References are to document numbers (refer to the table for specific file)
- ABM (anti-ballistic missiles). See under Missiles.
- Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft (AMSA), 1, 10, 31, 61, 103, 139, 150, 158, 195, 200, 210
- Africa, 12, 43, 80, 118, 188, 225
- African Development Bank, 79
- Agency for International Development (AID), 19
- Air National Guard, 202
- Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), 103, 139, 195, 200, 210, 221
- Aircraft (see also
Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft):
- A–6A, 195
- A–11, 15
- Anti-bomber defense program, 61
- B–52:
- Age and diminishing capability, 1, 10, 31
- Airborne alert, 108
- Budget for Defense Department, 195, 196, 200
- JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967–71, 103
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968–72, 139
- Nuclear weapons delivery, 28
- B–58, 10, 31, 103
- B–70, 15
- Budget for Defense Department, 65, 195, 196, 200
- C–2A, 195
- C–47/54/117s, 195
- C–118, 195
- C–130, 195
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 210
- CX–(HLS), 65
- F–4, 195
- F–12, 139, 195, 200
- F–106, 200
- F–106X, 200
- F–111, 139
- F–111A, 139
- F–111 (TFX), 65, 67
- FB–111A, 103
- FB–111M–3, 103
- FB–111/SRAM, 103
- Force structure changes, Defense Department summary of, 67
- Hound-Dog A, 139
- JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
- JSOP-68–75, 119
- JSOP-i, 21
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- KC–130, 195
- Manned Orbital Laboratory, 65
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967–71, 103
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968–72, 139
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
- NIE 11–3–65, 106
- NIE 11–3–68, 221
- NIE 11–8–64, 55
- NIE 11–8–65, 97
- NIE 11–8–68, 217
- NIE 11–14–65, 98
- Overseas bases, survey of, 26
- Oxcart, 11, 13, 15
- RF–4B, 195
- RF–4J, 195
- U–2, 32
- Air Force, U.S., 38, 53, 55, 59, 103, 191, 193, 195, 202, 215
- Airlift capabilities, 21, 67, 120, 148, 188, 194, 195
- Alaska, 103
- Algeria, 43, 188
- Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC), 77
- Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC), 77, 86, 92
- Amory, Robert, 171
- Anthony, Robert N., 110
- Anti-ballistic missile (ABM). See under Missiles.
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel (ASW), 99, 101, 103, 124, 125, 194
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 188
- Argentina, 188
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 6, 121, 122
- Armstrong, Elgin B., 190
- Army, U.S., 21, 53, 55, 67, 101, 103, 104, 150, 158, 195, 202
- Asia (see also Vietnam), 12, 43, 63, 80, 94, 101, 188, 195, 202, 225
- Asia Foundation, 132, 134, 176, 180, 209
- Asian Development Bank, 79
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC):
- Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 8, 27
- Australia, 23, 80, 188, 225
- Baker, Vincent, 96, 115, 163
- Baldwin, Marion A., 33
- Ball, George W., 14, 32, 74, 79, 96
- Ballistic missile ships (BMS), 139, 195
- Bandaranaike, 23
- Barr, Joseph W., 225
- Barrett, Richard W., 26
- Bases, overseas, survey of, 26, 225, 226
- Basic national security policy (BNSP), 19, 75
- Beam, Jacob D., 79
- Belgium, 118
- Bell, David E., 79, 105
- Bennett, Capt., 23
- Benton, William, 32, 41
- Berger, Samuel D., 163
- Berlin, 80
- Bethe, Hans A., 101, 116
- Bethe Panel, 116
- Betts, Gen. A. W., 190
- B–52 bomber force. See Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft; under Aircraft.
- Biological warfare. See Chemical/biological warfare.
- Bissell, Richard, 171
- Black, Eugene R., 134
- Blackburn, Adm. Paul P., Jr., 86
- Bohlen, Charles, 209, 225
- Bolivia, 188
- Bowles, Chester, 171
- Bowman, R. C., 114
- Branscomb, Lewis, 101
- Broe, William, 186
- Brown, Harold, 4, 166, 191
- Brown, Winthrop, 180
- Bryant, Farris, 125, 138, 177
Bundy, McGeorge, 6, 14, 101
- Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 27
- Budget for Defense Department, 66
- Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 121
- Counter-intelligence posture of the U.S., 47
- Deep Underground Command Center, 4
- Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens abroad, 30
- Nuclear weapons/issues:
- President, command and control support to, 87
- President’s Science Advisory Committee, 99
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 41
- 303 Committee, 171
- Youth and student actions, 171
- Bunte, Donald W., 19
- Bureau of the Budget (BOB), 133, 135
- Burma, 202
- Business and Defense Services Administration, 91
- Cabell, Gen. Charles, 171
- Califano, Joseph, 133, 192
- Calvert, Capt., 23
- Cambodia, 188, 202
- Camp David, 77
- Canada, 23, 80, 103, 115, 188, 190
- Cannon, Howard W., 13
- Carroll, Gen. Joseph, 106, 146, 183
- Carter, Gen. Marshall S., 50, 106
- Carter, Pat, 11, 18, 203
- Caspian Sea, 6
- Castro, Fidel, 188
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
Helms, Richard
McCone, John A.
