Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt1


Former Naval Person to President. Personal and most secret. Number 456.

I have a new idea about “Eureka” which I have asked Anthony2 to try on UJ for subsequent submission to you if UJ agrees. There is a place in the desert which I now call Cyprus but whose real name is in my immediately following.3 This would be a much easier journey for you from Cairo than “Cairo Three” and very little longer for UJ. We could put up three encampments and live comfortably in perfect seclusion and security. I am going into details on the chance of agreement in the Trinity. See also meanwhile St. Mat[t]hew Chapter 17 Verse 4.4

  1. Apparently sent via military channels.
  2. Eden, who arrived at Moscow October 18, 1943, to attend the Conference of Foreign Ministers.
  3. The place referred to was Habbaniya, Iraq, about 50 miles west of Baghdad.
  4. The following footnote was typed on the source text by the White House Map Room: “St. Mat[t]hew Chapter 17 Verse 4.—‘Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.[’]”