References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David, 216
- Abrams, Gen. Creighton W., 189
- Adair, E. Ross, 24
- Aden, 98
- Ad Hoc Interdepartmental Working Group on Defense Strategy, Forces, and Budgets, 192
- Ad Hoc Panel on Ballistic Missile Defense, 118
- Advanced manned strategic aircraft (AMSA), 6, 100, 112
- Afghanistan, 82
- Agency for International Development (AID), 45
- Agnew, Spiro T., 6, 9, 34, 158
- ABM decision, 24
- Balance of power, 7
- Chemical and biological warfare, 103, 104, 128
- Defense budget, 146, 153, 155, 191, 195
- Defense Program Review Committee, 55
- Draft reform, 133, 135
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Safeguard missile defense system, 25, 121
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 179
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 8
- U.S. military posture, 48, 56
- Agreements, international:
- British draft agreement on banning of biological weapons, 97, 102, 104, 122, 127
- Geneva Protocol (1925), 95, 97, 99, 102, 104, 122, 127
- Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation (1971), 191
- Interim Agreement on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (1972), 211, 226
- Seabed Treaty joint draft (1969), 78
- Sino-Soviet river navigation agreement (Aug., 1969), 63
- Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (1972), 211, 212, 226
- Aiken, George, 24
- Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS), 52, 145, 152, 178, 192, 226
- Aircraft carriers, 100, 107, 112, 132, 149, 152, 158, 165
- Air defense, 151, 154, 165, 178
- Air Force, U.S., 191
- Airlift, 165
- Air munitions for chemical warfare, 94
- Air National Guard, 165
- Albert, Carl, 24
- Alert rates, 129
- Allen, Capt. Charles, 219
- Allende Gossens, Salvador, 165
- Allison, Gen. Royal B., 168, 171
- Allott, Gordon, 21, 24, 50, 146
- All-volunteer armed forces. See under Draft reform.
- American Council on Education, 133, 135
- Amphibious assault capability, 192, 194
- Anderson, George W. Jr., 210
- Anderson, Rear Adm. H. H., 189
- Anderson, Jack, 206
- Anderson, John B., 24, 50, 146
- Anderson, Martin, 133, 135
- Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) (see also Safeguard missile defense system; Sentinel missile defense system):
- Anti-satellite weapons systems, 52, 178, 197, 226
- Anti-submarine warfare (ASW), 14, 105, 149, 152, 165, 178, 182, 194, 208, 226
- Anti-tank weapons, 184
- Anti-war groups, 135
- Anti-war propaganda, 131, 132
- Arab-Israeli War (1967), 149
- Arab-Israeli War (1973), 59
- Archer, Col. Robert, 189
- Arends, Leslie C., 24, 50, 146
- Armacost, Michael, 219
- Arms control, 4, 7
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA):
- Army, United States, 136, 150, 187, 188, 191
- Army Ballistic Missile Defense Agency (ABMDA), 118
- Artsimovich, Prof., 66
- Asia:
- Conventional Communist threats in, 189
- NATO defense and war in, 152, 218, 219
- Strategy and forces in, 202, 219
- U.S. forces in, 45, 192, 202
- U.S. nuclear policy for, 42, 123, 181, 189, 202, 218, 219
- U.S. response to nuclear attack on, possible, 120, 218
- U.S. withdrawal from, perception of, 191, 195, 202
- Weapons systems for use in, 98
- Assured destruction, 32, 34, 129, 180, 204
- Atlantic Ocean, 165, 192
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 107, 141, 196, 217, 222
- Australia, 103, 218
- Azores, 82
- B–1A strategic bomber, 6, 100, 112
- Babbitt, Capt. Franklin G., 38
- Bahrain, 82
- Baker, William O., 210
- Balance of payments, 98, 195
- Balance of power, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 32, 34, 198, 204
- Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS), 14, 198
- Balloons, 118
- Baraz, Robert H., 66
- Bardshar, Rear Adm. F. A., 76
- Barnett, A. Doak, 124
- Baroody, William J., Jr., 177
- Bates, Col. James M., 97
- Bates, William H., 24
- Beecher, William G., Jr., 189
- Belgium, 137
- Berlin, 32, 145, 149, 152
- Bethe, Hans A., 22
- Binary nerve gases, 97
- Biological warfare. See Chemical and biological warfare.
- Birdt, Capt. George, 122
- Blast shelters, 222
- Boggs, Hale, 24
- Bohlen, Charles E., 85
- Bombers (see also
Strategic forces):
- B–1, 6, 100, 112, 182, 194
- B–52, 124, 152, 182, 189, 194, 219
- Backfire, 198, 225
- Bear, 160, 198, 225
- Bison, 160, 198
- Budget cuts and, 100, 145, 147, 149, 151, 152
- IL–28, 218
- In Limited strategic nuclear war, 129
- SALT and phase-out of, 154
- Soviet, 46, 153, 160
- TU–16 (Chinese), 57, 200, 216, 218
- Unlikelihood of nuclear attacks using, 199
- Botulinum, 122
- Bow, Frank T., 24, 146
- Brands, Paul, 189, 202, 219
- Brandt, Willy, 97
- Brandwein, David, 43
- Brehm, William K., 161
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 210
- Brooke, Edward W., 43, 50
- Brown, Leslie H., 98, 149, 164, 181, 184, 189, 219
- Buchanan, Patrick J., 24, 50
- Buckley, Col. Jack L, 77
- Buckley, James, 199
- Budget, Bureau of, 47, 96, 107, 109, 132
- Bulgaria, 92
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 25
- Burchinal, Gen. David, 78
- Burke, Gerard P., 210
- Burma, 189, 218
- Burns, J. L., 137
- Burrows, Brig. Gen. William, 189, 202
- Butterfield, Alexander P., 33
- BZ (hallucinogen), 94
- C–5A transport aircraft, 107, 190
- Cambodia, 58, 83, 174, 190, 218
- Canada, 8, 32, 80, 82, 103, 137
- Canal Zone, 82
- Cargo, William I., 64, 68, 97, 122
- Carter, Barry, 182
- Case, Clifford P., 112
- Ceaucescu, Nicolae, 59
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Chinese People’s Republic nuclear tests, 67
- Defense budget, 47
- Intelligence capabilities against Chinese People’s Republic, 202
- JCS readiness test, 89
- Safeguard missile defense system, 117
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Soviet defense spending, 25
- Soviet ICBM silo construction, 186
- Soviet MIRV testing, 33, 50, 182
- Soviet missile deployment numbers, 105
- SS–9 testing, 159
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 219
- Chaff, 52, 117, 118, 178
- Chaffee, John, 153, 180
- Chapin, Dwight, 150
- Chapman, Gen. Leonard F., Jr., 49, 77, 90, 150, 191
- Chemical and biological warfare (see
Geneva Protocol (1925)):
- British draft agreement on banning of biological agents, 97, 102, 104, 122, 127
- Canadian resolution in U.N. on, 103
- Defense from, 94
- Disposal of BW stocks, 104
- Egyptian use of, 103
- German Federal Republic stockpiles, 97, 99, 102, 104
- JCS position, 97, 102, 103
- Nerve agents, 94
- No-first-use statement on, 97
- Vs. Nuclear weapons, 103
- R&D on, 97, 99, 103, 115, 122
- Soviet capabilities for, 94, 165
- Soviet draft agreement on banning of biological agents, 97
- Use for humanitarian purposes of, 99
- U.S. maintenance of capability in, 99, 102
- U.S. policy on:
- Vietnam, 58
- Chile, 165, 191
- China, People’s Republic of (see also
Chinese People’s Republic subheadings under other
subjects; Sino-Soviet dispute):
- ABM systems as defense against missile threat from, 18, 23
- Chemical incapacitants, 97
- Cultural Revolution, 63, 174
- ICBM force levels and deployment dates, 14, 120, 174, 181, 189
- Irrational actions by, 18, 25
- Japanese use of poisonous gas in, 97
- Kissinger visit (Oct., 1971), 199
- Korea invasion by, possible, 44, 48, 51, 181, 202
- Large mounded strongpoints in, 153, 181, 202
- Military forces at Soviet border, 153, 174
- Nuclear capabilities of, 6, 34, 35, 218
- Nuclear testing by, 67
- Response to Soviet attack on West, possible, 45
- Safeguard as defense against attack by, 32, 35, 108, 117, 118
- Sentinel as defense against attack by, 4, 6, 14
- Soviet destruction of nuclear facilities, possible, 61, 62, 63, 66
- Soviet missile defense as focused on, 50, 52
- Soviet Union, relations with, 61, 63, 189
- Space program, 200
- Strategic weapons program, 12, 57, 200
- Targeting against threat to the United States, 181, 189
- United States, relations with, 70
- U.S. nuclear umbrella against threats by, 32, 42
- U.S. strategic force capabilities against, 192, 194, 195, 216, 218
