

  • Abrogation:
    • attempted, of the capitulations by Turkey 1301
    • provisions of certain treaties 3
  • Address, annual, of the President to Congress IX
  • Advisers, political, financial, and military, in China. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • Agreements. See Treaties.
  • American citizens, expatriation of, by enlistment in foreign armies 25
  • American citizens in—
    • China:
      • infringement of trade-mark of the Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 231
      • taxation 216
    • Ecuador, imprisonment of M. D. Strong 373
    • France, liability to military service 384
    • Italy, liability to military service 554
    • Mexico:
    • Panama:
      • assault case of July 4, 1912 1162
      • fight at Cocoa Grove, February 14, 1915 1186
      • riot at Colon, April 2, 1915 1194
      • killing of Corporal Maurice Langdon, U. S. Army, in the riot of April 2, 1915, at Colon 1194
      • payment of an indemnity for the death of William T. Harrison, due to torture in prison 1240
  • American claims. See Claims.
  • American marines, landing in Haiti 476
  • American National Red Cross, Huai River conservancy 212
  • American Society, Mexico City, appeals and statements 665, 672, 679, 689, 700, 728, 730, 762.
  • American trade-marks, infringement in China 231
  • Arbitration, assault case on American citizens in Panama, protocol 1183
  • Argentina:
    • First Pan American Financial Conference and High Commission. See Circulars and conferences and congresses.
    • International conference on Mexico. See Mexico, international conference, etc.
    • message of President Victorino de la Plaza to the Congress 28
  • Armies, foreign, enlistment of Americans in 25
  • Arms and ammunition, embargo on the exportation from Dominican Republic to Haiti 490
  • Arms and ammunition, embargo on the exportation to Mexico 780
  • Arrangement. See Treaties.
  • Arrest of foreign consular officers in the United States 404
  • Assault cases on American citizens in Panama:
    • riot at Cocoa Grove July 4, 1912 1162
      • protocol of arbitration 1183
    • fight at Cocoa Grove, February 14, 1915 1186
    • riot at Colon, April 2, 1915 1194
  • Attitude of the United States toward Latin America 25


  • Bank of British West Africa (Ltd.), financial agreement with the Liberian Government, text 641
  • Battle y Ordóñez, José, President of Uruguay, message to the National Assembly 1309
  • Benton, W. S., estate in Mexico 1030
  • Bertrand, Francisco, President of Honduras, message to the Congress. 550
  • Black Dragon Society of Japan. See China; relations between China and Japan, etc.
  • Blockade of the port of Progreso, Mexico 821
  • Bolivia:
    • boundary agreement with Paraguay 32
    • denunciation by the United States of article 34 of the treaty of May 13, 1858, between the United States and Bolivia 9
      • acceptance thereof by Bolivia 12
    • international conference on Mexico. See Mexico; international conference, etc.
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and Bolivia 30
  • Boundary agreement, Bolivia and Paraguay 32
  • Boundary disputes:
    • Costa Rica and Panama 1131
      • attitude of the United States 1147, 1148
  • Boundary line between Panama and the Panama Canal Zone: convention defining 1123
  • Boundary line between the United States and Mexico:
    • agreement between the Governor of Sonora and the commander of the Constitutionalist forces for the neutralization of 789
      • violation of the above agreement 793, 801
    • measures taken by the United States 794, 801
    • firing and raids across, by Mexican troops and bandits 786, 796, 804, 811, 812, 813, 816, 819, 820
    • reciprocal arrangement for the crossing of, in pursuit of bandits 819
  • Brazil:


