United States support of inter-American collective action for peaceful settlement of disputes, with particular reference to the Caribbean area 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. ii, pp. 437468.

[341] The Ambassador in Cuba (Butler) to the Secretary of State

637.39/1–2550: Telegram

[347] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Cuba

420.118/4–2650: Airgram

[351] The Ambassador in the Dominican Republic (Ackerman) to the Secretary of State

361/10–2650: Telegram

[352] The Ambassador in Cuba (Butler) to the Department of State


  1. This is the date of record. The date of the final draft is March 30. See footnotes 7 and 8 below for indications that Ambassador Daniels was operating under this instruction at meetings of the Council acting as Organ of Consultation held between April 3 and April 8.