- U.S. strategic policy alternatives toward, 204, 218
- China, Republic of, 98, 181, 189, 191, 218
- Chou En-lai (see Zhou Enlai)
- Christie, John, 164, 206
- Circular Error Probability, 31, 38, 40, 225
- City-busting, 177
- Civil defense:
- Clarke, Bruce C., 204
- Clifford, Clark, 1
- Cline, Ray, 186
- Cole, Kenneth R., Jr., 188, 227
- Collateral damage, 129
- Colson, Charles W., 213, 214
- Combat Operation Centers, 14
- Conflict control, 129
- Congress, Acts of:
- Budget amendment (1973), 214, 220
- Landrum-Griffin Act (1960), 21
- Mansfield Amendment, 185, 195, 199
- Military Selective Service Act (1967), 53, 133, 138, 139
- National Defense Reorganization Act (1958), 21
- P. L. 91–124, 53
- P. L. 91–129, 185
- Tax Reform Act (1969), 152
- Uniform Services Special Pay Act, 229
- War powers legislation, 213
- Congress, U.S. (see
Congress, Acts of):
- ABM decision, 21, 23, 24
- Chemical and biological warfare, 103
- Defense budget, 47, 51, 132, 149, 191, 221
- Deterrence, 13
- Diego Garcia bases, 153
- Draft reform, 53, 54, 138, 139
- Military manpower policy, 185
- Negotiations with Communist bloc nations, 195
- Poseidon modernization schedule, 100
- President’s Annual Foreign Policy Review, 174
- Republican leadership meetings with Nixon, 50
- Safeguard missile defense system:
- Sentinel missile defense system, 4
- Soviet MIRV testing, 31
- ULMS, 205, 207
- U.S. military posture, 51, 56
- Connally, John, 188, 199
- Consolidated Cryptologic Plan (CCP), 165
- Cooper, John Sherman, 21
- Court, John C., 135
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 13
- Cramer, William C., 50, 146
- CRESTED CAP exercises, 165
- Crisis stability, 34, 204
- Cronkite, Walter, 25
- Cruise missiles, 94
- Cuba:
- Cultural Revolution, 63, 174
- Cushman, Lt. Gen. Robert E., Jr.:
- Cyanide gas, 94
- Czechoslovakia, 13, 60, 68, 153, 165
- Damage limitation, 4
- Damansky Island, 63
- Dam, Kenneth, 204
- David, Edward E., Jr., 95, 223
- Davidson, Maj. Gen. Phillip B., 224
- Davies, Rodger P., 98
- Davis, Jeanne W., 68, 97, 122, 168, 182
- Davydov, Boris N., 63, 66
- Dean, John W., III, 213
- Defense Attaché System, 165
- Defense budget of the United States:
- All-volunteer armed forces, 138, 139, 152, 154, 203
- Budget of 1964, 49, 191, 194
- Budget of 1970, 47, 49, 165
- Budget of 1971:
- Budget of 1972:
- Alternatives for, 14, 152, 169
- Deficits in, 184
- DOD position, 146, 164, 166, 177
- Draft reform, 132, 133
- Foreign policy considerations for, 152
- Long-range planning and, 143, 148, 154, 155, 158
- Military manpower policy and, 161
- Nixon-DOD meeting on, 153
- Nixon-JCS meeting on, 150
- NSC meetings on, 151
- Safeguard missile defense system, 168, 169
- San Clemente meetings on, 146
- Supplemental request for, 205
- U.S. military posture and, 145, 149, 165
- Budget of 1973:
- Acceptable levels for, 192
- Amendment to, 214, 215
- Decision on, 193, 203
- Defense strategy, forces and, 192, 194, 195
- DOD/JCS meeting with Nixon on, 191
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance for, 184, 190
- Economic considerations for, 192
- Long-range planning and, 206
- Offsetting reductions to, 214
- Processes for deciding on, 199, 201
- Projected figures for, 184, 187, 188
- Support costs, 194
- ULMS funding, 205
- Budget of 1974, 220, 221
- Budget of 1976, 152
- Deficits in, 143, 145, 148, 149, 151, 152
- Domestic vs. defense spending, 143
- Five year defense plans, 51, 56, 96, 130, 148, 152, 154, 155, 158, 190, 192, 206, 220
- Guidelines for decisions on, 51
- Guns vs. butter arguments, 221
- Military posture options impact on, 45
- Safeguard missile defense system, 100, 105, 107, 113, 117, 118, 168, 169
- Selection of strategies and, 48
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA):
- Defense planning, 98
- Defense Program Review Committee (DPRC):
- Asia strategy and forces, 202
- Criticism of, 143
- Decisions on strategies and budgets, 56, 96, 100, 130, 194, 218
- Defense budget:
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Establishment of, 55
- General Purpose Forces, 164, 177
- Military manpower policy, 161
- NATO force improvements, 190
- Safeguard missile defense system, 109, 118, 124, 125
- Strategic policy after SALT, 216
- U.S. military posture reviews, 51, 136, 140, 149, 177, 204
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 189, 202, 218, 219
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD):
- ABM decision, 20, 23
- Chemical and biological warfare, 97, 99
- Civil defense, 222
- Defense budget, 47, 146, 153, 164, 166, 177, 191, 206, 214
- Draft reform, 131, 138, 139
- Five-year defense plans, 56, 96, 148, 152, 192, 206, 220
- Military force levels, 206
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 15, 16, 18
- Nixon views of, 188
- Nuclear weapons stockpile, 141, 196, 217
- Personnel management problems, 152
- Safeguard missile defense system, 117, 125, 166, 167, 170, 171, 172
- Soviet MIRV testing, 33
- Strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Submarine alternatives, 207
- U.S. military aid to East Asia, 98
- U.S. military posture, 35, 44
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 202, 219
- U.S. strategic forces, 3, 18, 182
- Deferments, draft, 53, 54, 131, 133, 138
- Defoliants, 95, 99
- De Gaulle, Charles, 13
- Denmark, 137
- Denney, George C., Jr., 46, 63, 66
- De Poix, Vice Adm. Vincent P., 224, 225, 226
- Détente, 32, 225
- Deterrence:
- Assured destruction as, 129
- Against Chinese People’s Republic, 218
- Criteria for, 129
- Goals in event of failure of, 204
- In Limited strategic nuclear war, 129
- Minimum, 6, 8, 178
- Nixon Doctrine and, 174
- Post-nuclear war relative advantage as, 216
- Realistic, 179, 180, 229
- Redundancy and, 32
- Reliance on nuclear weapons for, 162, 204
- Strategic, 6
- Strategy for Peace plan as, 157, 162
- U.S. policy on, 13, 49
- Warfighting vs., 162
- In Western Europe, 98
- Diego Garcia, 98, 153
- Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 21, 22, 24
- Disarmament, 174, 195
- Division Force Equivalents (DFEs), 219
- Djibouti, 82
- Dobrynin, Anatoly, 91, 169, 174
- JCS readiness test, 69, 83, 84, 85
- Dominance, 6, 8
- Dominican Republic, 177
- Draft reform (see also
Military manpower policy):
- All-volunteer armed forces, 135, 138, 139
- Defense Department position, 131
- Deferments/exemptions, 53, 54, 131, 133, 138
- Induction Authority extension, 131, 133, 135, 138, 150
- Interim, 133
- Lottery, 131, 133, 135, 185
- NSC meeting on, 133, 134, 135
- Presidential decision on, 139
- Stand-by draft, 133, 138, 227, 228
- Drell, Sidney D., 22
- DuBridge, Lee A., 28, 29, 39
- Duck Hook, 83
- Dulles, John Foster, 153
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., 204
- Earle, Ralph, II, 4, 17
- East Asia (see also individual countries), 98
- East-West relations, 8
- Egypt, 94, 103, 165, 191, 195
- Ehrlichman, John, 21, 133
- Eighteen-nation Disarmament Conference, 19, 97, 102, 104, 122
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 25, 59, 177
- Elder, Maj. Gen. John H., Jr., 158, 164, 204, 216
- Electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 182
- Electronic intelligence (ELINT), 5
- Elliot, Theodore L., Jr., 79
- Ellsworth, Robert F., 80, 135, 137
- Enke, Stephen, 135
- Equal security, 225
- Europe (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- Executive Order 11527, 139
- Fallout shelters, 222
- Farley, Philip J., 20
- Asia strategy and forces, 202
- Chemical and biological warfare, JCS position, 103
- Defense budget, 145, 149, 158
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Missile defense alternatives, 14
- Safeguard missile defense system, 107, 167, 168, 171
- Strategic forces survivability, 182
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 6
- U.S. military posture reviews, 32, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 189, 218
- Fazio, James, 88
- Federal Aviation Agency, 45
- Federal Reserve, 145, 152
- Fighter planes:
- Finch, Robert H., 28, 54, 133, 135