  • Cable messages, rules and regulations in Chile 36
  • Cabrera, Manuel Estrada, President of Guatemala, message to the Legislative Assembly 430
  • Cacos, revolutionists in Haiti 477
  • Canada:
    • Killing of Walter Smith and wounding of Charles Dorsch, American citizens, by soldiers of the Canadian Militia 414
      • payment of indemnities 420
  • Capitulations, attempted abrogation of, by Turkey 1301
  • Carranza, Venustiano, in charge of Executive Power in Mexico:
  • Catholic Church in Mexico, persecution 1004
  • Cházaro, Lagos, Provisional President of Mexico 700, 717
    • reply to statement of the President of the United States 712
  • Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., infringement of trade-mark in China 231
  • Chientao, Manchuria, rights of Korean residents 204
  • Chihuahua, Mexico, removal of Conventionist Government to 682
  • Chile:
    • international conference on Mexico, See Mexico; international conference etc.
    • message of President Ramón Barros Luco to the Congress 35
    • rules and regulations for cable and wireless messages 36
  • China:
    • Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., trade-mark infringement case 231
    • Chientao, rights of Korean residents 204
    • Ch’ou An Hui, propaganda for the restoration of the monarchy 58
    • claims of American citizens against, See Claims.
    • constitutional reform: outline of the history of constitutional development 44
    • discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway in favor of Japan 594
    • Goodnow, Dr. Frank J., American constitutional adviser to China memorandum on the merits of the republican and monarchical forms of Government 53
    • Huai River conservancy 212
    • infringement of American trade-marks 231
    • message of President Yuan Shin K’ai to the Council of State 61
    • monarchical government, movement to restore 44
    • naval coaling station, United States, in Fukien Province 113
    • Peace Planing Society propaganda 46, 49, 58
    • political affairs 44
    • protection by the United States of Chinese interests in—
    • relations between China and Japan;
    • restriction of immigration of Chinese to Cuba, good offices of the United States 267
    • taxation, American citizens, stamp tax 216
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and China 41
    • vaseline trade-mark case 231
  • Ch’ou An Hui, propaganda for the restoration of the monarchy in China 49, 58
  • Circular instructions to American diplomatic and consular officers 3
  • Citizenship, dual 557, 559, 565, 569
  • Claims against:
    • China: return of unused portion of Boxer indemnity claims fund 206
    • Ecuador: Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company 340
    • Mexico 836
  • Coaling Station, United States Naval, in Fukien Province 113
  • Cocoa Grove, Panama, assaults on American citizens 1162, 1186
  • Code messages, rules and regulations in Chile 36
  • Colombia:
    • assumption of presidency by José Vicente Concha 258
    • treaty of April 6, 1914, between the United States and Colombia, Correspondence relating to 259
  • Colon, Panama, riot at 1194
  • Commission, High, and First Pan American Financial Conference 20, 1310
  • Commission sent by Haiti to the United States 447, 458, 527, 531
  • Commission sent by the United States to Haiti to compose difficulties 464
  • Compagnie Française des Câbles Télégraphiques, a French company, taxation of in the United States 390
  • Concha, José Vicente, President of Colombia, assumption of presidency 258
  • Conferences and Congresses, International:
    • Dry Farming Congress 17
    • Education, Congress on 16, 1310
    • Engineering Congress 16
    • Mexican Affairs Conference. See Mexico; international conference, etc.
    • Opium Conference, Third 1100
      • proclamation by the President of the United States 1311
      • ratifications 1103
    • Pan American Financial Conference, First and High Commission 20, 1310
    • Pan American Medical Conference 15
    • Pan American Scientific Congress, Second 18, 1310
    • Radio communication in the American hemisphere, informal conference 24
  • Consular officers, foreign, arrest of 404
  • Consulate, German, at Seattle, Wash., search by police officers 404
  • Conventions. See Treaties.
  • Copyright on unpublished musical works for reproduction by mechanical contrivances. Reciprocal grant by the United States and Great Britain 423
  • Costa Rica:
    • boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama 1131
    • attitude of the United States 1147, 1148
    • Nicaraguan revolutionists, protest of the United States against the presence in Costa Rica 264
    • protest against proposed Nicaragua Canal Treaty 1104
  • Cuba: restriction of immigration of Chinese to Cuba, good offices of the United States 267
  • Customhouses in Haiti taken in charge by American naval forces 518


  • Dairen. See China, relations, etc.
  • Dalny. See Dairen.
  • Dartiguenave, Sudre, President of Haiti:
    • election 480
    • recognition by the United States 490
  • De la Rosa, Mexican, raiding activities of 816
  • Demands, twenty-one, made by Japan on China 79
  • Denmark: treaty for the advancement of general peace, concluded between the United States and Denmark 276
  • Denunciation of treaties. See Treaties.
  • Diplomatic negotiations, military commanders not authorized in Mexico to conduct 652
  • Disarmament of the Panaman police of high-power rifles 1221
  • Discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway in favor of Japan 594
  • Dominican Republic:
    • embargo on exportation of arms and ammunition from Dominican Republic to Haiti 490
    • financial affairs; Dominican objection to the financial adviser. Attitude of the United States. Dominican commission sent to the United States. Appointment of customs employees 297
    • political affairs 279
    • revolutionary movements 279
  • Dorsch, Charles, wounding of, by soldiers of the Canadian Militia 414
    • indemnity paid by Canada 420
  • Dry Farming Congress, International 17
  • Dual citizenship 557, 559, 565, 569


  • Eastern Inner Mongolia. See China, relations between China and Japan.
  • Ecuador:
    • Guayaquil & Quito Railway Company claims. Arbitration of case declared canceled by Ecuador.
      • suit against the company, protest by the United States 340
    • imprisonment of M. D. Strong 373
    • loan negotiations 353
  • Education, International Congress on 16, 1310
  • Eills, John, extradition from Japan refused by Japan 587
  • Embargo on:
    • exportation of arms and ammunition from Dominican Republic to Haiti 490
    • exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico 780
    • exportation of sisal from Mexico 821
  • Embargoed goods, transportation of—from Russia to the United States, protocol of agreement 1285
  • Empresa de Agua, Mazatlan, expropriation 1040
  • Engineering, International Congress 16
  • Enlistment of Americans in foreign armies 25
  • Exchange of notes. See Treaties.
  • Expatriation of Americans by enlistment in foreign armies 25
  • Expropriation of the Empresa de Agua, Mazatlan 1040
  • Expositions:
    • Panama-California 1310
    • Panama-Pacific 1310
  • Expulsion of the Spanish Minister from Mexico 1049
  • Extraditions:
    • Eills, John, refused by Japan 587
    • Huerta, Gen. Victoriano:
      • application for, by Mexico 827
      • refused by the United States 834


