No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
American Red Cross to the Secretary of State |
1915. 1 Jan. 6 |
Huai River Conservancy loan. Refers to the Department’s Dec. 23, 1914,
respecting an advance of $5,000,000; requests transmission to the
American Minister at Peking for delivery to Chinese Government of an
amended telegram declaring loan at present impossible and extension of
option desired. |
[Page XXVII]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Jan. 11 |
Same subject. Transmits telegram as requested in letter of Jan. 6 from
Red Cross, with instruction to present to the Chinese Government. |
233 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his Oct. 28, 1914. Incloses copy of letter of
Jan. 6, 1915, from Red Cross: refers to Department’s telegram of Jan.
11. |
American Red Cross to the Secretary of State. |
Jan. 20 |
Same subject. Requests that Mr. Reinsch be instructed to urge
extension of Red Cross option. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to urge extension of Red Cross
option. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 23 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Japanese Minister submits list
of demands not to be divulged to other Powers on pain serious,
consequences to China. Demands could not be granted without abandoning
open-door policy. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 24 |
Same subject. Japan’s twenty-one demands constitute great crisis in
China. Demands include, aside from Shantung, exclusive mining rights in
two provinces and three railways. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 26 |
Same subject. Japan’s demands include impairment of China’s
sovereignty and of open door in Shantung, Kiangsu, Chekiang, Anhui, and
Kiangsi in addition to Manchuria. Further reservations would make
subject to their veto all concessions to other nationalities throughout
China. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 27 |
Same subject. Japanese demands include administrative powers in South
Manchuria and special rights respecting the nationalized iron deposits
throughout China. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Jan. 28 |
Same subject Instructs to keep Department fully informed. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 29 |
Same subject. Further demands include participation in internal
administration of China and recognition of Fukien as Japanese sphere of
influence. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 1 |
Same subject. States five significant demands of Japan. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Japan’s demands on China do not affect Yangtze
valley. |
1060 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Page (telegram). |
Feb. 2 |
Same subject. Desires to know if British Government has been informed
as to nature and extent of Japan’s demands. |
374 |
Mr. Sammons to Mr. Reinsch. |
do |
Infringement of American trade-marks in China. Reports on, and action
taken in the Mixed Court at Shanghai. Outlines procedure he intends to
follow. Incloses correspondence with the Japanese |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 3 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Censorship forbids reproduction
reports in China of Japan’s demands. Foreign Office authorized statement
that demands involve no infringement of China’s territorial integrity
and no impairment of foreign rights in that country. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Huai River Conservancy loan. Refers to Department’s Jan. 11 and 20,
and instructs to telegraph status of option extension. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 4 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Feb. 3. Red Cross option extended
for one year. Chinese desire certain amendments to contract. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 6 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Count Okuma stated that Japan’s
interest in China was to preserve peace and China’s territorial
integrity and to adhere to open-door policy. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 8 |
Same subject. Japanese Minister insisted that Minister for Foreign
Affairs express general opinion on each of 21 demands which was done,
pointing out certain demands were incompatible with treaty rights or
with sovereign power of China and therefore unacceptable. |
The Japanese Embassy to the Department of State. |
do |
Same subject. Memorandum of 11 demands on China. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 9 |
Same subject. Japanese Minister stated expression of Minister for
Foreign Affairs on demands was unsatisfactory and must be modified
otherwise negotiations can not be continued. Chinese Government is
making counterproposals on demands relating to Manchuria, Mongolia, and
Shantung. Chinese trying to preserve the principle of equal
opportunity. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes memorandum from the Japanese Foreign Office
stating the 11 demands made upon China. |
538 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 10 |
Same subject. Reports on progress of negotiations between Japanese
Minister and Chinese Government. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 11 |
Same subject. Statement cabled under date Feb. 9, does not contain all
of Japan’s demands. Baron Kato has instructed Japanese Minister at
Peking to communicate statement given me to Reinsch. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 12 |
Same subject. States Moore’s telegram contains substantially accurate
account of demands as understood here. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Chinese Government is willing to discuss 10 of the
demands while Japanese Government is insisting that entire list be
accepted in principle and negotiated on. The Chinese Government is
contemplating adoption of a well-defined policy regarding
concessions. |
1638 |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 13 |
Same subject. Sir Edward Grey stated yesterday “The British Government
has made inquires of Japan but so far has made no comment.” |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 15 |
Same subject. Relates contents of memorandum received from Japanese
Minister regarding demands on China. |
540 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Further reports on negotiations between Japanese and
Chinese Governments relating to concessions. Encloses copy of telegram
from Correspondent Moore to the Associated Press relating to this
subject. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Infringement of trade-marks. The Japanese Government contends that,
unless the infringing trademark registered in Japan is annulled American
owners can not sue in Chinese Courts against Chinese dealing in the
infringement. The Consulate General at Shanghai will be instructed that
the rights of American industrial property as against Chinese are
determinable by local law. |
Department of State memorandum. |
Feb. 16 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Japanese Ambassador denies truth
of newspaper Statements of exaggerated demands on China. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 17 |
Same subject. Legation is in position to telegraph full text of
Japanese demands as presented to the President on Jan. 18, if
desired. |
392 |
Mr. Sammons to Mr. Reinsch. |
do |
Infringement of trade-marks. Reports further on the subject and
encloses formal protest from the Japanese Consul General. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). |
Feb. 19 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Advises him of receipt of
Japanese Ambassador’s memorandum of denial of press reports and
assurance that Japan has no such intention as press reports would have
indicated. |
The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State (memorandum). |
(1) |
Same subject. Submits statement of the 21 demands made by Japan on
China. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Feb. 19 |
Same subject. Received from Chinese Minister complete statement of
demands, Article V varies from that received from Japanese Ambassador.
Advise at once if demands in Article V are being urged. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 20 |
Same subject. On Feb. 18, Japanese Minister informed Foreign Office
Japanese Government insisted upon negotiations on whole set of 21
demands as presented on 18th ultimo including Article V. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 21 |
Same subject. Embassy’s telegram of Feb. 9, 1915 gave complete list of
demands, the other articles were submitted as requests. |
The Japanese Embassy to the Secretary of State (memorandum). |
Feb. 22 |
Same subject. List of additional demands or requests. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 23 |
Same subject. In conference yesterday Japanese Minister insisted on
full list of demands, finally agreed to discussion in detail, but
rejected all Chinese counterproposals. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 26 |
Same subject. At yesterday’s conference opening of additional treaty
ports in Shantung was agreed to. Chinese Government refused to accept
preamble of Article II. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Feb. 27 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Approves Legation’s attitude as reported
in telegram of Feb. 15, 1915. |
[Page XXIX]
554 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Transmits further correspondence, including his
instruction to the Consulate General at Shanghai. Emphasizes the
advisability of American exporters registering their trademarks at
Tokyo. |
562 |
Same to same |
Mar. 4 |
Claims against China. Incloses correspondence showing assent of the
interested Governments to the withdrawal by China of the unused balance
of the 2,000,000 fund deposited in the Groups Banks. |
571 |
Same to same |
Mar. 6 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Reports on state of
negotiations. Encloses statement of demands as handed to the President
January 18 and statement of demands as handed to the American Minister
by the Japanese Minister February 14. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 8 |
Same subject. Refers to cable of Feb. 26. At the Mar. 6 meeting,
Japanese Minister stated his Government was dissatisfied with slow
progress of negotiations and unless important concessions are granted
means outside of diplomacy might be resorted to. Relates further about
negotiations. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 11 |
Same subject. States report of papers regarding troops to relieve
garrisons at Tsingtau, Tientsin and in Manchuria and Chosen. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 12 |
Same subject. Concessions by Chinese on 99-year extension of South
Manchuria and Antung-Mukden lines appear to have made situation easier.
Japanese Minister told Minister of Foreign Affairs Japanese fleet has
sailed under sealed orders, destination and purposes being known only to
authorities at Tokyo. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 13 |
Same subject. Chinese Government informed second Japanese squadron
sailed with 30,000 men to be distributed in Manchuria, Tientsin,
Shantung, and Hankow. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Chinda |
do |
Same subject. Quotes numerous treaty provisions and states that the
policy of the United States Government is directed to the maintenance of
the independence, integrity and commercial freedom of China and the
conservation of American rights and interests in China. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. States will receive through Tokyo summary of note handed
to Japanese Ambassador in Washington. Call attention of Foreign Office
to treaty provisions cited. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 17 |
Same subject. I communicated to Minister for Foreign Affairs substance
of telegram of Mar. 13. He said he had not yet received contents of note
handed to Viscount Chinda and asked whether the note was presented at
the request or suggestion of China. He told me negotiations were
“proceeding not altogether unsatisfactorily.” |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Minister of Foreign Affairs assures fullest
consideration being given to treaty rights. Demands relating to
Manchuria and Mongolia further discussed at the meeting held
yesterday. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to telegram Mar. 17. Note was not presented at
request or suggestion of China or any other Power. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Mar. 18 |
Same subject. Supplementary memorandum handed this Government by Japan
on Feb. 22 is identical with Article V of Chinese memorandum and was
accompanied by statement that these items were presented as requests for
which friendly consideration was desired. Copies of American note and
Japanese memoranda being mailed you. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 21 |
Same subject. Reports interview with the Japanese Minister for Foreign
Affairs in which the latter dwelt especially on Fukien and referred to
the suggestion made in 1900 by the Secretary of State that the United
States desired to improve a harbor on the coast of Fukien for a naval
coaling station. The pertinent correspondence of 1900 is printed here
for ready reference. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 22 |
Same subject. Chinese Government informed today of arrival of 1,200
new Japanese troops along Shantung Railway and 6,000 in
Manchuria. |
[Page XXX]
588 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan |
Mar. 22 |
Taxation of foreigners. Refers to Legation’s telegram of July 20,
1914, and Department’s reply of July 21, 1914, in regard to Chinese
inland taxation imposed on American goods in violation of treat
stipulations, and submits for the Department comment Legation’s
instruction thereon to the Consul General at Shanghai dated July 25,
1914. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 24 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Relate discussion at conference
yesterday. State reports from Tsingtau, Mukden, Antung Tsinanfu. Sunday
Chinese Government asked explanation of troop movements but no reply to
date. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 25 |
Same subject. Meeting today resulted in agreement to concede to Japan
for mining purposes specified areas in Manchuria. Increase of troop at
Tsinanfu to 2,500 with artillery reported today; 1,000 stationed at
Fangtze near Weihsien. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Same subject. The United States has no purpose or desire to secure
concession on coast of Fukien You are authorized to inform the
Government that United States will view without slightest objection any
arrangement Japan may make with China looking toward the withholding of
any concession to any foreign Power which con templates improvement of
harbor on coast of Fukien. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 30 |
Same subject. Chinese Government and local authorities throughout
country are taking sever measures to repress agitation caused by
distorted reports being circulated as to boycott of Japanese
goods. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 31 |
Same subject. At conference held yesterday the Japanese Minister
stated that the Chinese were fully aware of Japanese demands and China
is now expected to make categorical answer and be pre pared for the
consequences of refusal. Ultimatum backed by force is expected. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 2 |
Same subject. Chinese yielded to demand that Japanese subjects be
allowed to travel, reside carry on trade and agriculture and lease land
in Manchuria remaining subject only to their national jurisdiction in
criminal and civil matters except as to land cases. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Department is making inquiry whether the proposals
concerning the Han-yeh ping Co. would discriminate against nationals of
other countries. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Desires information regarding Han-yeh ping Corporation,
whether anything is contemplated which would discriminate against
nationals of other countries. |
597 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 5 |
Same subject. Observations on the negotiations |
598 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Transmits copy of a memorandum from the Chinese Foreign
Office to the Japanese Minister on the right of residence in South
Manchuria. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Discusses the Han-yeh ping demand which is tantamount to
a demand for a monopoly of mineral production and manufacture and will
eliminate the freedom of industrial development and will deny treaty
rights of other nationals. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 7 |
Same subject. At yesterday’s meeting residence in Manchuria, Group V
and the Fukien demands were discussed. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Apr. 9 |
Same subject. Authorizes him to confirm to the Chinese Government
Department’s note concerning naval and coaling stations on the coast of
Fukien. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. At yesterday’s meeting residence in Manchuria was
further discussed and the Japanese presented an additional demand for a
concession of coal mines at Anki in Fukien. The Minister of Foreign
Affairs refused to receive the demand and the Japanese Minister withdrew
it. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 10 |
Same subject. The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs stated to the
American Ambassador that, if Japan’s demands for residential privileges
were granted, American citizens would obtain the same privileges. |
[Page XXXI]
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 12 |
Same subject. At Saturady’s meeting the Japanese Minister attempted to
discuss articles of Group V, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated
that he could not discuss these demands as they conflicted with treaty
rights and China’s sovereignty. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 17 |
Same subject. At the meeting on the 13th the Japanese Minister stated
that his Government insisted upon the right to participate in making
taxes and police regulations affecting Japanese residents. At
yesterday’s meeting the Japanese Minister demanded that the rights
offered by the Chinese Government concerning Manchuria should be
extended to Eastern Mongolia. The demand was refused. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Apr. 22 |
Taxation of foreigners. Does the Legation still think it advisable to
withhold assent to the stamp tax. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 23 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. At the meeting of the 19th no
progress was made in the discussions and since then negotiations have
been at a deadlock. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 24 |
Taxation of foreigners. Reply to Departments Apr. 22. Refers to his
No. 588 of Mar. 22. Believes it still advisable to withhold consent to
stamp tax. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 27 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. At yesterday’s meeting the
Japanese Minister presented the revised demands of Japan. Gives résumé
of them. |
Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 28 |
Same subject. He was informed by an official of the Foreign Office
that the greater portion of Japan’s demands on China have been agreed
upon. China flatly refuses to discuss the demands concerning Eastern
Mongolia and the situation may become serious. |
Japanese Embassy to The Department of State. |
Apr. 30 |
Same subject. Japanese propositions concerning Manchuria and Eastern
Inner Mongolia; the Han-yeh ping Co., the nonalienation of the Chinese
coast, Japanese advisers, land for schools and hospitals, purchase of
arms, railway concessions in South China, Fukien Province and the
restoration of Kiaochou to China. |
273 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch. |
do |
Infringement of trade-marks. The attention of the Department of
Commerce has been called to the advisability of informing American
exporters of the expediency of registering their trade-marks at
Tokyo. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 3 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. The Minister of Foreign Affairs
handed to the Japanese Minister China’s reply to Japan’s revised
demands. Gives résumé of it. The Japanese Minister was informed that the
whole situation would be laid before the treaty Powers an should apply
further |
614 |
Same to same |
May 4 |
Same subject. Encloses translation of the remarks with which the
Japanese Minister accompanied the presentation of the demands to the.
