First Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, London, September 11–October 2, 1945 1

1. For the agreement for the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers, see section I of the Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference, signed August 1, 1945, Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, vol. ii, p. 1478.

[102] Record of the Eleventh Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 19, 1945, 11 a.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Minutes

[103] Record of the Twelfth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster Home, London, September 19, 1943, 4 p.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Minutes

[104] Statement by the Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister (Kardelj) to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[105] Memorandum by the French Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[106] Memorandum by the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[107] Memorandum by the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[109] Record of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster Home, London, September 20, 1945, 11 a.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Minutes

[110] Record of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 20, 1945, 4 p.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Minutes

[111] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London

740.00119 Council/9–2045: Telegram

[112] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London

740.00119 Council/9–2045: Telegram

[113] Proposals by the Australian Minister for External Affairs (Evatt) to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[114] Memorandum by the French Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[115] Record of Decisions of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 21, 1945, 11 a.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Decisions

[117] Record of Decisions of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 21, 1945, 4 p.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Decisions

[119] Memorandum by the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: London CFM Documents

[120] Memorandum of Conversation

740.00119 Council/9–2245

[121] Record of Decisions of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 22, 1945, 5:30 p.m.

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Decisions

[123] Memorandum by the United Kingdom Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[124] Memorandum by the Soviet Union Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[125] Memorandum by the United Kingdom Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[126] Memorandum by the United Kingdom Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers

Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Documents

[131] The British Prime Minister (Attlee) to President Truman

740.00119 Council/9–2345: Telegram