
- Vetoes, 18, 32, 37–38, 105, 154, 159, 170, 173, 201, 226, 326
- Voting procedure, 309, 314n
- Yugoslav delegation, seating of, 188, 196–197, 206, 211, 357
- Yugoslav position, 137–138, 152, 156, 167, 187n , 188, 190, 196–197, 199, 211, 225–226, 306, 309, 312
- Self-defense under Article 51, inherent right of individual or collective, 37, 337, 345, 348, 374
- Soviet policy toward, 9, 32, 43–44, 104, 113, 206, 210–211, 221–222, 448
- Soviet withdrawal from, possibility of, 206, 210–211, 217–218, 220, 222, 224, 227–228, 234, 289, 345, 356–357, 365
- Specialized agencies, 38–39, 42–43, 46, 66, 73, 90–92, 103–104, 377, 381, 383, 388–389, 395, 406, 409, 443, 451, 513n , 520, 577, 636
- Tax equalization proposals, 81–86
- Technical assistance, 39, 376–377, 392, 395, 680
- Trusteeship agreements, 461–462, 464–465, 488, 495, 504, 506
- Trusteeship and non-self-governing territories,
matters concerning, 434–508
[Page 1085]
- Administering states, 434–436, 442, 446–452, 457–471, 473n , 478–479, 484, 491, 521, 579
- Australian position, 452–453, 456
- Australian trust territories (Nauru, New Guinea), 446n , 452
- Belgian trust territories (Ruanda-Urundi), 446n , 452
- British trust territories (British Cameroons, Tanganyika, and British Togoland), 442, 452, 461
- Danish position, 446n , 452–453, 456
- Egyptian position, 454, 459
- French trust territories (Cameroons, French Togoland), 446n , 452
- Indian position, 454
- Netherlands position, 446n , 452–453, 456
- New Zealand position, 453, 456
- New Zealand trust territories (Nauru, Western Samoa), 446n , 452
- Non-administering states (elected), 435, 446–447, 449–452, 454–455, 464–471, 478, 484, 513
- Non-self-governing territories, 40–41, 448–453, 455–460, 468–479, 512, 522n , 579
- Political information in non-self-governing territories, submission of reports on, 452–460, 468
- South-West Africa question (see also under General Assembly, supra):
- Soviet position, 452–454, 459, 470
- Trust territories, 448, 450, 461–465, 467, 501, 512, 522n
- U.S. trust territory (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands), 446n , 452, 463
- Washington conversations (United States separately with
United Kingdom, France, and Belgium), July
5–7, 11–13, 17–18, 1950, 434–474
- Belgian position, 434–436, 438–442, 444, 447–450, 452, 455–458, 460–462, 464, 466–467, 469, 472–473
- British position, 434–439, 441–444, 447–448, 450, 452, 455–458, 460–462, 464, 466–470, 473–474
- French position, 434–439, 442, 444, 447–448, 450, 452–453, 455–458, 460–462, 464, 466–469, 472–474
- U.S. position, 434–437, 439–473
- Trusteeship Council:
- Functions of, 447, 461–468
- Jerusalem question, 14–15, 463
- Meetings, 437, 444, 463–464, 470–471, 473–474, 579
- People’s Republic of China request for representation, 267
- Representation, principles of, 285
- Somaliland, draft trusteeship agreement for former Italian, 15
- South West Africa question, 475–476, 478–479, 484–485, 487–488
- Soviet walk-out, 226
- Trust territories, flying of U.N. flag over, 464
- U.S. policy toward, 196–198, 213
- U.S. representative, 2
- Visiting missions, 463
- U.S. Mission: Consultations with other delegations, 7; designation of, 1–3
- U.S. policy toward the, 4–6, 8, 29–46, 218
- United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan, 828
- United Nations Commission on Eritrea, 21, 484
- United Nations Commission on Korea, 303, 305, 308, 336
- United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information, Mar. 23–Apr. 21, 1948, 524
- United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, Apr. 25–June 26, 1945, 211n , 441–442, 445, 452, 455, 468, 488, 491, 569n
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Habana, Nov. 1947–Mar. 1948, 381n
- United Nations Correspondents Association, 58, 60, 78
- United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), 283, 674, 683
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), 674, 683
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), 673–675, 682–686
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 90–91, 381, 388, 527–528
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. see under United Nations: General Assembly.
