List of persons mentioned
Editor’s Note.—The identification of the persons in this list is limited to circumstances and positions under reference in the papers printed in this volume, and is for the year 1945 unless otherwise indicated. Unless there is indication to the contrary, titles and positions given are those held in or for the United States Government. Authors and journalists are not included in this list unless they are mentioned in the papers printed in some other capacity.
Persons whose names are preceded by an asterisk were present at Berlin or Babelsberg at some time during the course of the Berlin Conference.
In this list, names with diacritical marks (e. g., š) are alphabetized as if they were English names with no diacritical marks, rather than in the position which they would occupy if alphabetized in their original language. Likewise transliterations (e. g., Zh for the Russian ж) are alphabetized in English letter order.
- Abbott, George Manlove, First Secretary, American Embassy, Paris.
- ‘Abd-al-Hamid II , Sultan of Turkey, 1876–1909.
- ‘Abd-al-Majid , Sultan of Turkey, 1839–1861.
- * Abiba, Chief Steward Sotero, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Abramovitz, Moses, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Acheson, Dean, Assistant Secretary of State (for Congressional Relations).
- Acikalin, Cvat M., Secretary General, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- * Adams, Francis W. H., United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Adams, Ware, Office of the Political Adviser on Austrian Affairs to the Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater.
- al-. For names beginning al-, see the second element.
- Alexander II , Tsar of Russia, 1855–1881.
- * Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold, (British) Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean.
- * Allen, Denis, First Secretary, Northern Department, British Foreign Office.
- Allen, George E., Vice President, Home Insurance Company of New York.
- * Allen, George V., Deputy Director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State.
- * Anamosa, Chief Warrant Officer Harold D., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Anders, Lieutenant General Wladyslaw, Commander in Chief, Polish Second Corps, in Italy.
- Ando, Yoshiro, Director, Bureau of Political Affairs, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Andreev, Bane, Minister for Mines in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- Antonescu, Ion, Rumanian Prime Minister, 1940–1944.
- * Antonov, Army General Alexey Innokentyevich, Chief of Staff, Soviet Army.
- Arbuthnot, Charles, British Ambassador to Turkey, 1804–1807.
- Armour, Norman, Ambassador to Spain.
- Arnold, Major-General Allan C., Military Attaché, British Embassy, Ankara.
- * Arnold, General of the Army Henry H., U. S. A., Commanding General, Army Air Forces.
- * Attlee, Clement R., Chairman, British Parliamentary Labour Party; also (to May 23) Lord President of the Council and Deputy Prime Minister.
- Avšić, Lieutenant General Jaka, member of the Yugoslav Delegation which negotiated the Duino agreement of June 20, 1945, relating to Venezia Giulia.
- Azm, Khalid al-, Syrian Minister to France.
- Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, Italian Prime Minister, 1943–1944.
- Baker, George W., Assistant Chief, Division of Economic Security Controls, Department of State.
- Bakirdjis, Colonel Euripides, Commander in Chief, Greek National Popular Liberation Army.
- Bakirdzis . See Bakirdjis.
- Baldwin, Stanley, British Prime Minister, 1923–1924, 1924–1929, 1935–1937.
- Balfour , The Earl of, Chairman, Inter-Imperial Relations Committee, 1926.
- Balfour, John, British Minister, Washington.
- * Ball, Edith, Secretary, Office of the Secretary of State.
- Ballantine, Joseph W., Director of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
- Barbour, Walworth, Division of Southern European Affairs, Department of State.
- Barnes, Maynard B., United States Representative in Bulgaria.
- * Bautista, Chief Steward Cayetano, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- Baxter, Charles William, Head, Eastern Department, British Foreign Office.
- Baydur, Hüseyin Rağip, Turkish Ambassador to the United States.
- * Beatty, Morgan, representative of the combined radio networks in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- Beckett, William Eric, Second Legal Adviser, British Foreign Office.
- * Belknap, Chief Photographer’s Mate William, Jr., U. S. N., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- Beneš, Edvard, President of Czechoslovakia.
- Benninghoff, H. Merrell, Assistant Executive Secretary, Central Secretariat, Department of State.
- * Bergson, Abram, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Berry, Burton Y., United States Representative in Rumania.
- * Bevin, Ernest, Member of the British Parliament.
- Beynet, General Paul-Étienne, French Delegate General in the Levant.
- Bidault, Georges, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Provisional Government of the French Republic.
- Biddle, Francis, Attorney General.
- * Bierut, Boleslaw, President of the National Council of the Homeland in the Polish Provisional Government at Lublin; President of the National Council of the Homeland in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Birse, Major Arthur, Second Secretary and Translator, British Embassy, Moscow.
- Biryuzov, Colonel General Sergey Semenovich, (Soviet) Deputy Chairman, Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria.
- Bismarck , The Prince of, Chancellor of the German Empire, 1871–1890.
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr., Chief, Mission for Economic Affairs, American Embassy, London.
- * Bogomolov, Alexander Efremovich, Soviet Ambassador to France.
- * Bohlen, Charles E., Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Bonaparte, General Napoléon, Commander of the French expedition against Egypt, 1798–1799; (as Napoléon I) Emperor of the French, 1804–1814, 1815.
- Boncour . See Paul-Boncour.
- Bonnet, Henri, French Ambassador to the United States.
- Bonomi, Ivanoe, Italian Prime Minister (to June 17).
- Booth, Brigadier General Donald P., U. S. A., Commanding General, Persian Gulf Command.
- Bormann, Martin, Leader of the Chancellery, German National Socialist Party.
- Boucher, Major-General Charles Hamilton, Commander, British Forces in Northern Greece.
- Bowker, Reginald James, British Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Spain.
- * Boyd, Colonel James, U. S. A., Director, Industry Division, United States Group, Control Council (Germany).
- * Bradley, General Omar N., U. S. A., Commanding General, Twelfth Army Group.
- Bratianu, Constantin (Dinu), President, Rumanian Liberal Party.
- * Bridges, Sir Edward, Secretary of the British Cabinet.
- Bridges, Harry, President, International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union.
- * Bright, Chief Warrant Officer Earl E., U. S. A., War Department General Staff.
- Bristol, Rear Admiral Mark L., U. S. N., High Commissioner to Turkey, 1919–1927.
- Broad, Philip, Acting Counsellor, Office of the British Minister Resident, Allied Force Headquarters, Caserta.
- * Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, Chief of the British Imperial General Staff.
- Browder, Earl, General Secretary, Communist Party in the United States, 1930–1944.
- * Brown, Technician Third Grade Allen W., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Brown, Walter J., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Broz Tito . See Tito.
- Bulgaria , The King of. See Simeon II.
- * Bundy, Harvey H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of War; Joint Secretary, Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Bush, Vannevar, Director, Office of Scientific Research and Development; Chairman, Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment, Joint Chiefs of Staff; member of the Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Butler, Nevile Montagu, Assistant Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office.
- * Byrnes, James F., Director, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion (to April 2); Secretary of State (from July 3).
- * Cabell, Brigadier General Charles P., U. S. A., member of the Joint Staff Planners, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and of the Combined Staff Planners, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- * Cabell, Lieutenant Colonel John B., U. S. A., Staff Officer, Current Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff.
- Caccia, Harold, British Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Greece.