- Firebar interceptors, 178
- Firing on warning, 8
- First strike capability, 8, 36, 99, 192
- Fisher, Adrian S., 4
- Flanigan, Peter M., 133
- Flexible response doctrine, 174
- Force structure, 45
- Ford, Gerald R., 24, 50, 146
- Foreign Affairs, 124
- Foreign policy review, 174, 177, 204
- Forward deployments, 192, 194
- Foster, John S., Jr., 17, 109
- Foxbat fighter (Soviet), 149, 165, 178, 191
- Fractional Orbital Bombardment System, 7, 11, 14, 24, 38, 46, 198
- France:
- Freund, Maj. Gen. John F., 52
- Froehlke, Robert F., 212
- Fryklund, Verne Charles, Jr., 17
- Fullbright, J. William, 13, 24, 213
- Furnas, Howard E., 97, 122
- G-agents, 94
- Garthoff, Raymond, 168
- Garwin, Richard L., 22
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 131
- Gates Commission, 131, 133, 135, 138
- Gathright, Wreatham, 181
- Gayler, Vice Adm. Noel, 46, 178
- General Defense Intelligence Program, 165
- General Purpose Forces, 45, 56, 151, 154, 158, 164, 165, 177, 192, 194, 218
- General strategic alternatives, 204
- General Strike Plan, 196
- Geneva Protocol (1925), 95, 99, 102, 104, 122, 127
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Glassboro Summit (June, 1967), 13
- Goldberger, Marvin, 22
- Goldwater, Barry, 199
- Goodby, James E., 137
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew, 76, 78, 80, 81
- Gore, Albert D., Sr., 8
- Gray, Gordon, 210
- Greater Than Expected (GTE) threats, 18
- Grechko, Gen. Andrei Antonovich, 216
- Greece, 98, 137, 191
- Green, Marshall, 62, 66, 98, 181
- Griffin, Robert P., 50, 146
- Gromyko, Andrei, 68
- Ground munitions, 94
- Guam, 181
- Guam Doctrine, 98
- Guantanamo, 165
- Guhin, Michael, 97, 103, 115, 122, 222
- Guthrie, D. Keith:
- Hackett, James, 202, 206, 216, 220
- Haig, Alexander M., 112, 170
- Defense budget:
- Draft reform, 185
- JCS readiness test, 72, 74, 79, 80, 81, 82, 89, 92
- MIRV ban in SALT treaty, 43
- Missile defense alternatives, 16, 17
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet MIRV testing, 30, 31, 33
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 7
- U.S. military posture, 35, 48, 136
- Vietnam war potential actions, 58
- War powers legislation, 213
- Haldeman, H. R. “Bob”:
- Hallucinogens, 94
- Halperin, Morton, 4, 32, 62
- Hard Point defense systems, 106, 124, 125, 168
- Hard Rock Silo program, 106
- Hard-site defense, 167, 168
- Harlfinger, Rear Adm. Frederick J., 178
- Harlow, Bryce, 51, 103, 138
- Harriman, W. Averell, 85
- Hartman, Arthur, 32
- Healey, Denis, 100
- Hedging, 204
- Heffner, Hubert, 177
- Helicopters, 47
- Helms, Richard M., 9, 34, 41, 105, 115,
117, 123, 169, 223
- ABM decision, 24
- Balance of power, 7
- Chemical and biological warfare, 95, 102, 103, 104, 128
- Civil defense, 28
- Civil emergency preparedness, 29
- Defense budget:
- Defense Program Review Committee, 57, 130
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Draft reform, 133, 135
- Foreign policy review, 174
- General purpose forces, 164
- Intelligence community reorganization, 203
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Safeguard missile defense system, 107, 118
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62, 63
- Soviet forces for intercontinental attack, 160
- Soviet ICBM silo construction, 186
- Soviet MIRV testing, 30, 31, 33
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 36, 179
- SS–9 testing, 159
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 8
- U.S. military posture:
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42, 181, 202, 218, 219
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Herbicides, 97, 99, 102, 103, 104
- Herbst, Roland F., 43
- Hershey, Gen. Lewis B., 54, 133, 135, 139
- High explosive (HE) minefields, 94
- Hillenbrand, Martin, 19, 98, 137, 149
- Ho Chi Minh, 59
- Ho Chi Minh Trail, 174
- Hoff, Joan, 59
- Holdridge, John H., 64, 66, 68, 181, 189, 202
- Holifield, Chet, 24
- Holloway, Gen. Bruce K., 76
- Holmes, Adm. Ephrain, 76
- Hosmer, Craig, 24
- House of Representatives, U.S.:
- Hughes, Thomas L., 38
- Hyland, William, 66, 70
- Iceland, 82, 137
- Ifft, Edward, 43
- Incapacitants, 94
- Incendiary weapons, 94
- India, 68, 191, 202
- Indian Ocean, 191
- Indonesia, 98, 218
- Indo-Pakistan crisis (1971), 59
- Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation (1971), 191
- Inflation, 145, 220
- Initial operational capability (IOC), 12
- Intelligence, 165, 203, 206
- Intelligence gap, 33, 35
- Interagency Military Posture Review, 6, 9, 45, 68
- Interdepartmental Political-Military Group in Response to NSSM 59, 99, 102, 115, 122
- Interest rates, 145
- Irwin, John N., II:
- Defense budget, 158, 195, 206, 220
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184
- Foreign policy review, 174
- General purpose forces, 164
- Military manpower policy, 161, 184
- Safeguard missile defense system, 166, 167, 168, 171
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- U.S. military posture review, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 189, 202, 218
- Israel, 50, 59, 98, 149, 174
- Italy, 103, 137
- Izvestia, 66
- Jackson, Henry M., 22, 124, 125, 195, 199, 216
- Japan (see also
andJapanese subheadings under other
subjects), 100, 120, 165
- Chinese People’s Republic attack on Korea, effect on, 181
- Closing of U.S. intelligence bases in, 206
- Neutrality of, possible, 190
- Nuclear weapons development, possible, 158, 162
- Poisonous gas use in Chinese People’s Republic, 97
- Rearmament of, 184
- U.S. nuclear policy in Asia, 218
- U.S. withdrawal from Asia, perception of, 191, 195
- Jarring, Gunnar, 174
- Javits, Jacob K., 213
- John, Brig. Gen. Ernest F., 38
- Johnson, Lyndon B.:
- Johnson, Vice Adm. Nels C., 64, 87, 100
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 130
- ABM decision, 20
- Asia strategy and forces, 202, 219
- Defense budget, 132, 145, 149, 153, 158
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Military manpower policy, 161
- Safeguard missile defense system, 107, 109, 118, 124
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 63, 64
- Strategic policy after SALT, 216
- U.S. foreign policy assumptions for defense planning, 98
- U.S. military posture, 44, 96, 100, 140
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 189
- Johnsrud, Col. Melvin H., 181
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):
- Balance of power, 4
- Chemical and biological warfare, 97, 102, 103
- Civil defense, 28, 216, 222
- Defense budget, 49, 150, 187, 191, 195, 220
- General strategic alternatives, 204
- Limited strategic nuclear war, 129
- Memoranda:
- Military manpower policy, 185
- Missile defense alternatives, 18
- Naval force review, 57
- Readiness test:
- Actions taken in, 77, 82
- Allied response to, 78, 80, 81
- Cabinet officials’ role in, 79
- Carrier task force movements, 87
- Chinese People’s Republic response to, 88
- CIA memorandum on, 89
- Conflict with HIGH HEELS, 81
- Evaluation of options in, 74
- Extension of length of, 90
- German Federal Republic as affected by, 82
- JCS position, 75
- Nixon-as-madman theory, impact of, 59, 83, 85
- Presidential decision on, 80
- Proposals for, 71, 72, 73
- Public image of, 80, 86
- Reasons for, 59
- Soviet impressions from, 84, 85, 86
- Soviet response to, 88, 92, 93
- Research and development for strategic forces, 117, 192
- Safeguard missile defense system, 117, 124
- Sentinel deployment models, 11
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Soviet evacuation of civilian populations, 204
- Soviet strategic offensive missile capability, 11
- Strategy for Peace plan, 157, 162
- Sustained defense strategy in Europe, 45
- Taking stock of planning and operations, 229
- U.S. military posture, 32, 44, 48, 165
- U.S. nuclear policy in Asia, 218, 219
- Vietnam war potential actions, 48, 58, 83
- Joint Forces Memorandum, 184
- Joint Strategic Objectives Plan (JSOP), 96, 107, 189, 190, 191, 192, 195
- Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, 5
- Jordan crisis, 158, 191
- Jurich, Anthony, 32