- United Nations Liaison Committee of the U.S. Department of State, 96–98, 264n
- United Nations Participation Act of 1945, 1–2
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 539
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNPRA), 39–40
- United Nations Relief for Palestinian Refugees, 39
- United Nations Special Commission on the Balkans (UNSCOB), 15–16
- United Nations Sub-Commission on Freedom of Information and of the Press, 60
- United States Employment Service, 955–956
- United States Federal Maritime Board, 796–797, 1022–1024
- United States Maritime Commission, 787n , 788, 811
- United States Steel Company, 762n , 1031
- Universal Postal Union, 38, 103, 388
- Urdaneta Arbelaez, Roberto, 122
- Urriolagoitia, Mamerto, 754n , 755
- Uruguay (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions): Argentina, relations with, 596–597, 1013–1014, 1016–1017; Brazil, relations with, 1017; Communist activities, 1010–1012, 1017, 1021; Export-Import Bank loan, 1015; general agreement on tariffs and trade, attitude toward, 1016; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, 1015; Paraguay, relations with, 1017; Peruvian attitude toward, 997; political situation, 592, 1014; Soviet Union, relations with, 1017; treaty of friendship, commerce, and economic development with the United States, 1949, 595, 611, 677, 702, 814, 1013, 1016, 1018; United Kingdom, relations with, 1017; United Nation Economic Commission for Latin America, policy toward, 682, 685; U.S. Air Force Mission, agreement concerning establishment of, 1951, 1013n ; U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 1008–1018; Venezuela, relations with, 1037
- Valverte, Roberto, 993
- Van Bootzelaer, Baron C. W., 105
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 730n , 836
- Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 1009n , 1041
- Vandenberg Resolution. see under Congress, U.S.
- Van Laethem, Gabriel, 472n
- Van Zeeland, Paul, 438–439
- Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, 713–714, 759–760, 769, 770n
- Vaughan, Maj. Gen. Harry H., 928
- Venezuela (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly: Country
- Agreement with the United States respecting a U.S. Naval Mission, Aug. 23, 1950, 671
- Arms purchases, 597, 1036–1037, 1040–1041
- Belgium, arms purchases from, 1037
- Brazil, relations with, 1038
- Chile, relations with, 1037
- Civil air transport agreement with the United States, 1948, nonratification of, 1033
- Colombia, relations with, 826–827, 1038
- Communist activities, 1021, 1029–1030, 1037–1040
- Cuba, relations with, 849–850, 1037
- Czechoslovakia, arms purchases from, 1037
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 1037
- Economic agreement of Bogotá, policy toward, 677–678
- Ecuador, relations with, 1038
- Export-Import Bank loan, 1021n , 1034
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, policy toward, 1032
- Gran Colombiana Merchant Marine, 826, 859, 1020, 1024n , 1032, 1038
- Gran Colombiana relationship, 826–827, 861, 1038
- Guatemala, relations with, 1037
- Haiti, relations with, 934, 1038
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, ratification of, 1036
- Iron Mines Company, 1031
- Iron ore reserves, development of, 1031, 1044
- Lend-lease settlement, negotiations concerning, 1036
- Mexico, relations with, 1037
- Netherlands West Indies, policy toward, 1038
- Oil, Venezuelan, negotiations concerning U.S. customs duties on, 942–943, 948, 1028–1029, 1032, 1039–1049
- Orinoco Mining Company, 1031
- Panama, relations with, 978
- Petroleum industry, development of, 938, 951–952, 1025–1029, 1044–1045
- Political situation, 591–592, 1029–1030, 1034–1035
- Shipping problems, 1019–1020, 1022–1024, 1032, 1039
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1038
- Trade, reciprocal, agreement with the United States, negotiations concerning, 949n , 1028–1029, 1032, 1039, 1042–1049