  • Financial agreement between Liberia and the Bank of British West Africa, (Ltd.) 641
  • Financial Conference and High Commission, First Pan American 20, 1310
  • Firing and raids across the boundary line by Mexican troops and bandits 786, 796, 804, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816, 819, 820
  • Fonseca Bay, Central America, description of 1115
  • Forced loans imposed upon American citizens and other foreigners in Mexico 983
  • France:
    • invasion of the French legation in Haiti by revolutionists 475
    • Korrigan II, seizure in Mexico 1056
    • liability to French military service of naturalized American citizens of French origin and of American-born children of French parentage 384
    • Morocco, French protectorate in; protest of the United States against the removal of certain cases from the civil to the French military courts 1097
    • protection of French interests in Mexico by the United States 1056
    • taxation of the Compagnie Française des Câbles Télégraphiques in the United States 390
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace, between the United States and France 380
    • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under above treaty 383
  • Freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway, discrimination in favor of Japan 594
  • Fukien Province:


  • Garza, Roque Gonzales, Provisional President of Mexico 646
    • deposed as President 700, 717
    • removal of government to Chihuahua 682
    • reply to the statement of the President of the United States 697, 699
    • statements 644, 646
  • Germany:
    • Arrest of W. Müller, German consul at Seattle, Wash., and search of the consulate by police officers 404
    • Forced loans imposed upon Germans in Mexico. See Mexico: forced loans, etc.
    • protection of German interests in Mexico by the United States 1071
  • Gomes, Wenceslau Braz P., President of Brazil, message to the Congress 34
  • Goodnow, Dr. Frank J., American constitutional adviser to China 53
  • Great Britain:
    • agreement between the United States and Great Britain extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 15, 1914 413
    • caveat against the payment by the United States to Nicaragua of money provided in the proposed canal treaty unless British claims against Nicaragua are settled 1118
    • denunciation by the United States of the Treaty of June 3, 1892, between the United States and Great Britain 6
      • acceptance thereof by Great Britain 11
    • denunciation by the United States of the treaty of October 2, 1886, between the United States and the King of Tonga, acceptance thereof by Great Britain 11
    • estate of W. S. Benton in Mexico 1030
    • killing of Walter Smith and wounding of Charles Dorsch, American citizens, by soldiers of the Canadian militia 414
      • payment of indemnities 420
    • protection of British interests in Mexico by the United States 1030
    • reciprocal grant by the United States and Great Britain of copyright on unpublished musical works for reproduction by mechanical contrivances 423
  • Guatemala:
    • agreement between the United States and Guatemala extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 20, 1913 429
    • international conference on Mexico. See Mexico, international conference, etc.
    • message of President Manuel Estrada Cabrera to the Legislative Assembly 430
  • Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. See Ecuador.
  • Guillaume Sam, Vilbrun, President of Haiti:
  • Gutierrez, Eulalio, Provisional President of Mexico:
    • deposed as provisional president 645
    • evacuation of Mexico City by 644
    • manifesto 647
    • statements 643, 676
[Page 1319]


  • Haiti:
    • Cacos, revolutionists in 477
    • controversy between the National Railroad Company of Haiti and the Haitian Government 538
    • customhouses taken in charge by American naval forces 518
    • Dartiguenave, Sudre, President of Haiti:
      • election 480
      • recognition by the United States 490
    • difficulties between the National Bank of the Republic of Haiti and the Haitian Government 496
    • embargo on the exportation of arms and ammunition from Dominican-Republic to Haiti 490
    • financial affairs. Customhouses taken in charge by American naval forces 518
      • Haitian Commission sent to the United States 447, 458, 527, 531
    • invasion of the French Legation in Haiti by revolutionists 475
    • landing of American marines 476
    • martial law in Haiti, proclamation 484
    • political affairs; revolutionary movements; escape of President Théodore; election of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam. Commission sent to Haiti by the United States to compose difficulties; murder of President Guillaume; landing of American marines and pacification of Haiti by American forces. Election of President Sudre Dartiguenave; recognition of his government by the United States 461
    • Sam, Guillaume Vilbrun, President of Haiti:
    • Théodore, Davilmar, President of Haiti, escape from Haiti 465
    • treaty between the United States and Haiti for the financial and economic development and tranquillity of Haiti; conclusion of a modus Vivendi 431, 460
  • Han-yeh-p’ing Iron and Coal Co. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • Harrison, William T., payment by Panama of an indemnity for the death of, due to torture in prison 1240
  • Hei Lung Society of Japan. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • High Commission, International, on uniform legislation 1310
  • Honduras:
    • message of President Francisco Bertrand to the Congress 550
  • Howard, Daniel E., President of Liberia, message to the Legislature 626
  • Huai River conservancy 212
  • Huerta, General Victoriano:
    • application by Mexico for the extradition of 827
    • extradition refused by the United States 834


