272. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations0
1016. Ref: USUN’s 1526,1 Department’s 971.2 You should seek early opportunity again discuss with SYG situation in Stanleyville. Concerns which you expressed to SYG November 24 now even more strongly justified in light Lumumba’s escape3 and increased possibilities of move to establish separatist government in Stanleyville. You should utilize points contained previous telegrams this subject and ascertain steps SYG is taking to deal with situation.
[Page 606]In course of conversation you should let SYG know that we intend make approaches number of African and Asian capitals to ensure that they understand dangerous potential of situation which is developing and firm attitude of US against Soviet domination of Congo.
We strongly hope SYG will reinforce Ethiopian garrison with additional troops and assign competent civilian personnel in key positions. Our information indicates that situation Orientale province deteriorating and that Ethiopians unable do more than maintain security and headquarters and communications. This obviously inadequate under present conditions. UN should have sufficient force in Stanleyville area to maintain general security and to assure that airfields cannot be used by Soviets and others to supply and assist Lumumbaists.
Without assuming existence of problem in this regard, you should assure yourselves that SYG and Dayal will not obstruct whatever attempts GOC may wish to take to render Orientale more secure. You should reemphasize that USG views with great alarm present developments Orientale view distinct possibility permanent division Congo and East-West confrontation. Should SYG point out analogy to Katanga situation last August, you might point out none of above dangers existed in Katanga secession movement. In Department’s view this situation different in political terms from earlier Katanga and Kasai situation. No country recognized either Katanga or Kasai and gradual program for their reintegration was possible and now appears be achieving results. Danger in Orientale is that prompt recognition Lumumba Government by Soviets, Ghana, Guinea and UAR might be forthcoming and major threat to world peace would result. This connection, we assume in view recent developments, problem of UN protection would not arise in event arrest of Lumumba. With regard to para 5 your 1526, we agree that SYG and UN personnel at all levels should now deal with Kasavubu and present government. You should reiterate our continued concern that each UN member which has furnished UN forces act in Congo in accordance with mandate and within UN framework. Department would also appreciate any indication that SYG has taken steps to assure tighter and more effective control from NY over UN command and UN representative in Congo.
We also agree fully with principles expressed para 7, although person to be named as Prime Minister obviously up to Congolese.
You authorized inform SYG as you consider appropriate of your conversation with Kasavubu reported urtel 1517.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–2560. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Tron and Cargo; cleared by Ferguson and Chadbourn; and approved by Bohlen. Repeated to Léopoldville, Paris, London, and Brussels.↩
- Document 267.↩
- Document 266.↩
- On November 27.↩
- Reference is presumably to Document 268; telegram 1517 from USUN concerns another subject.↩