President on Jan. 18 last and a translation of a memorandum in which the
Black Dragon Society advocated a policy for the solution of the Chinese
Question. |
617 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Reports on the progress of the negotiations and encloses
a copy of a memorandum handed to the Japanese Minister by the Minister
Foreign affairs April 15, 1915. |
The Japanese Foreign Office to the Japanese Ambassador
(telegram). |
May 6 |
Same subject. The Japanese Ambassador left a copy of a telegram
(without date) from his Government at the Department in which he is
informed that the reply of the Chinese Government to Japan’s revised
demands is unsatisfactory, and that his Government will address a fresh
communication to the Chinese Government. If this communication is not
answered satisfactorily the Japanese Government will take such measures
as it may deem necessary. Attached to this telegram is the Chinese
counter proposal concerning Kiaochou and a statement as to time limit
set and the status of the negotiations of Group V. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes notice given to the press giving the attitude of
the United States in reference to the negotiations between China and
Japan. (Same to the American Ambassador at Tokyo.) |
[Page XXXII]
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. An ultimatum was received here today. In order to avert
its presentation the Chinese Government offered further concessions
which were refused by the Japanese. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports military preparations by Japan. Japanese
subjects are being concentrated for leaving. |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 7 |
Same subject. An ultimatum in the form of a further revised set of
demands was handed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by the Japanese
Minister to be accepted categorically by 6 p.m. May 9th. |
2062 |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 7 |
Same subject. Quotes memorandum handed to the Japanese Ambassador by
Sir Edward Gray stating the attitude of the British Government. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 9 |
Same subject. The Chinese Government accepted Japan’s ultimatum today.
The military unpreparedness of China made it necessary to yield to the
demands. |
Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs states that
the Chinese Government has unconditionally accepted Japan’s
ultimatum. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). |
May 11 |
Same subject. Instructs to notify the Japanese Government that this
Government can not recognize any agreement between Japan and China which
impaires the treaty rights of the United States with China, the
political or territorial integrity of China, or the international policy
of the open door. (Mutatis mutandis to the American Legation at
Peking.) |
118 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Chinda |
May 12 |
Same subject. Encloses copy of telegram sent May 11 to the American
Ambassador at Tokyo. (Mutandis to the Chinese Minister). |
Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 13 |
Same subject. Reports handing note to the Foreign Office in pursuance
of Department’s May 11. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 14 |
Same subject. Reports that he communicated Department’s telegram of
the 11th inst. Asks to be authorized to request the Chinese Government
to inform him of any change in the status of foreigners resident in
China, so that the United States may claim for its citizens all its
treaty rights. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
May 15 |
Same subject. This Government takes it for granted that the Chinese
Government will give notice of any change in the status of foreigners.
(The American Ambassador at Tokyo was advised of this telegram.) |
628 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan |
May 17 |
Same subject. Encloses a number of documents which are printed here, a
statement by the Japanese Government concerning the negotiations, a
mandate issued by the President of China concerning the coastal
nonalienation and a telegram by the President cautioning officials and
people to be moderate in their behaviour. |
Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 24 |
Same subject. Newspapers are printing telegrams from Peking stating
that the United States has issued to China and Japan a note of warning
concerning agreements between those Governments which conflict with the
open door policy and which impair China’s sovereignty or territorial
integrity. Editorials resentful. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wheeler (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The note mentioned in Embassy’s telegram of today is
identic with Department’s telegram of May 11, 1915. |
633 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan. |
May 25 |
Same subject. The Minister of Foreign Affairs in receiving
Department’s note of May 11, asked what provisions of the agreement
seemed objectionable to the United States. He was informed that my
Government trusted that the rights referred to in the note would be
given complete protection and that my Government would be entitled to be
advised of any change in the status of Americans in China. |
279 |
Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Bryan |
May 26 |
Same subject. Newspapers printed telegrams from Washington today
stating that the note of the American Government is merely of a legal
nature, designed to affect the phraseology of the treaty. No further
unfriendly comment is anticipated. |
Same to same |
June 8 |
Same subject. Transmits printed copy of the documents relating to the
recent negotiations between Japan and China. The treaties were ratified
yesterday and ratifications exchanged to-day. |
294 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. MacMurray. |
June 22 |
Taxation of foreigners. Reply to Legation’s No 588 of Mar. 22, 1915,
which is approved in general with reservations on certain points. |
76 |
Mr. Kai Fu Shah to Mr. Lansing. |
July 6 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Encloses copy of an official
statement concerning the recent negotiations with Japan, also copy of
the treaties and annexes resulting from those negotiations. |
683 |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing. |
July 9 |
Taxation of foreigners. Incloses a circular instruction of June 8,
1915, to various consular officers in China in regard to the stamp tax
law, issued in conformity with Department’s No. 90 of May 4, 1914; also
a despatch from the Consulate Genera at Shanghai of June 26, 1915, and
the Legation’s reply of July 9, on the same subject. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Kai Fu Shah. |
July 10 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Acknowledges receipt of note of
the 6th inst. with enclosures. |
686 |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing. |
July 12 |
Taxation of foreigners. Incloses copy of an instruction of July 12,
1915, from the Legation to the Consulate General at Hankow in regard to
violations of treaty stipulations in regard to inland taxation of
foreign goods. Requests instructions. |
687 |
Same to same |
July 16 |
Same subject. Incloses copies of regulations as to a destination tax
on foreign goods, and the Legation’s protest to the Chinese Government
in regard thereto. Instructions requested Reasons for Legation’s
protest. |
695 |
Same to same |
July 20 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Reports further interference with the
Mixed Court at Shanghai by the Japanese Consulate General and encloses
further correspondence. |
705 |
Same to same |
July 26 |
Claims against China. Incloses correspondence showing modifications of
arrangements for claims payments |
709 |
Same to same |
July 29 |
Political affairs. Incloses a memorandum on constitutional reform in
China. |
710 |
Same to same |
July 31 |
Taxation of foreigners. Refers to Legation’s No. 683 of July 9 and
submits a copy of a protest by the Diplomatic Body made on July 26 to
the Chinese Government against the stamp tax. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Aug. 25 |
Political affairs. Reports agitation of the question with indications
of a plan for the assumption of the throne by the President. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Sept. 2 |
Same subject. Refers to his Aug. 25. It now appears certain that
monarchical agitation is incidental to a plan for the assumption of the
throne by the President. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Sept. 4 |
Same subject. Refers to his Sept. 2. Unless otherwise instructed, he
will indicate that this Government will reserve its opinion until the
event. The British Minister appears to have intimated unofficially that
the change is at present inopportune. |
747 |
Same to same |
Sept. 7 |
Same subject. Cites incidents which lend color to the rumors abroad
that plans were being laid for the transformation of the Republic into a
monarchy. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. MacMurray (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Approves the position of the Legation as expressed in
his Sept. 4. |
Mr. Yung Kwai to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. Translation of the President’s message to the Council of
State on the monarchical movement. |
748 |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Infringement of trade-marks. Judgment has been rendered, the English
version of which upholds the American contention, but the Chinese
magistrate entered a verdict which is diametrically opposed to the
English version. Reports action taken by the Legation and encloses
correspondence with the Foreign Office. |
324 |
Mr. Polk to Mr. MacMurray. |
Sept. 16 |
Taxation of foreigners. Refers to Legation’s No. 686 of July 12, 1915,
and approves his instruction therein inclosed. |
325 |
Same to same |
Sept. 17 |
Same subject. Approves his No. 683 of July 9 |
327 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Instructions in response to Legation’s No. 687 of July
16. |
761 |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 22 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Discusses the final, compromise
judgment. |
[Page XXXIV]
766 |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept 24 |
Political affairs. Refers to despatch 747. Gives impressions as to the
origin of the movement, the attitude of the various classes toward it
and a general outline of the events that have produced the present
situation. |
770 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 30 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Reports that he protested against a note
from the Foreign Office reporting settlement of the vaseline case
because the note confused the question of jurisdiction by including the
concurrence of the Japanese assessor. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 2 |
Political affairs. Monarchist movement has gained in strength. Its
successful consummation is expected within short time. |
359 |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing. |
Oct. 8 |
Twenty-one demands of Japan on China. Reports that a disagreement has
arisen between China and Japan whether the treaty of May 25 concerning
South Manchuria and Inner Mongolia applies to Koreans residing in
Chientao, a portion of Manchuria. The question seems to resolve itself
into an argument as to whether Chientao belongs to North or South
Manchuria. |
782 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. |
Oct. 11 |
Political affairs. Refers to Legation’s No. 766. Reports further
developments in the monarchical movement. |
Oct. 23 |
Treaty for the advancement of general peace, concluded between the
United States and China. Proclamation. |
Mr Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Oct. 25 |
Huai River Conservancy loan. Suggests that the Siems-Carey Co. will
undertake the conservancy work; other suggestions. |
347 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch. |
Oct. 26 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Approves the Legation’s proposal to
protest to the Chinese Government if the magistrate fails to render
judgment on the merits of the case and authorizes to reserve the right
to present a claim for damages resulting from such denial of
justice. |
The Japanese Embassy to the Department of State |
Oct. 27 |
Political affairs. Invites this Government to join that of Japan in
advising China to postpone the contemplated chance. |
The British Embassy to the Department of State. |
Oct. 27 |
Same subject. The British Government has agreed with that of Japan to
address China jointly in the sense of the Japanese communication to this
Government dated Oct. 27. Expresses the hope that this Government will
act in a similar sense. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Oct. 29 |
Same subject. Informed certain foreign representatives advised the
stopping of the movement in order to avoid disturbances. Chinese believe
they have the situation well in hand. Referendum is proceeding and
monarchy will in all probability be established in a few months. |
The Chinese Legation to the Department of State. |
Oct. 29 |
Same subject. The Chinese Government has called a national convention
to determine the form of government, in view of the evident popular
desire therefor. This is communicated to the United States Government in
order to avoid misunderstanding and in the belief that all friendly
nations will regard with favor the hope of the Chinese people to secure
peace and prosperity by restoring monarchical government. |
807 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Taxation of foreigners. Refers to Department’s No. 325 of Sept. 17,
1915. Ask for further instructions in regard to the subject of
Legation’s No. 683 of July 9. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Nov. 1 |
Political affairs. Gives reasons which prompted the British and
Russian Ministers to concur in the suggestion of the Japanese Chargé to
the Chinese Government that a stop be put to the monarchical
movement. |
811 |
Same to same |
Nov. 3 |
Same subject. Incloses newspaper extract which purports to give the
substance of the representations made concerning the monarchical
movement. Also transmits reply of the Chinese Government. |
The Department of State to the Japanese Embassy. |
Nov. 4 |
Same subject. Reply to the Embassy’s Oct. 27. This Government regards
the matter as wholly a domestic question; hence any interference on its
part would be an invasion of China’s sovereignty unless convincing
evidence, not now had, should show that foreign interests under its care
would be imperiled. |
[Page XXXV]
The Department of State to the British Embassy. |
Nov 4 |
Same subject. Reply to Embassy’s Oct. 27. Of the same tenor as the
reply of Nov. 4 to the Japanese communication of Oct. 27. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Nov. 6 |
Huai River Conservancy loan. His Oct. 25 is being considered by Red
Cross and bankers. |
350 |
Same to same |
do |
Infringement of trade-marks. Approves attitude of Legation as reported
in No. 761 of Sept. 22, 1915. |
351 |
Same to same |
Nov. 8 |
Same subject. Approves action reported in No. 770 of Sent. 30,
1915. |
820 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. |
Nov. 12 |
Political affairs. Election returns point to the unanimous acceptation
of the monarchy by the designated electors. Whether vote is to be taken
as a free expression of public opinion is open to discussion and
doubt. |
826 |
Same to same |
Nov. 18 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Encloses copy of a note from the Foreign
Office reporting settlement of the vaseline case. |
827 |
Same to same |
Nov. 19 |
Political affairs. The decision of this Government to regard the
monarchical question as a domestic matter is highly appreciated by
Chinese of all classes. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 11 |
Same subject. Yuan called upon to accept the Emperor’s crown. So far
he has refused but he is expected to yield. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 17 |
Huai River Conservancy loan. Suggestions for expediting the loan
negotiations. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 18 |
Political affairs. The Empire will probably be proclaimed immediately
after Jan. 1. Asks instructions. Suggests recognition of the new
government: gives reasons. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
do |
Huai River conservancy loan. Reply to his Dec. 17. The American
International Corporation is considering the conservancy project and
will soon reply. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 20 |
Taxation of foreigners. Reply to Legation’s No. 807 of Oct. 29.
Department reiterates its views expressed in its No. 90 of May 4, 1914,
predicating its consent to the stamp tax upon assent by other foreign
governments, which apparently has been refused. Instructs him, however,
to inform interested Americans that they may think it best to view the
matter in the practical light of probable decision of Chinese courts
respecting unstamped documents. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 21 |
Political affairs. Reply to his Dec. 18. Instructs him to recognize
the new government if no serious opposition exists and the permanence of
the new order seems assured. |
369 |
Same to same |
Dec. 27 |
Infringement of trade-marks. Acknowledges receipt of dispatch No. 826
of Nov. 18, 1915. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 28 |
Huai River conservancy loan. The American International Corporation is
the only firm disposed to take up the Huai River Conservancy matter;
but, owing to Far East political conditions a loan now is not advisable.