- Kanarowski, Maj. Stanley, 100
- Kazakhstan, 59, 62, 63
- Keegan, Maj. Gen. George J., Jr., 224, 225
- Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr., 4, 22, 168
- Kelley, Roger T., 161, 180
- Kennedy, David M., 34
- Kennedy, Edward M., 21, 24, 25, 43
- Kennedy, John F., 7, 37, 163, 177, 199
- Kennedy, Col. Richard T.:
- Keogh, James, 59
- Kerst, Kenneth A., 66
- Kill assessments, 18
- Kilpatrick, James, 27
- Kissinger, Henry A., 21, 117, 123, 126, 170, 176
- ABM decision, 22, 24, 25
- Asia strategy and forces, 202, 219
- B–1A strategic bomber, 112
- Balance of power, 2, 7
- Budget issues, 111, 112
- Chemical and biological warfare, 97, 102, 103, 115, 122, 127
- China visit (Oct., 1971), 199
- Chinese People’s Republic strategic threat, 189
- Civil defense, 28, 222
- Contingency planning, 3
- Defense budget:
- DPRC, establishment of, 57
- Draft reform:
- Duck Hook, 83
- Five-year defense plans, 130, 155, 158, 206, 220
- Foreign policy review, 174
- General Purpose Forces, 164, 177
- JCS readiness test:
- Laird and Rogers conflict with, 80
- Limited strategic nuclear war, 41, 129
- Military force reductions, 108
- Military manpower policy, 161, 185, 194, 195
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
- Missile testing, 114
- Naval forces review, 27, 57
- Nuclear weapons deployment authorization, 142
- Nuclear weapons safety rules, 163
- Nuclear weapons stockpile, 196, 217
- Safeguard missile defense system:
- Congressional approval of, 25
- Deployment alternatives, 109, 124, 125, 172
- DPRC meetings on, 109, 118, 124, 125
- Effectiveness against Chinese People’s Republic attack, 118
- Nixon’s desire for continued development of, 109
- NSC meetings on, 120, 121, 171
- Phase II, 100, 107, 113
- Phase III, 166, 167, 169, 172
- Political strategies for, 116, 118
- PSAC position, 118
- SALT, 43, 119, 175, 216
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70
- Soviet Union:
- SS–9 missiles, 26, 67, 159, 175
- SS–11 missiles, 110
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 5, 7, 216
- Strategic sufficiency, 36, 39
- Strategy for Peace plan, 157
- Submarine alternatives, 207
- Transition briefings for, 1
- ULMS, 199, 201, 205, 207, 208
- U.S. military posture:
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42, 181, 218
- U.S. strategic capabilities in nuclear attack, 41
- U.S. strategic forces, 3
- Vietnam War, 58, 69, 143
- War powers legislation, 213
- Klein, Herbert G., 25, 33, 138
- Knowles, Lt. Gen. Richard T., 161
- Knubel, Lt. Cmdr. John A., 184, 189, 202, 206, 219, 220
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 92, 147, 189
- Korean War, 49, 59
- Korea, Republic of:
- Balance of payments, 195
- Chinese People’s Republic attack on, possible, 44, 48, 51, 181, 202
- Line for U.S. defense of, 189
- Modernization of military forces of, 165, 192, 202
- U.S. defense capabilities in, 45, 47, 190
- U.S. force reductions in, 143, 152, 158, 161, 162, 184, 220
- U.S. force requirements in, 218
- U.S. forces in, 44, 98, 195
- U.S. military aid to, 98, 153, 164
- U.S. military bases in, 181
- U.S. nuclear policy in Asia, 218
- U.S. policy toward, 62
- Kosygin, Alexei N., 13, 59, 191
- Kraemer, Fritz, 82
- Laird, Melvin R., 6, 158, 169
- ABM decision, 24, 25, 216
- ABM treaty limitations, 212
- Annual defense report, 180
- B–1A strategic bomber, 112
- Balance of power, 7
- Budget issues, 111
- Chemical and biological warfare:
- Civil defense, 28, 223
- Civil emergency preparedness, 29
- Defense budget:
- Defense budget, 49, 76, 77, 111
- Defense Program Review Committee, 57, 130
- Draft reform, 54, 131, 138
- Foreign policy review, 174
- JCS readiness test:
- Kissinger conflict with, 80
- Limited strategic nuclear war, 41, 129
- Military manpower policy, 161, 185, 195
- Minuteman missile survivability, 156
- MIRV ban in SALT treaty, 43
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Naval forces review, 27, 57
- Nuclear weapons deployment authorization, 142
- Nuclear weapons stockpile, 196, 217
- Realistic deterrence strategy, 180
- Safeguard missile defense system, 33
- Sentinel program, 9, 11
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Soviet ICBM silo construction, 186
- Soviet MIRV testing, 26, 33
- Soviet strategic attack forces, assessment of, 105
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 36, 179
- SS–11 missiles, 110
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 98
- Strategy for Peace plan, 157, 162
- Transition briefings for, 1
- ULMS, 205, 207, 208
- U.S. military commitment to Europe, 8
- U.S. military posture:
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42, 219
- U.S. strategic capabilities in nuclear attack, 41
- U.S. strategic forces, 3
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Vietnam War, 58, 83, 112, 143
- Landmines, 94
- Laos, 58, 87, 174, 218
- Large mounded strongpoints, 153, 181, 202
- Latimer, Thomas, 210
- Latin America, 165
- Latter, Richard, 22, 182
- Lebanon crises, 49, 89, 92
- Lee, Vice Adm. John M., 204
- Asia strategy and forces, 202, 219
- Defense budget, 132, 145, 149, 158, 220
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184
- General purpose forces, 164
- Military manpower policy, 161
- Strategic forces survivability, 182
- Strategic policy after SALT, 216
- U.S. military posture review, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 189
- Leestma, David, 216
- Lehman, John F., Jr., 213
- Lemnitzer, Lieut. Col. William, 38, 75
- Lennon, Col. Linwood, 189
- Libya, 98, 165, 191
- Lincoln, Franklin B., Jr., 210
- Lincoln, George A., 6, 9, 34, 39, 139,
- Balance of power, 7
- Chemical and biological warfare, 104, 115, 128
- Civil defense, 28, 222, 223
- Civil emergency preparedness, 29
- Defense budget, 153, 155, 195
- Defense Program Review Committee, 57
- Draft reform, 54, 133, 135, 228
- Foreign policy review, 174
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Safeguard missile defense system, NSC meetings on, 121, 171
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 36
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 8
- U.S. military posture, 48, 56
- Lindjord, Haakon, 4, 32, 68, 97, 122
- Lines of communication (LOC), 229
- Lin Piao, 63, 68
- Liu, Sidney, 66
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 25
- Lombardi, Vince, 50
- Long wavelength infrared (LWIR) optical sensors, 117
- Lon Nol, 174
- Loomis, Henry, 32, 97
- Lord, Winston, 32, 122, 174
- Lowenstein, Allard K., 195
- Lowrance, Vice Adm. Vernon L., 38, 63
- Luxembourg, 137
- Lynn, Lawrence E.:
- B–1A strategic bomber, 112
- Defense budget, 132, 145, 149
- Defense Program Review Committee Working Group, 130
- Military force reductions, 107
- MIRV ban in SALT treaty, 43
- Missile defense alternatives, 16, 17
- Missile testing, 114
- Safeguard missile defense system, 118, 125
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet MIRV testing, 33
- Soviet strategic attack forces, assessment of, 105
- Soviet strategic missile capability, 40
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 5
- U.S. military posture:
- MacGregor, Clark, 213, 214
- Madman theory, 59, 83, 85
- Mahon, George H., 24
- Malaysia, 218
- Malta, 191
- Mansfield, Mike, 13, 21, 24, 43, 185
- Mao Tse-tung, 63, 68, 174
- Marine Amphibious Forces (MAF), 165
- Marine Corps, U.S., 136, 147, 150, 161, 187, 190
- Mark, David E., 66
- Massive-fill warheads, 94
- Mather, Gen. George, 76
- Mayo, Robert P., 9, 28, 29, 34, 39, 41, 117, 123
- McCain, Adm. John S., Jr., 76, 153
- McCallum, Robert, 202
- McChristian, Maj. Gen. Joseph A., 38
- McCloy, John J., 179
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 5, 7, 17
- McCormack, John, 24
- McCracken, Paul W., 29, 56, 117, 123, 155, 169, 209
- McGovern, George, 220
- McGuire, Ralph J., 137
- McHenry, Donald, 32, 68, 97, 122
- McKee, Gen. Seth, 76
- McManis, David, 88
- McNamara, Robert S., 4, 174, 188
- McRae, Vincent, 97, 122
- Media, 80
- Medical deferments, 138, 139
