
Memorandum of Conversation, by the United Nations Adviser, Bureau of European Affairs (Raynor)


Participants: Mr. Gerald Meade, British Embassy
G. Hayden Raynor, EUR

Mr. Meade called this afternoon at his request to inform me of the contents of a letter on the question of Council slates he had just received from the UN Department of the Foreign Office.

SC . The British agree to the slate of Turkey, Brazil and The Netherlands.

With respect to Brazil, however, they point out that they will pursue their usual policy and support the Latin American caucus selection although they would be very happy to see Brazil selected. The communication also indicated that the British have been informed by the Lebanese Chargé d’Affaires that Lebanon has been selected as the Arab League candidate. The Foreign Office is therefore apprehensive that this may mitigate against Turkey’s chances if the Arabs and Latin Americans should concert on this question. The Foreign Office hoped that we might be able to use our influence to prevent such a development.

In commenting on the Netherlands the Foreign Office pointed out that they understood Denmark was definitely not a candidate.

ECOSOC . On ECOSOC, the British intend to support the USSR and Sweden. They, of course, hope the UK will be reelected. The Foreign Office has no particular objection to Uruguay but feel their hands may be somewhat tied by a response made some time ago to an approach from Cuba. However, they will support the nominee of the Latin American caucus for this seat.

The Foreign Office expressed the view that it would be unwise to oppose the election of an Eastern European state to replace Poland feeling that the Russians should not be riled on such a minor issue when we would be faced with so many major disagreements with them during the Assembly.

The Foreign Office made a strong point against the candidacy of the Philippines and stated that they intend to vote for Egypt to replace [Page 109] Australia. They recognize that the Commonwealth is presently overrepresented on the Council but reserve their position in the event that Australia should indicate a desire for reelection. As to the Philippines, they feel she has had more than her share of positions and on the other hand, feels that the Arab League should be represented on ECOSOC. Furthermore, she feels that support for Egypt, despite her recent behavior, might be helpful to the UK in connection with other matters. The Foreign Office expressed the hope that we would reconsider on the matter of the Philippine candidacy. I replied that we were now committed to the Philippines and that while I did not want to ask that the Foreign Office reconsider it, I did think they should take into account the very definite interest of the Philippines in the Trusteeship Council and that should the Philippines not succeed in being elected to ECOSOC that she might become a candidate for reelection on the Trusteeship Council and might be able to develop considerable support.

Trusteeship Council. The British are in agreement to the slate of Thailand and the Dominican Republic.

G. H[ayden] R[aynor]