501.BB Palestine/6–949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
390. Urtel 693, June 9.1 Dept assumes in light Israeli-Syrian armistice that Bunche will raise again at early date introduction into SC of res terminating functions of mediator and revoking clause of SC res of May 28 preventing import or export of war material into area.
Dept believes before deciding its position on lifting arms embargo it would be useful to confer with Bunche so that Dept may explore with him (1) considerations underlying introduction of his proposed res at this time rather than after current phase of work of PCC concluded; (2) whether he anticipates from his conversations with other SC members that lifting arms embargo will be in issue in SC and subject of sharp debate.
Accordingly, request you arrange early meeting at mutually acceptable time for Bunche, Ross and Wilkins in NY and that you request Bunche defer presentation res until we have had opportunity to discuss with him.