Extension of Red Cross option should be possible to the Chinese
Government. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Dec. 30 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Dec. 28. Apprehensions as to
political conditions unwarranted. Urges proceeding with the
negotiations. |
The Secretary of State to the American Red Cross. |
Dec. 31 |
Same subject. Transmits copy of Mr. Reinsch’s Dec. 30. |
No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
1914. Sept. 23 |
Controversy between the National Railroad Co. and the Government of
Haiti. Department has been informed that the Haitian Government intends
to foreclose the property of the above named company, which in the
opinion of this Government is directly contrary to the provisions of the
railroad contract. Instructs to inform the Haitian Government that the
United States will have to take such measure to safeguard the rights of
this company as it may deem necessary. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 25 |
Same subject. The Haitian Government seems to be determined to
foreclose on Sept. 28, but in a spirit of conciliation will favorably
receive a request from the railroad company for a stay of execution for
60 days. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Sept. 28 |
Same subject. The Haitian Government today served notice of
foreclosure to the National Railroad Co. of Haiti and gave notice of
adjudication of the property on Dec. 28. |
10 |
Same to same |
Sept. 30 |
Same subject. Incloses a note from Minister of Foreign Affairs giving
in detail the contentions of the Haitian Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Oct. 2 |
Same subject. Instructs to request the Haitian Government that all
proceedings against the company be held in abeyance until Dec. 28,
during which time Department will endeavor to arrange matters between
the company and the Haitian Government. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 14 |
Same subject. The Foreign Office insists that diplomatic intervention
in this case is inadmissible on account of agreement in the contract and
because arbitration is provided for therein, but grants request for stay
of proceedings through international courtesy. |
12 |
Same to same |
Oct. 16 |
Same subject. Incloses memorandum from the Foreign Office giving the
views of the Haitian Government on the subject as indicated in telegram
to the Department of Oct. 14, 1914. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard. |
Nov. 7 |
Same subject. A copy of the note from the Foreign Office in Legation’s
No. 12, of Oct 16, 1914 has been transmitted to Mr. H. L. Farnham of New
York City for his information. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Dec. 23 |
Same subject. Instructs to inform President Theodore that this
Government hopes that foreclosure proceedings against the railroad
company will be suspended until all questions pending between the
company and the Haitian Government can be fully considered here. |
Mr. Wehrhane to Mr. Bryan. |
1915. Jan. 4 |
Financial affairs. Submits memorandum of suggestions from National
Bank of Haiti regarding method of handling the situation between the
Théodore Government in Haiti and the national bank. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits telegram from the Minister of Finance to Mr.
Wehrhane concerning the relations of the bank with the Haitian
Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Permit no harm to be done to foreign employees of the
Bank of Haiti. Inform Haitian Government. |
26 |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Railroad controversy. Incloses correspondence with the Foreign Office
in regard to the suspension of the foreclosure proceedings against the
railroad company. |
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Bryan. |
Jan. 11 |
Financial affairs. Statement of relationship of the Bank of Haiti with
the Haitian Government. |
[Page XLIX]
28 |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan. |
Jan. 11 |
Same subject. Incloses correspondence with the Foreign Office
concerning the relations existing between the Bank of Haiti and the
Haitian Government. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 12 |
Same subject. No threats made against Williams, but French Director
Desrue. Minister for Foreign Affairs assures protection. |
28 |
Same to same |
Jan. 15 |
Same subject. Inclosures regarding interference by Haitian Government
in the affairs of the National Bank of Haiti. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Jan. 16 |
Political affairs. Cape Haitien is adhering to new revolution. The
consular corps requests war vessel. The Washington ordered there. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 18 |
Same subject. Receivership reports Dominicans supporting Haitian
revolution. Dominican Government informed and speedy action to prevent
this activity promised. |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Rebels under Metellus enter Cape Haitien. Vilbrun
Guillaume accepted as candidate for presidency. |
30 |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Railroad controversy. Incloses a note from the Foreign Office giving
the attitude of the Haitian Government in the railroad controversy as
indicated in Legation’s telegram of Jan. 15, 1915. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 20 |
Political affairs. Consul at Gonaives reports St. Michel, Ennery, and
others have taken up arms against Government. Vilbrun Guillaume has
proclaimed himself chief at Cape Haitien. |
31 |
Same to same |
Jan. 22 |
Railroad controversy. Incloses a note from the Foreign Office stating
that the Haitian Government will extend the time limit to Feb:
20. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 23 |
Financial affairs. Message for Wehrhane regarding demand of Justice of
Peace to remove seal and transport funds to another banking
house. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 26 |
Political affairs. Reports blockade and closure of certain
ports. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Financial affairs. Immediate issue of 2,000,000 gourdes in Treasury
notes authorized. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Advise the Haitian Government that this Government can
not consent to the removal of funds belonging to the bank. |
240 |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Bryan. |
Jan. 27 |
Political affairs. Revolution in northern Haiti nearing close with
practically no fighting. Discusses causes of revolution. Revolutionists
accept candidacy of General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 1 |
Financial affairs. Minister for Foreign Affairs stated that Haitian
Government never intended using other than legal means to remove funds
under seal at bank. |
33 |
Same to same |
Feb. 6 |
Same subject. Facts regarding removal of funds from bank. Minister of
Foreign Affairs states that Haitian Government never had intentions of
using forcible means to remove amounts under seal at the bank. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 8 |
Political affairs. Haitian gunboat at Gonaives to enforce
blockade. |
Mr. Wehrhane to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 9 |
Financial affairs. Protests against the action of the Haitian
Government in taking the Treasury service from the Bank of Haiti. |
Same to same |
Feb. 10 |
Same subject. Advised that Haitian Government has ordered customs
duties be paid over to various merchants designated by the Haitian
officials, instead of the bank as heretofore under existing
contract. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 11 |
Same subject. At the request of the bank Legation protested to Haitian
Government against removal of Treasury service from bank. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 13 |
Same subject. Legation’s protest rejected by Haitian Government.
States French Minister only proper person to protect French firm. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wehrhane. |
do |
Same subject. Advises him of action taken by the Department and the
American Legation at Port ail Prince. |
38 |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 15 |
Same subject. Incloses correspondence with the Foreign Office
concerning the protest of the Legation in regard to the actions taken
against the bank by the Haitian Government. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 19 |
Political affairs. Reports on progress of revolution in the vicinity
of Port au Prince. |
[Page L]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Feb. 20 |
Same subject. A commission composed of Minister Blanchard, ex-Governor
Fort, of New Jersey, and Mr. Charles Cogswell Smith, of New Hampshire,
is to be sent to Haiti. Governor Fort will bring instructions. Cable
information concerning legality of President Théodore’s election and on
four other points relating to the revolution. |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Financial affairs. Asks to be given assurances that the American
Government does not intend to establish in Haiti a régime which will
discriminate against French interests. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 22 |
Political affairs. Port au Prince without food and no water.
Surrounded by revolutionists. President Théodore has taken refuge on a
Dutch vessel. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 24 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Feb. 20. Preferable to delay
sending commission until Government is established. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Vilbrun Guillaume Sam recognized as Chief of Executive
Power. Water and market supplies restored. Order maintained. President
Theodore sailed for Curacao. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 25 |
Same subject. Vilbrun Guillaume Sam has entered Port au Prince.
Presidential salutes fired. Order maintained. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Further reply to Department’s telegram of Feb.
20. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. President considers it wise for Commission to come to
Haiti at once. You will be member of Commission and act with others.
Arrange for Consul Livingston to be at Port au Prince when Governor Fort
arrives. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 1 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing; has arranged with Admiral
Caperton for Wheeling to bring Consul Livingston
to Port au Prince. Advise Livingston to be ready, as we have no means of
communication. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Livingston (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Be ready for U. S. S. Wheeling to
take you Port au Prince Wednesday. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 3 |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 27. Senate awaiting arrival of
members in order to make a majority for electoral college. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 4 |
Same subject. Vilbrun Guillaume Sam regularly and constitutionally
elected President of Haiti. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 5 |
Same subject. Consul Livingston arrived Port au Prince yesterday and
Governor Fort and Mr. Smith this morning. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 9 |
Same subject. Introduced Commission to Acting Minister for Foreign
Affairs. Attended inauguration ceremonies with members of Commission and
staff of Legation. Minister Foreign Affairs arranging audience with
President tomorrow to receive Commission. |
Mr. Fort to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Commission attended inauguration Vilbrun Guillaume
Sam. Have official interview tomorrow. Commission protests against being
left without a ship in harbor. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 12 |
Same subject. The Commission should return at once, as it has
possession of all facts. |
Mr. Blandhard to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
Mar. 15 |
Same subject. The Commission has left on Nashville. for Santiago de Cuba. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 16 |
Same subject. Ex-President Zamor landed in Dominican Republic, crossed
frontier, was arrested and brought to Port au Prince. Other arrests of
Zamor supporters. Disbanding of army taking place, cable repaired and
order prevails. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 25 |
Same subject. Guillaume’s Government recognized by Germany and Italy.
French Minister has recommended recognition. Under modified conditions
seems advisable to recognize present Haitian Government. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. France has recognized Guillaume Government. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 28 |
Same subject. Bobo, ex-Minister of Interior of Haiti, has issued
revolutionary call to Haitians. Makes attack on proposed American
control of customs and is secretly supported by Arias. The Dominican
President, Jiménez, has commanded Bobo to leave Monte Christi at
once. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Apr. 1 |
Same subject. Support the President to prevent use of Dominican
territory for hostilities against Haiti. |
[Page LI]
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 10 |
Same subject. Dominican Government has ararrested and will deport
Bobo. |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 25 |
Same subject. Government troops have revolted at Fort Liberté. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Bobo revolutionists entered Cape Haitien to-day without
opposition. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 29 |
Same subject. Cape Haitien Consul reports rebels broke open and
pillaged safe at customhouse. Gunboat Pacifique
carrying ammunition and soldiers to Gonaives. |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 5 |
Same subject. Decree of April 29 declares blockade against Fort
Liberté. Not effective. |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 6 |
Same subject. Bobo with cavalry escort entered Cape Haitien. |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 14 |
Same subject. Government forces defeated near Cape Haitien. It is
reported ammunition is supplied revolutionists by Dominicans. New paper
currency in circulation. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
May 17 |
Same subject. It is reported ammunition is being supplied
revolutionary forces in Haiti by Dominicans. Bring matter to
Government’s attention and request action be taken to prevent
deliveries. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 18 |
Same subject. Refers to the foregoing. Dominican Government assures me
and Haitian Minister that orders are given to prevent deliveries of
ammunition to Haitian revolutionists. General receiver of customs has
ordered revenue cutter to Monte Christi. |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 10 |
Same subject. Fighting renewed at Cape Haitien. French Consulate
threatened. |
Same to same (telegram) |
June 19 |
Same subject. Government troops captured forts protecting Cape Haitien
and routed rebels. French cruiser Descartes
entered port and sailors now patrolling town. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 20 |
Same subject and purport |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 21 |
Same subject and purport |
63 |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing |
June 23 |
Same subject. Elaborates his telegram of June 20 |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
July 3 |
Political affairs. Cape Haitien quiet. Revolutionists within 3 miles.
Gen. Probus Blot informed fighting can not be permitted within Cape
Haitien on account of the protection of lives and property of
foreigners. Bobo will be so informed. Gen. Probus Blot assures fighting
will not take place in town. Of this action I informed commanding
officer of Descartes; also prepared for the
protection of interests of foreign citizens. Considered undesirable that
Descartes remain longer in Haitian
waters. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 27 |
Same subject. Forcible entry attempted on French Legation for purpose
of taking President. French Minister and British Chargé have telegraphed
for ships. Situation grave and presence of war vessels necessary. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. The President escaped from palace and has taken refuge
in French Legation. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Commandant of arrondissement of the Guillaume Government
murdered 70 prisoners before giving up prison and was himself killed.
President is in French Legation. Situation communicated to Admiral
Caperton. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Forcible entry of French Embassy attempted for purpose
of taking cut President. French and British representatives have cabled
for ships. Presence of war vessels necessary as soon as possible. |
Same to same (telegram) |
July 28 |
Same subject. French Legation invaded, President taken out, killed and
dismembered. U. S. S. Washington entering
harbor. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. |
do |
Same subject. Requests that Admiral Caperton be instructed to land
marines from the Washington and to request
captains of British and French warships not to land their marines, as
American forces are ready and will protect foreign interests in Port au
Prince. |
Mr. Benson to Admiral Caperton (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs to land marines for the protection of American
and foreign interests and that British and French representatives be
informed thereof. Additional forces ordered to Haiti from Cuba. |
[Page LII]
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
July 28 |
Same subject. Informs him of the foregoing orders to Admiral Caperton;
instruction to cooperate. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 29 |
Same subject. Marines and sailors were landed yesterday. Committee of
safety agreed to disarm all Haitian soldiers. |
Same to same (telegram) |
July 30 |
Same subject. Two bluejackets killed. Urgently need regiment of
marines for patrol of city. Disarmament slowly continues. |
Same to same (telegram) |
July 31 |
Same subject. Disarmament continues. Situation critical but well
handled by forces. Revolutionary committee acting under Admiral’s
direction Existence of armed troops in the North demands sufficient
troops here to control situation in an emergency. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Aug. 1 |
Same subject. Department’s July 28 complied with French Minister made
no objection. Later he received instructions to have French guard placed
at Legation to enforce respect for French flag. Conferred with Admiral
and made arrangements for change of guard tomorrow. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Aug. 2 |
Same subject. Reports existence of bands of Cacos, professional
soldiers who terrorize the people and Congress. To stabilize conditions
in Haiti the power of the Cacos must be broken and the bands must be
dispersed. Another regiment of marines needed. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 5 |
Same subject. Admiral has put Colonel Cole in charge of military
control and Captain Beach in charge of civilian matters. Fort National
occupied today. City quiet. Connecticut left for
Cape Haitien. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels. |
Aug. 7 |
Treaty negotiations. Haiti will accede gladly to any terms proposed by
the United States. Will grant right to intervene when necessary,
customhouse control and other terms. Wish to avoid humiliation. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. General Bobo resigned as Chief Executive and
dismissed his Cabinet Ministers. His generals in North ordered to
deposit arms with American forces. Election of President is desired by
Haitiens. Congress will probably elect Dartiguenave. Congressmen agreed
Haiti will accede to terms proposed by United States. Will cede outright
Mole St. Nicholas also granting right customhouse control. Haitians fear
Americans will withdraw troops. It is desirable to reestablish
government immediately. |
Mr. Casenave to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Financial affairs. Requests requisite orders issued to turn over to
the bank all moneys collected on customs receipts, in accordance with
the contracts and conventions. |
Mr. Benson to Mr. Lansing |
Aug. 9 |
Political affairs. Admiral Caperton has force 1,100 men on shore and
850 marines will be sent soon. He has been instructed to control Port au
Prince and surrounding country. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Aug. 10 |
Same subject. Confer with Caperton; he may allow election of a
President whenever Haitians wish. Make clear to Congress our Government
intends to uphold it, but must establish in charge only those who wish
to put end to factional disorders. Candidates should understand United
States expects to control customs and financial affairs of Haiti
necessary for efficient administration. The United States means to help
establish and maintain constitutional government |
Same to same (telegram) |
Aug. 12 |
Treaty negotiations. Transmits alterations and additions to be made in
the draft treaty submitted July 2, 1914, and instructs to submit the
amended draft informally to the President-elect; to request that the
Congress authorize the President-elect to conclude this treaty
unmodified; to recognize the President when officially notified of said
authorization; and simultaneously to conclude with him a treaty in
strict accordance with the draft. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Instruction of Aug. 10 complied with. Dartiguenave
elected President to-day under protection of marines. No outbreak.
