Tehran Legation Files

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American Legation in Iran1


On this occasion when with the help of God Almighty this happiness and honor have come to this ancient land of Iran, our dear homeland, which is the place of conference of the august leaders of the three big allies of Iran, when one of the important events of history in this era happens in Iran for the solution of international difficulties and the establishment of permanent peace and tranquility and insurance of the future life2 of all of the nations of the world on the foundation of justice and equality which are the ideals of the United Nations, and on which the Atlantic Charter is based, it is a most suitable opportunity to bring to your knowledge the longings of the Iranian people.

The present condition of Iran, which has come to exist as a result of the efforts, pains and sacrifices of all the classes of this country for several years and which has been fully utilized by the allies3 for the promotion of the designs and speeding up of victory, necessitates that the Iranian Government and people should be certain that the allies will not refrain from lending Iran any kind of assistance at the present and in the future.

In view of the hearty desires and prominent and effective steps that Iran has taken in helping the allies Iran has shown in practice her desire that the war should come to an end as soon as possible with the victory of the allies.

Iran which by showing cordial and sincere cooperation in conformity with the tri-partite pact4 and by full collaboration with the allies shares5 in this victory and triumph, is positively certain that [Page 628] the allies would take into full consideration all the troubles and damages which have been inflicted on Iran through conditions of war.

In view of the tests of cordial cooperation and sincere collaboration shown during this period by the Iranian people and Government in all fields and stages, and in view of her efforts to insure allied victory and to eradicate cruelty and oppression from the world to an extent which has been above Iran’s ability and power, supporting as she did innumerable economic difficulties, and consequently by declaring war against Germany having won the full confidence of the allies, Iran expects that the allies would make a special effort in turning over the vital threads of the affairs of the country which are at present in their hands and in leaving to the military and security6 forces of Iran herself the maintenance of security in the country and safeguarding all the means of this work in order that existing trust and confidence may assume a practical shape.

The Iranian Government and people confidently hope that the written promises and oral assurances given by the Allies in regard to the integrity and full independence of Iran will be strengthened through moral and material help in all political and economic realms and that Iran may be able in this way to continue to play in the future the honorable role which she had in the past among the civilized countries of the world.

The Iranian Government and people, in consideration of this demonstration of sincerity and unity, give the assurance that in the same way that in the most difficult times of war they did not refrain from lending cordial cooperation and showing sincere friendship for a speedy Allied Victory, hereafter, too, they will continue this traditional policy in respective international questions and will fully cooperate with their Allies.

Now that the august leaders of the three big powers are staying in Iran, the Iranian Government and people expect that a communiqué7 will be issued substantiating the foregoing and, in this way, specifying once more the good will that they have repeatedly shown toward Iran orally and in writing.

Tehran, Azar 9, 1322 (December 1, 1943).

  1. This aide-mémoire was sent to Eden and Molotov, as well as to Dreyfus. See Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Tehran Conference, p. 28, where a somewhat different English version of the aide-mémoire (referred to hereafter as the “published version”) appears. The American Legation received a Persian-language text of the aide-mémoire and possibly also an accompanying English version. It is not clear from the Legation files whether the English version here reproduced is a translation made by the Legation or an English text received with the Persian text. Substantive differences between the English version reproduced here and the published version are indicated in footnotes.
  2. The phrase in the published version corresponding to “insurance of the future life” is “future security”.
  3. The phrase in the published version corresponding to “which has been fully utilized by the allies” is “which has been a great source of help to the Allies”.
  4. Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and Iran, signed January 29, 1942; Department of State Bulletin, vol. vi, March 21, 1942, p. 249.
  5. The phrase in the published version corresponding to the word “shares” is “considers herself entitled to a share”.
  6. The word in the published version corresponding to “security” is “civil”.
  7. The word in the published version corresponding to “communiqué” is “declaration”.