  • Immigration: Cuba, restriction of Chinese 267
  • Imprisonment of M. D. Strong in Ecuador 373
  • Indemnity paid by Canada for the killing of Walter Smith and the wounding of Charles Dorsch by soldiers of the Canadian militia 420
  • Indemnity paid by Panama for the death of William T. Harrison 1240
  • Infringement of American trade-marks in China 231
  • International conventions. See Treaties.
  • International conferences and congresses. See Conferences and congresses.
  • International expositions. See Expositions.
  • International High Commission on uniform legislation 20, 1310
  • International Relief Committee, Mexico City, appeals to the United States for assistance 653, 654, 674, 689
  • Italy:
    • American citizens held liable to military service 554
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between Italy and the United States 551
    • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under article 2 of above treaty 553


  • Japan:
    • coronation of Emperor Yoshihito 585
    • discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway in favor of imports from Japan 594
    • documents of negotiations with China. See China; relations, etc.
    • extradition of John Eills refused 587
    • policy of the United States in relation to China and Japan 105
    • relations between China and Japan; twenty-one demands on China 79
    • residence and travel of Japanese in China. See China; relations, etc.



  • Land leases in China. See China; relations, etc.
  • Langdon, Maurice, Corporal U. S. Army, killing of, in the riot of April 2, 1915, at Colon 1194
  • Latin America, attitude of the United States toward 25
  • Legislation, uniform, International High Commission on 1310
  • Liberia:
    • financial affairs 635
      • agreement between Liberia and the Bank of British West Africa (Ltd.), text 641
    • message of President Daniel E. Howard to the Legislature 626
    • political affairs, uprisings of native tribes. Assistance rendered by the United States 627
  • Los Mochis, Sinaloa, depredations of Yaqui Indians on Americans 841
  • Luco, Ramón Barros, President of Chile, message to the Congress 35


