121.861/157: Telegram
The Presidents Special Representative (Davies) to the President and the Secretary of State1
498. Personal and secret for the President and the Secretary only.
Ambassador Standley formally presented me to the Foreign Commissar2 at five o’clock yesterday afternoon who immediately arranged for a meeting with Stalin for nine o’clock the same evening. At that time Standley formally presented me to Stalin and then very generously suggested that in view of our old relationship he would leave me with Stalin and Molotov to present the President’s letter and for any discussions Stalin might desire. The letter was read to him by the interpreter and seemed to be favorably and cordially received. Stalin said he wished to see me within the next day or so for more definite reply. I spent two hours and a half with Stalin and Molotov in the most friendly atmosphere. Both inquired as to your health and were gratified to hear that you were so fit and strong.
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It is gratifying to have been received here in a friendly and cordial way and I feel that my trip has been definitely worth while and successful.