- * Cadogan, Hon. Sir Alexander, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office.
- * Caffery, Jefferson, Ambassador to France.
- * Calinao, Chief Steward Federico, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- Campbell, Sir Ronald I., British Representative, European Advisory Commission.
- * Canfil, Fred E., United States Secret Service.
- Canning, George, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1822–1827.
- Canning, Stratford (Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe from 1852), British Ambassador to Turkey, 1825–1829, 1831–1832, 1841–1858.
- * Cannon, Cavendish W., First Secretary, American Embassy, Lisbon.
- Cárdenas, Juan Francisco de, Spanish Ambassador to the United States.
- Carleton, Alford, President, Aleppo College, Aleppo, Syria.
- * Carter, Lieutenant Colonel G. S., U. S. A., Assistant Chief of the Secretariat, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Carton de Wiart, Lieutenant-General Adrian, Personal Representative of the British Prime Minister to the President of the National Government of the Republic of China.
- * Cary, Colonel John B., U. S. A., Deputy Chief (Air), Strategy and Policy Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff.
- Castillo y Campos, Cristobal del, Under Secretary, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Catroux, General of the Army Georges, French Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
- Chadwick, Sir James, Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government on Atomic Matters.
- * Chapman, Lieutenant Colonel William W., Jr., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Charpentier, Pierre, French Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in the Soviet Union.
- * Chase, Lieutenant Joseph, U. S. N. R., Assistant Naval Attaché, American Embassy, Moscow.
- * Cherwell, Lord, British Paymaster-General.
- Cheshmedjieff . See Cheshmedzhev.
- Cheshmedzhev, Grigor, Bulgarian Minister of Social Policy.
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, President of the National Government of the Republic of China; Supreme Commander, China Theater.
- Chicherin, Georgy Vasilyevich, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1918–1930.
- Childs, J. Rives, United States Representative, Paris Conversations Concerning Tangier.
- * Churchill, Junior Commander Mary, daughter of the British Prime Minister.
- * Churchill, Winston S., British Prime Minister; First Lord of the Treasury; Minister of Defence.
- Churchill, Mrs. Winston S, wife of the British Prime Minister.
- Clark, General Mark W., U. S. A., Commanding General, Fifteenth Army Group (to July 4); Commanding General, United States Forces in Austria (from July 5).
- Clark Kerr . See Kerr.
- Clarke, Colonel J. R. S., Military Attaché, British Embassy, Belgrade.
- * Clay, Lieutenant General Lucius DuB., U. S. A., Deputy Military Governor, United States Zone in Germany.
- * Clayton, William L., Assistant Secretary of State (for Economic Affairs); Chairman, Informal Policy Committee on Germany.
- Clemenceau, Georges, French Premier, 1906–1909, 1917–1920.
- Clementis, Vladimir, Czechoslovak Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Coe, Frank, Director, Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department.
- * Cohen, Benjamin V., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- * Collado, Emilio G., Director, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Department of State.
- Colyer, Air Marshal Douglas, Acting Head, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington.
- * Connor, Cassie, Personal Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- * Cooke, Vice Admiral Charles M., Jr., U. S. N., Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- Cooper, Alfred Duff, British Ambassador to France.
- * Cornwall-Jones, Brigadier Arthur Thomas, British Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- * Correa, Major Mathias F., U. S. M. C. R., Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy.
- * Costello, Warrant Officer James R., U. S. A., Office of the Secretary of War.
- * Coulson, J. E., Acting Head, Economic Relations Department, British Foreign Office.
- Cox, Raymond E., Joint Secretary, Informal Policy Committee on Germany.
- Cranborne, Viscount, British Secretary of State for the Colonies, February–November 1942.
- Crane, Major General John A., U. S. A., United States Representative, Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria.
- * Crankshaw, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Eric, Secretary, British Government Hospitality Fund.
- Crawford, Major General Robert W., U. S. A., Assistant Chief of Staff, Supply Division, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- Cromie, Leonard J., Third Secretary, American Embassy, Athens.
- Crowley, Leo T., Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration.
- Cruticov . See Krutikov.
- Cubrilović, Branko, Vice President, Serbian Agrarian Party.
- * Cunningham, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew, Bart., British First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff.
- Curzon of Kedleston, Marquess, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1919–1924.
- * Custodio, Chief Steward Amando, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Cutter, Colonel R. Ammi, U. S. A., Assistant Executive Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War.
- Dabrowski, Konstanty, Minister of Finance in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Da’uq Bey, Ahmad, Lebanese Minister to France.
- * Davies, Joseph E., Chairman, The President’s War Relief Control Board.
- Davies, Ralph K., Deputy Administrator, Petroleum Administration for War.
- Davis, Elmer, Director, Office of War Information.
- Davis, Colonel J. C., U. S. A., Civil Affairs Division, War Department Special Staff.
- Day, Edmund E., President, Cornell University; Chairman, Committee on German Reeducation (a committee formed to advise the Department of State).
- * Dean, Colonel Fred M., U. S. A., Executive Assistant to the Commanding General, Army Air Forces.
- * Dean, Patrick, Fourth Legal Adviser, British Foreign Office.
- * Deane, Major General John R., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union.
- De Gasperi, Alcide, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- de Gaulle, General Charles, President of the Council of Ministers in the Provisional Government of the French Republic.
- Dempster, Ernest J., United States Delegation, Paris Conversations Concerning Tangier.
- * Despres, Emile, Adviser on German Economic Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
- * Devenney, Chief Warrant Officer John J., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Devers, General Jacob L., U. S. A., Commanding General, Sixth Army Group.
- Deym, Count Franz, Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1888–1904.
- Dhimakis, Ilias, Slavo-Macedonian Communist guerrilla leader.
- Dimitroff . See Dimitrov.
- Dimitrov, Georgy, President, Bulgarian Communist Party.
- Dimitrov, Georgy M., leader of the Bulgarian National Agrarian Union.
- Donaldson, E. P., (British) Secretary General, European Advisory Commission.
- * Donaldson, Ian, (British) Allied Supplies Executive.
- * Donnelly, Colonel Charles H., U. S. A., Secretary, Joint Staff Planners and Joint Logistics Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff; United States Secretary, Combined Staff Planners and Combined Administrative Committee, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- * Dooman, Eugene H., Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs.
- Douglas, Colonel James H., Jr., U. S. A., Chief of Staff, Air Transport Command, Army Air Forces.
- Draper, Brigadier General William H., Jr., U. S. A., Chief, Economic Division, United States Group, Control Council (Germany).
- * Drescher, George C., United States Secret Service.
- Drożniak, Edward, Director, Polish National Bank.
- * DuBois, Josiah E., Jr., United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Duclos, Jacques, Secretary, French Communist Party.
- * Dunn, James Clement, Assistant Secretary of State (for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs); Adviser, United States Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization.
- Durbrow, Elbridge, Chief, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State.
- Durma, Mircea, Rumanian Minister of Finance.
- Duvall, Frank E., Administrative Officer, Office of the Secretary of State.
- Eaker, Lieutenant General Ira C., U. S. A., Deputy Commander, Army Air Forces, and Chief of Air Staff.
- Early, Stephen, Special Assistant to the President.
- * Edelstein, Lieutenant Julius C., U. S. N. R., Aide to the Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.
