Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

President Roosevelt to Marshal Stalin1

operational priority

Personal and secret from the President to Marshal Stalin

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7. While this coming conference3 is a very good thing, I still hope that you and Mr. Churchill and I can meet as soon as possible. I personally could arrange to meet in a place as far as North Africa between November fifteenth and December fifteenth. I know you will understand that I cannot be away from Washington more than about twenty days because, under our Constitution, no one can sign for me when I am away.

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  1. Sent to the United States Naval Attaché Moscow, via Navy channels. The entire document is printed in Stalin’s Correspondence, vol. ii, p. 88.
  2. A notation on the source text indicates that this message was delivered to Stalin on September 6, 1943.
  3. Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, held at Moscow, October 18–November 1, 1943.