
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck)

The Chinese Minister26 called and informed me that he had been informed by his Government that Mr. T. V. Soong27 will be sent to represent China in conversations with regard to silver. Mr. Soong would leave Shanghai on January 18 and arrive at Vancouver on February 2.28 The Minister had already informed the Secretary of the Treasury.

The Minister also stated that there had been discussion between him and the Secretary of the Treasury, on Mr. Morgenthau’s initiative, with regard to the possibility that ten million ounces of silver which the American Government is to purchase for the Cuban Government be purchased from China.

  1. Dr. Sao-ke Alfred Sze.
  2. Executive member, National Economic Council of China.
  3. Mr. Soong’s proposed trip was canceled; see telegram No. 12, January 25, 5 p.m., from the Counselor of Legation in China, p. 18.