- * Eden, Anthony, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Chairman, Committee on German Dismemberment (established by the Yalta Conference).
- Edgcumbe, Major-General Oliver Pearce, British Commissioner, Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
- Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1901–1910.
- * Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Forces, European Theater; Commander in Chief, United States Forces of Occupation in Germany; also (to July 14) Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Ellegood, Technician Fourth Grade William C., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Elsey, Lieutenant George M., U. S. N. R., Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President.
- Epstein, Shachno, Secretary, Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the Soviet Union.
- Erhardt, John G., Political Adviser on Austrian Affairs to the Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater.
- * Esposito, Brigadier General Vincent J., U. S. A., Chief, Logistics Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff; member of the Joint Logistics Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and of the Combined Administrative Committee, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- * Estrada, Chief Steward Pio, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Faigle, Captain John E., U. S. N., United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Filippelli, Corporal Eugene T., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Finan, Major William F., U. S. A., War Department General Staff.
- Fischer, Ernst, State Secretary for Public Education and Cultural Affairs in the Provisional Government of Austria.
- * Fleener, Ensign Cecil M., U. S. N. R., Administrative Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President.
- * Flickinger, Yeoman First Class Dwight C., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Flom, Yeoman First Class Louis O., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Floresca, Chief Cook Mariano, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- Foch, General Ferdinand (Marshal of France from August 7, 1918), Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies, 1918.
- Foehl, Lieutenant Colonel C. A., U. S. A., Civil Affairs Division, War Department Special Staff.
- * Fogelson, Colonel Elijah E., U. S. A., Adviser on Organization and Production, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Foote, Wilder, Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- * Forrestal, James, Secretary of the Navy.
- * Foulds, Linton, Head, Japan and Pacific Section, Far Eastern Department, British Foreign Office.
- Franco y Bahamonde , Generalissimo Francisco, Chief of State and President of the Spanish Government.
- Frangeš, Ivan, Yugoslav Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in the United States.
- * Fratzke, Ralph C., Clerk, American Embassy, London.
- * Gambaccini, Technical Sergeant Henry J., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Gammell, Lieutenant-General Sir James Andrew Harcourt, Representative of the British Chiefs of Staff in the Soviet Union; Head, British Military Mission, Moscow.
- * Gardner, Rear Admiral Matthias B., U. S. N., Assistant Chief of Staff for Plans to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- Garran, Isham Peter, Second Secretary, Western Department, British Foreign Office.
- Gascoigne, A. D. F., British Political Representative in Hungary.
- * Gaskill, Major Arthur L., U. S. A., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- George II , King of the Hellenes.
- George VI , King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- Georgiev, Kimon, Bulgarian Prime Minister.
- * Gerhardt, Colonel Harrison A., U. S. A., Executive Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War.
- Gerness , a German official concerned with the food supply for Berlin noi.
- Ghormley, Vice Admiral Robert L., U. S. N., Commander, Naval Forces, Germany.
- Gill, Captain, officer attached to the 2/11 Sikh Regiments in Greece (not otherwise identified).
- Glendinning, Charles D., Treasury Representative, Cairo.
- Goebbels, Joseph, German Minister for Public Enlightenment.
- Goering . See Göring.
- Goldmann, Nahum, Representative in the United States of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
- * Gomulka, Wladyslaw, Deputy Prime Minister in the Polish Provisional Government at Lublin; Deputy Prime Minister in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Gore-Booth, Paul, First Secretary, British Embassy, Washington.
- Göring, Reich Marshal Hermann, German Minister for Aviation.
- * Gorlinsky, Major General Nikolay Dmitriyevich, Assistant to the First Assistant People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union.
- Gotsi, now de guerre of Ilias Dhimakis, q. v.
- * Gough, Commander Edward J., U. S. N. R., Medical Officer on the Staff of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- Gousev . See Gusev.
- * Grabski, Stanislaw, Vice President of the National Council of the Homeland in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Graham, Captain Frank H., U. S. A., White House Signal Corps Detachment.
- Graham, Frank P., President, University of North Carolina; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- * Graham, Ralph L., Administrative Assistant, Department of State, on assignment to the United Nations.
- Great Britain and (Northern) Ireland, The King of the United Kingdom of. See Edward VII; George VI.
- Greece, The King of. See George II; Otto.
- Greenbaum, Brigadier General Edward S., U. S. A., Executive Officer, Office of the Under Secretary of War.
- Greenberg, Chaim, Editor, Jewish Frontier) Editor, Yiddisher Kempfer.
- Grew, Joseph C., Under Secretary of State; Secretary of State ad interim, June 28–July 3, 1945; Acting Secretary of State during the absence of Secretary Stettinius at the United Nations Conference on International Organization and during the absence of Secretary Byrnes at the Berlin Conference.
- Grey, Sir Edward, Bart., British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1905–1916.
- * Griffin, Ernest K., Clerk, American Embassy, London.
- Griffith, John Eaton, Principal Assistant Secretary, Coal Division, British Ministry of Fuel and Power.
- Grigg, Sir Edward, British Minister Resident in the Middle East.
- * Grimes, Corporal Walter A., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Grol, Milan, Deputy Prime Minister in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- * Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich, Soviet Ambassador to the United States; Soviet Delegate, United Nations Conference on International Organization; Soviet Delegate, First Meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
- * Gross, Major General Charles P., U. S. A., member of the Joint Military Transportation Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and of the Combined Military Transportation Committee, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Gross, General Jean-Charles, Commander in Chief, French Forces in the Levant.
- Groves, Major General Leslie R., U. S. A., Commanding General, Manhattan District project.
- Groza, Petru, Rumanian Prime Minister.
- Gryzlov, Lieutenant General Anatoly Alexeyevich, Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff, Soviet Army.
- * Gulick, Luther H., Adviser on Administration and Political Science, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Gusev, Fedor Tarasovich, Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom; Soviet Representative, European Advisory Commission; Soviet Representative, Committee on German Dismemberment (established by the Yalta Conference).
- Hackworth, Green H., Legal Adviser, Department of State.
- Halifax , The Earl of, British Ambassador to the United States.
- * Haman, Walter A., United States Secret Service.
- Hankey, Hon. Robert M. A., Appointed British Chargé d’Affaires to Poland.
- * Hanson, Technician Third Grade William J., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Harriman, Kathleen, daughter of the Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
- * Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador to the Soviet Union; United States Representative, Commission on the Polish Question (established by the Yalta Conference).
- * Harrison, Geoffrey Wedgwood, First Secretary, German Department, British Foreign Office.
- Harrison, George L., Special Consultant to the Secretary of War.
- Harvey, Oliver, Acting Assistant Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office.
- Hay, John, Secretary of State, 1898–1905.
- * Hayter, William, Acting Counsellor, Southern Department, British Foreign Office; Secretary General, British Delegation to the Berlin Conference.
- Hearst, William Randolph, President and Editor in Chief, Hearst Consolidated Publications.
- * Heath, Donald R., Director of Political Affairs, United States Group, Control Council (Germany).
- Hellenes, The King of the. See George II; Otto.
- Henderson, Loy W., Director of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State.
- * Henly, Captain Elkan, Jr., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Hickerson, John D., Deputy Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State (Acting Director, July 7–August 7); Adviser, United States Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization.
