867N.48/8–149: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State


499. ConGen concurs fully with opinion expressed last paragraph Palun 255.1 Israel currently concentrating every effort consolidate holdover entire area now in its possession with particular emphasis on sections not allotted Israel by GA Resolution November 29. Ben-Gurion and Sharett personally encouraging settlement present border areas (ConGen airgram A–97, July 6)2 while movement new Jewish immigrants into former Arab sections Jerusalem progressing steadily. Israel press indicating desire avoid general discussion Palestine at September GA.

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Postponement beyond September GA of decision on repatriation of refugees, boundaries and international regime for Jerusalem will further jeopardize small chance now remaining for obtaining settlement in accord with UN Resolution, US policy and principles of justice and equity. Delay will provide Israel with additional opportunity consolidate her position and reinforce her argument that “turning back clock” impossible.

Contel 495, July 27 recommended presentation definite plan covering all aspects Jerusalem problem to September GA. Suggest report by PCC on overall situation with specific recommendations re refugees and boundaries might constitute best approach entire problem. Must reiterate view often expressed that Israel will not comply in substantial manner with either GA Resolution, US policy or principles of justice and equity unless US or UN willing employ forceful measures.

Sent Department repeated Geneva 47 for USDel PCC, London 33, Baghdad 46, Tel Aviv 83, Beirut 95, Damascus 52, Cairo 23, pouched Amman, Jidda.

  1. Dated July 29, from Lausanne, not printed; the last paragraph stated that the “Israelis here have stated their belief it unwise for PCC to deal with important problems involved in Palestine settlement in hurried atmosphere of working against GA deadline. I think, however, that PCC should use this deadline as pressure to induce parties take concrete steps forward and I also have growing impression that despite their assurances regarding desire for quick peace, Israelis are not sure GA might not adopt settlement plan they considered unfavorable and would not mind having further time to consolidate their situation in Palestine.” (501.BB Palestine/7–2949)
  2. Not printed.