740.00119 Council/9–2045: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London

8254. Secdel 90. In instructions dated August 25 the Italian Foreign Minister asked the Italian Ambassadors in Washington and London to inform the State Department and the Foreign Office of Italian efforts to effect direct relations with the Yugoslav Government in order to settle controversial points. After reviewing these efforts the Ambassadors were to request the US and UK Governments to enjoin the Yugoslavs to accept Italian overtures so that discussions could proceed. The Italian Government intended also to ascertain whether Moscow would intervene in similar fashion with the Yugoslav Government. The Italian Ambassadors were to point out to the US and UK that their Government hoped the Western Allies would coordinate their efforts with the USSR before intervening at Belgrade on behalf of Italy in order that Russian susceptibilities might not be irritated.

In following out his instructions on September 15 the Italian Ambassador expressed his personal opinion that the problems facing Italy and Yugoslavia could not be settled by direct negotiation regardless of Italian goodwill and that the procedure followed by the Council of Foreign Ministers in inviting Italian and Yugoslav representatives to submit the views of their Governments is a wise one.