  • Manchuria, South, discrimination in freight rates in favor of Japan 594
  • Marines, American, landing in Haiti 476
  • Martial law in Haiti, proclamation 484
  • McManus, John R., murder of in Mexico 866
  • Messages of the Presidents of:
  • Mexico:
    • American citizens advised to leave 838
    • American Society appeals and statements 665, 672, 679, 689, 700, 728, 730, 762
    • appeal and statement made by the President of the United States to the various chiefs 694
    • application for the extradition of General Victoriano Huerta from the United States 827
      • extradition refused by the United States 834
    • assumption of political authority, by General Villa 650
      • manifesto and decree 662
    • Benton, W. S., estate of 1030
    • blockade of the port of Progreso 821
    • boundary line between the United States and Mexico—
      • agreement between the Governor of Sonora and the commander of the Constitutionalist forces for the neutralization of 789
        • violation of above agreement 793, 801
        • measures taken by the United States 794, 801
      • firing and raids across, by Mexican troops and bandits 786, 796, 804, 811, 812, 813, 816, 819, 820
      • reciprocal arrangement for the crossing of the boundary line in pursuit of bandits 819
    • Carranza, Venustiano, in charge of Executive Power—
      • decrees—
        • Laguna cotton, Nov. 7, 1915 1003
        • mining taxation, March 1, 1915 900
        • mining taxation, June 19, 1915 (2) 925
        • mining taxation, Aug. 31, 1915 942
        • oil lands, Jan. 7, 1915 872
        • oil lands on federal zone, Jan. 29, 1915 878
        • property manifesto, Sept. 19, 1914 883
      • manifesto 705
      • recognition of defacto government of, by—
      • résumé of the history of the revolution instituted by 763
      • transfer of government to Vera Cruz 649
    • Catholic Church, persecution of 1004
    • Cházaro, Lagos, Provisional President 717, 700
      • reply to statement of the President of the United States 712
    • claims of American citizens against Mexico 836
    • Conventionist government, removal to Chihuahua 682
    • De la Rosa, raiding activities of 816
    • diplomatic negotiations, military commanders not authorized to conduct 652
    • embargo by the United States on the exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico 780
      • proclamation by the President of the United States 772, 780
    • embargo by Mexico on the exportation of sisal 821
    • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua at Mazatlan, protest of the United States 1040
    • expulsion of the Spanish Minister 1049
    • firing and raids across the boundary line by Mexican troops and bandits 786, 796, 804, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816, 819, 820
    • forced loans imposed on American citizens and other foreigners 983
    • Garza, Roque Gonzales, Provisional President—
      • deposed as President 700, 717
      • removal to Chihuahua 682
      • reply to the statement of the President of the United States 697, 699
      • statements 644, 646
    • Gutierrez, Eulalio, Provisional President—
      • deposed as provisional president 645
      • evacuation of Mexico City by 644
      • manifesto 647
      • statements 643, 676
    • International conference on Mexican affairs between the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guatemala 723, 724, 729, 730, 734, 745, 750, 751 754, 767, 770
      • communication to Mexican military and civil authorities 735
    • International Relief Committee, appeals to the United States for assistance 653, 654, 674, 689
    • Los Mochis, Sinaloa, depredations of Yaqui Indians in 841
    • Mexico City—
      • occupation and evacuation by different factions 648, 649, 668, 669, 723, 727, 731, 732
      • transfer of the Carranza government to Vera Cruz 649
      • transfer of the Conventionist government to Chihuahua 682
    • military commanders not authorized to conduct diplomatic negotiations 652
    • munitions of war, embargo on the exportation of, to Mexico. Opinion of the Attorney General 783
    • murder of John R. McManus, American citizen 866
    • nuns and priests, outrages upon 1007
    • political affairs, International conference on, Mexican affairs of the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guatemala. Recognition of the Carranza de facto Government by the conferring Powers 643
    • protection of American—
      • citizens and interests 837
      • mining interests 892
      • oil interests 870
    • protection of foreign interests by the United States 1030
      • British, estate of W. S. Benton 1030
      • Chinese 1087
      • French, seizure of Korrigan II 1056
      • German 1071
      • Spanish 1032
        • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua, Mazatlan 1040
        • expulsion of the Spanish Minister 1049
      • Turkish 1072
    • protests of the United States against—
      • attitude assumed by Genl. Obregon toward residents in Mexico City 659
      • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua at Mazatlan 1040
    • religious orders, treatment of 1004
    • representations concerning protection of foreign interests, must be made by the respective accredited representatives in Mexico 1045
    • résumé of the history of the revolution instituted by Venustiano Carranza 763
    • statement by the President of the United States concerning Mexico 694
    • taxation of American citizens 963
      • payment of taxes to non-Carranza Governments not valid 970
    • transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through the United States 825
    • Vera Cruz designated seat of government by Genl. Carranza 649
    • Villa, Genl. Francisco:
      • assumption of political authority 650
        • manifesto and decree 662
      • decrees:
        • mining properties, March 9, 1915 894
        • ore tax, March 19, 1915 905
        • payment of mine employees, May 4, 1915 914
        • real and personal property, May 7, 1915 692
      • deposed from command by Provisional President Gutierrez 647
      • reply to statement of the President of the United States 701
    • withdrawal of American citizens from Mexico 837
    • Yaqui Valley, danger to Americans in 839, 841
    • Yucatan, closure of ports of 821
  • Mexico City:
    • attitude of Genl. Obregon towards residents in, protest of the United States 659
    • occupation and evacuation by different factions 648 649, 668, 669, 723, 727, 731, 732
    • transfer of Carranza Government to Vera Cruz 649
  • Military services, liability of American citizens in:
  • Mines and mining in China. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • Mining regulations in Mexico, affecting foreign property rights 892
  • Missionary propaganda, Japanese in China. See China; relations.
  • Modus vivendi concluded between the United States and Haiti for the financial and economic development and tranquillity of Haiti 460
  • Mongolia, Eastern Inner. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • Monarchial government, movement to restore, in China. See China.
  • Morocco; French protectorate in Morocco; protest of the United States against removal of certain cases from civil to the French military courts 1097
  • Mukden-Antung Railway; discrimination in freight rates in favor of Japan 594
  • Müller, W., German Consul, arrest of 404
  • Munitions of war:
    • embargo on the exportation to Mexico 780
    • opinion of the Attorney General as to what constitutes 783
  • Murder of:
    • McManus, John P., American citizen in Mexico 866
    • Sam, Guillaume Vilbrun, President of Haiti 475
  • Musical works, reciprocal grant of copyright by the United States and Great Britain 423


  • National Bank of the Republic of Haiti; difficulties with the Haitian Government 496
  • National Railroad Company of Haiti, controversy with the Haitian Government 538
  • Nationality, dual 557, 559, 565, 569, 570
  • Naval coaling station, United States, in Fukien Province 113
  • Naval station, United States, proposed at Fonseca Bay, Central America 1115
  • Netherlands:
    • arbitration agreement between the United States and the Netherlands extending the duration of the convention of May 2, 1908 1099
    • Third International Opium Conference—
      • final protocol. Protocol of ratification 1100
      • proclamation by the President of the United States 1311
      • ratifications of convention 1103
  • Nicaragua:
    • canal treaty, proposed, with the United States, and protests of Costa Rica and Salvador in relation thereto 1104
    • caveat of Great Britain against the payment by the United States to Nicaragua of money provided in the proposed canal treaty unless British claims are settled 1118
    • protection by the American Legation of Chinese residing in Nicaragua 1119
    • protest of the United States against the presence in Costa Rica of Nicaraguan revolutionists 264
  • Norway:
    • agreement between the United States and Norway extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of June 24, 1914 1122
  • Notes, Exchange of. See Treaties.
  • Nuns and priests in Mexico, outrages on 1007


  • Oil interests, American, in Mexico 870
  • Opinion of the Attorney General, munitions of war 783
  • Opium Conference, Third International—
    • final protocol. Protocol of ratification 1100
    • proclamation by the President of the United States 1311
    • ratifications 1103


