- Abrogation of provisions of certain treaties conflicting with the Seamen’s
Act of March 4, 1915. Acceptance of the abrogation by Bolivia and Great
Britain (Documents 1–6)
- Postponement of the opening of the Panama Canal (Documents 7–15)
- Pan American Medical Conference (Document 16)
- International Congress on Education (Document 17)
- International Engineering Congress (Document 18)
- International Dry Farming Congress (Document 19)
- Second Pan American Scientific Congress (Document 20)
- First Pan American Financial Conference and High Commission (Documents 21–26)
- Radio communication in the American Hemisphere (Document 27)
- Conditions of enlistment of Americans in foreign armies involving their
(Document 28)
- Attitude of the United States towards Latin America (Document 29)
- Application of section 13 of the seamen’s act of March 4, 1915 to foreign
vessels (Document 30)