Great Britain:
- Agreement between the United States and Great Britain extending time for
appointment of the commission under article 2 of the Treaty of September 15,
1914 (Documents 422–423)
- Abrogation by the United States of the Treaty of June 3, 1892, between the United States and Great Britain, conflicting with the Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915. Acceptance thereof by Great Britain.
- Abrogation by the United States of article 10 of the Treaty of October 2, 1886, between the United States and Tonga.
- Killing of Walter Smith and wounding of Charles Dorsch, American citizens,
by soldiers of the Canadian militia (Documents 424–439)
- Copyright on unpublished musical works for reproduction by mechanical
musical contrivances granted by the United States and Great Britain
reciprocally (Documents 440–443)