Preparation of the agenda

[141] No. 141
Prime Minister Churchill to President Truman

Leahy Papers: Telegram

[142] No. 142
President Truman to Prime Minister Churchill

Leahy Papers: Telegram

[143] No. 143
President Truman to Marshal Stalin

Truman Papers: Telegram

[145] No. 145
The Acting Secretary of State to the President

740.00119 E. W./5–2945

[149] No. 149
The President to the Ambassador in China (Hurley)

Truman Papers: Telegram

[150] No. 150
The President to the Acting Secretary of State

740.0011 EW (Peace)/6–945

[151] No. 151
Prime Minister Churchill to President Truman

Leahy Papers: Telegram

[152] No. 152
The Acting Secretary of State to the President

740.0011 E. W./6–1445

[153] No. 153
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

740.00119 PW/6–1545: Telegram

[156] No. 156
The Acting Secretary of State to the President


[157] No. 157
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State


[158] No. 158
The British Embassy to the Department of State


[159] No. 159
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State

740.00119 PW/6–1845

[160] No. 160
The Acting Secretary of State to the President

740.0011 E. W./6–1845

[161] No. 161
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

701.6174/6–1845: Telegram

[162] No. 162
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

740.00119 EW/6–1945: Telegram

[164] No. 164
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

740.0011 EW/6–2245: Telegram

[165] No. 165
Staff Committee Paper

Staff Committee Files

[166] No. 166
The Department of State to the British Embassy


[167] No. 167
The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Acting Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Italy)/6–2345: Telegram

[168] No. 168
President Truman to Marshal Stalin

740.00119 Control (Italy)/6–2345: Telegram

[170] No. 170
Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

  1. The signed original in the Truman Papers is so dated.