501.BB Palestine/7–2649: Telegram

Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State


Palun 250. Present thinking USDel re Unpal 199, July 24 [22] as follows: If failing agreement at Lausanne PCC decides to make recommendations to fourth GA re over-all Palestine territorial settlement, would be appropriate include recommendation re demarcation Jerusalem as part Jerusalem proposals if parties have by then; failed agree in PCC.

If above decision not taken PCC could recommend as part of jerusalem proposals that parties reach agreement re demarcation: through mediation UN authority on basis status quo November 29.

USDel believes would be undesirable, so soon after establishment UN representative Jerusalem, to submit authority of latter to severe and perhaps fatal test involved in attempt to delimit zones without agreement parties. If parties failed reach agreement under mediation UN representative latter could still exercise authority on basis status quo and attempt strength position. In course time might bring parties to agree with him or recommend that UN call upon parties accept a specific demarcation.
