Interest of the United States in the Arab-Israeli controversy over the future status of Palestine; armistice agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors; unsuccessful attempts to attain a final peace settlement in the area1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. v, Part 2, pp. 533 ff.
[851] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
501.BB. Palestine/7–1549: Telegram
[852] The Chargé in Jordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State
867N.01/7–2349: Telegram
[855] Major General John H. Hilldring to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2549
[856] Preliminary Draft Declaration by the Committee on Jerusalem of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine
IO Files, A/AC.25
[857] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram
[858] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram
[859] The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
501.BB Palestine/6–949: Telegram
[860] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram
[861] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel
767N.90D/7–2149: Telegram
[862] The Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland
501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram
[863] The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2749: Telegram
[864] The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Lausanne
501.BB Palestine/7–2049: Telegram
[865] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Rusk)
501.BB Palestine/7–2849
[866] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Rusk)
501.BB Palestine/7–2849
[867] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2849: Telegram
[868] The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2849: Telegram
[869] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–2849: Telegram
[870] The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Lausanne
501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram
[871] The Chargé in Jordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7—2849: Telegram
[872] Memorandum by Mr. John C. Ross to the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Rusk)
501.BB Palestine/7–2949
[874] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/7–3049: Telegram
[876] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/8–149: Telegram
[877] The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
867N.48/8–149: Telegram
[878] Mr. John C. Ross to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/8–149: Telegram
[879] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
501.BB Palestine/8–149: Telegram
[880] Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
501.BB Palestine/8–249: Telegram