; National Intelligence Estimates), 8, 180, 209
- Asia Foundation, 132, 134, 176
- Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 27
- Counter-intelligence posture of the U.S., 47
- DCI responsibilities, 2
- Internal defense, overseas, 19
- Khrushchev’s announcement of new weapon, 51
- NSA occupancy of CIA-owned buildings, 186
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 203, 222
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 2, 34
- Soviet missile system, assessing, 106, 130, 137, 179, 206
- Youth and student groups, support for, 171
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 12, 43, 188
- Ceylon, 23
- Chamberlain, Donald F., 116
- Chapman, Gen. Leonard, 219, 227
- Chayes, Abram, 6
- Chemical/biological warfare, 43, 56, 122
- Chiang Kai-shek, 43
- Chile, 188
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 124
- Foreign intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
- JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
- JSOP-68–75, 118
- JSOP-69, 12
- JSOP-70, 43
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- Missiles, 94, 100, 165, 185, 190
- NIE 4–2–64, 57
- NIE 11–3–68, 221
- NIE 11–4–67, 187
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- NIE 11–14–65, 98
- Nuclear weapons/issues:
- President’s Science Advisory Committee, 99
- Rostow’s reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, U.S., 2
- Soviet Union, relations with and, 51, 98, 183
- China, Republic of, 12, 43, 188
- Chou En-lai, 23
- Christian, George, 171, 219
- Chukov, Marshal, 98
- Civil Defense Program, 103, 139, 146, 200
- Clark, Jim, 4, 225
- Cleveland, Harlan, 115
- Clifford, Clark, 171, 201, 213, 215, 216, 219, 222
- Clifton, Gen. C. V., 16, 17, 40, 71, 87
- Cline, Ray, 6, 48
- Colbert, Richard G., 26
- Collins, Gen. James L., Jr., 183
- Colombia, 188
- Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command (CINCONAD), 38, 104
- Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC), 38
- Commerce Department, U.S., 91
- Common Market concept, 12
- Computers and missiles, 160
- Conroy, John J., 26
- Costagliola, Capt. F., 60
- Council of Economic Advisers, 91
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 7, 222
- Cuba, 2, 12, 32, 41, 43, 80, 188
- Cyprus, 150
- Czechoslovakia, 217, 222
- Davis, Jeanne, 23
- Davis, Gen. John, 106
- De Gaulle, Charles, 39, 43
- Dean, Patrick, 95
- Deep Underground Command Center (DUCC). See under Emergency planning.
- Defense, Department of (see also
Clifford, Clark
McNamara, Robert S.):
- Budget figures, 65, 66, 71, 150, 185, 195, 200, 224, 227
- Chemical/biological warfare, 121, 145
- Deep Underground Command Center, 110
- Force structure planning/changes, 63, 67
- Human Resources Intelligence Collection, 111
- Internal defense, overseas, 19
- Missiles, 101, 102, 107
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72
- NIEs, 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 143, 146, 183, 217, 221
- Nuclear weapons/issues:
- Overseas bases, survey of, 26
- President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
- President’s Science Advisory Committee, 99
- Systems-engineering-technical-direction, 50
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 47, 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 111, 125, 137, 143, 146, 183, 217, 221, 222
- Defense Materials System, 91
- Defense Production Act of 1950, 91
- Deterrence (see also Assured destruction and Damage limitation under Nuclear weapons/issues), 118, 188
- Developing countries, U.S. policy on internal defense in, 204
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 26
- Dillon, Thomas P., 26, 53
- Dirksen, Everett, 166
- Disarmament conferences, 43
- Donaldson, Col., 115
- Douglas-Home, Alec, 96
- Draft Presidential Memoranda (DPMs), 72, 103, 139, 160, 195, 200
- Drell, Sidney, 101
- Dulles, Allen, 171
- Dunlap, Jack, 47
- Eighteen Nation Disarmament Conference, 43
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6, 20, 72
- Ellington, Buford, 83, 91
- Emergency planning:
- Airborne Warning and Control System, 103, 139, 195, 200, 210, 221
- Alternate National Military Command Center, 77, 86, 92
- Civil Defense Program, 103, 139, 146, 200
- Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 92, 110
- Emergency Broadcast System, 159
- Emergency Planning Committee, 44, 64
- Fallout shelters, 61, 103, 139
- “Guidance for Non-Military Planning,” 83
- Headquarters emergency operating facilities, 64, 70
- National Command Authorities, 164, 168
- National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP), 77, 86
- National Emergency Command Post Afloat (NECPA), 77, 86
- National Military Command System, 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 89, 92, 164
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 16, 20, 24, 54
- Office of Emergency Planning, 33, 44, 48, 91, 125, 138, 177
- President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
- “Report to the President: Civil Emergency Preparedness; Program Status and a Five-Year Projection,” 48
- Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138, 177
