501.BB Palestine/7–2749: Telegram
The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
495. Consul General strongly favours second alternative Deptel 304, July 22.1 Believe impossible present realistic plan providing for “effective UN control” without consideration matters listed Article 8 and in addition questions such as demarcation zones, means of access to holy places, status such sites as Jewish cemetery on Mount of Olives and permission Jews reside in Jewish quarters Old City. These points are of immediate practical concern to parties directly involved and recommendations with respect to them will vitally affect acceptability PCC proposals. Demarcation lines will also play major part in determining stability UN regime and certain Christian nations have great interest in exclusion their institutions from Jew zone. Feel decision on such fundamental and far reaching issues should be made by PCC and GA and not postponed by reference to Jerusalem authorities appointed by UN. Fear any failure at September GA reach definite decision re Jerusalem both as to nature international regime and on “practical” questions would seriously jeopardize hope for any form internationalization.
With refusal Israel to negotiate on basis Department proposal and expressed determination Sharett resist return Arab quarters, prospects agreement between parties or even start negotiations on major questions now remote. Only relatively short time remains before September GA and delay while waiting for agreement could prevent preparation PCC plan. Positions of Transjordan and Israel particularly on question delimitation zones now appear so diametrically opposed that imposed solution apparently inevitable. Also Department suggestion that zones be delimited on basis status quo November 29, 1947 will require imposition on Israel. Under circumstances decision by GA would have much more weight and chance of acceptance than one by UN Jerusalem authorities.
In view above Consul General suggests following procedure:
- 1.
- Continuation efforts to induce Israel negotiate with Transjordan on basis Department proposals. Agreement to maximum extent possible eminently desirable and negotiations could narrow zone within which PCC must make decision.
- 2.
- Elaboration on proposals by PCC Jerusalem subcommittee at same time and without waiting results Israel–Transjordan discussions.
This would assure readiness plan by September and any points agreed to by Transjordan and Israel could be incorporated. Jerusalem committee might wish return to Jerusalem or request representatives of member governments on spot to advance suggestions.
Sent Department 495, repeated Tel Aviv 81, Geneva 46, Amman 53.