310.5/6–150: telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


287. 1. In view FonMin’s agreement at London that Dels in NY shld discuss question whether there is any realistic and desirable alternative to Trygve Lie as SYG, Dept suggests you initiate talks with UK and Fr Dels this subject on basic position taken in document FM DF–5 (Apr 18).1

[Page 99]

2. Dept has noted alternative procedure suggested by Gross in letter to Hickerson May 32 in event of deadlock among Big Five. It is suggested that final determination re method of procedure in that event await result of consultations in NY on FonMins’ question.3

  1. See the draft position paper prepared in the Bureau of United Nations Affairs, April 18, p. 87.
  2. Not found in Department of State files.
  3. A September meeting of the three ministers in New York was projected for the week preceding the opening of the General Assembly.