- Special Facility, 64, 70
- Supply-requirements study for nuclear war and reconstruction, 126
- Enthoven, Alain, 102, 117, 128, 163, 190, 210
- Ethiopia, 225
- Europe, 12, 43, 60, 62, 63, 80, 94, 101, 105, 115, 118, 148, 160, 165, 188, 202, 225
- Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens abroad, 30
- Executive Order 10480, 91
- Executive Order 10501, 82
- Executive Order 10964, 82
- Fallout shelters, 61, 103, 139
- Farmer, Thomas L., 134
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 47, 55
- FIAB. See President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
- Finland, 43
- Fisher, Adrian, 6, 122, 153, 170, 192
- Flexible response, capability for, 188
- Fluckey, Adm. E. B., 146
- Forbes, Col. R. C., 12, 71, 100, 101
- Force structure issues, 63, 67, 151, 158
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. See President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
- Foreign Weapons Evaluation Group, 116
- Foster, John S., 100, 130, 137, 166, 190, 195
- Foster, William C., 121
- Foy, Nick, 152
- France, 57, 118, 188
- Franco, Francisco, 43
- Frutkin, Arnold W., 26
- Fubini, Eugene G., 11, 110
- Fulbright, J. William, 79
- Gannett, Michael R., 115
- Gardner, John W., 176
- Gardner, Richard N., 23
- Garthoff, Raymond L., 45
- Garwin, Richard L., 101
- Gaithright, Wreatham, 163
- Geneva Protocol, 170
- George, Scott, 60, 96, 115
- Germany, 12, 80, 115, 118, 131, 160, 188
- Getzin, Edmund, 126
- Gildner, Jay W., 53
- Gilman, Robbins P., 115
- Gilpatric, Roswell, 171
- Ginsburgh, Gen. Robert, 140, 225
- Glassboro Summit, 190
- Goldberger, Marvin, 101
- Goldwater, Barry, 54
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 62, 75, 115
- Gordon, Kermit, 65, 66, 171
- Grant, James P., 23
- Gray, Gordon, 171
- Greene, Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
- Greenfield, James L., 53
- Greenland, 103
- Gronouski, John A., 192
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred, 166
- Guatemala, 188
- Guevara, Che, 43
- Gulf of Siam, 188
- Halperin, Morton, 225
- Hansen, Allen C., 163, 171
- Harriman, W. Averell, 14
- Hartman, Arthur A., 225
- Hawaii, 38
- Hayden, Carl, 110
- Helicopters, 195, 196
- Hellyer, Paul T., 190, 192
- Helms, Richard, 143, 144, 147, 180, 197
- Herter, Christian, 171
- Hilliker, Grant G., 53
- Ho Chi Minh, 43
- Hoffman, F. S., 112
- Home, Alec, 90
- Honduras, 188
- Hoopes, Townsend, 154
- Hornig, Donald F.:
- Horwitz, Solis, 138, 168
- House Armed Services Committee, 110
- Howard, W. J., 5, 29, 60
- Hughes, Thomas L., 6, 32, 106, 186
- Human Resources Intelligence (HUMINT) Collection, 111
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 129, 166
- Ignatius, Paul R., 110
- India, 12, 43, 57, 105, 165, 188
- Indonesia, 12, 43, 188
- Intelligence efforts (see also Central Intelligence Agency; National Intelligence Estimates; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board), 125, 222
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICMBs). See Missiles.
- Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security ( ICIS ), 199
- Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference ( IIC ), 199
- Internal defense, overseas, 19, 204
- Internal defense plans (IDP), 19
- International Student Conference, 171
- International Union of Socialist Youth, 171
- International Union of Students (IUS), 171
- Iran, 188, 225
- Irwin, John N., 171
- Israel, 2, 57, 188, 222
- Jamison, Donald, 180
- Japan, 12, 43, 80, 165, 188, 225
- Javits, Jacob, 150
- JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Jenkins, Walter, 33
- Jessup, Peter, 45, 134, 180, 186, 197
- J.M. Kaplan Fund, 49
- Johnson, Charles E., 5, 23, 32, 41, 45, 98, 133
- Johnson, Gen. Chester L., 146
- Johnson, G. Griffith, 33
- Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 40, 71, 150, 166, 193, 196
- Johnson, Gen. Leon W., 62
Johnson, Lyndon B., 171
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99
- Budget for Defense Department, 71
- Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 173
- Emergency planning, 20, 44, 48, 159
- Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens in danger areas abroad, 30
- JCS, meetings with, 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
- McCone, meetings with, 2, 13, 39, 49, 73
- McNamara, communications with, 167, 200
- McNamara, meetings with, 150, 196
- Missiles, 150, 166, 167, 185, 192
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 82
- NSC staff, meetings with, 129
- Nuclear weapons/issues:
- Oxcart, 13, 15
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 222
- Private organizations and government agencies, relationships between, 176
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 13, 39, 53
- Wheeler, meetings with, 40, 150, 196
- Johnson, Tom, 171, 219
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 6, 14, 23, 26, 41, 105, 115, 134
- Johnston Island, 5
- Johnstone, James R., 26
- Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC), 116
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
(see also
Wheeler, Gen. Earle G.
- Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 1, 10
- Budget for Defense Department, 195, 200, 227
- Chemical/biological warfare, 76, 127, 178
- Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 52, 110
- Disagreements with Clifford/McNamara/Vance, 158, 200, 210
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
- High Heels exercise, 40
- Intelligence gaps/deficiencies, 125
- Internal defense, overseas, 19
- Johnson, meetings with, 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
- JSOP-68–75, 118, 119, 120
- JSOP-69, 12, 21
- JSOP-70, 43, 62, 78
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- JSOP-71, 104
- JSOP-71–78, 223
- McNamara, meetings with, 196
- Military posture worldwide, U.S., 202
- National Command Authorities, 164
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
- National Military Command System, 77, 89
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72, 75
- Nike-X, 24, 104, 149, 162, 184
- Nuclear weapons/issues (see also JSOP subheadings above):
- Clandestine introduction of weapons into the U.S., 199
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 213
- Dispersal plans, 189
- Emergency planning, 16
- High-yield weapons, development of, 25
- Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138
- Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 135, 201
- Unauthorized use, 193
- President, command and control support to, 86
- Unresolved issues, Taylor’s summary, 36
- Joint Strategic Operations Plans (JSOP) (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Joint War Games Agency (JWGA), 215
- Jordan, 150
- Judd, Thomas M., 96
- Kamchatka Peninsula, 6
- Karpov, Viktor, 32
- Kashmir dispute, 12, 43, 188
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 153, 173, 176, 192, 197, 225
- Katzenbach Committee, 176
- Kaysen, Carl, 4
- Keeny, Spurgeon, Jr., 41, 66, 101, 102, 106, 123, 130, 140, 141, 165, 173, 192
- Kennedy, John F., 2, 19, 28, 44
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 6, 13, 32, 34, 39, 43, 51, 84, 98
- Killian, James, 166, 222
- Kintner, Robert, 166
- Kirn, Adm. L. J., 76
- Kistiakowsky, George, 166
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 19, 23, 70, 75, 163
- Knepper, William E., 33
- Knox, M. Gordon, 23
- Kohler, Foy, 148, 163, 180
- Komer, Robert, 133
- Korea, 43, 150, 188, 202
- Kosygin, Aleksei N., 190
- Kuchel, Thomas, 150
- Kuriles, 6, 12, 43
- Kwajalein Atoll, 160
- Labor Department, U.S., 91
- Lang, William, 23
- Lansdale, Gen. Edward, 171
- Laos, 12, 43, 188
- Larsen, Finn, 121
- Latin America, 12, 43, 80, 188, 202
- Latter, Richard, 101
- Leddy, John, 115
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 1, 10, 15, 40, 71
- Leonhart, William, 225
- Liberia, 225
- Libya, 188
- Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 25, 28, 43
- Lockheed, 15
- Long, Paul J., 163
- Lopez Mateos, Adolfo, 23
- Mackay, Duncan A., 23
- Mahon, George, 13, 110
- Malaysia, 12, 43, 163
- Malinovskiy, Marshal, 98
- Mangrum, Gen. Harold, 166
- Manhart, Gen. A. H., 104
- Manned aircraft. See Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft (AMSA ).
- Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL), 65
- Mansfield, J. E., 100, 101
- Mao Tse-Tung, 43
- Marine Corps, U.S., 195, 202
- Maritime Administration, 91
- Maritime capabilities of major nations, JSOP-70–77 and, 188
- Marsh, John, 186
- Matthews, Capt., 115
- Maxey, Jackson, 11
- McClintock, Robert, 225
- McCloskey, Robert J., 163, 197
- McCloy, John, 166
- McCone, John A., 6, 15, 42, 68
- McConnell, Gen. John, 150, 190, 196, 219
- McCormack, John, 15
- McDermott, Edward, 33, 44, 48, 64, 70
- McDonald, Gen., 225
- McDonald, Adm. David, 17, 71, 150, 158, 166
- McKesson, John A., 27
- McMillan, Brockway, 11
McNamara, Robert S., 6, 154, 171
- Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 10, 103, 139
- Air Force dissents to NIEs, 59
- Basic national security policy, 75
- B–52 airborne alert, 108
- Budget for Defense Department, 65, 71, 195
- Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 145, 153, 178
- Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 52, 110
- Draft Presidential Memoranda, 72, 103, 139, 160, 195, 200
- Emergency planning, 44, 83
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63
- JCS, disagreement with, 158, 200
- JCS, meetings with, 196
- JSOP-68–75, 119
- JSOP-69, 12, 21
- JSOP-70, 78
- Missiles, 130, 166, 167, 190
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72, 74
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 105, 160
- Nuclear weapons/issues (see also Strategic
forces subheadings below), 96
- Assured destruction, 102
- China, 160
- Control procedures, 123
- Emergency planning, 20, 21, 24
- High-yield weapons, development of, 25
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
- Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142
- Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138
- Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 46, 133, 136
- Oxcart, 15
- Resignation, 196
- Rostow’s reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 5, 45, 53
- Shipbuilding, 150
- Strategic retaliatory forces, 31, 80
- Strategy Discussion Group, 115
- Strategic forces for FY 1967–71, proposed, 103, 105
- Strategic forces for FY 1968–72, recommended, 139, 148
- Strategic forces for FY 1969–73, recommended, 194
- Submarines, 150
- 303 Committee, 115
- Wheeler, communications with, 61, 112
- McNaughton, John T., 60, 80, 113, 115, 123, 148, 163, 171
- McPherson, Harry, 134
- Mediterranean area, 188
- Mexico, 23
- Meyer, Cord, 134, 171, 180, 186, 209
- Meyer, Gen. John C., 125
- Meyers, Howard, 26
- Middle East, 12, 43, 80, 188, 202, 225
- Minuteman. See under Missiles.