- Mediterranean Basin, 98, 192, 194
- Meir, Golda, 50, 174
- Merchant Marine, 165
- Merritt, Col. Jack N., 149, 167, 168, 182, 216
- Meyer, Charles A., 98
- Middle East:
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 229
- Military Assistance Program (MAP), 44, 98, 150, 158, 189, 190, 202
- Military doctrine of the Soviet Union (see also Soviet Union):
- Military exercises (see also Readiness Test under Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Military force reductions, 108
- Military manpower policy (see also Draft reform):
- Military posture of the United States (see
Strategic policy):
- Analysis of strategies for, 34
- Assured destruction, 32, 34, 129, 180, 204
- Balance of power, 2
- Budgetary impact of, 45
- Combined theater options, 145, 152, 192
- Counterforce improvements, 129, 204, 216
- Damage-limiting alternative, 204
- Decisions on strategies and budgets:
- European position, 32, 34
- Hedging against threats to strategic forces, 204
- Information memorandum on, 44
- Interagency Steering Group paper on, 45, 47, 96
- JCS position, 32, 44, 48, 165
- In Korea, 44
- Laird’s proposal on basic defense goals, 162
- Military issues in design of, 34
- NSC meetings on, 35, 47, 48
- Offensive force capabilities, 192
- Reviews of, 10, 32, 48, 51, 136, 140, 149, 177, 204
- SALT talks and, 32
- Strategic forces objectives, 6, 34, 192, 204
- Support of allies, 204
- Sustained defense strategy in Europe, 45
- U.S. interests and commitments and, 45
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42, 123, 181, 189, 202, 218, 219
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Vietnam War as cost factor in study of, 44
- Worldwide strategies, 45
- Military recruitment and retention, 150
- Military Sealift Command (MSC), 165
- Minefields, high explosive (HE), 94
- Minimum deterrence, 6, 8, 178
- MIRV Working Group, 43
- Missile defense (see also Safeguard missile defense system; Sentinel missile defense system):
- Missile gap, 6, 199
- Missiles (see also
Anti-ballistic missiles; Safeguard missile defense system; Sentinel
missile defense system; SS series of Soviet missiles; Strategic
- Accuracy of, 160
- Air-to-surface (Soviet), 94
- Bomarc, 165
- British purchases of U.S. IRBMs, 141
- With Chemical warheads, 94
- Ching-yu (China), 200
- Condor, 184
- CSS–1 (China), 200
- CSS–2 (China), 200
- Depressed trajectory ICBMs, 38, 46, 117, 225
- Frog (Soviet), 94, 153
- Galosh (Soviet), 26, 167, 178, 186
- Honest John, 181
- ICBMs (Soviet), 160, 186
- Kill probability of, 198
- Land-based, 205
- Minuteman:
- Alternatives for, 166
- Budget deficits and, 145, 152
- Crisis stability and vulnerability of, 204
- Defending sites of, 6, 7, 14, 18
- Increase in numbers of:
- Mobile systems for, 106, 109
- Numbers of, 7, 100
- Reliability of, 43
- Retargeting of, 153
- Silos, 40
- Silo spacing, 38
- Soviet threat to, 37, 105, 160, 225
- Survivability of, 156, 182
- As Targets for Soviet MIRVs, 30, 31, 33, 46
- Minuteman III, 114, 152, 182, 191
- Mobile ICBMs, 225
- MRBMs (China), 57, 200
- Murphy, Franklin D., 210
- Nike-Hercules, 165
- Nike-X, 14
- Nike Zeus, 38
- Pace, Frank Jr., 210
- Polaris:
- Poseidon:
- SA–2 (Soviet), 178
- SA–3 (Soviet), 52, 178
- SA–5 (Soviet), 178, 226
- Scud (Soviet), 94, 153
- Shaddock (Soviet), 94
- Short-range attack missiles (SRAMs), 226
- Solid-fuel (China), 57
- Soviet-U.S. balance of power with, 7, 198, 204
- Spartan:
- Sprint, 14, 52, 117, 118, 168
- SS–13 (Soviet), 38
- SS–Z-3 (Soviet), 38
- Submarine-launched (SLBMs), 8, 14, 46, 225
- Surface-to-Air (SAM), 165, 178, 182, 194, 226
- Talinn (SA–5) (Soviet), 5, 6, 7, 35, 40, 52
- Testing by Soviets, 114
- Testing by United States, 114
- Titan, 36, 151, 153, 154, 165, 190
- Titan II, 147
- ULMS–I, 205, 208
- ULMS–II, 205, 208
- Underseas Long-Range Missile System, 157
- Missile Site Radar (MSR), 14, 16
- Mitchell, John N., 34, 133
- Mobile forces, 129
- Mondale, Walter F., 112
- Mongolia, 153
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 90, 155, 222
- Asia strategy and forces, 219
- Chemical and biological warfare, 127
- Defense budget:
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Foreign policy review, 174
- General Purpose Forces, 164
- JCS readiness test, 77
- Realistic deterrence strategy, 180
- Safeguard missile defense system, 168, 171, 173
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 179
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- Taking stock of defense planning and operations, 229
- ULMS, 205, 207
- U.S. military posture, 165, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 218
- Vietnam War, 143
- Moot, Robert C., 184, 206, 220
- Morgan, Thomas E., 213
- Morton, Thruston, 22
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 21
- Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs):
- Multiple Reentry Vehicles (MRVs), 38, 46, 67, 101, 156, 198, 225
- Munitions, 94, 164, 165
- Murray, Col. Paul, 181
- Mustard gas, 94, 97, 99, 122
- Mutual assured destruction, 32, 34, 129, 180, 204
- Mutual and balanced force reductions, 98, 149
- National Command authority protection:
- National Emergency Command Post Afloat, 165
- National Guard, 131, 135, 229
- National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs):
- National Intelligence Projections for Planning (NIPP), 152
- National Science Foundation (NSF), 140
- National Security Action Memoranda:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184
- Draft reform, 53, 131
- Meetings:
- Feb. 12, 1969, 5
- Feb. 14, 1969, 7
- Feb. 19, 1969, 8
- Mar. 5, 1969, 15, 16
- June 13, 1969, 35, 44
- June 18, 1969, 36, 44, 47
- Aug. 14, 1969, 62, 63
- Sep. 10, 1969, 47, 48, 51, 57, 96, 152
- Oct. 8, 1969, 70
- Oct. 30, 1969, 94
- Nov. 18, 1969, 97, 102, 103
- Jan. 23, 1970, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125
- Mar. 24, 1970, 133, 134, 135
- Aug. 9, 1970, 149
- Aug. 19, 1970, 151, 153, 154, 158
- Jan. 27, 1971, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172
- Mar. 8, 1971, 179
- Aug. 12, 1971, 189, 190
- Aug. 13, 1971, 194, 195
- Nov. 12, 1971, 207
- Nuclear aircraft carriers, 112
- Organization of, 1
- Papers:
- Political-Military Group, 95
- Review Group:
- Safeguard missile defense system meetings, 117, 118, 120, 121, 125, 171
- Submarine alternatives, 208
- Tactical nuclear weapons study, 196
- Working Group studies:
- National Security Decision Memoranda:
- NSDM 16, 39, 145, 152, 166, 170, 182, 184, 192, 204, 216
- NSDM 26, 51, 57, 89
- NSDM 27, 56, 86, 89, 107, 130, 132, 141, 143, 145, 152, 153, 154, 158, 164, 192, 218, 219
- NSDM 35, 104, 115, 128
- NSDM 43, 130
- NSDM 44, 127, 128
- NSDM 51, 156, 167
- NSDM 53, 139, 152, 154
- NSDM 59, 141
- NSDM 60, 142
- NSDM 69, 152
- NSDM 73, 152
- NSDM 74, 156, 166, 170, 182
- NSDM 84, 154, 155, 158, 164
- NSDM 95, 164, 184, 191, 192
- NSDM 96, 163
- NSDM 97, 172, 173
- NSDM 117, 191
- NSDM 120, 191
- NSDM 172, 214, 215
- NSDM 178, 217
- NSDM 184, 223
- National security strategy, 162
- National Security Study Memoranda:
- NSSM 3, 2, 7, 9, 20, 27, 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 44, 47, 48, 56, 100, 107, 145, 152, 184, 195
- NSSM 8, 3
- NSSM 23, 9
- NSSM 24, 10, 41
- NSSM 28, 32, 36
- NSSM 34, 64, 181
- NSSM 50, 27
- NSSM 53, 64
- NSSM 57, 28, 34, 35, 222
- NSSM 58, 29, 144
- NSSM 59, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 115
- NSSM 63, 68
- NSSM 64, 41, 96, 129, 140, 184, 196
- NSSM 65, 45, 196
- NSSM 69, 42, 45, 181, 184, 189, 192, 196, 204, 218, 219
- NSSM 78, 53, 54, 131, 133
- NSSM 84, 96, 149, 192
- NSSM 85, 115, 127
- NSSM 92, 149
- NSSM 102, 174
- NSSM 104, 153
- NSSM 106, 181
- NSSM 147, 209
- NSSM 165, 228
- Naval forces review, 27
- Naval munitions, 94
- Navy, U.S., 57, 147, 187, 188, 191, 192
- Neo-isolationism, 137
- Nerve agents, 94, 122
- Netherlands, 137
- Newsom, David D., 98
- Newsweek, 66
- New York Times, 135, 168, 177, 189
- New Zealand, 218
- Nitze, Paul, 168, 171
- Nixon Doctrine, 98, 149, 150, 152, 158, 162, 174, 189, 229
