Financial affairs; Dominican objection to the financial adviser; attitude of the United States; Commission sent by the Dominican Government to the United States; appointment of employees of the customs service5
5. Continued from For. Rel. 1914, pp. 193–261.
[280] The Secretary of State to the Dominican Minister.
Department of State,
Washington, January 9, 1915.
Washington, January 9, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1474
[281] Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, January 11, 1915.
Santo Domingo, January 11, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1473.
[282] The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.
Department of State,
Washington, January 12, 1915—6 p.m.
Washington, January 12, 1915—6 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1474.
[284] The Dominican Minister to the Secretary of State.
Dominican Legation,
Washington, January 20, 1915.
Washington, January 20, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1483.
[285] The Dominican Minister to the Secretary of State.
Dominican Legation,
Washington, February 1, 1915.
Washington, February 1, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1490.
[286] Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, February 9, 1915—9 a.m.
Santo Domingo, February 9, 1915—9 a.m.
File No. 839.51/1493.
[287] The Secretary of State to the Dominican Minister.
Department of State,
Washington, February 15, 1915.
Washington, February 15, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1488.
[288] Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, March 3, 1915—6 p.m.
Santo Domingo, March 3, 1915—6 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1506.
[290] The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.
Department of State,
Washington, March 6, 1915—4 p.m.
Washington, March 6, 1915—4 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1506.
[291] Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, March 12, 1915—9 a.m.
Santo Domingo, March 12, 1915—9 a.m.
File No. 839.51/1514.
[292] The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.
Department of State,
Washington, March 18, 1915—5 p.m.
Washington, March 18, 1915—5 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1514.
[293] Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, March 27, 1915—7 a.m.
Santo Domingo, March 27, 1915—7 a.m.
File No. 839.51/1536.
[294] The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.
Department of State,
Washington, March 30, 1915—6 p.m.
Washington, March 30, 1915—6 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1536.
[297] The Dominican Foreign Office to the Secretary of State.
Foreign Office,
Santo Domingo, April 17, 1915.
Santo Domingo, April 17, 1915.
File No. 839.00/1706.
[298] The Secretary to the President to the Secretary of State.
The White House,
Washington, May 15, 1915.
Washington, May 15, 1915.
File No. 839.00/1705.
[299] The Special Dominican Commissioners to the Department of State.
Dominican Legation,
Washington, [not dated; left at the Department May 18, 1915.]
Washington, [not dated; left at the Department May 18, 1915.]
File No. 839.51/1567.
[300] The Department of State to the Dominican Legation.
Department of State,
Washington, June 8, 1915.
Washington, June 8, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1575a.
[301] The Department of State to the Dominican Legation.
Department of State,
Washington, June 8, 1915.
Washington, June 8, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1575a.
[302] The Dominican Minister to the Secretary of State.
Dominican Legation,
Washington, June 10, 1915.
Washington, June 10, 1915.
File No. 839.51/1576.
[304] The Secretary of State to Chargé Johnson.
Department of State,
Washington, June 26, 1915—5 p.m.
Washington, June 26, 1915—5 p.m.
File No. 839.51/1580.
[305] Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, July 6, 1915—11 a.m.
Santo Domingo, July 6, 1915—11 a.m.
File No. 839.51/1586.
[306] Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, July 14, 1915—8 a.m.
Santo Domingo, July 14, 1915—8 a.m.
File No. 839.00/1715.
[307] The Secretary of State to Chargé Johnson.
Department of State,
Washington, July 16, 1915—4 p.m.
Washington, July 16, 1915—4 p.m.
File No. 839.00/1714.
[308] Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, July 22, 1915—5 p.m.
Santo Domingo, July 22, 1915—5 p.m.
File No. 839.00/1720.
[309] Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Santo Domingo, July 22, 1915.
Santo Domingo, July 22, 1915.
File No. 839.00/1731.