File No. 839.51/1575a.
The Department of State to the Dominican Legation.
Washington, June 8, 1915.
The receivership of customs in the Dominican Republic was established in the interests of the Republic. The general receiver should [Page 311] be guided in all his acts solely by the interests of the Dominican Republic and should conduct himself as would a faithful official of that Government. He should be consulted by the Government in all acts that affect the receivership or the customs service just as it would a Dominican official of the administration having its confidence. He will conduct himself towards the Dominican Government in a similar manner.
The appointment of the personnel of the receivership is a function of the President of the United States. It is understood, however, that the general receiver will not employ in the receivership Dominican citizens, or foreigners resident in the country not Americans who have political ties in the country, without first advising the Dominican Government of the names of the persons to be employed and, if the Government alleges reasons satisfactory to the general receiver why such persons should not be employed, he will be guided thereby, because it is not deemed proper that the general receiver should have in his employ Dominican citizens or certain foreigners to whom the Government has well-founded opposition.
In a similar manner, while the appointment of American citizens in the receivership is left entirely to the President of the United States, or to a person designated by him, the Dominican Government is not deprived of the right of reporting misconduct of such employees, and allegations of misconduct will be carefully examined in the first place by the general receiver and, on appeal, by the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Department, and if the charges are well founded and justify such action, such employees will be removed from the service.