President expressed gratitude for protection. |
250 |
Mr. Livingston to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. Reports on conditions in vicinity of Cape Haitien and
incloses copy of proclamation by Admiral Caperton explaining attitude of
United States toward Haiti. |
[Page LIII]
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Casenave. |
Aug. 12 |
Financial affairs. American Chargé d’Affaires at Port au Prince
reports that the bank was instructed to collect customs revenues in Port
au Prince, the branch office having already performed that function in
Cane Haitien. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Consult Admiral Caperton and secure cases of gourdes on
arrival, place same under Legation’s seal until instructed regarding
their release. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 13 |
Political affairs. President Dartiguenave will name cabinet to-day.
Suggests that negotiations be opened soon to carry out stipulations
contained in Department’s telegram of August 10, 1915. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr Davis (telegram). |
Aug. 14 |
Treaty negotiations. Transmits full powers to negotiate treaty. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Aug. 18 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Aug. 10 and 14. Department
expects that the draft treaty submitted will be ratified promptly.
Confer with Admiral Caperton for the purpose of conducting such public
works under his direction as will relieve need for employment. The
Admiral will be directed to take charge of certain customhouses. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to the foregoing. Draft of treaty was placed
before the President Aug. 17; he gave assurance action would be taken at
once. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. |
do |
Financial affairs. Requests that Admiral Caperton be directed to
assume charge of certain customhouses. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Johnson (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Urge immediate measures on part of Dominican
Government to prevent movement of arms into Haiti. |
36 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis |
Aug. 19 |
Treaty negotiations. Incloses the President’s autograph full power to
sign treaty. |
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. The President and Minister of Foreign Affairs
promised order will be sent to frontier governors urging renewed
vigilance. |
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. List of customhouses to assume charge of funds
collected to be used for organizing and maintaining efficient
constabulary. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Aug. 22 |
Treaty negotiations. States motives and purposes of this Government in
regard to Haiti. The treaty should be ratified promptly, and the Haitian
Government should invite this Government to enter into a modus vivendi in order to make the treaty
effective immediately. This Government will then assist Haiti to place
its finances on a sound basis and to carry on public works for the
benefit of its people. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 23 |
Same subject. A note from the Foreign Office states that they are
ready to begin pourparlers, and that the Government will suggest to the
Legislature to pass a resolution expressing a desire that the President
conclude the treaty. This attitude results from the expression “without
modification,” used in Department’s instruction of Aug. 12. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Financial affairs. Arrival of Dutch boat without shipment of gourdes.
Representative of bank note company displays cable from New York stating
that no more shipping until advised by him. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Aug. 24 |
Treaty negotiations. If de facto authorities do not ratify treaty,
this Government will be compelled either to establish a military
Government or permit present control of Government to pass to the
political faction representing best elements of Haiti in order to
reestablish stable government. |
Admiral Benson to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Financial affairs. Report inclosed relative to conditions in Haitian
waters from August 7 to 12, inclusive. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 25 |
Treaty negotiations. The President desires to propose certain changes
in the draft. Political enemies of the Government are attempting to stir
up animosity on the basis of the attitude of the United States. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Aug. 26 |
Political affairs. Have assumed charge customhouse and port service
Port de Paix. Ex-Government troops willing to disarm and return to
homes, but can not get to our lines on account Cacos. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 28 |
Treaty negotiations. Minister for Foreign Affairs submitted written
reply of Haitian Government in regard to treaty. Practically every
stipulation of original treaty is either omitted or so changed as to
defeat its purpose. In my reply I declined to discuss matters, but
requested an opinion as to acceptability of the original draft. |
[Page LIV]
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 28 |
Political affairs. Bobo on Cuban vessel guarded by Dominican
Government which desires to compel him to proceed to Santiago de Cuba.
Instructions requested. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Johnson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. No objection to Bobo being
landed at Santiago de Cuba. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 30 |
Treaty negotiations. The President has agreed to sign the treaty, but
insists upon certain stated modifications. Mr. Davis has not delivered
instruction of Aug. 28 for fear of precipitating military
measures. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 1 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. With the exception of the
phrasing of Article XIII, the Department must insist that the treaty
stand substantially as submitted. States reasons. Approves his
withholding of the instruction of Aug. 28. |
Mr. Gonzales to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Bobo debarked at Santiago de Cuba after being
refused admission at Santo Domingo. Closely watched by Cuban
Government. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Will occupy and begin administration customhouse at
Port au Prince Sept. 2, unless otherwise directed. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Sept. 2 |
Political affairs. He will proclaim martial law at Port au Prince
September 3, to quell agitation there. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Railroad controversy. Admiral Caperton suggests that the Department
use its good offices to induce the National Railroad to resume work at
once. If the Admiral considers it to be urgent the Department will
endeavor to arrange with bankers for an advance sufficient to employ the
hungry and indigent citizens. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Sept. 3 |
Political affairs. Transmits proclamation of martial law issued at
Port au Prince. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 4 |
Treaty negotiations. If certain cabinet members resign, vacancies will
be filled by those in sympathy with United States. Does Department still
desire resolution by Congress authorizing the President to sign the
treaty. Declaration of martial law has greatly strengthened position of
the Government and will facilitate ratification of treaty. |
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Political affairs. Protests against arbitrary action of the American
forces in Haiti in taking possession of customhouse and government of
Port au Prince. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 5 |
Treaty negotiations. If satisfied treaty will be ratified without
amendments, on 12th inst., not necessary to insist on previous
resolution. Department looks for immediate favorable action by the
Chambers. |
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Instructs not to take offensive action against
Haitians unless to save life or property, then inform Department
immediately. |
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing |
Sept. 6 |
Same subject. Desires explanations of Admiral Caperton’s proclamation
of martial law and taking possession of customhouses. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 7 |
Treaty negotiations. Conference with President and Cabinet demanding
answer to treaty. President requested and accepted resignations of
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Public Works, which removes
cause of previous delays. Cabinet agrees to accept treaty substantially
as submitted. President realizes necessity for action without
delay. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Cacos investing Cape Haitien and preventing
foodstuffs from entering. May have to consider offensive operations
against them. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 10 |
Treaty negotiations. Transmits modifications of treaty proposed by
Haitian Government. Minister for Foreign Affairs states that no
ratification for the treaty can be secured unless modified as
stated. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos |
do |
Political affairs. Reply to his Sept. 4 and 6. The interests of Haiti
will be best served by restricting pending negotiations to Port au
Prince. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reviews interviews had with the Haitian Minister at
Washington regarding the United States taking possession of customhouses
and declaring martial law in Haiti, and that the Minister was informed
that negotiations should be carried on at Port au Prince only. |
[Page LV]
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Johnson (telegram). |
Sept. 10 |
Same subject. Request President Jiménes to enforce strict neutrality
of Dominican Republic and to issue decree placing embargo on export of
arms and munitions to Haiti |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 11 |
Treaty negotiations. Instructs to obtain from President Dartiguenave
an understanding that the English text of the treaty shall
prevail. |
Admiral Benson to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Political affairs. Submits copy of a report from Admiral Caperton,
relating to conditions in Haitian waters. Aug. 13 to 19.
inclusive. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 12 |
Treaty negotiations. Reply to his Sept. 10. Accepts modifications of
treaty proposed by Haitian Government, with certain changes. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 14 |
Same subject. Minister for Foreign Affairs states Government ready to
sign treaty, enter into modus vivendi, and then submit treaty for
ratification. This is preferable mode of procedure. Minister of Finance
stated necessity of funds for meeting Government expenses until details
of treaty are arranged and income realized under its operation.
Statement is desired that United States will aid Haitian Government to
secure loan. |
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Reply to Department’s Sept. 10. The Dominican
Government has issued a decree prohibiting exportation of arms and
ammunition to Haiti. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 15 |
Treaty negotiations. Reply to his Sept. 14. Instruction to conclude
treaty without requiring resolution authorizing President to enter into
modus vivendi, provided modus vivendi is signed at same time treaty is
ratified. Then this Government will assist in securing loan. A
commission with full powers to negotiate this loan should be sent to
Washington. Upon ratification of treaty, will take steps to obtain an
advance of $100,000 for Haitian Government. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. The German Legation at Port au Prince has protested
to the Haitian Government against the American management of Haitian
customs. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Haitian Government should inform the German Legation
that German interests will be given the same treatment as other foreign
interests. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 17 |
Treaty negotiations. Formally recognized Government and signed treaty.
Ratification expected next week. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Department is gratified with his Sept. 17, and hopes
there will be no delay in ratification. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Reports having recognized the Government and signed
the treaty on 16th instant. Extra session of Congress will be called
to-morrow to allow ratification of treaty. |
46 |
Same to same |
Sept. 21 |
Treaty negotiations. Forwards original of the treaty signed Sept.
16. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Financial affairs. Requests instruction re arrival of 500,000
gourdes. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Sept. 22 |
Political affairs. Colonel Waller has reported encounters with Cacos.
Several killed. No casualties to American forces. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Major Butler reports attacks on his command by Cacos.
Railroad being repaired. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Department believes that further issue of paper
money would be unwise. Consult Admiral Caperton re holding the cases of
gourdes for the time being. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 23 |
Same subject. Encloses letter of instructions issued to the customs
and civil administration in Haiti by Admiral Caperton. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 24 |
Treaty negotiations. Instructs to report status of treaty. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 25 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. The House will give a large
majority for treaty. If the Senate should refuse to ratify, the
President may dissolve Congress, call a constitutional convention, and
enter into a modus vivendi. Requests instructions |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Sept. 26 |
Political affairs. Reports further encounters with Cacos. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Customhouse is holding 500,000 gourdes. States
reasons why this amount should be released to the Haitian
Government. |
[Page LVI]
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Sept. 26 |
Same subject. Submits plan for the release to the Haitian Government
of the 500,000 gourdes held by customhouse. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Sept. 27 |
Treaty negotiations. Reply to his Sept. 25. The Department would
regret dissolution of the present Congress; urge ratification at once;
cooperate with Admiral Caperton. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Financial affairs. Gourdes will be available to Haitian Government
provided satisfactory arrangement with the bank and prompt ratification
of the treaty is made. |
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 29 |
Political affairs. Dominican Government promised to instruct officials
to lend cooperation and support to frontier guard and arrest suspicious
Dominicans and Haitians |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. If Department still considers that gourdes now held
should not be issued, some arrangements should be made to provide the
Government with funds pending ratification of treaty. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. If gourdes are withheld from Haitian Government, can
funds be furnished from available customs receipts? |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Oct. 2 |
Same subject. Department is constrained to believe that further issue
of unredeemable paper money will make more difficult efforts to place
Haitian finances on a firm basis. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Oct. 6 |
Treaty negotiations. Ratification voted 75 to 6 by Chamber of
Deputies. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 12 |
Same subject. Senate committee report expected this week. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 14 |
Same subject. Senate committee has expressed desire to reopen treaty
negotiations. Minister for Foreign Affairs informed by Mr. Davis that it
is impossible and that the United States expects ratification in the
next few days. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Oct. 15 |
Same subject. Action reported Oct. 14 approved |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Oct. 22 |
Same subject. President of Senate gave assurances committee would
submit report on Oct. 26. |
Same to same |
Oct. 25 |
Same subject. Encloses correspondence with Foreign Office concerning
interpretation of certain articles of treaty. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 26 |
Same subject. Have assurance Haitian Government will enter into modus
vivendi after ratification. Requests permission to return to United
States. Lieutenant Oberlin is conversant with all negotiations. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Oct. 30 |
Political affairs. Bahon and St. Suzanne disturbed. Cacos treated as
bandits and Colonel Waller directed to take active measures to suppress
them. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. |
do |
Financial affairs. Requests that Admiral Caperton be asked whether any
funds can be paid to the bank for the service of foreign loans. |
Mr. Lansing to Lieutenant Oberlin (telegram). |
Nov. 4 |
Treaty negotiations. Instructs to interview President Dartiguenave if
ratification not concluded this week, and cable explanations. |
Lieut. Oberlin to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Nov. 5 |
Same subject. Senate committee report recommends modifications
concerning financial adviser. The Haitian Government desires that the
Legation address a letter to it stating that the Government of the
United States can consider no further modifications of the
treaty. |
Mr. Lansing to Lieut. Oberlin (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Department is informed lobbyists seek to defeat
ratification of treaty, hoping to produce political situation in this
country which will necessitate withdrawal of American marines from
Haiti. Department suggests President Dartiguenave call his Senators and
question each regarding connection with such a plan. Press
ratification |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels |
do |
Financial affairs. Requests that a naval pay officer be directed to
take $124,000 to Haiti on the Vulcan from the
representatives of the National Bank of Haiti at New York. |
Mr. Lansing to Lieut. Oberlin (telegram). |
Nov. 8 |
Treaty negotiations. The time has come to press vote by Senate.
Department suggests Haitian Government transmit to Legation copy of
Senate report and inquire if this Government would entertain
modifications; and that Legation reply this Government believes
interests of Haiti best served by ratification of treaty as
signed. |
[Page LVII]
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). |
Nov. 10 |
Same subject. Instructs to state to President Dartiguenave and the
Cabinet his gratification over public sentiment in favor of the treaty
and to advise them that, if treaty fails of ratification, it is the
intention of the Government of the United States to retain control of
Haiti and at once proceed with the pacification of Haiti. In the
meanwhile the present Government will be supported in its efforts to
establish lasting peace. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Nov. 12 |
Same subject. The Senate has ratified the treaty. The Government will
submit a modus vivendi for signature soon. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to telegrams Sept. 14 and Oct. 26. Instruction to
accept invitation to enter into a modus vivendi at once. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Financial affairs. Recommends early arrival at Washington of
commission to decide upon some plan for comprehensive readjustment and
rehabilitation of Haitian finances. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. McAdoo. |
Nov. 13 |
Same subject. Requests prominent official designated to be consulted
re financial situation of Haitian Republic before arrival of
commission. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels. |
Nov. 15 |
Treaty negotiations. Encloses copy of a proclamation by the President
to the Haitian people relative to the ratification of the treaty. |
Mr. Casenave to Mr. Long |
Nov. 18 |
Financial affairs. It seems necessary to authorize Admiral Caperton to
let the Bank remit the proceeds of the revenues pledged to foreign
loans. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniel |
do |
Same subject. Requests that Admiral Caperton be instructed to apply
surplus of funds collected to the payment of pledges heretofore given by
the Haitian Government. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing |
Nov. 19 |
Same subject. Instructions have been sent to Admiral Caperton
regarding expenditure of remainder of revenues in his possession. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports payments to Electric Light Co. and P. S. C.