  • Pan-American Financial Conference, First, and High Commission 20, 1310
  • Pan-American Medical Conference 15
  • Pan-American Scientific Congress, Second 18, 1310
  • Panama:
    • arbitration of assault case on American citizens in Panama July 4, 1912, protocol 1183
    • assaults on American citizens 1162
      • riot at Cocoa Grove July 4, 1912 1162
        • protocol of arbitration 1183
      • fight at Cocoa Grove February 14, 1915 1186
      • riot at Colon April 2, 1915 1194
    • boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama 1131
      • attitude of the United States 1147, 1148
    • control by the United States of wireless telegraph stations in Panama 1155
    • convention between the United States and Panama defining the boundary line of the Panama Canal Zone 1123
    • killing of Corporal Maurice Langdon, U. S. Army, in the riot of April 2, 1915, at Colon 1194
    • payment of an indemnity for the death of William T. Harrison, an American citizen, due to torture in prison 1240
    • proposal to demand delivery to the Canal authorities of the rifles of the Panaman police, for storage 1221
    • protection by the United States of Chinese interests 1262
  • Panama-California exposition 1310
  • Panama Canal, postponement of opening of 12
  • Panama Canal Zone, convention defining the boundary line of 1123
  • Panama-Pacific exposition 1310
  • Panama City, assaults on American citizens 1162, 1186
  • Paraguay:
    • boundary agreement with Bolivia 32
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and Paraguay 1275
      • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1277
  • Peace Planning Society, propaganda for the restoration of the monarchy in China 46, 49, 58
  • Peru: treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and Peru 1279
  • Plaza, Victorino de la, President of Argentina, message to the Congress 28
  • Policy of the United States in relation to China and Japan 105
  • Port Arthur. See China, relations, etc.
  • Portugal: agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of Feb. 4, 1914 1282
  • President of the United States:
    • address, annual, of President Woodrow Wilson to the Congress IX
    • proclamations 425, 772, 780
    • See also Treaties.
    • statement concerning Mexico 694
  • Presidents of:
    • Argentina: message of President Victorino de la Plaza to the Congress 28
    • Brazil: message of President Wenceslau Braz P. Gomes to the Congress 34
    • Chile: message of President Ramón Barros Luco to the Congres 35
    • China: message of President Yuan Chih K’ai to the Council of State (Li Fa Yuan) 61
    • Colombia: Jose Vicente Concha, assumption of presidency 258
    • Guatemala: message of President Manuel Estrada Cabrera to the Legislative Assembly 430
    • Haiti:
      • election of President Sudre Dartignenave 480
      • election of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam 467
      • escape of President Davilmar Théodore from Haiti 465
      • murder of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam 475
      • recognition of President Dartignenave by the United States 490
    • Honduras: message of President Francisco Bertrand to the Congress 550
    • Liberia: message of President Daniel E. Howard to the Legislature 626
    • Mexico:
      • Carranza, Venustiano—
      • Cházaro, Lagos, Provisional President 700, 717
        • reply to statement of the President of the United States 712
      • Garza Roque Gonzales, Provisional President 646
        • deposed as President 700, 717
        • removal to Chihuahua 682
        • reply to statement of the President of the United States 697, 699
        • statements 644, 646
    • Salvador: message of President Alfonso Quinones M. to the National Assembly 1288
    • Uruguay: message of President José Battle y Ordóñez to the National Assembly 1309
  • Priests, Spanish, persecution in Mexico 1007, 1017
  • Proclamations by:
  • Progreso, Mexico, blockade of the port of 821
  • Protection of American interests in Mexico:
    • American citizens and interests 837
    • mining interests 892
    • oil interests 870
  • Protection of foreign interests by the United States in:
    • Cuba: Chinese 267
    • Mexico:
      • British 1030
      • Spanish 1032
      • French 1056
      • German 1071
      • Turkish 1072
      • Chinese 1087
      • representations must be made by respective accredited representatives in Mexico 1045
    • Nicaragua: Chinese 1119
    • Panama: Chinese 1262
    • Turkey: Swiss 1294
  • Protectorate, French, in Morocco 1097
  • Protests of Costa Rica and Salvador against the proposed interoceanic canal treaty between the United States and Nicaragua 1104
  • Protests of the United States against:
    • attitude assumed by Genl. Obregon toward residents in Mexico City 659
    • discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway 594
    • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua at Mazatlan, Mexico 1040
    • presence in Costa Rica of Nicaraguan revolutionists 264
    • removal of certain cases from the civil to the French military courts in Morocco 1097


  • Quiñones M., Alfonso, President of Salvador, message to the National Assembly 1288
[Page 1326]