- * Hickey, Warrant Officer (Junior Grade) Richard G., U. S. A., War Department General Staff.
- * Hilldring, Major General John H., U. S. A., Director, Civil Affairs Division, War Department Special Staff.
- * Hinde, Brigadier W. R. N., Deputy Director of the Military Government, British Sector, Berlin.
- * Hipsley, Elmer R., United States Secret Service.
- Hirohito , Emperor of Japan.
- Hirota, Koki, Japanese Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1930–1932; Prime Minister, 1936–1937.
- Hitler, Adolf, Führer , Chancellor of the German Reich, and Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces (to April 30).
- * Holladay, Chief Warrant Officer Andrew B., U. S. A., Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- Holman, Adrian, British Minister, Paris.
- Holmes, Julius C., Assistant Secretary of State (for Administration).
- Honner, Franz, State Secretary for the Interior in the Provisional Government of Austria.
- Hoover, Herbert, President of the United States, 1929–1933.
- Hopkins, Harry L., Adviser and Assistant to the President.
- Houstoun-Boswall, W. E., British Political Representative in Bulgaria.
- * Howard, Technician Fourth Grade Lynn H., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Howe, C. D., Canadian Minister of Munitions and Supply; member of the Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Hoyer Millar . See Millar.
- * Hoying, Ship’s Clerk Edwin L., U. S. N. R., Administrative Officer, White House Map Room.
- * Hrones, John G., Vice Consul, American Embassy, Paris.
- Hull, Cordell, Secretary of State, 1933–1944.
- * Hull, Lieutenant General John E., U. S. A., Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Division, War Department General Staff.
- Hunt, Brigadier John, Commander, 11th Indian Infantry Brigade, in Greece.
- Hurley, Major General Patrick J., U. S. A., Ambassador to China.
- Huston, Cloyce K., Chief, Division of Southern European Affairs, Department of State.
- Hyndley, Lord, Chairman, London Combined Coal Committee, Combined Production and Resources Board; Chairman, British National Coal Board.
- Ibrahim I, Sultan of Turkey, 1640–1648.
- Ickes, Harold L., Administrator, Petroleum Administration for War.
- Inge, Very Reverend William Ralph, Dean of St. Paul’s, London, 1911–1934.
- Inönü, Ismet, President of Turkey.
- Iran, The Shah-in-Shah of . See Pahlevi.
- * Ismay, General Sir Hastings, Chief of Staff to the British Minister of Defence.
- Italy, The King of. See Victor Emmanuel III.
- Jabri, Sa‘dallah al-, President, Syrian Chamber of Deputies.
- * Jackson, Robert H., Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality; United States Representative, International Conference on Military Trials.
- Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Virgil A., U. S. A., Military Attaché, American Legation, Beirut (assigned also to Damascus).
- Jackson, Wayne G., Associate Chief, War Areas Economic Division, Department of State.
- * Jamison, Brigadier General Glen C., U. S. A., Chief, Logistics Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Plans, Army Air Forces.
- Japan, The Emperor of. See Hirohito.
- * Jebb, Gladwyn, Head, Reconstruction Department, British Foreign Office; British Delegate, First Meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
- Jedrychowski, Stefan, Minister of Navigation and Foreign Trade in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Jefferson, Thomas, Secretary of State, 1790–1793.
- * Johanson, Yeoman First Class John R., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Johnson, Carl Hugo, representative of the combined newsreel companies in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- * Johnson, George H., United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Johnson, Hiram W., United States Senator from California.
- Jones, G. Lewis, Jr., Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
- Jovanović, Lieutenant General Arso R., Chief of Staff, Yugoslav Army.
- Juin, General Alphonse-Pierre, Chief, French General Staff of National Defense.
- Kaczorowski, Michal, Minister of Reconstruction in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich, Chairman, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union.
- Kardelj, Edvard, Second Vice President in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- * Karlin, Captain Henry N., U. S. A., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- * Karr, Yeoman First Class Lyman W., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Kehoe, Staff Sergeant Theodore R., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Kemal Atatürk (Kemal mustafa), President of Turkey, 1923–1938.
- Kempka, Erich, chauffeur to the Chancellor of the German Reich.
- Kennan, George F., Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in the Soviet Union.
- * Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark, British Ambassador to the Soviet Union; British Representative, Commission on the Polish Question (established by the Yalta Conference).
- * Kevan, Lois, Clerk-Stenographer, Central Secretariat, Department of State.
- Key, Major General William S., U. S. A., Chief, United States Section, Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
- Keynes, Lord, member of the British Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Consultative Council.
- Kiernik, Wladyslaw, Minister of Public Administration in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Kindleberger, Major Charles P., U. S. A., Washington Liaison Office, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- King, Alfred Hazell, British Acting Consul General, Salonika.
- * King, Fleet Admiral Ernest J., U. S. N., Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, and Chief of Naval Operations.
- Kirk, Alexander, Ambassador to Italy.
- * Kirk, Major General Norman J., U. S. A., Surgeon General, United States Army.
- Klieforth, A. W., Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Czechoslovakia.
- Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Chief, Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
- Kolodziej, Antoni, Chairman, Executive Committee, Polish Seamen’s Union in the United Kingdom.
- Kolodziejski, Henryk, member of the Polish National Council of the Homeland.
- Konev, Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich, Commander in Chief, First Ukrainian Front.
- Koniev . See Konev.
- Konoye, Prince Fumimaro, Japanese Prime Minister, 1937–1939, 1940–1941.
- Korneichuk, Alexander Evdokimovich, Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1943–1944; Chairman, Committee for Art Affairs, Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
- Kosanović, Sava, Minister of Information in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- Kostilev . See Kostylev.
- Kostylev, Mikhail Alexeyevich, Soviet Ambassador to Italy.
- Kowalski, Wladyslaw, Vice President in the Polish Provisional Government at Lublin; Minister of Culture and Art in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Krebs, General Hans, Chief, Headquarters Staff, German Army General Staff.
- * Kreps, Colonel Kenneth R., U. S. A., Pilot for the Secretary of War.
- Krestinsky, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1930–1937; Assistant People’s Commissar for Justice, 1937.
- Krnjević, Juraj, a leader of the Croatian Peasant Party in London.
- * Kruglov, Colonel General Sergey Nikiforovich, First Assistant People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union.
- Krutikov, Alexey Dmitriyevich, First Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Trade of the Soviet Union.
- Krzyzanowski, Adam, Professor of Political Economy, University of Kraków.
- Kutrzeba, Stanislaw M., Polish jurist, historian, and educator: President, Polish Academy of Science and Letters.
- * Kyle, Colonel William H., U. S. A., Aide to the Secretary of War.
- Lacoste, Francis, French Minister, Washington.
- * LaFrance, Chief Warrant Officer Albert J., U. S. A., Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- * Land, Vice Admiral Emory S., U. S. N. (retired), Administrator, War Shipping Administration; Chairman, United States Maritime Commission; United States Member, Combined Shipping Adjustment Boards.
- * Lane, Arthur Bliss, Appointed Ambassador to Poland.
- * Lang, Master Sergeant Kenneth W., U. S. A., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- Lange, Oskar, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago.
- Larrabee, Lieutenant Colonel Sterling L., U. S. A., Military Attaché, American Embassy, Athens.
- Laski, Harold J., Chairman, British Labour Party.