- United Kingdom, relations with, 1027–1028, 1037–1038
- U.N. General Assembly Special Committee on Information, 19
- U.S. Army, Air Force, and Naval Missions, 1036–1037, 1040
- U.S. military assistance, 1036–1037, 1040–1041
- U.S. political and economic relations with, 626, 1019–1049
- U.S. technical assistance, 1033–1034
- Uruguay, relations with, 1037
- Venezuela Navigation Company, competition of, 1019–1020, 1024n , 1032
- Vergara, Roberto, 799
- Vial, Carlos, 784–785, 787
- Viau, Alfred, 656
- Vidal, Jorge, 791n
- Vietnam, 234
- Vietnam Democratic Government, 213–214, 221
- Villa Gomez, 746, 747n
- Villard, Henry S., 26, 337
- Viteri-Lafronte, Homero, 240–241
- Voice of America, 532–534, 575–576
- Vyshinski, Andrei Yanuaryevich 123, 125, 129–130, 140, 148, 196, 206–207, 266, 290, 296–297, 379, 382, 387, 398, 400, 402–403
- Wainhouse, David W., 26, 124–125, 253
- Walker, Michael, 117
- Walker, William W., 1009n , 1010
- Walstrom, Joe D., 695, 740, 743
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince, 74–75, 122–124, 497, 502
- Wang Chia-hsiang, 383
- War, possibility of, 206, 211, 213, 221–222, 273, 308, 310, 349, 352–353, 361, 373, 400, 419, 599–600, 604, 609, 622, 727, 1030–1031
- Warren, Fletcher, 734, 739, 742, 754n , 1012
- Warren, George L., 541n , 549
- Watts, Phil, 637
- Waynick, Capus M., 681
- Webb, Maurice, 709
- Webb, James E.: American Republics, U.S. policy toward, 625, 672, 690n ; Argentina, U.S. relations with, 704–705, 716–717; Brazil, U.S. relations with, 758n , 763, 765, 771; Chile, U.S. relations with, 788; Chinese representation in organs of the United Nations, 205, 207, 259, 285–287, 301; Colombia, U.S. relations with, 830–831; Guatemala, U.S. relations with, 897, 903, 908, 912–914, 919n ; Mexico, U.S. relations with, 940, 946n , 950, 951n , 953, 957–960, 963–968; Peru, U.S. relations with, 993–994; Soviet peace propaganda plan, 396–398, 403–404; U.N. General Assembly, matters concerning, 89, 94–95, 111, 123–124, 127–128; U.N. membership, 181; U.N. Secretary-General, reappointment of, 125; U.N. trusteeship and non-self-governing territories, matters concerning, 473n ; U.S. Mission to the United Nations, designation of, 1–2; “Uniting for Peace” Resolution, 335, 348–350, 356–359; Venezuela, U.S. relations, with, 1021
- Wellons, Alfred E., 26
- Wells, Henry B., 104
- Wells, Milton K., 866–867, 870–877, 884n , 887–891, 901, 903, 905–908, 910–912, 920–925, 927n , 931
- Western Airlines, 945
- Western Hemisphere, 168, 171–172
- Western Samoa, 446n
- Wheaton, H.C., 1010
- White, Ivan B., 681, 691–692, 709–711, 715, 735, 738n , 747, 749, 762n , 775–776, 778, 832, 846n , 961–963
- White, Lincoln, 877–878, 971
- Whiteman, Marjorie, 26, 926n
- Wiesman, Bernard, 973n
- Wigny, Pierre, 438
- Wilcox, Francis O., 26
- Wiley, Alexander, 885, 901
- Wilgress, L. Dana, 130
- Williams, Chester, 28
- Williams, William L. S., 334
- Willis, George H., 718
- Willoughby, Woodbury, 1046
- Wilson, Simon N., 96–97
- Wilson, Woodrow, 487, 606, 614
- Wilson Company, 693, 743
- Winfree, Robert M., 105, 472n
- Winslow, Richard S., 28, 253
- Woodward, Ellen S., 681
- World Committee of Defenders of Peace, 396
- World Federation of Trade Unions,. 65, 77, 865–866
- World Health Organization. 90–91, 381, 388, 693
- World Peace Congress, 396n
- Wrong, Hume, 583
- Ydígoras Fuentas, Gen. Miguel, 873, 922n
- Yemen, 37
- Yingling, Raymund T., 48n , 49–51
- Younger, Kenneth G., 343–344, 356, 369, 411–412, 420
- Yugoslavia (see also under United Nations: General Assembly: Country positions and Yugoslav subheadings [Page 1088] under United Nations: Security Council):
- Zafrullah Khan, Sir Muhammad, 12, 92–96, 109–110, 117, 122, 124–125, 563
- Zaghts, Oscar, 963–964
- Zarubin, Georgiy Nikolayevich, 430n , 433n
- Zephirin, Jean Jacques Mauclair, 659n
- Zilveti Arce, Pedro, 746n , 748n , 749n , 753–754
- Zinchenko, Constantin E. 211–214, 371n
- Zuleta Angel, Eduardo, 658, 814–816, 829n , 831–833, 998, 1001, 1006