- Nixon, Richard M., 126, 176
- ABM decision:
- B–1A strategic bomber, 112
- Balance of power, 2, 7
- Budget issues, 111, 192
- Chemical and biological warfare, 95, 102, 103, 115, 127, 128
- Civil defense, 28, 222
- Civil emergency preparedness, 29
- Daily Brief (classified), 65
- Defense budget:
- Defense Program Review Committee, 57, 136, 140
- Draft reform:
- Duck Hook, 83
- Foreign policy review, 174, 177, 204
- Intelligence failures, 35
- JCS readiness test:
- “Madman” image portrayed to Communists, 59, 83, 85
- Military force levels, 57, 107, 206
- Military manpower policy, 161, 185, 194, 195
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
- Missile testing, 114
- Naval forces review, 27, 57
- Nuclear weapons, 141, 142, 163, 196, 217
- Republican leadership meetings with, 50
- Safeguard missile defense system:
- SALT, 37, 43, 119, 175, 191
- On Schlesinger, 111
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62, 64, 66, 70
- Soviet Union:
- SS–9 missiles, 26, 67, 175
- SS–11 missiles, 110
- State of the Union addresses, 207
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 8
- Strategic sufficiency, 39
- Strategy for Peace plan, 157, 162
- Submarine alternatives, 207
- Transition briefings for, 1
- ULMS, 199, 205, 207, 208
- U.S. force reductions in Europe, 13
- U.S. military posture:
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42
- U.S. strategic capabilities in nuclear attack, 41
- U.S. strategic forces, 3
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Vietnam War, 58, 69, 143
- Visits:
- War powers legislation, 213
- No first use policies, 102
- Non-acoustic sensing, 178
- Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), 1, 8, 13, 42, 63
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also
- Allied suspicions of U.S.-Soviet dealmaking, 229
- All-volunteer U.S. Army, 137
- Alternatives for European defense, 192
- Asian war and defense with, 152, 218, 219
- Dual-basing of U.S. forces, 165
- Five-year defense plans, 220
- Force improvements, 190
- French non-participation, 165
- Johnson-Nixon transition briefings on, 1
- Military force reductions, 107, 161
- Munitions capability of, 164
- Nuclear weapons deployment authorization, 142
- Numbers of planes assigned to, 149
- REFORGER units in, 158, 165
- Soviet approach to war with, 153
- U.S. budget affect on force readiness in, 100, 132, 187
- U.S. role in, 96
- U.S. strategy in, 149
- Warsaw Pact aggression against, possible, 45, 51, 162
- Norway, 137
- Nuclear proliferation, 22, 42
- Nuclear testing, 67
- Nuclear umbrella, 7, 32, 195
- Nuclear war:
- Accidental attacks, 108, 117
- Asia, 120, 218
- “Clean” strikes in, 68
- Conventional war vs., 149
- Counterforce strikes, 129, 204, 216
- Countervalue strikes, 129
- Europe, 45
- French-U.S. talks on, 13
- Goals in event of, 204
- Indian subcontinent, 59
- Limited strategic, 41, 129, 147, 204
- Middle East, 59
- Objectives in, 129
- Political limitations to implementing capability for, 129
- Relatively favorable outcomes from, 32, 34, 204, 216
- U.S. deaths from Chinese first strike, 14
- U.S.-European differences on, 98
- U.S. response capabilities in, 41
- U.S.-Soviet survival comparison during, 5
- In Vietnam, 58
- Nuclear weapons:
- Vs. Chemical weapons, 103
- Chinese People’s Republic, 200
- Deployment authorization for 1971, 142
- Flexibility in use of, 204
- Forward-basing in Asia of, 181
- Japanese development of, possible, 158, 162
- Safety rules, 163
- Selective use of, 195
- Stockpile of, 141, 196, 217
- Tactical, 149, 152, 189, 216, 218, 229
- U.S. transfer to United Kingdom of parts for, 141, 196, 217
- Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (Kissinger), 219
- Nutter, G. Warren, 60, 64, 68, 97, 122
- Odeen, Philip, 204
- Office of Emergency Planning (OEP), 29, 222
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB):
- Office of Science and Technology (OST), 127, 140
- Okinawa, 44, 97, 100, 103, 104, 142, 165, 189, 191, 219
- Organophosphorus agents, 94
- Pacific Ocean, 192
- Packard, David:
- ABM decision, 20, 22, 24
- Asia strategy and forces, 202
- Balance of power, 2, 7
- Defense budget:
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Five-year defense plans, 130, 158
- General Purpose Forces, 164
- JCS readiness test, 88, 90
- Limited strategic nuclear war, 129
- Military force reductions, 107
- Military manpower policy, 161, 184
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 17
- Nuclear weapons, 141, 142, 196
- Realistic deterrence strategy, 180
- Safeguard missile defense system:
- SALT, 43
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Soviet MIRV testing, 31, 33, 182
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 179
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 7, 8
- U.S. foreign policy assumptions for defense planning, 98
- U.S. military posture:
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 202, 218
- Vietnam War, 143
- Pakistan, 82
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 158
- Panama Canal, 165
- Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H., 22, 109, 168
- Paris Peace Talks, 69
- Pastore, John, 24
- Peace Corps, 138, 139
- Peace groups, 135
- Pedersen, Richard F., 4, 6, 68, 97, 122
- Penetration aids, 109, 110, 117, 118
- Pepitone, Byron V., 161
- Percy, Charles, 21
- Perez, Frank H., 43
- Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR), 14, 16, 24, 118
- Persian Gulf, 98
- Peru, 165
- Philippines, 181, 218
- Phillips, Lt. Gen. Samuel C., 225
- Philpott, Maj. Gen. Jammie M., 46, 52
- Phosgene, 94, 97, 99, 103
- Pickering, Thomas R., 107, 161, 184, 189
- Pinckney, Col. T. C., 219, 220
- Pin-down, 168
- Pirogel, 94
- Platt, Nicholas, 66
- Plymale, Ben T., 43
- Poff, Richard H., 50, 146
- Poison bullets, 122
- Political parties:
- Pompidou, Georges, 216
- Portugal, 97, 137
- Potts, Maj. Gen. William E., 225, 226
- President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Forces, 131, 133
- President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 22, 118, 124, 125, 140
- Price, Raymond K., Jr., 221
- Proctor, Edward W., 97
- Program Objectives Memoranda (POMs), 220
- Project 703, 49, 76, 77, 165
- Proxmire, William, 191
- Pursley, Col. Robert E., 11, 72, 74, 79, 80
- Radar:
- Backscatter, 192
- For anti-ballistic missiles, 108
- Hard Point Defense (HPD), 106, 124, 125, 168
- Hen House, 52
- Missile Site Radar (MSR), 14, 16
- Overland look-down, 226
- Over-the-Horizon (OTH), 152, 192
- Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR), 14, 16, 24
- Phased-array antennae for, 186
- Soviet, 178, 226
- Transportable, 199
- Reagan, Ronald, 199
- Realistic deterrence strategy, 179, 180, 229
- Rectanus, Rear Adm. Earl F., 224, 226
- Redundancy, 32
- Re-entry vehicle, 40
- REFORGER exercises, 158, 165
- Regionalism, 192
- Relative advantage, 216
- Research and Development (R&D):
- ABM limitation treaties and suspension of, 212
- Budgeting for, 152, 165, 220
- Chemical and biological weapons, 97, 99, 103, 115, 122
- Civil defense, 222
- Hard point defense radars, 124, 125, 168
- ICBMs, 114
- JCS position, 117, 192
- For Safeguard missile defense system, 7, 22, 106, 108, 113, 117
- After SALT ABM ban, 192
- Soviet, 178, 224
- Spending increases for, 206
- As Strategic policy component, 204
- U.S.- Soviet “arms race” in, 160
- Reserve forces, 131, 133, 135, 165, 229
- Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC), 135
- Resor, Stanley E., 109, 153
- Rhodes, John J., 24, 50, 146
- Rice, Donald, 145, 149
- Richards, Col. Ira B., 206
- Richardson, Elliot L., 34, 117, 123, 133
- ABM decisions, 19, 20
- Chemical and biological warfare, 103, 127
- Civil defense, 223
- Defense budget, 145
- JCS readiness test, 79
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Safeguard missile defense system, 118, 121, 124
- SALT, 43
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet MIRV testing, 50
- Strategic policy issues, 7
- U.S. military posture, 48, 96, 140