- Laval, Pierre, French Deputy Premier, July–December 1940; also Minister of Foreign Affairs, October–December 1940.
- * Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., U. S. N., Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.
- * Leathers, Lord, British Minister of War Transport.
- Leeper, Sir Reginald, British Ambassador to Greece.
- Lehman, Herbert H., Governor of New York, 1932–1942.
- Lenin, Nikolay, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution of October–November 1917; Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Government, 1917–1924.
- Le Rougetel, J. H., British Political Representative in Rumania.
- Levchenko, Admiral Gordey Ivanovich, Assistant People’s Commissar of the Soviet Navy.
- Leverich, Henry P., Acting Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State.
- * Leveritty, Technical Sergeant J. P., Jr., U. S. A., Office of the Secretary of War.
- * Levington, Master Sergeant Philip J., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Lewis, James H., Foreign Affairs Specialist, Central Secretariat, Department of State.
- * Licodo, Steward First Class Benjamin, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Lincoln, Brigadier General George A., U. S. A., Chief, Strategy and Policy Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff; member of the Joint Staff Planners, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and of the Combined Staff Planners, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Lindeman, Eduard C, New York School of Social Work, Columbia University; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- Lindsay, Lieutenant Colonel Franklin A., U. S. A., Intelligence Officer, 2677th Regiment, Office of Strategic Services (Provisional), Mediterranean Theater.
- Litvinoff . See Litvinov.
- Litvinov, Maxim Maximovich, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1930–1939.
- Litwin, Franciszek, Minister of Public Health in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Lloyd George, David, British Prime Minister, 1916–1922.
- Loftus, John A., Special Assistant to the Director, Office of International Trade Policy, Department of State.
- Loudon, Alexander, Netherland Ambassador to the United States.
- * Lowry, Colonel Don E., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Lozovsky, Solomon Abramovich, Acting People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.
- * Lubin, Isador, Associate United States Representative, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Lucas, Technician Third Grade John J., Jr., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Luthringer, George F., Chief, Division of Financial Affairs, Department of State, detailed to the United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Lynch, Robert J., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas, U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Pacific; Supreme Commander, Southwest Pacific Area.
- * MacDougall, Donald, Chief Assistant to the British Paymaster-General, Prime Minister’s Statistical Branch.
- Maček, Vladimir, President, Croatian Peasant Party in Yugoslavia.
- MacLeish, Archibald, Assistant Secretary of State (for Public and Cultural Relations).
- Macmillan, Harold, (British) Acting President, Allied Commission (for Italy).
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, Ambassador to Greece.
- * Mahler, Ernst, Adviser on Industry, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Maisky, Ivan Mikhailovich, Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union; Chairman, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Makins, Roger, British Minister, Washington; British Joint Secretary, Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Malik, Yakov Alexandrovich, Soviet Ambassador to Japan.
- Malinovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion, Chairman, Soviet Element, Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
- * Maloney, James J., United States Secret Service.
- Maniu, Iuliu, President, Rumanian National Peasant Party.
- * Maples, Rear Admiral Houston L., U. S. N., Senior Naval Officer, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union; Naval Attaché, American Embassy, Moscow.
- * Marchlenski, Technician Third Grade Peter P., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Mardam Bey, Jamil, Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Marley, Brigadier Cuthbert David, (British) Controller-General, North German Coal Control, Control Council (Germany).
- * Marshall, General of the Army George C., U. S. A., Chief of Staff, United States Army.
- * Marshall, J. Howard, General Counsel, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Martin, Hunter L., Clerk-Stenographer, Central Secretariat, Department of State.
- Martinović, Milan, Yugoslav Minister to Egypt.
- Marty, André, member of the Political Bureau and of the Central Committee, French Communist Party.
- * Marvel, Technical Sergeant John W., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Masaryk, Jan, Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile at London.
- Mason, Edward S., Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
- Massigli, René, French Ambassador to the United Kingdom; French Representative, European Advisory Commission.
- * Matthews, H. Freeman, Director of European Affairs, Department of State.
- Matuszewski, Stefan, Minister of Information and Propaganda in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Maurer, Chief Yeoman Eugene J., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Maxwell, James A., Assistant Chief, Division of Lend-Lease and Surplus War Property Affairs, Department of State.
- McCaffery, Richard S., Jr., Mission for Economic Affairs, American Embassy, London.
- McCarthy, Colonel Charles W., U. S. A., Joint Secretary, Informal Policy Committee on Germany.
- * McCarthy, Colonel Frank, U. S. A., Secretary, War Department General Staff.
- * McCloy, John J., Assistant Secretary of War.
- McClure, Brigadier General Robert A., U. S. A., Chief of Information, Control Division, United States Forces, European Theater.
- McCombe, F. W., Counsellor, British Embassy, Washington.
- McCormick, Robert R., Editor and Publisher, Chicago Tribune.
- * McCreery, Lieutenant-General Sir Richard, Commander in Chief, British Forces of Occupation in Austria.
- McDermott, Michael J., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State (for Press Relations).
- * McDill, Captain Alexander S., U. S. N., Aide to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- * McFarland, Brigadier General Andrew J., U. S. A., Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff; United States Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- McGuire, Martin R. P., Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Catholic University of America; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- McIntire, Vice Admiral Ross T., U. S. N., Surgeon General, United States Navy.
- * McMahon, Captain Alphonse, U. S. N. R., Personal Physician to the President.
- McNarney, General Joseph T., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater.
- McNeill, Captain William H., U. S. A., Assistant Military Attaché, American Embassy, Athens.
- McSherry, Brigadier General Frank J., U. S. A., Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Civil Affairs Division, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Meiklejohn, Lieutenant Robert P., U. S. N. R., Assistant Naval Attaché and Assistant Naval Attaché for Air, American Embassy, Moscow.
- Melbourne, Roy M., Acting United States Representative in Rumania.
- * Mendlow, Sergeant Robert, U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Meyer, Brigadier General Vincent, U. S. A., Military Adviser, United States Delegation, European Advisory Commission.
- Meyrier, Jacques, Director General of Administrative Affairs, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Michael (Mihai) I, King of Rumania.
- Middleton, G. H., Second Secretary, British Embassy, Washington.
- Miklós, Colonel General Béla, Hungarian Prime Minister.
- * Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, Prime Minister in the Polish Government-in-Exile at London, 1943–1944; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, Deputy Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union; People’s Commissar for Foreign Trade.
- Miles, Richard T. G., Third Secretary, British Embassy, Washington.
- * Millar, Frederick Hoyer, Head, Western Department, British Foreign Office.
- * Minc, Hilary, Minister of Industry in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Minor, Harold B., Acting Chief, Division of Middle Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
- * Mitchell, Major Nicholas A., U. S. A., Assistant to the Military Aide to the President.
- * Mocidlowski, Sergeant Casimir F., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Modzelewski, Zygmunt, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity; Polish Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
- Mohammed V, Sultan of Morocco.
- * Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union; Chairman, Soviet Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization; Soviet Representative, Commission on the Polish Question (established by the Yalta Conference).
- * Monckton, Sir Walter, Head, British Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Montefront, Staff Sergeant Thomas L., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard, Commander in Chief, British Forces of Occupation in Germany.