- Missiles (see also under
China, People’s Republic of
Soviet Union), 102
ABM (see also
Nike-X below):
- Budget for Defense Department for FY 1969, 195
- Canada-U.S. relations and, 190
- CIA assessment of recent developments in the Moscow system, 107, 130, 179, 206
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 210
- Hornig’s assessments/recommendations, 156
- JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
- Johnson and science advisers, meeting between, 166
- Johnson/JCS/McNamara meeting, 150
- Johnson-McNamara communications, 167
- Johnson-Rostow communications, 185
- Keeny’s assessments/recommendations, 102, 141, 165
- McNamara’s assessments/recommendations, 103, 148, 160, 192
- NIE 11–3–66, 146
- NIE 11–3–68, 221
- Owen’s assessments/recommendations, 140
- Rostow’s assessments/recommendations, 157
- Tallinn system, debate on, 161
- U.K.-U.S. relations and, 95
- U.S. guidance, 163
- Vance’s assessments/recommendations, 155
- Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft proposal by LeMay, 1
- Air Force dissents to NIE, 59
- Anti-satellite systems, 53
- Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
- Assured destruction, 128
- Atlas, 31, 61, 71
- Ballistic missile ships, 139, 195
- Budget for Defense Department, 65, 66, 71, 195, 200
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 210
- Computers, 160
- Damage limitation, 128
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63, 67
- Future strategic ballistic force capabilities, programmed, 117
- Galosh, 160
- JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
- JSOP-68–75, 118
- JSOP-69, 12, 21
- JSOP-70, 43
- Johnson-McCone meeting, 2
- Johnson-McNamara communications, 200
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967–71, 103, 105
- McNamara-Wheeler communications, 61
- Minuteman, 1, 31, 61, 65, 71, 103, 112, 117, 139, 163, 165, 195, 200, 210
- MIRVs, 139, 160, 169, 183, 195, 200
- MK–17, 195
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
- NIE 11–3–64, 69
- NIE 11–4–65, 84
- NIE 11–4–66, 131
- NIE 11–8–64, 55
- NIE 11–8–65, 97
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- Nike-Hercules, 195
- Nike-X:
- Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
- Assured destruction, 128, 160
- Budget for Defense Department, 195, 200
- Damage limitation, 128, 160
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
- JCS assessments/recommendations, 24, 162
- JCS-McNamara communications, 104, 148, 184
- Johnson-JCS meetings, 71
- McNamara-Foster communications, 100
- McNamara’s assessments/recommendations, 103, 139, 160
- Retaliatory force guidelines, 31
- Rusk-Thompson communications, 152
- Wheeler’s assessments/recommendations, 61
- Nike-Zeus, 53, 160
- Polaris, 1, 195
- Poseidon, 103, 124, 139, 163, 195, 200, 210
- Reactions to U.S. deployments, 94
- Reliability program, ICBM, 31
- SAM systems, 139, 146, 221
- Satellite reconnaissance/photography, 2, 6
- SNIE 11–10–67, 169, 175
- Spartan, 160, 190
- Strategy Discussion Group, 115
- Sprint, 160
- SS–9, 143, 160
- SS–11, 143, 160
- Strategic retaliatory forces, 31
- Submarine forces, Soviet, 55
- Tallinn systems, 146, 160, 161, 166
- Titan, 31, 71, 139, 195, 200
ABM (see also
Nike-X below):
- Missile Site Radar (MSR), 160
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas, 196, 219, 227
- Morocco, 188, 225
- Morris, Thomas D., 26, 145, 225
- Mountbatten, Lord, 23
- Moyers, Bill, 134, 154, 165, 166
- Multi-function Array Radar (MAR), 160
- Multiple orbit bombardment system (MOBS), 172
- Murrow, Edward R., 6
- National Command Authorities (NCA), 164, 168
- National Defense Reserve Fleet, 91
- National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program, 77
- National Emergency Command Postoperative Afloat (NECPA) ships, 77, 86
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- Air Force dissents to, 59
- Defense Department’s evaluation of relative strength of U.S. and USSR, 215
- NIE 4–2–64, 57
- NIE 4–64, 56
- NIE 4–68, 208
- NIE 11–3–64, 69, 84
- NIE 11–3–65, 106, 131
- NIE 11–3–66, 146, 147, 160, 183
- NIE 11–3–68, 221
- NIE 11–4–65, 84
- NIE 11–4–66, 98, 131
- NIE 11–4–67, 183, 187
- NIE 11–5–58, 107
- NIE 11–6–64, 56
- NIE 11–6–65, 93
- NIE 11–7–63, 199
- NIE 11–8–59, 107
- NIE 11–8–61, 107
- NIE 11–8–64, 55, 84, 88, 107
- NIE 11–8–65, 97, 107, 117, 131, 160
- NIE 11–8–66, 143, 144, 160, 174, 183
- NIE 11–8–68, 210, 217
- NIE 11–10–63, 56
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- NIE 11–14–64, 84, 98
- NIE 11–14–65, 98, 131
- NIE 11–14–66, 183
- NIE 11–14–68, 221
- SNIE 11–10–67, 169, 172, 175, 215
- National Labor Management Manpower Policy Committee, 91
- National Military Command System (NMCS), 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 89, 92, 164
- National Mobile Land Command Post (NMLCP), 86
- National Security Action Memoranda (NSAM):
- Draft on chemical warfare, 145, 153, 178, 220
- No. 119, 204
- No. 124, 19, 204
- No. 143, 90, 189, 207
- No. 156, 6
- No. 160, 90, 189
- No. 161, 199
- No. 162, 204
- No. 173, 204
- No. 177, 204
- No. 182, 204
- No. 197, 60, 207
- No. 199, 207
- No. 245, 25
- No. 283, 204
- No. 299, 30
- No. 305, 60
- No. 327, 82
- No. 334, 90, 105
- No. 341, 204
- No. 364, 189
- No. 370, 207
- National Security Agency (NSA), 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 143, 146, 183, 186, 203, 217, 221, 222
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Navy, U.S.:
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99, 101, 103, 124, 125, 194
- Budget for Defense Department, 195
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
- JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
- JSOP-69, 21
- NIE 11–8–64, 55
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 23
- President, command and control support to, 86
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 43
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee. See under National Security Council.
