Problem of China’s economic reconstruction and the attitude of the United States and other governments respecting financial assistance to China25
25. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1934, vol. iii, pp. 371 ff.
[587] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
Washington, July 29, 1935—3
893.515/681: Telegram
[588] The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Peiping, August 3, 1935—5
[Received August 5—4:54 a.m.]
[Received August 5—4:54 a.m.]
893.515/698: Telegram
[589] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
Washington, August 8, 1935—6
893.48/968: Telegram
[590] The Second Secretary of Legation in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, August 9, 1935—9
[Received 1:31 p.m.]
[Received 1:31 p.m.]
893.515/701: Telegram
[591] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Atherton) to the Secretary of State
London, August 10, 1935—1
[Received August 10—10:40 a.m.]
[Received August 10—10:40 a.m.]
893.515/706: Telegram
[592] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the United Kingdom (Atherton)
Washington, August 11, 1935—3
893.515/706: Telegram
[593] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Atherton) to the Secretary of State
London, August 12, 1935—4
[Received August 12—2:42 p.m.]
[Received August 12—2:42 p.m.]
893.515/707: Telegram
[595] Memorandum by Mr. Raymond C. Mackay of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] August 14, 1935.
[596] The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, September 7, 1935—11
[Received September 7—12:25 a.m.]
[Received September 7—12:25 a.m.]
893.515/728: Telegram
[597] The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
Washington, September 16, 1935—3
893.515/745a: Telegram
[598] The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, September 17, 1935—7
[Received September 17—8:03a.m.]
[Received September 17—8:03a.m.]
893.515/744: Telegram
[599] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, September 24, 1935—5
[Received September 24—2:05 p.m.]
[Received September 24—2:05 p.m.]
893.515/755: Telegram
[600] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)
Washington, September 25, 1935—7
893.515/755: Telegram
[601] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, September 25,
[Received September 25—8:32 p.m.]
[Received September 25—8:32 p.m.]
893.515/756: Telegram
[602] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, September 25, 1935.
[Received October 19.]
[Received October 19.]
[603] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, September 26, 1935—11
[Received 8 p.m.]
[Received 8 p.m.]
893.515/763: Telegram
[604] Memorandum by the Ambassador in China (Johnson) of a Conversation With the Standing Member of the Chinese National Economic Council (Soong)
Shanghai, October 1, 1935.
[607] The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, October 14, 1935.
[Received November 2.]
[Received November 2.]
[608] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Peiping, October 25, 1935.
[Received November 18.]
[Received November 18.]
[609] Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)
[Washington,] October 29, 1935.
[610] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, October 31, 1935—3
[Received October 31—6:49 a.m.]
[Received October 31—6:49 a.m.]
893.515/802: Telegram
[611] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham) to the Secretary of State
London, November 2, 1935—2
[Received November 2—11:05 a.m.]
[Received November 2—11:05 a.m.]
841.5151/455: Telegram
[612] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, November 2, 1935—11
[Received November 2—11:30 a.m.]
[Received November 2—11:30 a.m.]
893.515/813: Telegram
[613] The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, November 4, 1935—9
[Received November 4—8 a.m.]
[Received November 4—8 a.m.]
893.515/814: Telegram
[614] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, November 4,
[Received November 4—8 a.m.]
[Received November 4—8 a.m.]
893.515/815: Telegram
[615] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Shanghai, November 4, 1935—8
[Received November 4—10:55 a.m.]
[Received November 4—10:55 a.m.]
893.515/818: Telegram
[616] Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)
[Washington,] November 5, 1935.
- Telegram in two sections.↩