- * Moore, Captain Charles J., U. S. N., Deputy Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Morawski . See Osóbka-Morawski.
- * Morgan, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Rufus E., U. S. N. R., Office of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- Morgan, Lieutenant-General W. D., (British) Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean.
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury.
- Morocco, The Sultan of. See Mohammed V.
- Morris, Brewster H., Office of the Political Adviser on German Affairs, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- Morton, Major Sir Desmond, Personal Assistant to the British Prime Minister.
- * Mosely, Philip E., Political Adviser to the United States Representative, European Advisory Commission.
- * Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis, (British) Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia.
- Moyne, Lord, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, January–November 1944.
- Murphy, Raymond E., Special Assistant to the Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State.
- * Murphy, Robert D., Political Adviser on German Affairs, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (to July 14); Political Adviser, Executive Office, United States Group, Control Council (Germany).
- Murray, Wallace, Ambassador to Iran.
- Murshid, Sulayman, Alaouite tribal leader in Syria.
- Mussolini, Benito, Italian Prime Minister, 1922–1943.
- Napoléon I. See Bonaparte.
- Nelson, Rear Admiral Horatio, Commander of the British Fleet at the Battle of Aboukir, 1798.
- Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 1825–1855.
- Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 1894–1917.
- Nichols, Philip, British Ambassador to Czechoslovakia.
- Nicole, Léon, leader of the Swiss Communist Party.
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, Professor of Applied Christianity, Union Theological Seminary; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- Nimitz, Fleet Admiral Chester W., U. S. N., Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas.
- * Nixon, Robert, representative of the International News Service in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- Nobel, Alfred, creator of the Nobel Foundation from which the Nobel prizes are awarded (died 1896).
- * Norstad, Major General Lauris, U. S. A., Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Plans, Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- Noyes, Charles P., Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Obbov, Alexander Christov, Secretary General, Bulgarian National Agrarian Union (Fatherland Front wing).
- * O’Driscoll, Daniel J., United States Secret Service.
- Oeriu, Simeon, Vice Chairman, Rumanian Armistice Commission.
- * Oeth, Albert, representative of the combined newsreel companies in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- * O’Leary, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Francis V., U. S. N., Office of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- * Olivares, Chief Steward Candido, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- Oliver, Covey T., Acting Chief, Division of Economic Security Controls, Department of State.
- * Ordona, Chief Cook Celedonio, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Orig, Chief Cook Alfredo, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Osóbka-Morawski, Edward Boleslaw, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Polish Provisional Government at Lublin; Prime Minister in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Oster, Captain Henry R., U. S. N., Deputy Director of Logistic Plans, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
- Ostrorog, Count Stanislas, French Diplomatic and Political Adviser in the Levant.
- Otto , King of the Hellenes, 1832–1862.
- Oxley, Major-General W. H., Commissioner, British Military Mission in Bulgaria.
- * Page, Edward, Jr., First Secretary, American Embassy, Moscow.
- Paget, General Sir Bernard, Commander in Chief, British Middle East Forces.
- Pahlevi, Reza Shah, Shah-in-Shah of Iran, 1925–1941.
- Palmerston, Viscount, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1830–1834, 1835–1841, 1846–1851.
- * Palomaria, Chief Cook Jose, U. S. N., member of the President’s messman detail.
- * Pantuhoff, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ivan, Jr., U. S. A., Chief, Liaison and Protocol Section, Headquarters, United States Group, Control Council (Germany).
- Pares, Peter, First Secretary, British Embassy, Washington.
- * Parks, Major General Floyd L., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Sector, Berlin District.
- Parri, Ferruccio, Italian Prime Minister.
- * Parten, J. R., Chief of Staff, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Pastoyev, Vsevolod Vladimirovich, People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.
- Pasvolsky, Leo, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State; United States Delegate, First Meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
- Patterson, Paul, Publisher, Baltimore Sun.
- Patterson, Robert P., Under Secretary of War.
- Pauker, Ana, member of the Central Committee, Rumanian Communist Party.
- * Paul, Staff Sergeant William J., Jr., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Paul-Boncour, Jean-Louis, French Diplomatic Representative in Rumania.
- * Pauley, Edwin W., United States Representative, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Pauncefote, Sir Julian (Lord Pauncefote from 1899), British Ambassador to the United States, 1893–1902.
- * Pavlov, Vladimir Nikolayevich, Personal Secretary and Interpreter to the Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union.
- Peake, Charles, British Consul General, Tangier; British Representative, Paris Conversations Concerning Tangier.
- * Peck, Colonel Clarence R., U. S. A., Executive Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Pétain, Marshal Henri-Philippe, French Chief of State, 1940–1944.
- Peter I, Tsar of Russia, 1689–1725.
- Peter (Petar) II, King of Yugoslavia.
- * Petersen, First Lieutenant Breder J., U. S. A., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- * Peterson, Yeoman First Class Eric G., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Peterson, Sir Maurice Drummond, British Ambassador to Turkey.
- Petkov, Nikola Dimitrov, Secretary General, Bulgarian National Agrarian Union.
- Pettigrew, Colonel Moses W., U. S. A., Assistant to the Chief of Staff, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union.
- * Pfuntner, Technician Third Grade Carl H., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Pharaon, Henri, Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Phillips, Joseph B., Outpost Chief, Office of War Information staff, Moscow.
- Phillips, William, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Pilleau, Major-General Gerald A., Acting Commander, British Ninth Army, in the Levant.
- Pinkerton, Lowell Call, Consul General, Jerusalem.
- Pinney, Commander Frank L., Jr., U. S. N., Aide to the Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.
- * Pollyea, Technician Third Grade Alex, U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Popiel, Karol, head of the Polish Labor Party.
- * Portal, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles, British Chief of Air Staff.
- Postoev . See Pastoyev.
- Postoyev . See Pastoyev.
- Potter, Charles J., Deputy Administrator, Solid Fuels Administration for War; Chairman, Combined Coal Committee, Combined Production and Resources Board.
- Potter, John Milton, President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Colleges of the Seneca; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- * Powder, Master Sergeant James W., U. S. A., War Department General Staff.
- * Prettyman, Chief Steward Arthur S., U. S. N., the President’s valet.
- Prodanović, Jaša, Minister for Serbia in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- Prunas, Renato, Secretary General, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Quo T’ai-ch’i , Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, April–December 1941.
- Rabanowski, Jan, Minister of Railway Transport in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Radescu, Nicolae, Rumanian Prime Minister, 1944–March 1945.
- Radkiewicz, Stanislaw, Minister of Public Security in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Rainey, Froelich G., Senior Economic Analyst, Office of the Political Adviser on German Affairs, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Rall, Staff Sergeant Arthur F., U. S. A., Office of the Secretary of War.
- Raşcanu . See Vasiliu Raşcanu.
- Read, Clifton R., Outpost Chief, Office of War Information staff, Belgrade.
- Reale, Eugenio, member of the Central Committee, Italian Communist Party.
- * Reams, R. Borden, Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of State.
- Reber, Samuel, Special Assistant to the Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State.
- Renner, Karl, Federal Chancellor in the Provisional Government of Austria.
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, German Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1938–1945.
- Richardson, Alvin F., Joint Secretary, Informal Policy Committee on Germany.
- Richey, Captain Homer G., U. S. A., Office of the Political Adviser on German Affairs, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Riddleberger, James W., Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State.
