U.S. Policy Regarding the Congo Crisis: Support of the U.N. Intervention; Concern With the Possibility of Soviet Intervention; Concern With the Political Situation; Policy Regarding Katanga

270. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–2860. Confidential. Repeated to Brussels, Elisabethville, and USUN.

271. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–1560. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Woodruff; cleared by Ferguson, Wallner, Cargo, and in draft by Penfield; and approved by Satterthwaite. Repeated to USUN and Brussels.

272. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–2560. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Tron and Cargo; cleared by Ferguson and Chadbourn; and approved by Bohlen. Repeated to Léopoldville, Paris, London, and Brussels.

274. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–260. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Repeated to Léopoldville, Paris, London, and Brussels. The time of transmission is not indicated; the telegram was received at 3:01 a.m.

275. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–360. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Michael H. Newlin of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, cleared by Ferguson, and approved by Bohlen. Repeated to USUN.

276. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–360. Secret. Also sent to USUN and repeated to Brussels.

277. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–660. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. The time of transmission is not indicated; the telegram was received at 2:29 a.m.

278. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–760. Secret. Repeated to Brussels and USUN.

279. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–660. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Tron; cleared by Satterthwaite, Bohlen, and Ferguson and in substance with Benjamin A. Fleck, Officer in Charge of India, Ceylon, and Nepal Affairs; and approved by the Secretary. Repeated to London and Léopoldville.

280. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1060. Secret; Priority. Also sent to USUN and repeated to Brussels.

282. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1460. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.

283. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1460. Secret; Limit Distribution. Also sent to USUN and repeated to London, Brussels, and Paris.

284. Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1560. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Herz; cleared by Satterthwaite, White, and Bohlen; and approved by Hare. Sent priority to London, Bonn, Tunis, and Lagos; repeated to Paris, Brussels, Cairo, Khartoum, Léopoldville, Moscow, and USUN; and pouched to 9 other African missions.

285. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, NATO Ministerial Meeting—Memcons. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Merchant’s special assistant, Edward T. Long, and approved in S on December 23.

287. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1860. Confidential; Niact. Repeated to Brazzaville and Léopoldville.

290. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–2760. Secret; Limited Distribution.

292. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–060. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Penfield, cleared with Cumming and David A. Korn of S/S, and approved by Merchant. Repeated to Brussels and USUN.

  1. Secretary Herter and Lord Home were in Paris for the NATO Ministerial meeting, December 16–18. This conversation was held at the Quai d’Orsay and lasted until 1:10 a.m.