Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt1


Number 501. Prime Minister to President Roosevelt personal.

There seems to have been a most unfortunate misunderstanding. I thought from your number 4102 that the British and American Staffs would have “many meetings” before being joined by the Russians or Chinese. But now I hear from Ambassador Clark Kerr that on the 9th November the United States Ambassador at Moscow delivered a message from you to Stalin inviting Monsieur Molotov to go to Cairo on November 22nd with a Military representative.3 November 22nd is, however, the first day on which the Staffs can meet. I ask therefore that the date of the arrival of Molotov and his Military representative shall be postponed till the 25th November at the earliest.
I am very glad to hear also from Ambassador Clark Kerr that you contemplate going on November 26th to Teheran. I rather wish you had been able to let me know direct.
  1. Channel of transmission not indicated.
  2. Ante, p. 66.
  3. Message of November 8, 1943; ante, p. 71.