- * Rigdon, Lieutenant William M., U. S. N., Administrative Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President.
- Righeimer, Lieutenant Colonel F. S., U. S. A., Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- * Ritchie, Brigadier General William L., U. S. A., Army Air Forces member, Special Planning Staff, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union.
- Roberts, Frank, British Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in the Soviet Union.
- Roberts, Brigadier General Frank N., U. S. A., War Department representative, Far East Subcommittee, State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee.
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., Assistant Secretary of State (for American Republic Affairs).
- * Rola-Żymierski, Marshal Michal, Minister of National Defense in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Romagna, Jack, Liaison Representative, The White House.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., President of the United States, 1933–April 12, 1945.
- Rosebery , The Earl of, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, February–August 1886, 1892–1894; Prime Minister, 1894–1895.
- * Rosenman, Samuel I., Special Counsel to the President.
- Rosh, Andrey A., Acting Soviet Representative, European Advisory Commission, October 1944.
- * Ross, Charles G., Secretary to the President.
- * Rubin, Seymour J., Chief, Division of Economic Security Controls, Department of State, detailed to the United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Ruffe, Henri, alternate member of the Central Committee, French Communist Party.
- Rumania, The King of. See Michael I.
- * Russell, Donald, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Russia, The Tsar of. See Alexander II; Nicholas I and II; Peter I.
- Rymer-Jones, Captain John Murray, (British) Inspector-General of Police, Jerusalem.
- * Rzymowski, Wincenty, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Sadchikov, Ivan Vasilyevich, Soviet Ambassador to Yugoslavia.
- Sadr, Mohsen, Iranian Prime Minister.
- Saka, Hasan, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Saksin, Georgy Filippovich, Acting Soviet Representative, European Advisory Commission.
- Sambu, Zhamsurun, Outer Mongolian Delegate in the Soviet Union.
- Saracoǧlu, Şükrü, Turkish Prime Minister.
- Sargent, Sir Orme, Deputy Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office.
- Sarper, Selim, Turkish Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
- Sato, Naotake, Japanese Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
- Saud, Ibn (‘Abd-al-‘Aziz ibn-‘Abd-al-Rahman al-Faisal Al-Sa‘ud), King of Saudi Arabia.
- Saudi Arabia, The King of . See Saud.
- * Schleider, Technician Third Grade Maurice E., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Schoenfeld, H. F. Arthur, United States Representative in Hungary.
- Schoenfeld, Rudolf E., Charge d’Affaires ad interim near the Polish and Czechoslovak Governments-in-Exile at London.
- Schuyler, Brigadier General Cortland T. Van R., U. S. A., Chief, United States Military Representation, Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
- * Scott, Master Sergeant Jake, U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Sébastiani, General of Division Horace-François-Bastien, French Ambassador to Turkey, 1806–1807.
- Sepahbodi, Anoshiravan, Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Shantz, Harold, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Yugoslavia.
- Sharabati, Ahmad, Syrian Minister of National Economy; Minister of Education.
- Shaw, J. V. W., (British) Acting High Commissioner for Palestine.
- Shayesteh, Mohammed, Iranian Minister to the United States.
- * Sheffield, Major Thomas C., U. S. A., Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- * Shingler, Brigadier General Don G., U. S. A., Assistant to the Commanding General, Army Service Forces.
- Shulman , Jewish leader noi.
- Shuster, George N., President, Hunter College; member of the Committee on German Reeducation.
- Sikorski, General of the Armies Wladyslaw, Polish Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Polish Armies, 1939–1943.
- Simeon II, King of Bulgaria.
- Simon, Viscount, British Lord Chancellor.
- * Sinclair, Sir Robert, Chief Executive, British Ministry of Production.
- * Slavin, Lieutenant General Nikolay Vasilyevich, Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Soviet Army.
- * Smellie, Major Herbert H., U. S. A., Commanding Officer, Guard Detachment, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Smith, Yeoman First Class Frank E., U. S. N. R., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Smith, Merriman, representative of the United Press in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- Smuts, Field Marshal Jan Christian, South African Prime Minister.
- Snyder, John W., Federal Loan Administrator.
- Sobelev . See Sobolev.
- * Sobolev, Arkady Alexandrovich, Chief, Political Section, Soviet Military Administration in Germany.
- * Somervell, General Brehon B., U. S. A., Commanding General, Army Service Forces.
- Soong, T. V., Chinese Prime Minister; Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Spalding, Major General Sidney P., U. S. A., Chief, Supply Division, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union.
- * Sproul, Robert G., Adviser on Human Relations, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Stainov, Petko, Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cults.
- * Stalin, Marshal of the Soviet Union Iosif Vissarionovich (Generalissimo from June 27), Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union; People’s Commissar for Defense.
- * Stańczyk, Jan, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., Secretary of State (to June 27); Chairman, United States Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization.
- Stevenson, Air Vice Marshal Donald, British High Commissioner in Rumania.
- Stevenson, R. C. Skrine, British Ambassador to Yugoslavia.
- * Stimson, Henry L., Secretary of War; Chairman, Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Stirbey, Prince Barbu, Rumanian Prime Minister, 1927–1930; head of the Rumanian Armistice Commission at Moscow, 1944.
- Stone, Rear Admiral Ellery W., U. S. N. R., Chief Commissioner, Allied Commission (for Italy).
- * Stone, Colonel John N., U. S. A., Chief, Pacific Branch, Operational Plans Division, Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- * Stoner, Major General Frank E., U. S. A., Chief, Army Communications Service, Office of the Chief Signal Corps Officer, United States Army.
- Stoyanov, Christo, member of the Executive Committee, Bulgarian National Agrarian Union (Fatherland Front wing).
- * Strang, Sir William, British Representative, European Advisory Commission (to June 3); Political Adviser to the Commander in Chief, British Forces of Occupation in Germany (from June 4); Deputy British Representative, Committee on German Dismemberment (established by the Yalta Conference).
- * Stroop, Captain Paul D., U. S. N., Aviations Plans Officer on the Staff of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet.
- Šubašić, Ivan, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- Sultan, Lieutenant General Daniel I., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Forces, India–Burma Theater.
- Sumer, Nurullah Esat, Turkish Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Susaikov, Colonel General Ivan Zakharovich, (Soviet) Deputy Chairman, Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
- Šutej, Juraj, Minister Without Portfolio in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia.
- Swiatkowski, Henryk, Minister of Justice in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Sztachelski, Jerzy, Minister of Supplies and Trade in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- * Szwalbe, Stanislaw, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium, Polish National Council of the Homeland.
- * Takacs, Theresa, Secretary, Office of the Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State.
- Tarchiani, Alberto, Italian Ambassador to the United States.
- Tarnowski, Adam, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Polish Government-in-Exile at London.
- Tasca, Henry J., Economic Analyst, Treasury Department, detailed to the American Embassy, Rome.
- Tatarescu, Gheorghe, Rumanian Deputy Prime Minister; Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- * Taylor, Major Howard R., U. S. A., Aide to the Commanding General, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union.
- Taylor, Myron C., Personal Representative of the President to Pope Pius XII.
- Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur, (British) Deputy Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Theakstone, Major Louis Marguarde, (British) Interpreter to the Secretariat, Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- * Thompson, Francis I., representative of the combined still photographic services in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- * Thompson, Chief Warrant Officer Leland W., U. S. A., War Department General Staff.
- * Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., Second Secretary, American Embassy, London.
- Thorp, Willard L., Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
- Thugutt, Mieczyslaw, member of the Polish Peasants’ Party.
- Tikhon (Vasily Ivanovich Belyavin), Patriarch of Moscow, 1917–1925.
- Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense in the Provisional Government of Yugoslavia; Supreme Commander, Yugoslav Army.
- Tittmann, Harold H., Jr., Assistant to the Personal Representative of the President to Pope Pius XII.
- Tkaczow, Stanislaw, Minister of Forests in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- Togliatti, Palmiro, Secretary General, Italian Communist Party.
- Togo, Shigenori, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Tolbukhin, Marshal of the Soviet Union Fedor Ivanovich, Commander, Third Ukrainian Front.
- Townsend, Colonel Dallas S., U. S. A. (retired), General Staff Officer, United States Military Representation, Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
- Trotsky, Lev Davydovich, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Government, 1917–1918; People’s Commissar for War, 1918–1925.
- * Truman, Harry S., President of the United States; Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.
- Turkey, The Sultan of. See ‘Abd-al-Hamid II; ‘Abd-al-Majid; Ibrahim I.
- * Turner, Mark, Principal Assistant Secretary, Economic Advisory Branch, British Foreign Office, detailed to the British Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Tyree, Commander John A., U. S. N., Assistant Naval Aide to the President.
- Tyson, Major Terence Lloyd, U. S. A., Medical Officer assigned to Secretary of State Stettinius.
- Unaydin, Rusen Esref, Turkish Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and (Northern) Ireland, The King of. See Edward VII; George VI.
- * Vacarro, Ernest, representative of the Associated Press in the press, radio, and photographers’ pool assigned to cover the Berlin Conference.
- * Vaeth, Sergeant George J., U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Valentiny, Agoston, Hungarian Minister of Justice.
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., United States Senator from Michigan.
- * Vardaman, Captain James K., Jr., U. S. N. R., Naval Aide to the President.
- Vasiliu Raşcanu, General Constantin, Rumanian Minister of War.
- * Vaughan, Brigadier General Harry H., U. S. A., Military Aide to the President.
- Velebit, Major General Vladimir, member of the Yugoslav Delegation which negotiated the Duino agreement of June 20, 1945, relating to Venezia Giulia.
- Victor Emmanuel (Vittorio Emanuele) III, King of Italy.
- Villard, Henry S., Chief, Division of African Affairs, Department of State; United States Representative, Paris Conversations Concerning Tangier.
- * Vincent, John Carter, Chief, Division of Chinese Affairs, Department of State.
- Vinogradov, Sergey Alexandrovich, Soviet Ambassador to Turkey.
- Vinogradov, Lieutenant General Vladislav Petrovich, (Soviet) Chief of Staff, Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
- Vinson, Fred M., Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion.
- Visoianu, Constantin, Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1944–March 1945.
- Vissering, Colonel Norman H., U. S. A., Deputy to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Supply Division, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- * Vlasik, Nikolay Sidorovich, Soviet Commissar of State Security, Third Rank.
- Voroshilov, Marshal of the Soviet Union Kliment Efremovich, Chairman, Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
- Voulgaris, Admiral Petros, Greek Prime Minister.
- Vyshinski . See Vyshinsky.
- * Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich, Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.
- * Waddell, Harold Newton, Vice Consul, American Embassy, Moscow.
- Wadsworth, George, Minister to Lebanon and Syria.
- * Waley, Sir David, Under-Secretary, British Treasury, detailed to the British Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Wallace, Henry A., Vice President of the United States, 1941–January 20, 1945.
- * Wands, Second Lieutenant Robert A., U. S. A., an official photographer for the Berlin Conference.
- * Ward, J. G., Acting First Secretary, Reconstruction Department, British Foreign Office.
- * Ward, J. Langdon, Administrative Officer, Office of the Secretary of State.
- Warner, C. F. A., Head, Northern Department, British Foreign Office.
- Warren, George L., Adviser on Refugees and Displaced Persons, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
- Wasilewska, Wanda, head of the Union of Polish Patriots in the Soviet Union, 1943–1944.
- Wasson, Thomas C., Acting Chief, Division of African Affairs, Department of State.
- * Watkins, Sergeant Donald, U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Watson, Hathaway, Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.
- Wedemeyer, Lieutenant General Albert C., U. S. A., Commanding General, United States Forces, China Theater; Chief of Staff to the Supreme Commander, China Theater.
- * Weeks, Lieutenant-General Sir Ronald, Deputy Military Governor and Chief of Staff, British Zone of Occupation in Germany.
- * Weir, Albert R., United States Secret Service.
- Weizmann, Chaim, President, World Zionist Organization; President, Jewish Agency for Palestine.
- Welles, Sumner, Under Secretary of State, 1937–1943.
- Werner, Otto, Mayor of Berlin.
- Wesson, Major General Charles M., U. S. A., Director, Division of Soviet Supply, Foreign Economic Administration.
- Westminster , The Duke of, a guest of the British Prime Minister at Chequers, May 1945.
- White, Harry Dexter, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
- Wilhelm , Prince Imperial of Germany and Crown Prince of Prussia, 1888–1918.
- Williamson, Francis T., Assistant to Country Specialist, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State.
- Wilson, Edwin C., Ambassador to Turkey.
- * Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland, Head, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington; member of the Combined Policy Committee (on atomic energy).
- Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States, 1913–1921.
- Winant, John G., Ambassador to the United Kingdom; United States Representative, European Advisory Commission; United States Representative, Committee on German Dismemberment (established by the Yalta Conference).
- * Wise, Colonel John S., U. S. A., Staff Officer, Theater (Operations) Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff.
- Wise, Jonah Bondi, Rabbi, Central Synagogue, New York.
- Witos, Wincenty, Polish Prime Minister, 1920–1921, May–December 1923, May 10–14, 1926.
- Wolf, Justin R., Washington Liaison Representative, United States Delegation, Allied Commission on Reparations.
- * Wolff , Technician Third Grade August, U. S. A., Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- * Woodward, Lieutenant Colonel Harper L., U. S. A., Administrative Officer, Advisory Council to the Commanding General, Headquarters, Army Air Forces.
- Wright, Michael, Counsellor, British Embassy, Washington.
- Wycech, Czeslaw, Minister of Education in the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
- York, Major General John Y., Jr., U. S. A., Vice Chairman and Executive, The President’s Soviet Protocol Committee.
- * Yost, Charles W., Executive Secretary, Central Secretariat, Department of State; Special Assistant to the Chairman, United States Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization.
- Young, John Parke, Acting Chief, Division of Foreign Economic Development, Department of State.
- * Yovich, Dorothy, Clerk-Stenographer, Office of the Secretary of State.
- Yugoslavia, The King of. See Peter II.
- Zachariades, Nikolaos, Secretary General, Communist Party of Greece.
- Zakowski, Juliusz, member of the Polish Socialist Party; professor of architecture residing at Liverpool, England.
- * Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich, Chief, Soviet Military Administration in Germany; Commander in Chief, Soviet Forces of Occupation in Germany.
- Zulawski, Zygmunt, member of the Polish National Council of the Homeland.