Bohlen Collection

President Roosevelt to Marshal Stalin1


Proposals Presented by United States Delegation at Moscow Conference

During the recent Moscow Conference the United States Delegation proposed that air bases be made available in the U. S. S. R. on which [Page 618] United States aircraft could be refueled, emergency repaired and rearmed in connection with shuttle bombing from the United Kingdom. It was also proposed that a more effective mutual interchange of weather information be implemented and that both signal and air communication between our two countries be improved.2

It was my understanding that the U. S. S. R. agreed to these proposals in principal [principle] and that appropriate Soviet authorities would be given instructions to meet with my Military Mission for the purpose of considering concrete measures which would be necessary to carry out the proposals.

I hope that it will be possible to work out these arrangements promptly.

  1. For references to this document in the Conference discussions, see ante, pp. 529, 596.
  2. See ante, p. 136.