Participation of the United States in the Fourth Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, April 2–14, 1945
[The International Cotton Advisory Committee was established in accordance with the recommendations of the International Cotton Conference held in Washington in September 1939 for the purpose of keeping the interested countries abreast of the developments in the world cotton situation and of suggesting practicable measures from time to time for international collaboration in the solution of world cotton problems. Meetings were held on April 1 and October 17, 1940, and on April 11, 1941, and were then suspended because of wartime conditions. For information on the fourth meeting, held at Washington, see Department of State Bulletin, April 1 and 22, 1945, pages 545 and 772–773, and Department of State, Participation of the United States Government in International Conferences, July 1, 1941–June 30, 1945, pages 173–174.]