  • Radio communication in the American Hemisphere, informal conference 24
  • Railway rates, discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway in favor of Japan 594
  • Raids and firing across the boundary line by Mexican troops and bandits 786, 796, 804, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816, 819, 820
  • Railway concessions in China. See China; relations between China and Japan, etc.
  • Recognition by the United States of new governments in:
  • Red Cross, American National, Huai River conservancy 212
  • Religious orders in Mexico, treatment of 1004
  • Residence and travel of Japanese in China. See China; relations, etc.
  • Revolution in:
    • Dominican Republic 279
    • Haiti 461
    • Mexico, résumé of the revolution instituted by Venustiano Carranza 763
  • Russia:
    • protocol of agreement between the United States and Russia concerning the exportation of embargoed goods to the United States 1285
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and Russia 1283


  • Salvador:
    • message of President Alfonso Quiñones M. to the National Assembly 1288
    • protest against proposed Nicaragua Canal treaty 1104
  • Sam, Guillaume Vilbrun, President of Haiti:
  • Samsah Inlet (Bay), United States Naval coaling station 113
  • Scientific Congress, Second Pan-American 18, 1310
  • Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915:
    • abrogation of provisions of certain treaties conflicting with 3
    • application of Sec. 13 to foreign vessels 26
  • Seattle, Wash., search of German consulate by police officers 404
  • Shantung Province. See China; relations between China and Japan.
  • Sisal, embargo on the exportation from Mexico 821
  • Smith, Walter:
    • killing of, by soldiers of the Canadian militia 414
    • indemnity paid by Canada 420
  • South Manchuria. See China; relations, etc.
  • South Manchuria Railway, discrimination in freight rates in favor of Japan 594
  • Spain:
    • agreement between the United States and Spain extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of Sept. 15, 1914 1289
    • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua at Mazatlan, Mexico 1040
    • expulsion of Spanish Minister from Mexico 1049
    • protection of Spanish interests in Mexico by the United States 1032
    • Spanish priests in Mexico, persecution of 1007, 1017
  • Strong, M. D., imprisonment in Ecuador 373
  • Sweden:
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace, between the United States and Sweden 1290
    • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1293
  • Switzerland:
    • protection by the United States of citizens of Switzerland in Turkey 1294


  • Taxation, American citizens in:
    • China, stamp tax 216
    • Mexico 903
      • payment of taxes to non-Carranza governments not valid 970
  • Taxation of foreigners in the United States: France: Conpagnie Française des Câbles Télégraphiques 300
  • Telegraph stations, wireless, in Panama, control of by the United States 1155
  • Theodore, Davilmar, President of Haiti; escape from Haiti 465
  • Tonga, denunciation by the United States of the treaty of Oct. 2, 1886, between the United States and the King of Tonga 11
    • acceptance thereof by Great Britain 11
  • Torture of William T. Harrison, American citizen, in prison in Panama 1240
  • Trade-marks, American, infringement in China 231
  • Travel and residence of Japanese in China. See China; relations, etc.
  • Treaties: by country—
    • Bolivia and Paraguay: boundary agreement 32
    • Bolivia and the United States—
      • denunciation of article 34 of the treaty of May 13, 1858 9
      • acceptance thereof by Bolivia 12
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 30
    • China and Japan: twenty-one demands of Japan on China 171, 197
    • China and the United States: treaty for the advancement of general peace 41
    • Columbia and the United States: treaty of April 6, 1914, correspondence relating to 259
    • Denmark and the United States: treaty for the advancement of general peace 276
    • France and the United States—
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 380
      • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under article 2 of above treaty 383
    • Great Britain and the United States—
      • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 15, 1914 413
      • denunciation of the treaty of June 3, 1892, by the United States 6
      • acceptance thereof by Great Britain 11
      • denunciation of the treaty of October 2, 1886, between the United States and the King of Tonga, by the United States 11
      • acceptance thereof by Great Britain 11
    • Guatemala and the United States: agreement extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 20, 1913 429
    • Haiti and the United States: financial and economic development of Haiti; conclusion of a modus Vivendi 431, 460
    • International—
      • Third International Opium Conference—
        • final protocol, protocol of ratification 1100
        • proclamation by the President of the United States 1311
        • ratifications of convention 1103
    • Italy and the United States—
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 551
      • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under treaty of May 5, 1914 553
    • Japan and China: twenty-one demands of Japan on China 171, 197
    • Netherlands and the United States: arbitration agreement extending the duration of the convention of May 2, 1908 1099
    • Nicaragua and the United States: canal treaty, proposed inter-oceanic 1104
    • Norway and the United States: arrangement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of June 24, 1914 1122
    • Panama and the United States—
      • convention defining the boundary line of the Panama Canal Zone 1123
      • protocol concerning the determination of the amount of damages caused by the riot at Panama City, July 4, 1912 1183
    • Paraguay and Bolivia: boundary agreement 32
    • Paraguay and the United States—
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 1275
      • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1277
    • Peru and the United States: treaty for the advancement of general peace 1279
    • Portugal and the United States: agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of Feb. 4, 1914 1282
    • Russia and the United States:
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 1283
      • protocol of agreement concerning the exportation of embargoed goods from Russia to the United States 1285
    • Spain and the United States: agreement extending time for appointment of commission under article 2 of the treaty of September 15, 1924 1289
    • Sweden and the United States—
      • treaty for the advancement of general peace 1290
      • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1293
    • Tonga and the United States. See Treaties: by country, Great Britain.
    • Uruguay and the United States: treaty for the advancement of general peace 1307
    • United States. (Indexed under the names of the other contracting countries.)
  • Treaties: by subject—
    • arbitration—
      • United States and Netherlands, agreement extending the duration of conventions of 1908 and 1909 1099
      • United States and Panama, protocol concerning the determination of the amount of damages caused by the riot at Panama City, July 4, 1912 1183
    • boundary agreement between Bolivia and Paraguay 32
    • boundary line of the Panama Canal Zone, convention between the United States and Panama defining the 1123
    • canal, proposed interoceanic, United States and Nicaragua 1104
    • embargoed goods, protocol of agreement between the United States and Russia concerning the exportation of embargoed goods from Russia to the United States 1285
    • financial and economic development, United States and Haiti, conclusion of a modus vivendi 431, 460
    • opium, Third International Opium Conference, final protocol, protocol of ratification 1100
      • proclamation by the President of the United States 1311
      • ratifications of convention 1103
    • peace, advancement of general, text of treaties between the United States and—
      • Bolivia 30
      • China 41
      • Denmark 276
      • France 380
        • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under article 2 of above treaty 383
      • Great Britain, agreement extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 15, 1914 413
      • Guatemala, agreement extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of September 20, 1913 429
      • Italy 551
        • agreement extending time for appointment of commission under the treaty of May 5, 1914 553
      • Norway, arrangement for extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of June 24, 1914 1122
      • Paraguay 1275
        • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1277
      • Peru 1279
      • Portugal, agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of February 4, 1914 1282
      • Russia 1283
      • Spain, agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of the treaty of September 15, 1914 1289
      • Sweden 1290
        • agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under article 2 of above treaty 1293
      • Uruguay 1307
    • relations—
      • China and Japan, twenty-one demands by Japan on China 171, 197
      • United States and Colombia, treaty of April 6, 1914, correspondence relating to 259
    • Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915, abrogation of provisions of certain treaties, conflicting with 3
    • Twenty-one demands of Japan on China 171, 197
  • Turkey:
    • abrogation, attempted, by Turkey of the capitulations; refusal of the United States to acquiesce 1301
    • protection of Swiss interests in Turkey by the United States 1294
    • protection of Turkish interests in Mexico by the United States 1072
  • Twenty-one demands made by Japan on China 79