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181
- Riedel, Lt. Col. George, 220
- Riot control agents, 104, 122
- Rivers, Mendel, 22, 24, 168
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 84, 210
- Rogers, William P., 6, 9, 34, 41, 139,
158, 169
- ABM decision, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25
- Asia strategy and forces, 219
- Balance of power, 7
- Chemical and biological warfare, 95, 97, 103, 104, 115, 128
- Civil defense, 28, 223
- Civil emergency preparedness, 29
- Defense budget, 143, 153, 155
- Defense Program Review Committee, 57, 130
- Draft reform, 133, 135, 137
- Foreign policy review, 174, 177
- JCS readiness test, 79
- Kissinger conflict with, 80
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16
- Safeguard missile defense system, 33, 121, 171, 172
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62, 66, 70
- Soviet strategic forces assessment, 179
- Strategic policy issues, 5, 7, 8
- U.S. foreign policy assumptions for defense planning, 98
- U.S. military posture, 10, 35, 44, 48
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 42, 202
- U.S. strategy and projection forces review, 209
- Vietnam War, 83
- War powers legislation, 213
- Romania, 59
- Romney, George, 28
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 97
- Rose, Jonathan, 135
- Rossanda, Rossana, 66
- Rosson, Lt. Gen. William B., 4
- Rostow, Walt W., 1, 7
- Ruegg, Lieut. Gen. Robert, 76
- Ruina, Jack P., 22
- Rush, Kenneth, 216, 217, 219, 220
- Russell, Richard, 21, 23, 24
- Ryan, Gen. John D., 49, 77, 90, 150, 180, 191
- Sadat, Anwar, 174
- Safeguard missile defense system (see
Missile defense; Missiles):
- Budget deficits and, 145, 148, 149, 151
- Congressional approval of, 25, 117
- As Defense against attack by Chinese People’s Republic, 32, 35, 108, 117, 118
- Deployment alternatives, 108, 109, 123, 124, 125, 162, 169, 172
- DPRC meetings on, 109, 118, 124, 125
- JCS position, 117, 124
- Land acquisition for, 109
- Name as suggested by Pat Buchanan, 24
- NSC meetings on, 117, 118, 120, 121, 125, 171
- Objectives for deployment of, 33, 106, 117, 192
- As Part of military reorganization, 157
- Phase I, 25, 96, 106, 107, 117, 120
- Phase II, 96
- Phase III:
- Political strategies for, 116, 118
- Progress in development of, 179
- R&D for, 7, 22, 106, 108, 113, 117
- As SALT bargaining chip, 120, 123, 124, 145, 148, 192
- SALT talks’ effect on, 32, 117, 154, 167, 169, 171, 172, 192
- Schedule for deployment of, 117
- Scientists’ panel report on, 125
- Soviet attitude toward, 171
- Suspension of work on, 212, 215
- Safire, William, 174
- Saint George, Rear Adm. William R., 190, 206, 220
- Saint John, Brig. Gen. Adrian, 181
- Sarin, 94
- Sary Shagan missile test center, 178, 186, 197, 226
- Satellites, 200, 226
- Sato, Eisaku, 103, 191
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- Budget issues, 111
- Contingency planning, 3
- Defense budget:
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184
- Draft deferment/exemption review, 54
- General purpose forces, 164
- Military manpower policy, 161
- Nixon’s view of, 111
- Nuclear weapons stockpile, 217
- Safeguard missile defense system, 107, 109, 118, 167, 168
- Strategic forces survivability, 182
- Strategic policy issues, 4, 216
- U.S. military posture, 32, 96, 100, 140, 147, 177
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 8
- Schultz, George P., 54, 133
- Scott, Hugh, 21, 22, 23, 24, 50, 145, 146
- Seaborg, Glen T., 28, 141, 142, 196, 222
- Sealift, 165
- Seamans, Robert C., Jr., 153
- Selden, Armistead I., 181
- Selective Service System (SSS) (see also Draft reform):
- Selin, Ivan, 17, 32, 48
- Senate, U.S.:
- Senior Review Group, 181, 222
- Sennewalt, Lieut. Col. R. W., 90
- Sentinel missile defense system (see also Missile defense; Missiles):
- Sevareid, Eric, 25
- Shaefer, Maj. Gen. Richard F., 145, 149, 161, 177, 184
- Shakespeare, Frank, 4, 39, 68, 122, 127, 181
- Shellfish poison, 122
- Shultz, George P., 169, 209
- Singapore, 218
- Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP):
- Budgeting for, 149
- Carriers’ role in, 100
- Combined theater options, 145, 152, 192
- Limited nuclear war, 41, 129, 147, 204
- Nuclear weapons stockpile, 196
- Reduction in numbers of weapons for, 165
- Reviews of, 182
- Soviet strategic buildup and, 5
- Targeting against Chinese People’s Republic, 181, 189
- Weaknesses of, 195
- Sinkiang, 59, 62, 63
- Sino-Indian War (1962), 68
- Sino-Soviet dispute (see also
China, People’s Republic of; Soviet Union):
- Border conflict, 59
- East-West conflict and, 45
- Military forces along border, 153, 174
- Negotiations on, 92, 93
- NIE on, 61
- As Primary Soviet military focus, 50
- SALT talks as affected by, 68
- Soviet air force standdown and, 60
- Soviet nuclear attack, possible, 59, 63, 66
- U.S. policy toward, 62, 63, 64, 68
- U.S. role in Soviet maneuvering against PRC, 70
- Sisco, Joseph J., 98
- Sisowath Sirik Matak, 195
- Sixth Fleet, 165
- Sloss, Leon, 98, 140
- Smith, Brig. Gen. Foster L., 181
- Smith, Gerard C., 28, 29, 34, 42, 123, 169, 209, 222
- Smith, H. Allen, 50
- Smith, Howard K., 25
- Smith, Jackson L., 137
- Smith, K. Wayne:
- Chinese People’s Republic strategic missile program, 200
- Defense budget, 154, 158, 195
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Military manpower policy, 161, 185
- Safeguard missile defense system, 167, 168, 171, 172
- SS–9 missile testing, 159
- Strategic forces survivability, 156, 182
- U.S. military posture review, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 181, 189, 218
- Smith, Margaret Chase, 21, 24, 50
- Smith, R. Jack, 4, 7, 32, 58, 89, 122
- Snyder, Jimmy “The Greek,” 191
- Soedjatmoko, 189
- Solomon, Ezra, 202, 206, 216, 219, 220
- Somalia, 89, 92, 103
- Soman, 94
- Sonar, 178
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 70
- Southeast Asia (see also individual countries):
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 98
- Soviet Institute of Asian and African Affairs, 66
- Soviet Union (see also
Military doctrine of the Soviet Union; Sino-Soviet dispute; Soviet
and Soviet subheadings under other
- ABM site construction, 197
- Absolute parity with the United States, 5
- Air defense, 52
- Air Force standdown, 60
- Anti-ballistic missiles, 5, 7, 178, 186, 197, 226
- Anti-satellite capabilities, 52
- Ballistic missile defense, 52
- Bombers, future for, 46
- Chemical and biological warfare, 94, 97, 165
- Chinese People’s Republic as focus of missile defense by, 50, 52
- Chinese People’s Republic nuclear facilities destroyed by, possible, 61, 62, 63, 66
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 61, 63, 189
- Defense spending levels, 25
- Evacuation of civilian population, 204
- ICBM launcher numbers, 38, 198, 225
- ICBM silo construction in, 186
- Intercontinental attack forces, 160, 198, 225
- JCS readiness test, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 93
- Korea war response, possible, 44
- Military forces along Chinese People’s Republic border, 153, 174
- Military research and development, 178, 224
- MIRV testing, 26, 30, 31, 33, 50, 182, 225
- Nuclear capabilities of, 6
- Response to Chinese People’s Republic attack on West, possible, 45
- Sentinel as defense against attack by, 4
- Strategic attack forces, assessment of, 46, 105, 179
- Strategic buildup, 5, 198, 199
- Strategic defenses, 52, 178, 179, 183, 226
- Strategic objectives of, 34
- Strategic offensive missile capability of:
- Strategic policy of, 46
- U.S. strategic force capabilities against, 192, 194, 195, 216
- U.S. strategic military power relationship with, 1, 129
- Space weapons, 46
- Spain, 97, 98, 130
- Spiers, Ronald I., 44, 130, 204
- Spivy, Gen. Berton E., Jr., 80
- Springsteen, George S., 98
- SS–7 missiles, 114, 160
- SS–8 missiles, 114
- SS–9 missiles:
- Accuracy of, 33, 38, 106
- Buildup of, 105, 153
- Capabilities of, 160, 182, 198
- MIRV warheads, 175
- MRV warheads, 38, 46, 67, 159, 225
- NSC discussion of, 7