- Netherlands, 118
- New Zealand, 23, 80, 188
- NIE. See National Intelligence Estimates.
- Nike-X missiles. See under Missiles.
- Nitze, Paul H., 186, 190, 191, 197, 201, 220, 225
- Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142, 165
- NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), 188, 190
- North Atlantic Council (NAC), 41
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 105, 115, 150, 160
- Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63
- High Heels exercise, 40
- JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
- JSOP-68–75, 119
- JSOP-69, 12
- JSOP-70, 43
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62
- NIE 11–4–66, 131
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- NIE 11–14–65, 98
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 23, 96, 207
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6
- NSA. See National Security Agency.
- NSC. See National Security Council.
- Nuclear Free Zone (NFZ) Treaty, 188
- Nuclear weapons/issues (see also under
other subjects):
- Air Force, U.S. and, 191, 193, 215
- Assured destruction, 103, 139, 128, 160, 200, 210
- Authority to release nuclear weapons, 219
- Budget for U.S. Defense Department, 66, 195
- Clandestine introduction of weapons into the U.S., 199, 208
- Control procedures, 113, 114, 123
- Damage limitation, 103, 128, 139, 160, 210, 188, 200, 210
- Defense Department evaluation of relative strength of U.S. and USSR, 215
- Deployment authorization for FY 1969 and 1970, 207
- Dispersal plans, U.S., 60, 90, 96, 189
- Emergency planning, 16, 20, 24, 54
- Europe, 60
- High-yield weapons, development of, 25, 28
- Israeli development, 2
- Johnson-McCone meeting, 2
- Johnson-McNamara communications, 200
- Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 25, 28, 43
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
- Navy, U.S., 23
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62, 211, 214
- NIE 4–2–64, 57
- Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142, 165
- NSAM No. 364, 189
- NSAM No. 370, 207
- Orbiting nuclear weapons, 6
- President, command and control support to the, 86
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 218
- Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138, 177
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6
- Ships/aircraft visiting foreign territory, nuclear weapons on, 23
- Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 37, 46, 133, 135, 136, 181, 201
- Supply-requirements study for nuclear war and reconstruction, 33, 126
- U.K. position, 96
- Unauthorized use, 193
- U.S. position, 23, 163
- O’Donnell, Kenneth, 23
- Office of Emergency Planning, 33, 44, 48, 91, 125, 138, 177
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 80
- Organization of American States (OAS), 188
- Orwat, Gen., 225
- Oulashin, Eric E., 19, 23
- Overseas bases, U.S., survey of, 26, 225, 226
- Owen, Henry D., 26, 115, 140
- Oxcart, 11, 13, 15
- Pakistan, 12, 43, 105, 188
- Palmer, Gen. Bruce, 219, 227
- Panama Canal, 188
- Panofsky, Wolfgang, 101
- Pardee, Arthur E., Jr., 26
- Pathet Lao, 188
- Patman, Wright, 49
- Patteson, Col. Harry O., 131
- Pearson, Drew, 32, 41
- Penkovsky, Oleg, 13
- Permissive Action Links (PALs), 123, 193
- Philippines, 188
- Poats, Rutherford M., 225
- Popper, David H., 23
- Population, world, 118
- Portugal, 118
- Poseidon missiles. See under Missiles.