Railroad. Recommends that loan of $1,500,000 be made available
immediately. |
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). |
Nov. 20 |
Political affairs. Navy Department strongly impressed with number of
Haitians killed. Maintain proper patrol to preserve order and protect
innocent persons without offensive operations. If measures inadequate,
inform Department before taking steps leading to loss of life. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
Nov. 22 |
Same subject. Protective patrolling only continues. Directions given
to avoid loss of life if possible. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Nov. 23 |
Financial affairs. Admiral Caperton should pay to the railroad such
amounts due it as may be available. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Nov. 27 |
Same subject. Department informed by Central Railroad that Haitian
Government has requested Admiral Caperton to pay $48,000 needed for
coupon payments on bonds due December 1. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Nov. 29 |
Treaty negotiations. The modus vivendi was signed this day.
Text. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Recommends certain nominations by the President of
United States; same will be acceptable to Haitian Government. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Recommends that $100,000 out of funds in hand be paid to
Haitian Government. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Recommendations made by Admiral Caperton re appointment
of certain officers approved. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram) |
Nov. 30 |
Treaty negotiations. Department gratified with information in his Nov.
29. |
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. French Government has officially recognized
Dartiguenave Government. British Charge has instructions to do
so. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Commission appointed. Expects to leave this
week. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Same subject. Requests to be informed of action taken on
recommendations of Admiral Caperton concerning certain nominations under
the modus vivendi. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels |
Dec. 2 |
Same subject. Department approves of the nomination and understands
that they will be agreeable to Haitian Government. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Department believes that negotiation of temporary loan
for $1,500,000 should await arrival of Haitian commission. |
[Page LVIII]
51 |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing. |
Dec. 6 |
Treaty negotiations. Refers to his Nov. 29 and incloses original of
the modus vivendi. |
Admiral Benson to Mr. Lansing. |
Dec. 8 |
Political affairs. Submits copy of letter from Admiral Caperton
relative to operations of Cruiser Squadron in Haitian waters Nov. 7 to
19, inclusive. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram) |
Dec. 11 |
Financial affairs. Recommends that an advance of $500,000 be made
available for the payment of salaries and debts of honor. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports regarding powers of the Commission to establish
Haitian finances on a firm basis. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Dec. 16 |
Same subject. Inform Department exact purposes for which the $500,000
will be used. Telegraph statement showing items and amounts. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 17 |
Same subject. Representatives of National Bank of Haiti refused
advance of $500,000 unless the bank was reinstated in its contract which
was refused by the Haitian commission. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Dec. 18 |
Same subject. Submits statement showing items and amounts requiring
$500,000 to enable Haitian Government to pay indebtedness. |
Mr. Casenave to Mr. Lansing. |
Dec. 28 |
Same subject. Submits correspondence with the Minister of Finance
concerning complaints of payments made by the Bank in American banknotes
instead of gold. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. |
Dec. 29 |
Political affairs. Submits report from Commander Cruiser Squadron
operating in Haitian waters Nov. 20 to Dec. 16, 1915. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
do |
Financial affairs. Department can not consent to an advance of
$500,000. Cable what amount is absolutely necessary to pay salaries of
employees. |
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Dec. 30 |
Same subject. Haitian Government states that $50,000 is needed to
avoid crisis by covering most pressing demands for November in provinces
and December in Port au Prince. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). |
Dec. 31 |
Same subject. Admiral Caperton will be authorized to pay salaries of
employees. After Jan. 1, 1916, the Admiral will have complete control of
disbursements for maintenance of Haitian Government. |
No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
72 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
1914. June 26 |
Treatment of religious orders in Mexico. Persecuted clergy request the
American Government to intercede in their behalf so that revolutionists
may afford them protection in their persons and property. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
June 30 |
Same subject. Refers to Mr. De Oliveira’s June 26 and instructs him to
express to Carranza the hope that full protection will be given the
persons and properties of all persons connected with religious
organizations |
142 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his 72 of June 26; instruction to offer
protection when necessary in his opinion; refers to Department’s
telegram of June 30 to Mr. Hanna. |
79 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 8 |
Same subject. Reports execution of three priests and imprisonment of
others after collection of 100,000 pesos ransom. Further violence
feared. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
July 11 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s June 30 and Mr. De Oliveira’s
July 8; instructs him to make further representations to
Carranza. |
156 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his 79, July 8; informs him of the instruction
of July 11 to Mr. Hanna. |
Cardinal Gibbons to the President |
Aug. 18 |
Same subject. Requests representations to Constitutionalist leaders in
behalf of Catholics in Mexico. |
The President to Cardinal Gibbons. |
Aug. 21 |
Same subject. Reply to his Aug. 18 |
Mr. Morgenthau to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 21 |
Protection of Turkish interests. The Turkish Government desires to
ascertain promptly if the American Government will take charge of
Turkish interests in Mexico and in South American countries where Turkey
is not represented. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Morgenthau (telegram). |
Sept. 22 |
Same subject. Assents to request, if made |
Father Tierney to Mr. Bryan. |
Oct. 17 |
Religious orders. Statement of the condition of the Catholic Church in
Mexico; request for protection of priests and nuns. |
Mr. Bryan to Father Tierney. |
Nov. 27 |
Same subject. Reply to his Oct. 17, inclosing remarks by the
President. |
Mr. Hussein to Mr. Bryan |
Dec. 7 |
Protection of Turkish interests. Requests that this Government take
charge of Turkish interests in Mexico. |
War Department memorandum. |
Dec. 18 |
Firing and raids across the boundary line by Mexican troops and
bandits. Casualties on the American side of the entire Mexican border,
1911–1914. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1915. Jan. 1 |
Political affairs. The Convention met and adjourned till Jan.
4. |
385 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Jan. 2 |
Firing and raids across the boundary line by Mexican troops and
bandits. General Hill signed the proposed agreement with Maytorena
concerning avoidance of violations of American territory, but Maytorena
awaits authority from President Gutierrez. General Scott believes Villa
could authorize him, but Villa refuses and purposes attacking Naco.
Instructs him to protest against this to Gutierrez. Informs him that
equivalent protest has been made to Villa. |
270 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 4 |
Same subject. Quotes reply to his representations in pursuance of
instructions of Jan. 2. Maytorena has been ordered not to attack Naco
and to withdraw from the border. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Offers his good offices to relieve the situation at
Naco; throws the responsibility for the firing across the boundary
wholly on Maytorena. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Riaño |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Incloses copy of Mr. Canada’s 1095 of
Dec. 18, 1914, transmitting Carranza Foreign Office statement that
representations in regard to Spanish subjects must be made by the legal
representative of Spanish interests in Mexico. |
Mr. Car others to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 5 |
Firing and raids. Recommends permission for General Scott and General
Villa to call on each other, with the probability of their settling the
whole boundary trouble. |
392 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans imposed on American citizens. Please request Villa to
order withdrawal of demand of Peláez on Penn-Mex. Co. for
$50,000. |
744 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan |
Jan. 6 |
Same subject. Reply to his 1316 of Dec. 12 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram |
Jan. 7 |
Firing and raids. Approves his recommendation of Jan. 5 and will refer
it to the War Department. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 8 |
Political affairs. Provisional President Gutierrez announces to the
Convention that the problem of pacification is practically
solved. |
[Page LXVI]
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 8 |
Protection of American oil interests. Summarizes Carranza’s decree of
Jan. 7, 1915, ordering cessation of work on oil lands. A well brought in
subsequent to decree shall be national property. |
274 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to Department’s Jan. 5. He referred the matter to
Mr. Carothers on Dec. 16. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 9 |
Firing and raids. General Scott has secured from Villa an agreement to
order Maytorena to sign agreement approved by the President. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Stadden (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Instruction to use his good offices to
secure release of French steamer Korrigan II
Mr. Bryan to the American consular officers in Mexico. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Instruction to use their unofficial
good offices in behalf of Turkish subjects in accordance with consular
regulations. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 10 |
Political affairs. Gen. Roque Gonzalez Garza elected President of the
Convention. |
Jan. 11 |
Firing and raids. Translation of the text of agreement to evacuate
Naco, render it neutral and closed to traffic, and to refrain from
attacking Nogales and Agua Prieta—all with the object of avoiding damage
on territory of the United States; signed by General Calles for the
Constitutionalists and by Governor Maytorena for the Conventionists, and
certified to by General Scott. |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Reports closing down of several
oil companies by Carranza. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Dec. 24, 1914. Further
information concerning government treatment of foreign oil
companies. |
257 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Morgenthau (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his Sept. 21, 1914; informs
him of the circular instruction of Jan. 9. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
Jan. 13 |
Protection of American oil interests. Refers to his Jan. 8; instructs
him to protest to Carranza against application of his decree to
foreigners; destruction of their property will have serious
consequences. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hussein. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his Dec. 7; informs him of
the circular instruction of Jan. 9. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 14 |
Political affairs. Transmits plan of government submitted to the
Convention by Zapatista delegates. |
1344 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Refers to his telegram of Jan.
11, 1915, and transmits copy of Carranza’s decree of Jan. 7,
1915. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Instruction to request Villa to order withdrawal of
demand of Peláez on PennMex. Co. for $50,000 and otherwise give adequate
protection. |
Mr. Bryan to the American consuls in Mexico (identic telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Instruction to report in detail any outrages upon
nuns and priests that may have occurred in their respective districts
since Jan. 1, 1914. |
755 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan |
Jan. 15 |
Protection of American oil interests. Informs him of contents of Mr.
Canada’s Jan. 11. |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 16 |
Political affairs. President Gutierrez having abandoned the capital,
the President of the Convention, Gonzalez Garza, assumes chief command
and establishes martial law. |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject and tenor |
290 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Firing and raids. Transmits note to him from the Conventionist
Government quoting amendment to clause 3 of the above agreement,
providing for closing the Naco customhouse; when this is accepted by
Carranza notice thereof will be given. |
1345 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Forwards official interpretation
of the decree of Jan. 7. |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of French interests. Quotes telegram concerning the Korrigan II.
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 17 |
Political affairs. The Convention deposes Provisional President
Gutierrez, itself assumes his powers and makes its President, Gonzalez
Garza, its Executive. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. By Carranza’s direction be
explains the decree of Jan. 7. |
[Page LXVII]
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 18 |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s January 14. |
1346 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Same subject and purport |
76 |
Mr. Stadden to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Same subject and purport |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 19 |
Political affairs. General Villa is made Commander in chief of the
Convention forces; other news of the Convention. |
do |
Same subject Text of the manifesto referred to above. |
1009 |
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s January 14. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr Bryan |
Jan. 20 |
Political affairs. Incloses telegram from the Convention stating that
it has proposed to Gutierrez and Carranza to agree to an armistice in
which to hold peace parleys. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The deposed Provisional President, Gutierrez, issues a
manifesto removing Villa, Carranza, and Zapata from their
commands. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Raids and firing. Transmits telegram to him from General Calles
stating that agreement with Maytorena has been practically concluded,
and requesting that General Scott be thanked in behalf of the
Constitutionalist Government for his assistance in settling the Naco
situation. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Carrancistas have evacuated Naco, which is now occupied
by Maytorenistas. |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s January 14. |
417 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Jan. 21 |
Political affairs. Instruction to make known to Provisional President
Garza the views of this Government as to the attitude that should be
adopted toward foreigners, political prisoners, and religious
orders. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 22 |
Report proceedings of the Convention |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American on interests. Oil companies must agree in
writing to abide by new oil laws. Tampico companies refuse to
sign. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Informs him of the critical situation
of Spaniards at various points, and requests the Department’s
aid. |
249 |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan |
Jan. 23 |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s January 14 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan (telegram). |
Jan. 25 |
Protection of American oil interests. Instruction to protest against
requirements described in his Jan. 22. |
1438 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Quotes the telegram forwarded by Mr.
Daniels in his Jan. 16. |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. He has heard that the Mexican Government has seized arms
sent by the French Government for the defense of the French colony. Asks
whether or not to credit the report. |
575 |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan |
Jan. 26 |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Riaño. |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to his Jan. 22; informs him of
action taken. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 27 |
Political affairs. The Convention and the Zapatista forces evacuate
the city, going to Cuernavaca, Provisional President Garza remaining.
The Consitutionalist forces expected. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Provisional President has departed and Ministers
Palafox and Gomez assume military and civil authority. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 28 |
Same subject. The Provisional President returns and orders complete
evacuation of the city, the city council resuming its authority pending
arrival of Constitutionalists. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Carrancistas under Obregon occupy Mexico city. |
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
1119 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Incloses copy of his representations
and the reply of Constitutionalist Foreign Office in regard to outrages
on Spaniards. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 29 |
Political affairs. General Obregon assumes military authority in the
name of the First Chief. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Chinese colony of Nacozari, Sonora,
looted by Villa’s army. Chinese request that their Embassy at Washington
be notified. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan |
Jan 30 |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14; incloses an official
statement by Mgr. Paredes, Vicar General of Mexico, minimizing the
reports of violence to priests and nuns. |
199 |
Mr. Morgenthau to Mr. Bryan. |
Jan. 30 |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reports execution of the instruction
of Jan. 11. |
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Jan. 31 |
Protection of French interests. He has refused to certify invoices of
coal entered for export to the United States because confiscated from
French and American citizens. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 1 |
Political affairs. General Benjamin Hill is in command of the city in
the absence of General Obregon; Constitutionalists operating Mexican
Railway. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. He is informed that Maytorena has appointed customs
collector for Naco, now in charge, together with civil authorities of
the town. General Calles has protested against railway company’s
activity in assisting Maytorena’s reoccupation of Naco, which is in
violation of the agreement. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of Maytorena’s reoccupation of Naco in
violation of the agreement. |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
Feb. 2 |
Protection of French interests. Refers to him Mr. Jusserand’s inquiry
of Jan. 25. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Simpich (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Continue to use good offices with
appropriate officials for relief of Chinese. |
303 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 3 |
Political affairs. Carranza removes Constitutionalist capital to Vera
Cruz in order to force the Diplomatic Corps to move to the city of his
headquarters. Text of telegram sent by the representatives of several
countries to their Governments recommending withdrawal from Mexico.