  • United States:
    • address, annual, of President Woodrow Wilson to the Congress IX
    • arrest of foreign consular officer in 404
    • attitude of, toward Latin America 25
    • embargo on the exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico 780
      • proclamation by the President 772, 780
    • international conference on Mexico. See Mexico, international conference, etc.
    • naval coaling station in Fukien Province, China 113
    • naval station, proposed, at Fonseca Bay, Central America 1115
    • policy in relation to China and Japan 105
    • protests against—
      • attitude assumed by General Obregon toward residents of Mexico City 659
      • discrimination in freight rates on the South Manchuria Railway 594
      • expropriation of the Empresa de Agua at Mazatlan, Mexico 1040
      • presence in Costa Rica of Nicaraguan revolutionists 264
      • removal of certain cases from the civil to the French military courts in Morocco 1097
    • reciprocal grant by the United States and Great Britain of copyright on unpublished musical works for reproduction by mechanical contrivances 423
    • taxation of the Compagnie des Câbles Télégraphiques, a French company 390
  • Uruguay:
    • international conference on Mexico. See Mexico, international conference, etc.
    • message of President José Battle y Ordonez to the National Assembly 1309
    • treaty for the advancement of general peace between the United States and Uruguay 1307


  • Vaseline trade-mark case in China 231
  • Vera Cruz, designated capital of Mexico by Genl. Carranza 649
  • Vessels, foreign, application of section 13 of the Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915 26
  • Villa, Francisco:
    • assumption of political authority 650
    • manifesto and decree 662
    • decrees 662, 692, 894, 905, 914
    • deposed from command by Provisional President Gutierrez 647
    • reply to statement of the President of the United States 701


  • War of 1914–1919, note 1
  • War munitions:
    • embargo on the exportation to Mexico 780
    • opinion of the Attorney General 783
  • Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States, address, annual, to the Congress IX
  • Wireless messages, rules and regulations in Chile 36
  • Wireless telegraph stations in Panama, control of, by the United States 1155
  • Wireless. See also Radio.
  • Withdrawal of American citizens from Mexico 837


  • Yaqui Indians, depredations of at Los Mochis, Sinaloa 839, 841
  • Yaqui Valley, Mexico, danger to American citizens in 839, 841
  • Yoshihito, Emperor of Japan, coronation 585
  • Yuan Chih K’ai, President of China, message to the Council of State (Li Fa Yuan) 61
  • Yucatan, Mexico, closure of ports of 821
  • Yung Ch’i Hsiang et al., infringement of the Chesebrough Manufacturing Company’s vaseline trade-mark in China 231