- Post-Nuclear Attack Study (PONAST), 215
- President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
- President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) (see also Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel; Strategic Military Panel), 99, 101, 104, 124, 141, 154, 211
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), 47, 203, 211, 214, 215, 216, 218, 222
- USS Pueblo, 202
- Rabenold, Ellwood M., 19
- Radar, 103, 139, 146, 156, 160, 200
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 197
- Radius, Walter, 225
- Ramparts, 134
- Rauh, Joseph, Jr., 186
- Read, Benjamin H., 27
- Red Integrated Strategic Operational Plan (RISOP), 215
- Resor, Stanley, 100, 166
- Reynolds, Gen. John M., 225
- Ritchie, A.E., 190
- Rivers, L. Mendel, 71, 110
- Robinson, H. Basil, 190
- Ross, Thomas B., 49
- Rostow, Eugene V., 19, 225
Rostow, Walt W., 150, 154, 165, 166, 186,
206, 216, 219
- Asia Foundation, 134
- Chemical/biological warfare, 173
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968–72, 148
- Missiles, 129, 157, 161, 166, 185, 192
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 211, 214
- NIE 11–4–67, 187
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 135, 189, 207, 214
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 197
- 303 Committee, 171
- U.S. national security policy, reflections on, 79, 80
- Rotmistrov, Marshal, 98
- Rowe, David, 26
- Rowen, Henry S., 75
- Ruina, Jack P., 101
- Ruser, Claus W., 225
Rusk, Dean, 6,
79, 154, 163, 171, 219
- Chemical/biological warfare, 145
- Emergency planning, 64
- Force structure changes, Defense Department summary of, 63
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967–71, 105
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968–72, 148
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1969–73, 194
- Missiles, 95, 152, 163
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 23, 33, 96, 163
- Overseas bases, survey of, 26
- President, command and control support to, 92
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 41, 53
- Soviet ABM system, 129
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 198
- Wheeler, communications with, 62
- Russell, Richard, 13, 150, 167, 194, 219
- Ryukyus, 188
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 43
- Salinger, Pierre E. G., 14
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography (see also
Soviet Union), 13, 32, 39, 45
- Allied knowledge of U.S. program, 6
- Anti-satellite capability, 5, 53, 69, 106
- Central Intelligence Agency and, 2, 34
- Disarmament proposals, U.S., 6
- Disseminating knowledge about U.S. program, 6
- NIE 11–3–64, 69
- NIE 11–3–65, 106
- NIE 11–3–66, 146, 147
- Non-bloc attitudes on U.S. program, 6
- Recommendations for, 41
- SNIE 11–10–67, 172
- Target Data Inventory, 6
- Saudi Arabia, 225
- Saunders, Harold H., 129
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 115
- Schultze, Charles, 180, 195, 197
- Scoville, Herbert, Jr., 45
- Seaborg, Glenn, 25, 46, 114, 133, 201
- Sealift capabilities, 21, 67, 120, 148, 188, 194, 195
- Seignious, Gen., 115
- Selin, Ivan, 108
- Senior Interdepartmental Group, 204, 205, 225, 226
- Sharp, Frederick D., 163
- Shipbuilding, 139, 150, 158, 195
- Simons, Howard, 41
- Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP), 112, 139, 202
- Sloss, Leon, 115, 163
- Smith, Bromley K., 17, 46, 51, 82, 114, 130, 171, 219
- Smith, K. Wayne, 102
- Sober, Sidney, 163
- Sokolovskiy, Marshal, 98
- Solbert, Peter, 75
- Sonobuoy detection capability, 124
- South China Sea, 188
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 12, 43
- Soviet Union (see also
Khrushchev, Nikita S.), 73
- Air Force dissents to NIEs and, 59
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 124
- Audio surveillance devices, 8
- China, relations with, 51, 98, 183
- Civil Defense Program, 146
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 210
- Foreign intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
- JSOP-68–75, 118
- JSOP-69, 12
- JSOP-70, 43
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967–71, 103
- McNamara’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968–72, 139
- Military capabilities, 73, 198, 200
- Missiles, 156, 165, 166, 184
- Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
- JSOP-70, 43
- McNamara’s assessments/recommendations, 103, 139, 160
- NIE 11–3–64, 69
- NIE 11–3–65, 106
- NIE 11–3–66, 146, 147, 160
- NIE 11–3–68, 221
- NIE 11–4–65, 84
- NIE 11–4–67, 183, 187
- NIE 11–8–64, 55, 107
- NIE 11–8–65, 97, 107
- NIE 11–8–66, 144
- NIE 11–8–68, 217
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- Nike-X deployment study, 104
- Penetration capability of U.S. missiles vs. Soviet ABM defense, 137
- Rostow’s assessments, 157
- SNIE 11–10–67, 169, 175
- Soviet ABM threat, U.S. assessment of, 107, 130, 137, 179, 206
- National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
- NIE 4–2–64, 57
- NIE 11–3–64, 69, 84
- NIE 11–3–65, 106
- NIE 11–3–66, 146, 147, 160, 183
- NIE 11–4–65, 84
- NIE 11–4–66, 131
- NIE 11–4–67, 183, 187
- NIE 11–6–65, 93
- NIE 11–8–64, 55, 84, 88, 107
- NIE 11–8–65, 97, 107
- NIE 11–8–66, 143, 144, 174, 183
- NIE 11–8–68, 217
- NIE 11–12–65, 94
- NIE 11–14–65, 98
- NIE 11–14–66, 183
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 214
- Assured destruction, 128, 160, 200, 210
- Clandestine introduction of weapons into U.S., 208
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 210
- Control procedures, 113, 114, 123
- Damage limitation, 128, 160, 191, 200, 210
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 211
- NIE 4–2–64, 57
- U.S. guidance, 163
- Oxcart, 11
- Rostow’s reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
- Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6, 13, 34, 39, 41
- SNIE 11–10–67, 169, 172, 175
- Submarines, 97, 98, 103, 143
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 6
- Space systems and weapons, 43, 55, 97, 118, 143, 188, 217
- Special Group (CI), 19
- Special National Intelligence Estimates. See SNIE under National Intelligence Estimates.