- Number deployed, 117, 171, 172, 174
- Payload weight, 38
- Range of, 38
- Retargeting of, 38
- Soviet testing of, 26, 30, 33, 50, 159, 160, 171, 225
- Threat from, 167, 182
- U.S. ABM decision in response to, 24
- U.S. counterforce development as response to, 216
- U.S. review of, 38, 40
- SS–11 missiles, 7, 38, 40, 50
- SS–13 missiles, 38, 40, 153, 160
- SS–15 missiles, 153
- SS–N–6, 182, 198, 225
- SS–NX–8 missiles, 160, 182, 198, 225
- SS-Z-3, 40
- Stable deterrence, 6, 8
- Standdowns (see also Readiness test under Joint Chiefs of Staff), 60
- Stans, Maurice H., 54
- Staphylococcal enterotoxin, 122
- Starbird, Lieut.-Gen. Alfred D., 109
- Stearman, William L., 63, 66
- Stein, Herbert, 204
- Stennis, John C., 24, 135, 185, 213
- Stop-Where-We-Are arms control proposal, 36
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83
- Strategic airlift, 165
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT):
- ABM decision and, 19, 20
- Bombers’ phase-out and, 154
- Budget deficits and, 145, 151, 152
- Defense budget as affected by, 214
- Delays on, 7
- Fourth round of talks (Vienna), 168, 170, 175
- Intelligence-gathering satellites, 226
- JCS readiness test, effect on, 78
- Johnson-Nixon transition briefings on, 1
- MIRV ban in, 36, 37, 43
- NPT agreement on initiation of, 8
- Planning for, 4
- Safeguard as affected by, 32, 117, 154, 167, 169, 171, 172, 192
- Safeguard as bargaining chip in, 120, 123, 124, 145, 148, 192
- Second round of talks (Vienna), 140, 149, 156
- Signing of agreements, 211, 212
- Sino-Soviet dispute effect on, 68
- Soviet agreement for start of, 50
- Soviet interests in limiting ABMs, 119
- Strategic balance objectives for, 6, 198
- Strategic forces survivability and, 182
- Strategic policy after, 216
- Third round of talks (Helsinki), 149, 156
- U.S. nuclear policy in Asia as affected by, 218
- U.S.-Soviet communiqué on, 191
- U.S. strategic posture and, 32
- Strategic Army Forces (STRAF), 165
- Strategic forces (see also
Bombers; Missiles):
- Alternative budgets for, 152
- Capabilities against Soviet Union, 192, 194, 195, 216
- Command and control issues, 3, 18, 165, 192
- Hedging against threats to, 204
- JCS recommendations for, 152
- Objectives of, 6, 34, 192, 204
- Reliability of, 3
- Research and development for, 117, 192
- Soviet forces assessment, 36, 105, 179
- Survivability of, 156, 182, 198
- Of United Kingdom, 45
- For Use against Chinese People’s Republic, 181
- Strategic Military Panel, 22
- Strategic policy (see also Military posture of the United States):
- Strategic posture. See Military posture of the United States.
- Strategic sufficiency, 32, 35, 36, 39, 166
- Student deferments, 53, 54, 131, 133, 138, 139
- Submarines (see also Anti-submarine warfare):
- Suez Canal, 98
- Sufficiency, strategic, 32, 35, 36, 39, 166, 204
- Sullivan, William H., 72
- Supersonic Transport (SST), 45
- Swank, Emory C., 66
- Swedes, 135
- Symington, Stuart, 213
- Syria, 158
- Tabun, 94
- Taft, Robert, Jr., 50, 146
- Taiwan (Republic of China), 98, 181, 189, 191, 218
- Tarr, Curtis, 135, 161, 228
- Task Force 71, 89, 92
- Task Force 77, 87
- Tcherniakov, Yuri N., 72
- Tear gas, 97, 99, 102
- Technical escalations, 58
- Teller, Edward, 210
- Thailand:
- Thermite, 94
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 85, 116
- Throckmorton, Gen. John, 76
- Time, 59
- Total Force Planning, 229
- Tower, John G., 21, 50, 146
- TRIAD concept, 145, 152, 182, 192
- Triantafellu, Maj. Gen. Rockly, 160, 178
- Trilateral Talks (1967), 165
- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 191, 195
- TU–16 bombers (Chinese People’s Republic), 57, 200, 216, 218
- Tucker, Gardiner I., 204,
- Asia strategy and forces, 202, 219
- Defense budget:
- Defense vs. domestic spending, 143
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- General purpose forces, 164
- Military manpower policy, 161, 184
- Realistic deterrence strategy, 180
- Safeguard missile defense system, 167, 168
- Strategic forces survivability, 182
- Strategic policy after SALT, 216
- U.S. military posture review, 140, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 189
- Turkey, 98, 137, 206
- Tyuratum missile test center (Soviet), 26, 30, 38, 186, 198, 225
- Undersea Long-Range Missile System (ULMS), 106, 162, 199, 201, 205, 207, 208, 218
- Unemployment, 195
- Unger, F. T., 32, 68
- United Arab Republic (UAR), 94, 103, 165, 191, 195
- United Kingdom (UK):
- United Nations (UN), 103
- United Nations Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 78
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), 68
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 127
- Ussuri River, 59, 61, 62, 63
- V-agents, 94
- Vannoy, Rear Adm. Frank W., 97, 107, 118, 122, 132
- Veatch, Ellis H., 8, 220
- Verification Panel, 149, 167, 168, 171
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (DRV) (see also Vietnam War):
- Vietnam Moratorium protests, 72
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also Vietnam War):
- Vietnam War:
- Anti-ballistic missiles and, 21, 25
- Bombing halt, 85
- Budget deficit effect on, 145
- Budgeting for, 143
- Duck Hook, 83
- Escalation of, 69
- Funding for, 49
- Johnson-Nixon transition briefings on, 1
- Potential military actions in, 48, 58, 59, 83
- Sortie rates, 143, 145, 152, 165, 192, 195, 203
- Tear gas as used in, 97, 99
- U.S. military force levels in, 49, 100, 107, 112, 152, 161, 218
- U.S. military posture and, 44
- Vietnamization, 112, 131, 132, 133, 135, 152, 165, 189, 218
- Withdrawal announcement by Nixon, 91, 107
- Vogt, Lt. Gen. John, 166, 167, 202
- Volpe, John A., 28
- Volunteerism, 132
- Vorontsov, Yuli M., 4
- VR–55 nerve agent, 94
- VX nerve agent, 94
- Walker, Charles, 190
- Walsh, John, 189, 202, 206
- Walters, Lt. Gen. Vernon A., 13, 216, 219, 220
- Wandler, Mark, 189, 219
- Ware, Richard, 32
- Warfighting, 162
- Warsaw Pact, 45, 51, 162
- Wars of national liberation, 45
- Washington Special Actions Group (WSAG), 63, 64, 68, 182, 219
- Watson, Kenneth M., 22
- Watts, William, 103, 135
- Weapons of mass destruction, 94, 103
- Weinberger, Caspar W., 222
- Asia strategy and forces, 202
- Defense budget:
- DOD strategy and fiscal guidance, 184, 190
- Draft reform, 228
- Five-year defense plans, 158, 220
- General purpose forces, 164
- Military manpower policy, 161
- Strategic forces survivability, 182
- Strategic policy after SALT, 216
- U.S. military posture reviews, 147, 177
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 189
- Weinel, Vice Adm. John P., 216, 220
- Weiss, Leonard, 178
- Weiss, Seymour:
- Welander, Rear Adm. Robert O., 182, 189, 190, 202
- Western Europe defense planning, 98
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 90
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 9, 28, 29, 95, 34,
39, 41, 42, 57, 56, 115, 123,
128, 130, 133, 139
- Balance of power, 4
- Chemical and biological warfare, 97, 102, 103
- Defense budget, 49, 145
- Defense Program Review Committee, 130
- JCS readiness test:
- Military force reductions, 107
- Missile defense alternatives, 14, 16, 17
- Safeguard missile defense system, 107, 117, 118, 121
- Sentinel missile defense system, 11
- Sino-Soviet dispute, 62
- Soviet air force standdown, 60
- Strategic policy issues, 8
- U.S. military posture, 35, 48, 56, 96, 100
- U.S. nuclear policy for Asia, 189
- Vietnam War, 143
- Wheelus Air Force Base, 165
- White, David, 149
- Whitehouse, Charles, 202
- Wilson, Bob, 50, 146
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 181, 189, 219
- Wise, Samuel G., 66
- Wood, Archie, 216
- Working Group on Political Evaluations, 45
- Working Group on Soviet and Other Foreign Reactions, 34, 45
- World Communist Conference (June, 1969), 66
- World Health Organization (WHO), 122
- World War I, 94
- World War II, 94
- Yemen, 94, 103
- Yost, Charles W., 103
- Young, Milton, 21, 24, 50, 146
- Zablocki, Clement J., 213
- Zhou Enlai, 59 (Chou En-lai)
- Ziegler, Ron, 22, 127, 188
- Zumwalt, Adm. Elmo R., Jr.: