Interest of the United States in the Arab-Israeli controversy over the future status of Palestine; armistice agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors; unsuccessful attempts to attain a final peace settlement in the area1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. v, Part 2, pp. 533 ff.

[1091] The Chargé in Jordan (Fritzlan) to the Secretary of State

867N.01/12–2949: Telegram

[1092] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–2949: Telegram

[1094] President Truman to King Abdullah Ibn el Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

867N.01/12–3049: Telegram

[1095] The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State

867N.01/12–3149: Telegram