- Special State-Defense Study Group, 225
- Special Studies Group (JCS), 72
- Spiers, Ronald, 115
- Springsteen, George S., 190
- Staats, Elmer, 171
- Starbird, Lt. Gen. Alfred R., 115
- Stennis, John, 150
- Stout, Charles R., 26
- Strait of Gibraltar, 188
- Strait of Tiran, 188
- Strategy Discussion Group, 75, 115
- Strategic forces. See JSOP subheadings under Joint Chiefs of Staff; Nuclear weapons/issues; Strategic forces subheadings under Clifford, Clark and McNamara, Robert S.
- Strategic Military Panel, 101, 141
- Strategic retaliatory forces (see also Assured destruction and Damage limitation under Nuclear weapons/issues), 21, 31, 67, 195
- Straus, Richard, 163
- Student/youth groups, CIA and, 171
- Submarines, 150
- Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99, 101, 103, 124, 194
- Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
- Budget for Defense Department, 195
- Intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
- JSOP-70–77, 188
- McNamara’s assessments/recommendations, 103, 194
- NIE 11–8–64, 55
- NIE 11–8–65, 97
- NIE 11–8–66, 143, 174
- NIE 11–8–68, 217
- Suez Canal, 188
- Sukarno, 43
- Sweden, 43, 57, 188
- Systems-engineering-technical-direction (SETD), 50
- TACMAR radar, 160
- Taiwan, 12, 43, 188
- Target Data Inventory (TDI), 6
- TASS News Agency, 23
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 17, 36, 171
- Taylor, Adm. Rufus L., 106, 186, 225
- Teller, Edward, 102
- Thailand, 188, 195, 202
- Thomas, Gen. Jack E., 106, 143, 146, 183
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 6, 14, 41, 60, 63, 74, 95, 113, 123, 152, 171, 192
- 303 Committee, 134, 171, 176, 180, 186, 197, 209
- Timor, 12, 43
- Tito, Josip Broz, 43
- Tonkin Gulf, 222
- Toumanoff, Vladimir, 163
- Tovar, Hugh, 197
- Trippe, Jerry C., 96
- Trueheart, William C. , 186, 209
- Truman, Harry S., 96
- Tunisia, 188, 225
- Turkey, 115, 188
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See Soviet Union.
- United Arab Republic (UAR), 43, 188
- United Kingdom, 23, 43, 94, 95, 96, 115, 118, 160, 188, 208
- United Nations, 6, 43, 80, 118, 170
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 19
- United States Intelligence Board (USIB), 222
- Usher, Richard E., 19
- U.S. National Student Association, 171
- USSR. See Soviet Union.
- Valenti, Jack, 39, 40
Vance, Cyrus R., 28, 29, 37,
67, 86, 166
- Asia Foundation, 134
- Deep Underground Command Center, 52, 110
- Human Resources Intelligence Collection, 111
- JCS, disagreement with, 158
- Missiles, 150, 155
- National Command Authorities, 168
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 133, 142
- President, command and control support to, 92
- Systems-engineering-technical-direction, 50
- Youth and student activities, U.S. support for, 171
- Vandenberg Air Force Base, 5
- Vaughan, Joseph F., 70
- Venezuela, 188
- Vietnam, 12, 43, 91, 98, 118, 119, 125, 188, 195, 196, 202, 203, 222
- Vinson, Carl, 13, 110
- Von Hassel, Kai-Uwe, 115
- Warnke, Paul, 192
- Warren, George L., 26
- Warsaw Pact, 188
- Watson, Kenneth M., 101
- Webb, James E., 6
- Weiss, Seymour, 63, 115
- Welsh, Edward C., 6
- Western European Union (WEU), 43
- Westmoreland, Gen. William, 219
Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 17, 164, 171
- Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 61
- Budget for Defense Department, 71, 224, 227
- Chemical/biological warfare, 127
- Clifford’s recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970–74, 213
- Deep Underground Command Center, 52
- High Heels exercise, 40
- JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
- JSOP-68–75, 118, 119
- JSOP-70, 78
- Johnson, meetings with, 40, 196
- McNamara, communications with, 61, 112
- Missiles, 40, 111, 149, 150, 162, 166, 184
- National Military Command System, 77
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62, 75, 214
- Nuclear weapons/issues, 37, 133, 199, 219
- Overseas bases, study of, 225
- Wheelon, Albert D., 6, 11, 45, 50
- Wiesner, Jerome B., 6, 101, 166
- Wilson, Harold, 96
- Wise, David, 49
- Wood, Gen., 225
- Wood, Robert B., 23
- World Assembly of Youth, 171
- World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), 171
- World University Service, 171
- Yemen, 188
- York, Herbert F., 166
- Young Adult Council, 171
- Youth and student groups, the CIA and, 171
- Yugoslavia, 43