Suggests strong representations be made by this Government to Carranza
as to necessity for leaving open the Foreign Office in Mexico
City. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. At request Chinese Minister ask Villa
order authorities Mexicali repeal law claimed to be unjust to Chinese.
Same to American Consul at Ensenada. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. The arrest of a Spanish
confidential agent to General Villa, Señor Caso, has been attempted by
General Obregon; requests good offices. |
431 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to protest against arrest of Señor Caso, a
diplomatic officer of a foreign government. |
1449 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. |
Feb. 4 |
Protection of French interests. Reply to his Jan. 25; informs him of
the instruction of Feb. 2 to Mr. Canada. |
436 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. General Obregon threatens to deport
the Spanish Minister unless he surrender Señor Caso, who is presumed to
be in the Spanish Legation. Instruction to use his good offices. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Señor Caso’s case is very doubtful |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 5 |
Political affairs. Incloses announcement by Villa of his assumption of
political power during lack of communication with Mexico City. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Firing and raids. Further information on the subject of his Feb. 1,
and request that this Government take such action thereon as the facts
may suggest. |
1128 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Supplements his 1119 of Jan. 28 with
a second reply from the Foreign Office. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
Feb. 6 |
Political affairs. Instruction to protest to Carranza in regard to his
removal of the Foreign Office from Mexico City. |
443 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Reply to his 303. Unanimity desirable in any action
taken by Diplomatic Corps in regard to withdrawal from Mexico.
Instructions in case of withdrawal. |
1354 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Acknowledge Department’s Jan. 25
and sends copies of his letter to the chief inspector of petroleum, the
latter’s notice to the Cortez Oil Corporation, and the company’s
reply. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Villa has ordered authorities at
Mexicali to abstain from collecting the two dollars tax from Chinese
subjects. |
[Page LXIX]
315 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mi Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 6 |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Reply to Department’s 436, Feb. 4.
The Spanish Minister has replied to Obregon that Señor Caso is not at
the Legation; everything possible is being done to exert good
offices. |
1355 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 7 |
Protection of American oil interests. Incloses decree relating to oil
regulation in the Federal zone. |
328 |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 8 |
Protection of American mining interests. Reports nullification of all
mining titles granted during the Huerta régime. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. He is requested by the Spanish Consul
to cooperate in securing justice for his countrymen; requests authority
to make strong representations in regard to expulsion of
Spaniards. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of French interests. Corroborates the facts reported in
Department’s Feb. 2. |
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Incloses report on the confiscation of the Korrigan II.
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 9 |
Political affairs. The Brazilian Minister, in charge of the interests
of the United States, is the only one of the Diplomatic Corps who has
sought to avoid a crisis, by his suggestion to the Department that
Carranza be requested to allow a representative of the Foreign Office to
remain at the capital. |
321 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Carranza has ordered the Spanish
Minister to leave Mexico within 24 hours; suggests that he be admitted
on board an American war vessel at Vera Cruz there to await the first
opportunity to depart. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 10 |
Same subject. Carranza’s action as to the Spanish Minister is based
upon charges of refusal to surrender Señor Caso and to submit the
Legation to search. The Minister denies both charges. Complying with
Department’s Feb. 3 to Mr. De Oliveira, he telegraphed a conciliatory
message to Carranza: gives its text. |
1360 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 11 |
Protection of American oil interests. Incloses correspondence
pertaining to permission to do work necessary to prevent irreparable
injury to oil properties. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to his Feb. 8; if expulsion is
apparently without good cause, make informal protest. |
453 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. His 321, Feb. 9, has been repeated
to Vera Cruz; instruction to take immediate steps if the Spanish
Minister is molested in his journey to that port. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to take up at once with with Carranza the
matter of the deportation of the Spanish Minister and ask for proper
protection. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Spanish Minister has left for Vera Cruz. The
diplomatic corps are representing to their governments the advisability
of their withdrawal from Mexico. If they leave, asks if he could remain,
as an observer only. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Spanish Minister has gone aboard a Spanish
trans-Atlantic steamer which sails the 16th. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Repeats the substance of Mr. Canada’s
Feb. 8. |
258 |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 12 |
Religious orders. Reports deportation of three Spanish priests. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 13 |
Explusion of the Spanish Minister. Conveys the thanks of the Spanish
Minister for good offices. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reports action taken in behalf of
Turkish subjects and asks that Syrians in the north be warned to avoid
the City of Mexico. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 15 |
Political affairs. Incloses circular from Carranza to all military
commanders enjoining perfect unity in all relations with foreign
representatives, every matter being transacted through the First Chief
only. |
1137 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Supplements his 1119 of Jan. 28 with
a reply from the Foreign Office. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
Feb. 16 |
Protection of American oil interests. Instruction to bring the
Huasteca Oil Company’s complaint to Carranza’s attention. |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Reports securing temporary exemption of Americans from
$130,000 forced loans by General Urbina. |
[Page LXX]
461 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Feb. 16 |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Instruction to request Mr. Silliman
to ask Carranza for a reconsideration of the order expelling the Spanish
Minister. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Further information as to violence
against Turkish subjects. |
Mr. Shanklin to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 17 |
Taxation of American citizens. Requests instruction as to payment of
mining and land taxes. |
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
do |
Protection of French interests. Refers to his Jan. 31 and reports the
coal not confiscated but shipped by agreement with the coal
company. |
Mr Silliman to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Refers to his Feb. 13 and 16;
incloses correspondence as to protection of Syrians and concerning
execution of three Syrians by Obregon. |
720 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan |
Feb. 18 |
Protection of American oil interests. If the American oil companies
wish the Department to protest against application to them of oil
decrees, they should so inform the Department. |
285 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blocker. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Approves his action as reported in his
Jan. 31. |
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Enlarges upon his telegram of Feb. 17. |
343 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 19 |
Religious orders. Reports arrest of about 180 priests of various
nationalities for failure to furnish 500,000 pesos within five days; he
has asked Mr. Silliman to wire Carranza. |
1144 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 20 |
Protection of American oil interests. Refers to Department’s Dec. 24,
1914, his reply of Jan. 11, and incloses the complete reply to his
protests received from the Foreign Office. |
16 |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hussein |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Informs him of the contents of Mr.
Silliman’s Feb. 16. |
1263 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
Feb. 21 |
Protection of American oil interests. Incloses copy of decree
requiring statements of land ownership; it deeply concerns American oil
interests. |
475 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Quotes instruction sent to Mr. Canada for
representations to Carranza in regard to Mr. De Oliveira’s 343 of Feb.
19; instructs him to intercede with Obregon in behalf of the Vicar
General especially, as Mr. Canada will do with Carranza. |
345 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 22 |
Forced loans. Reports 5,000,000 pesos of forced loans to be demanded
of bankers and merchants of Mexico City, including foreigners. Requests
advice in regard to Mexico City Banking Co., principally
American. |
351 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 23 |
Same subject. A forced loan of about 20,000,000 pesos is decreed by
General Obregon, to be paid within three days by the business element of
Mexico City. Requests advice. |
356 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Foreigners are asking Carranza to reconsider decree
issued by Obregon; requests support of their representations. |
Father Kelley to the President. |
do |
Religious orders. Presents the views of the Catholic Church Extension
Society as to the treatment of the clergy in Mexico; requests that the
President make a strong declaration. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Reply to Department’s Feb. 16 to
Mr. De Oliveira. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Feb. 24 |
Closure of the port of Progreso. Instruction to protest against the
reported closure on account of the damage to the sisal industry. |
111 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bonney. |
do |
Forced loans. Approves his action as stated in his Feb. 16. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. He has objected to a demand by the Mexican military
authorities for contributions for support of the army. |
480 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Instruction to investigate the career of Vicar
General Paredes and his reputation for veracity. |
Mr. Phillips to Mr. Bryan. |
Feb. 25 |
Forced loans. Reports forced loans exacted by Guaymas authorities and
suggests demand for refund. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request Carranza to recall the decree as
to forced loan in Mexico City. |
482 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 22 and 23, and Department’s Feb. 25
to Mr. De Oliveira. The tax, not discriminating against Americans and
not being confiscatory, is not such as the Department can protest
against. |
[Page LXXI]
363 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 25 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s 482. American colony passed a
resolution of refusal to pay the forced loan. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Corrects a statement in regard to
the mission of Señor Caso. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 26 |
Forced loans. Mr. Canada has submitted to him for proper
representation Department’s Feb. 25. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Carranza has annulled special-tax decree so far as it
concerns foreigners. |
366 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Br van (telegram). |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s 480, Feb. 24. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Feb. 27 |
Closure of the port of Progreso. Reply to Department’s Feb. 24.
Carranza will not permit export of sisal, and will close the port if
necessary. |
382 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 2 |
Political affairs. The International Committee of Relief, unable to
secure transportation, requests the Department to arrange with Carranza
for train service. |
380 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Transmits appeal of the International Committee to the
Department for relief from the tyranny of Obregon; description of
conditions. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. The port has been closed until further
notice. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Although legally closed the port is open. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Refers to Department’s Feb. 16 to
Mr. De Oliveira and his Feb. 23; the expulsion of the Spanish Minister
can not be reconsidered. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 3 |
Political affairs. Describes desperate situation of the City of Mexico
under present administration. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs him to represent to Carranza the seriousness
of conditions at the capital and to report Carranza’s attitude. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Carranza still determined to keep the
port closed. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guyant |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Refers to his 328 of Feb. 8.
Instruction to inform the authorities it is expected that mining titles
acquired in good faith will not be nullified except upon equitable terms
and by legal process. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis |
do |
Forced loans. Approves his action as reported in his Feb. 24. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Riaño |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. States the substance of Mr.
Silliman’s Mar. 2. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Confirms his Mar. 2; the Spanish Legation’s staff,
however, may return. |
501 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Mar. 4 |
Political affairs. Informs him of forwarding his 380 to Carranza with
earnest representations. Suggests a further means of relief. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The legal adviser of Carranza, Judge Douglas, thinks
relief might result from making the capital a neutral zone, but the
Constitutionalists would probably reject the idea again, as when
proposed by the Conventionists. Suggests strong demand for maintenance
of railroad and telegraph communication. |
383 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes from speeches by Obregon before merchants at the
capital threatening dire consequences if they refuse to pay the special
taxes he has imposed. |
385 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports threats of severe punishment if merchants do not
reopen their stores and accept Constitutionalist fiat money. |
386 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports impending evacuation of the capital by the
Constitutionalists, and a second invitation to the Diplomatic Corps to
remove to Vera Cruz. Everything indicates intention to avoid
responsibility for what may happen to foreigners and Diplomatic
Corps. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 5 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Mar. 3. Has prepared
representations to Carranza in compliance therewith. |
505 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Inquires how many foreigners of each nationality are in
the capital; instruction to remind Americans of the President’s advice
to leave Mexico; if evacuation occurs, encourage Mexicans to organize to
preserve order. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request Carranza to facilitate
transportation of supplies to Mexico City. |
[Page LXXII]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Mar. 5 |
Same subject. Instruction to say to Carranza that the Department is
alarmed at interruption of traffic and statements of Obregon to
merchants; a very serious condition may be created if harm is done to
foreign residents. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Reply to his 1263 of Feb. 21;
instruction to protest against enforcement of decree mentioned. |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Carrancista soldiers threaten to burn all oil wells and
stores at Ebano. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Instruction to report as instructed on Mar. 1. If the
corporations mentioned are not included in the annulment, file protest;
grounds of protest. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Support Americans in protests against forced
loans. |
149 |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Bryan. |
Same subject. Incloses copy of Urbina’s demand for a forced loan and
his reply thereto. |
391 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 6 |
Political affairs. Carranza confirms intended evacuation of Mexico
City and issues a third invitation to Diplomatic Corps to move to Vera
Cruz, which will be de lined. |
393 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reply to inquiry of Mar. 5 as to number of foreigners.
Report on stoppage of railroad communication. |
508 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his 383 and 386 and instructs him to present
to Obregon the sense of the appended representations, to the effect that
this Government believes the deplorable situation in Mexico City has
resulted from wilful acts of Constitutionalists which can not be
contemplated with patience any longer, and if Americans suffer thereby
this Government will hold General Carranza and General Obregon
personally responsible and will take expedient measures to bring to
account those responsible for what may occur. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The same instructions as to Mr. De Oliveira, for
presentation to Carranza, with the addition that the extraordinary and
unpardonable course of Obregon has renewed talk of joint action by
several of the chief governments of the world to protect their legations
and nationals at Mexico City, and that in pursuing his course Carranza
is running a very serious risk. |
Mr. Bryan to the Ambassadors of Spain, Brazil, Germany and Great
Britain. |
do |
Same subject. Calls attention to Department’s instructions to its
representatives in Mexico to the effect that this Government will hold
Carranza and Obregon personally responsible for their conduct. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Quotes Mr. Bevan’s Mar.
5. |
1369 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Incloses copy of a notice concerning oil stamp tax; the
oil companies are expecting trouble. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Instruction to protest against forced loan assessed
against Singer Sewing Machine Co. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Mar. 5 and 6; he has been and is
protesting against forced loans and advising Americans not to pay except
under compulsion. |
395 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 7 |
Political affairs. Reports delivery to Obregon of Department’s
instruction in its 508 of Mar. 6. Obregon refers the matter to
Carranza. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Reports having stayed Guadalajara tax collection pending
agreement. Authorities claim it is a State tax, not a forced loan. Will
report results later. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 8 |
Political affairs. Reports delivery to Carranza of Department’s
instruction of Mar. 6. The attitude of the United States is resented; an
early reply is promised. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Incloses copy of the ratification dated January 18, by
President Gonzalez Garza of the Convention, of the appointment of Villa
as General in chief of the Convention’s forces; copy of a manifesto by
General in Chief Villa, dated Jan. 31, giving reasons for his assumption
of political power in the zone occupied by his forces; and copy of his
decree dated Feb. 2, establishing three administrative departments of
his Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Mar. 8 |
Closure of port of Progreso. Instruction to talk the instruction over
fully with Carranza and secure agreement on some plan for export of
sisal. |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Refers to his 1263 of Feb. 21
and incloses copy of decree extending time to May 1 for filing
statements. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Incloses reply of Foreign Office to his protest in
pursuance of Department’s Jan. 13. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Guadalajara authorities disclaim knowledge of stay of
tax collection pending Villa-Carothers interview. Urges immediate
decision and notification. |
1163 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
1167 |
Same to same |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Refers to Department’s Dec. 18, 1913;
incloses two replies of the Foreign Office to his note regarding
guaranties to Spanish merchants. The Spanish Minister in Mexico City has
instructed the Spanish Consul at Vera Cruz to request Mr. Canada’s
cooperation. |
398 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 9 |
Political affairs. Starvation in Mexico City is worse than ever owing
to stoppage of traffic; suggests taking up with Carranza the
neutralization of the railway to Vera Cruz. |
404 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Transmits communication by a committee of American
citizens explaining why Americans generally can not leave the capital as
advised by the President and requesting that their statement be made
public. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Presents the plan for export offered by
the Mexican Secretary of the Treasury. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Instruct to see Mr. Canada’s
Mar. 6 and protest against threatened destruction. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his Mar. 8; quotes Mr. Carother’s Mar.
7. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 10 |
Political affairs. Transmits reply of Carranza to the Department’s
representations of Mar. 6. It denies the charges made against Obregon,
asserts that foreigners are protected, and urges departure of
foreigners. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Carranza says he does not understand the Department’s
position in having representations made in the interest of other
nationals than those of the United States when they have their own
representatives in the persons of their consular officers at Vera Cruz;
he is ready to receive such representations through his Foreign
Office. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Accepts the Mexican plan, with additional
suggestions. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Reports compliance with
Department’s Mar. 9. |
Mr. Morgenthau to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Incloses copy of a note verbale from
the Foreign Office relating to American protection of Turkish interests
in Mexico. |
410 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 11 |
Political affairs. Mexico City evacuated by Obregon Mar. 10; Municipal
Council in authority. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits reply of the President to Carranza’s note of
Mar. 9 transmitted by Mr. Silliman on Mar. 10. “To speak less plainly or
with less earnestness would be to conceal from you a terrible risk which
no lover of Mexico should wish to run.” |
411 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports occupation of Mexico City by Zapatistas, who
promise to bring in supplies and afford protection to foreigners.
Relates brutal acts of Zapatistas in contrast with such
assurances. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his Mar. 10 relating to representation by this
Government of foreigners other than Americans. Instructs him that if
such efforts provoke protest from Carranza it is better to make them
through local representatives of their nations; he will, however, assist
these in any way possible. |
Mr. Bryan to the Ambassadors of Spain, Russia, France, Germany and
Great Britain. |
do |
Same subject. Transmits copy of the foregoing, for his
information. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Informs him of complications in the
plan. |
[Page LXXIV]
547 |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan |
Mar. 11 |
Forced loans. Reports in detail concerning Government Medina’s decree
No. 62 of Mar. 1 and the delay of its enforcement obtained. |
286 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Blocker |
do |
Protection of French interests. Approves his action as reported in his
Feb. 18. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 12 |
Political affairs. Reports delivery of the President’s note to
Carranza, reading it to him at his request There was no comment
whatever. |
535 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits message to the American committee in response
to their communication of Mar. 9 assuring them that this Government is
doing everything possible for their relief, and calling attention to
Carranza’s approval of the President’s advice to Americans temporarily
to remove to a place of safety. The President thinks it not advisable to
make their communication public. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject He will give his best efforts to carrying out the plan
proposed in Department’s Mar. 11 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Recites atrocities committed by Constitutionalists and
instructs to ask Carranza what action he purposes to take. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Blockade not effective for some days.
Carranza determined to keep the port closed. |
710 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Shanklin. |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his Feb. 17; under generally accepted rules of
international law American citizens are entitled to pay taxes on their
property in Mexico to persons in de facto authority; in determining who
these are, said citizens would do well to consider local control of the
territory in which their property is located. |
The Archbishop of Mexico to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Religious orders. Informs him of outrages upon nuns and priests.
Remarks as to Vicar General Paredes. |
544 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Mar. 13 |
Political affairs. If any Americans wish to leave Mexico City, he is
instructed to arrange with authorities for their transportation; the
Department is asking Carranza’s cooperation in shipment of supplies and
transportation of foreigners. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Closure of port of Progreso. Instruction to request of Carranza the
recall of his order blockading the port of Progreso; if not recalled,
will feel constrained to instruct our naval officers prevent
interference with our commerce there. |
117 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bonney |
do |
Forced loans. Approves the action reported in his 149. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to protest against 30,000 pesos assessment
on El Favor Mining Co. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to support German Consul’s protest against
extraordinary tax on German colony, Guadalajara, amounting to 150,000
pesos. |
6 |
Mr. Coen to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14 |
56 |
Mr. Willard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. He is informed that the Spanish
Government has accepted the Mexican explanation in regard to the Caso
incident and will send a confidential agent to Mexico. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 14 |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. Transmits request therefor made by Gen. Ricaut. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 15 |
Closure of port of Progreso. Carranza will recall his order. |
337 |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Taxation. Reports illegal taxation by Ensenada local government, under
Col. Cantú, with threats of confiscation. He has advised Americans to
pay under protest. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Request villa to order suspension of special tax imposed
on German colony Guadalajara. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Forced loan in State of Jalisco held up
indefinitely. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Villa has ordered a fine of a million pesos on Monterey
Chamber of Commerce; desires instruction. |
57 |
Mr. Willard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. The Spanish Minister of State says
the Caso incident may be considered closed. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 16 |
Closure of port of Progreso. Remarks upon the terms “closed port and
open port” and “blockade.” Carranza draws parallel between this case and
the blockade at New Orleans. |
[Page LXXV]
366 |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan |
Mar. 16 |
Protection of Chinese interests. Visit of Chinese delegation to
Consulate seeking the aid of American Government. |
Mr. Hohler to Mr. Spring Rice (telegram). |
Mar. 17 |
Political affairs. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Conventionist Government states that he is prepared to consider
neutralization of the railways. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Expulsion of the Spanish Minister. Refers to Department’s Feb. 16 and
his Mar. 3; the Foreign Office trusts that the Department will not
insist on a reconsideration of the Caso incident in view of the attitude
of the Spanish Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Ferguson (telegram). |
Mar. 18 |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. Inquires whether the State of Texas agrees to such
transportation. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Reports repetition to the
authorities of Department’s instruction of Mar. 9. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hanna (telegram) |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his Mar. 15. States conditions for
protesting. |
Mr. Ferguson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 19 |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. Texas agrees to such transportation. |
445 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 20 |
Political affairs. Transmits resolution by mass meeting of Americans,
who again request that their communication be made public; statement of
intolerable conditions; appeal for protection and relief. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Mar. 12. The Foreign Office
replies to his representations and denies charges made; declares
Department is badly informed. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrett (telegram). |
do |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. General Ricaut’s request is granted. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrison (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests that military authorities at Laredo be
instructed to take suitable action in regard to permission granted to
General Ricaut. |
Mr. Bryan to Father Kelley. |
do |
Religious orders. Reply to his letter of Feb. 23 to the
President. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Vicar General Paredes has thanked the Department and the
Brazilian Minister for protection against Obregon. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Request immediate issuance of orders
adequate protection Chinese citizens and cessation of
depredations. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 21 |
Forced loans. Refers to Department’s Mar. 18; analyzes tax. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 22 |
Political affairs. Refers to his Mar. 5 and Department’s Mar. 3. Reply
of Foreign Office to his representations denies all responsibility,
vindicates Obregon in everything, reflects on Brazilian Minister and
French and German Consuls, and declares no arrangements for opening
communication with the capital are possible while it is in hands of the
enemy. |
451 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits a statement by the International Committee
describing the unbearable conditions in Mexico. |
1174 |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of American on interests. Reply to Department’s Feb.
16. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Representations to Maytorena
fruitless. Suggest vigorous representations be made to Villa. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Mar. 23 |
Political affairs. Mexico City authorities being ready to consider
neutralization of the railroads, he is instructed to take up the matter
with Carranza. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guyant (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. In addition to the advice as stated in his 337 of Mar. 15,
advise Americans to make their protests matters of record if possible
and to take receipts. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. States principle on which protest against taxation
should be based. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Request villa to issue sharp personal
orders to all his generals in Sonora to end persecution of
Chinese. |
Mr. Vasconcelos to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 24 |
Political affairs. Incloses his credentials from President Gutierrez
and, under instructions, submits a review of the events resulting in the
withdrawal of Gutierrez from Mexico City and establishment of his
Government in Nuevo Leon; his policy and resources. |
[Page LXXVI]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Mar. 24 |
Firing and raids. A situation at Agua Prieta which is likely to spread
to Naco and Nogales, menaces the lives of Americans across the line. The
Calles-Maytorena agreement has thus far been effective and this
Government believes Carranza and Villa are both anxious to keep it so.
Instruction to bring the matter to Carranza’s attention and thus make it
unnecessary for American authorities to take any steps for protection of
life and property on the American side. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction identical with the foregoing, for
presentation to Villa. |
Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Quotes orders to General Funston to refrain if possible
from use of force pending replies from Villa and Carranza to the
representations of the Department of State; and to urge local Mexican
officers to observe the agreement of Jan. 11 but to inform them that
forcible action will be taken if necessary. |
329 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hosstetter. |
do |
Forced loans. Instruction to furnish information on subject of Mr.
Phillip’s Feb. 25. |
1398 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reports forced loans imposed on
Spaniards. Inquires whether or not the Consulate’s seal may be placed on
the doors of Spanish shops, as requested by the proprietors. |
580 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Mar. 25 |
Political affairs. Instruction to represent to General Garza the
extreme necessity for getting the factions together and forming a
government under which the ordinary occupations of life can be
resumed. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. He is assured that immediate orders will be given to
avoid the possibility feared, and represented to Carranza’s Minister in
pursuance of the instruction of Mar. 24. |
International Development Co. to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Same situation as that reported by Mr. Guyant; requests
advice. |
Mr. Bryan to the International Development Co. (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Same advice as to Mr. Guyant and Mr. Shanklin, Mar. 12
and 23. |
551 |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Forced loans, Incloses copy of Medina’s decree No. 68 amending No. 62
and increasing the severity of forced loans as to foreigners. Requests
instructions. |
601 |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of British interests; estate of W. S. Benton. Refers to
Department’s 298, Sept. 1, 1914; reports continued occupation of the
estate under the Villa decree of Apr. 20, 1914; the manager of the
estate requests the Department’s aid in behalf of Mrs. Benton. |
62 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Kai Fu Shah. |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Refers to telegram of Mar. 18, from
Douglas, Ariz., which was left at the Department on Mar 19 by the
Counselor of Chinese Legation. |
458 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Political affairs. Transmits a statement by the American Colony
summarizing conditions in Mexico during the last twelve months:
taxation, currency and stamps, courts, mail and telegraph, international
protest, and other matters. |
582 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Replies to his No. 445 of Mar. 20. This Government is
doing everything in its power for the protection of Americans and other
foreigners in Mexico City, but is unwilling to increase the difficulties
by giving publicity to their resolution. |
584 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his 380 of Mar. 2. Summarizes Mr. Silliman’s
Mar. 22. |
459 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s 580 and his own 451, and states
that President Garza is strongly in favor of neutralization of railways,
telegraph, and the Federal District and quotes his public statement on
the subject; it now remains to secure Carranza’s consent thereto;
desires to know the Department’s views. |
786 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Acknowledges his 1369 of Mar.
6. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Instruction to request authorities to advise him of status
of Colonel Cantú. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Guyant (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to report whether Cantú is subject to
central authorities, and to ask him how taxes on American-owned property
should be paid in Lower California. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Religious orders. Repeats open letter to Carranza from Vicar General
Parades and other priests, lamenting the appeal of certain Catholic
refugees to a foreign government for protection against Carranza; praise
of Carranza. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Villa has telegraphed instructions to
Sonora regarding protection of Chinese citizens. |
464 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 27 |
Political, affairs. Refers to Department’s 584 and requests further
particulars of Carranza’s charges against him; praises the Diplomatic
Corps. |
465 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. It is highly desirable that Carranza immediately accept
the neutralization plan set forth in his 459 of Mar. 26 in order to
prevent removal of the Convention and President Garza from the capital
with its consequent abandonment of the city to Zapatista element alone,
who could not resist the Carrancistas. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Firing and raids. Incloses letter to him from Villa protesting against
the insistence of this Government on leaving border towns unattacked, at
the same time permitting the forces in possession thereof to arm and
equip revolutionary forces from the United States. Urges closing every
frontier port when blockaded by either belligerent. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Johnson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to warn commanders of both factions that
operations at Matamoros must be conducted so as not to fire across the
border. |
604 |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of Villa’s
decree No. 5 of Mar. 19 relating to forfeiture of mining properties.
Comments on the disastrous results to be expected from it. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Villa has telegraphed that he has
issued orders to generals in Sonora to give complete guaranty to all
foreigners in that State. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. At request Chinese Legation ask Villa order adequate
protection for Chinese residents of Guaymas. Same to American Consul at
Hermosillo. |
471 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 29 |
Political affairs. The Convention has decided to remove to Chihuahua,
with President Garza, as apprehended in his 465. It is reported that
Zapatistas will try to prevent removal. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to present to Carranza the neutralization
plan proposed by Mr. De Oliveira in his 459, with special emphasis on
neutralizing the capital. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothors (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Same subject and tenor as above, for presentation to
Villa. |
596 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The suggestion contained in his 459 has been transmitted
to Carranza and Villa with earnest recommendation of its
acceptance. |
General McCain to General Funston (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. Quotes order to take measures to prevent firing from
Brownsville into Matamoros, as requested by the Department of
State. |
599 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Mar. 30 |
Political affairs. Reply to his 464; quotes telegram to Silliman Mar.
12 and telegrams from Silliman Mar. 20 and 22. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Mar. 29. Gives reasons for not
presenting to Carranza the neutralization plan. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. General Ricaut has not yet availed himself of the permission
granted on Mar. 20, but has 29 wounded whom he now desires to move.
