Leahy Papers: Telegram

No. 151
Prime Minister Churchill to President Truman 1

top secret

Prime Minister to President Truman. Personal and top secret. Number 83.

Thank you for your Number 65.2 I have sent the following: to Stalin:

“Prime Minister to Marshal Stalin. 10th June 1945.

“Thank you for your message of the 27th May3 informing me that you think the time has come to resume diplomatic relations with Roumania, Bulgaria and Finland with the possibility that a similar action can be taken with regard to Hungary in the near future.

“2. We have ourselves been considering our future relations with these states and we hope very shortly to put comprehensive proposals before you and the United States Government. I should hope that we might then discuss them when next we meet.”4

  1. Sent by the United States Military Attaché, London, via Army channels.
  2. Not printed. This message informed Churchill concerning the final text of Truman’s reply to Stalin’s message of May 27 concerning the establishment of diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania. Cf. document No. 285, footnote 5.
  3. Text in Stalin’s Correspondence, vol. i, p. 361.
  4. Cf. ibid., p. 363.