Correspondence relating to the Treaty of April 6, 1914, between the United States and Colombia 1

1. Continued from For. Rel. 1914, pp. 146169.

[204] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Colombia.

File No. 711.21/314a.

[205] The Secretary of State to Chargé Harrison.

File No. 711.21/314b.

[206] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.

File No. 711.21/318.

[207] Chargé Harrison to the Secretary of State.

File No. 711.21/315.

[208] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.

File No. 711.21/316.

[209] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Colombia.

File No. 711.21/316.

[210] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.

File No. 711.21/537.

[211] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Colombia.

File No. 711.21/537.