
The Acting Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray)1


Mr. Murray:

Subject: Today’s meeting with the President.

The following items from this meeting are sent to you either as of interest or on an action basis.

1. British Oil Discussions.

The President said he did not understand this problem and would appreciate it if we could prepare for him promptly a two-page memorandum [Page 156] outlining the whole Middle East oil situation so that he could have a complete understanding of it. He talked in terms of possibly creating a trusteeship in that territory with Russian, British and American representation, which could handle the problem. It is very important to get this memorandum2 to him promptly.

2. Politico-Strategic Pattern for French West Africa.

The President’s thinking on this matter, which he gave to Admiral Glassford before his departure, is along the line that the four powers should set up a commission for that area with representatives there for police purposes. Incidentally, he seems somewhat irritated with the attitude of de Gaulle and feels that we should exert influence to make the French behave.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Turkish matter.

Secret. I mentioned this to you in conversation.3

E[dward] S[tettinius]
  1. For additional excerpts from this memorandum, see ante, p. 66.
  2. Post, p. 162.
  3. No record has been found of the substance of this conversation.