740.00119 Council/9–2045: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London

8253. Secdel 87. Greek Amb called Dept Sept 18 presenting note13 bitterly protesting Greek exclusion from Italian peace discussions. Note points out Greek Govts previously expressed dissatisfaction with Potsdam decision limiting participants to Five Powers, and states invitations to all states engaged in operations against Italy, except Greece and Ethiopia, have deepened Greek disillusionment and resentment. Explanations given in the press do not justify exclusion of Greece, which was at one time only ally victorious against Italy and which both as belligerent and as Adriatic power has stronger interest in Italian settlement than attaches merely to Dodecanese question. Instead of protesting directly to Council, Greek Govt prefers application to US and UK Govts, hoping they will take “initiative to restore Greece to its rightful place among her Allies”. The Ambassador stated orally that the Greeks could not understand why Greece had not been invited at least to submit to Great Powers a memorandum setting forth Greek views on subject of Italian peace.

Any pertinent information you care to transmit, either for Dept’s confidential background or for communication to Greek Amb, concerning reasons for non-inclusion at this time of Greece will be appreciated. Also indications of methods by which Greek interests in Italian settlement will be taken care of in future.

[Page 284]

Full text Greek note being forwarded airmail.

Sent to London: repeated to Athens.14

  1. Not printed.
  2. As telegram No. 987.