Inquires whether, in view of the battle at Matamoros, the permission
still holds good. |
General Funston to General McCain (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. He has given orders not to permit such transportation in
view of battle at Matamoros and probable attack on Laredo. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American ‘oil interests. Instructions for protection of
oil properties in case of hostilities. |
191 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his 547 of Mar. 11 concerning Medina’s decree
No. 62; quotes Mr. Carothers’s Mar. 15. |
Mr. Hussein to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Requests protection for Jacob Touche,
a Turkish subject. |
592 |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests, Owing to feeling existing against
Chinese, suggests that it be made known that they are under the
protection of the United States. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Mar. 31 |
Political affairs. Instruction to delay presentation of plan to
neutralize the capital if immediate action on the railroad’s
neutralization is likely. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Firing and raids. Quotes letter to General Calles from Colonel
O’Connor, commanding United States troops at Douglas, notifying him of
instructions from the Secretary of War to urge compliance with agreement
of Jan. 11 and to use force if necessary to protect American life and
property at Agua Prieta. In reply, states that Mr. Carranza has
instructed General Calles to avoid action dangerous to persons or
property on the American side. Calls attention to Maytorena’s violation
of the agreement of Jan. 11. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrett (telegram). |
do |
Transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers through United States
territory. On account of the situation at Matamoros, the permission for
transportation of wounded Mexican soldiers over United States territory,
requested by General Ricaut, is withdrawn. |
175 |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Taxation. Reports arbitrary taxation of all goods out of San Luis
Potosi. |
341 |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Mar. 26, explaining Cantú’s
taxation methods. He has informed Cantú that no action should be taken
for forfeiture of American-owned mining titles because of nonpayment of
taxes. |
90 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Schmutz |
Apr. 1 |
Religious orders. Reply to his 258, Feb. 12; approves his
action. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
Apr. 2 |
Forced loans. In spite of report of suspension of forced loan decree
in Guadalajara a contrary report is received; if verified,
protest. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject and purport |
482 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 3 |
Political affairs. Thanks for Department’s 599 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. American oil properties
destroyed at Ebano; Tampico fields threatened. Instructions to urge
Carranza to prevent further damage. |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Taxation. He has been advising Americans as instructed in Department’s
Mar. 23. |
Mr. Anthony to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Describes chaotic taxation conditions in
Guadalajara. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hussein |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his Mar. 30; informs him of
instruction to Mr. Carothers in regard to Jacob Touche. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 5 |
Political affairs. Summarizes the arguments for and against the
neutralization of the railroad, and suggests that the railroad be
returned to the company for operation. Carranza refuses to agree to
neutralization of either the railroad or the capital. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of American oil interests. Great danger to oil wells at
Ebano. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Department’s Mar. 18 and 23 have his attention. |
350 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Letcher |
Apr. 6 |
Protection of British interests. Reply to his 601, Mar. 25; if so
requested, he may cooperate with the British representative to obtain
relief for Mrs. Benton. |
618 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
Apr. 7 |
Political affairs. Informs him that Carranza refuses to agree to
neutralization of either the railroad or the capital. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Letcher (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Informs him that Department
is instructing Mr. Carothers to protest against application of Villa’s
decree of Mar. 19 to property of American and other foreigners. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to protest against Villa’s decree of Mar.
19. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Requests attention to his No. 551 |
Mr. Hurst to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 8 |
Extradition of Huerta. The steamer Antonio
Lopex is due in New York Apr. 12 with Gen. Huerta on
board. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Quotes telegram from Admiral Howard
reporting the threatened seizure of the Korrigan
III. As this vessel flies the Mexican flag, the admiral is
unable to interfere, and recommends advising the French
ambassador. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 9 |
Political affairs. Further statement of Constitutionalist objection to
neutralization. |
[Page LXXIX]
415 |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 9 |
Protection of American oil interests. Acknowledges Department’s 786 of
Mar. 26. The oil companies will make the next payment direct to Vera
Cruz |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Anthony. |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his Apr. 3; informs him how to pay his
taxes. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Instruction to give Guadalajara situation his first
attention. |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Requests that he use his good offices
with Carranza to prevent interference with the Korrigan III and to obtain the release of the Korrigan II.
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
Apr. 10 |
Firing and raids. In reply to Villa’s letter, quoted in his Mar. 27,
inform Villa that the President has no authority to close an American
port except in case of insurrection. This Government has not endeavored
to prevent Villa from attacking Matamoros or Nuevo Laredo, but has only
warned opposing commanders so to conduct warfare as not to menace lives
of Americans on American territory. The Carrancista commander has
promised to comply. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. Protest, on behalf of the Provisional
Government of Mexico, against the landing in the United States of
General Huerta. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Instruction to make further
representations to Villa concerning mining decree. |
16 |
Mr. Coen to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 11 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of Villa’s decree of Mar. 19 and of a
protest against it made by Mr. Harold McLeod Cobb in a letter to Mr.
Coen. |
Mr. Car others to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 12 |
Same subject. Explains purpose of Villa’s decree of Mar. 19. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his Apr. 7; instruction to urge upon
authorities the discriminatory nature of decree No. 68. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Quotes Admiral Howard’s telegram
reporting action taken as to the Korrigan II and
Korrigan III.
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Gregory |
Apr. 14 |
Extradition of Huerta. Transmits copy of Mr. Llorente’s Apr. 10 to the
Attorney General for his information. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
Apr. 15 |
Protection of American mining interests. Instruction to request
suspension of Villa decree of Mar. 19 in respect to foreigners. |
Mr. Smith to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Incloses copy of Carranza decree of Mar. 1 amending
mining law of 1905; asserts the enforcement thereof would result in
confiscation. |
149 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 16 |
Murder of John B. McManus. Incloses certain documents pertaining to
the indemnity for the death of McManus paid by the Conventionist
Government. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Villa says new mining law
will be suspended till conditions become normal. |
Father Kelley to Mr. Bryan. |
Apr. 17 |
Religious orders. Reply to Department’s Mar. 20. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Instruction to consult with the French
consul and urge that orders be issued for return of the Korrigan II and prevention of seizure of the Korrigan III.
Mr. West to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 19 |
Political affairs. Zapata wishes to send a commission to interview the
President and explain the facts and aims, with a view to recognition of
the Conventionist Government by the United States. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Memorandum on Decree No. 5 of
Mar. 19, 1915. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Reply to Department’s Apr. 17; the
French Consul has made the proper representation and is awaiting
reply. |
598 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Morgenthau (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interest. Reply to his Mar. 10; suggests that
the Turkish Government request another Government to act for it in
Mexico in diplomatic matters, since there is no American representative
in Mexico. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr 20 |
Protection of American oil interests. Quotes resentful reply of
Foreign Office to his representations. |
347 |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s 209 of
Mar. 3; incloses copy of notice of nullification of mining
titles. |
797 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bevan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to his 1398 of Mar. 24; the
Department does not desire the Consulate’s seal to be placed as
desired. |
[Page LXXX]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Apr. 20 |
Protection of Chinese interests. At request of Chinese Legation ask
General Carranza to afford protection to Chinese merchants at
Mazatlan. |
Mine and Smelter Operators et al. to Mr. Canova. |
Apr. 21 |
Protection of American mining interests. Operators’ statement of the
effects of decree No. 5 of Mar. 19 and petition for its repeal. |
373 |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Reports the murder of two Chinese
near Ojo de Agua. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wes (telegram). |
Apr. 22 |
Political affairs. The President can not consistently receive a
delegation from Zapata, not having received a delegation from any
contending faction; but the Secretary of State would be pleased to
receive them. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Refers to his Apr. 12 and 16
and instructs him to request repeal of Villa’s decree of Mar. 19. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Hopes to persuade Villa to restore confiscated property
and suspend the decree. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Alger (telegram). |
Apr. 23 |
Protection of Chinese interests. Silliman instructed to use good
offices behalf of Chinese at Mazatlan. Request local authorities refrain
from action until Carranza’s instructions arrive. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 26 |
Protection of American mining interests. Mining decree not yet in
effect; it will not be retroactive. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Instruction to inquire of Oaxaca authorities concerning
confiscatory taxes levied on Americans. |
627 |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 27 |
Protection of British interests: Refers to Department’s 350, Apr. 6.
He has offered his cooperation to the British Vice Consul. |
186 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Coen |
Apr. 29 |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to his No. 16 of Apr.
11. |
737 |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan. |
Apr. 30 |
Forced loans. Reply to Department’s 329 of Mar. 24; reports interview
with Sonora authorities as to forced loans on foreigners. |
Mr. Shanklin to Mr. Bryan |
May 1 |
Taxation. Acknowledgment of receipt of Department’s No. 710 of March
12. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan |
May 6 |
Forced loans. Incloses memorandum by Mexican Petroleum Co. on forced
loans, raising the question whether or not foreigners should pay forced
loans to one or the other of contending factions. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hussein. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Incloses a memorandum on the
protection by diplomatic and consular officers of the United States of
the interests of citizens or subjects of a third country at places where
their own government has no diplomatic or consular
representative. |
444 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Simpich |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Acknowledges despatch 373 of Apr. 21.
Instructs to ask authorities what action they intend to take to remedy
such lawless conditions. |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan. |
May 7 |
Political affairs. Transmits an urgent appeal from the American
Society and the International Committee for aid from this
Government. |
743 |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Forced loans. Corrects details of his 737 of Apr. 30 |
Sierra Consolidated Mines Co. to Mr. Bryan. |
May 8 |
Protection of American mining interests. Protest against Carranza’s
decree of Mar. 1. |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Taxation. Incloses correspondence with Guadalajara authorities on
second collection of taxes. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 10 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Apr. 26; Oaxaca authorities have
no information on the matter: Foreign Office requests
particulars. |
553 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 11 |
Political affairs. Transmits a message from the Conventionist
Government announcing that a commission would soon be in Washington to
request recognition. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
May 13 |
Murder of John B. McMann. Acknowledges the receipt of his No. 149 of
Apr. 16. 1915. |
699 |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 14 |
Political affairs. The Secretary of State will be pleased to receive
the commission referred to in his 553. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Instructions regarding the
decree of Mar. 19. |
27 |
Mr. Coen to Mr. Bryan |
May 15 |
Same subject. Incloses Manuel Bonilla’s explanation of Villa’s decree
No. 5 of Mar. 19; copy of order of Apr. 8, requiring all mining taxes to
be paid in gold; statement regarding General Urbina’s order of Apr. 14;
Villa’s decree of May 4, 1915 requiring payment of mine employes in
coin. |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Bryan. |
May 16 |
Protection of French interests. Refers to Department’s Feb. 11 and
requests further representations regarding the seizure of arms. |
[Page LXXXI]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
May 17 |
Protection of American mining interests. Instruction to protest
against Villa’s decree of May 4. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman |
May 18 |
Same subject. Quotes from Sierra Consolidated Mines Co.’s letter of
May 8 and instructs him to say that this Government does not recognize
Carranza’s decree of Mar. 1 as having any force outside territory in
Carranza’s control. |
Mr. Bryan to the Sierra Consolidated Mines Co. |
do |
Same subject. Reply to their May 8 |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 19 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s May 17; he has been assured no
enforcement of the decree will be, ordered, especially not against
foreigners. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Phillips |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his Feb. 25. It would be useless at present to
demand a refund of forced loans made by American citizens, who would do
well, however, to file with the Department their claims against the
Mexican Government; in due time the Department will give such claims
careful attention. |
Inde Gold Mining Co. to Mr. Bryan. |
May 20 |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of Urbina’s
decree of Apr. 14. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman. |
do |
Forced loans. Reply to his May 6. The Department can not undertake to
advise American citizens whether, as a practical matter, they should pay
forced loans to de facto authorities; but if such Americans will
complain to the Department, this Government’s appropriate
representatives will be directed to protest against apparently illegal
exactions and request their withdrawal. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Instruction to protest to Carranza
against the injustice of his objection to a special Spanish
representative interceding with Villa in behalf of Spaniards in Villa
territory. |
574 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 21 |
Political affairs. President Garza appeared before the Convention on
May 20 and announced that he would resign if the Convention did not act
on his recommendations for alleviation of the desperate conditions in
the Republic. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s May 17;
quotes Villa’s promises concerning decree of May 4. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to the foregoing. Carranza will
not object. |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Rabble are sacking Chinese stores.
Have wired Governor for troops. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Simpich (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Urge Naytorena to take prompt action for protection
Chinese interests at Hermosillo. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Urge upon Villa the necessity for prompt action in
protecting Chinese interests at Hermosillo. |
577 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 22 |
Political affairs. The northern delegates withdrew from the Convention
after a stormy session May 21, but returned to protest. Zapata ordered
headquarters of the Army of the South to be removed to Morelos. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Probable defections from Zapata to Garza; both
Zapatistas and Carrancistas hate Garza, whose life appears to be in
danger. |
Mr. Brophy to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Taxation. Protest against Cantús taxation methods in Lower
California. |
617 |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Incloses copy of municipal decree of
Mazatlan of May 19 against which he has protested; it expropriates the
city’s waterworks and does not profess to be legal. |
721 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
May 24 |
Political affairs. Instruction to encourage such views as those of
Garza as reported in his 574. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Coen |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to his May 15; quotes
Mr. Carothers’ May 21. |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Bryan |
May 25 |
Protection of Spanish interests. His protest disregarded confiscation
of the electric company expected. |
1491 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Jusserand. |
May 27 |
Protection of French interests. Reply to his May 16; before taking
action the Department would like to know what instructions have been
given to the French Consul. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
May 28 |
Taxation. Instruction to represent to Carranza the taxation situation
in Guadalajara, and request immediate cessation of second collection of
the same tax. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Davis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of the instructions of this date to Mr.
Silliman. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Bryan |
May 29 |
Political affairs. Transmits a decree by Villa relating to the
alienation of real and personal property of certain persons concerned in
the coup d’état of Feb., 1913, and more lately in the fomentation of
rebellion against the authority of the Provisional [Conventionist]
Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Brophy (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his May 22; he is apparently entitled to pay tax to
Villa Government; if so paid, the Department would endeavor to protect
him against confiscation by Lower California authorities because of
nonpayment of taxes to them. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Refers to Mr. Alger’s May 22 and 25;
at request of Spanish Ambassador instructs him to confer with the
Spanish confidential agent in behalf of the water company. |
317 |
Mr. Morgenthau to Mr. Bryan. |
May 31 |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to Department’s No. 598 of Apr.
19; incloses reply of the Foreign Office to his note based
thereon. |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 1 |
Protection of American mining interests. San Dimas American mining
companies request Department to arrange to have decree of May 4
regarding payment of miners be suspended till September. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Requests instructions in regard to reported decree
prohibiting exportation of mine products. |
312 |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reports his action in behalf of
certain Turkish subjects; he has seen, however, a newspaper notice that
the German Consul at San Luis Potosi had been appointed by the Turkish
Government in charge of Turkish interests in his district. Inquires
whether or not the instruction of Jan. 9 applies. |
741 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. De Oliveira and all American consuls and other
representatives in Mexico (telegram). |
June 2 |
Political affairs. Transmits a public statement by the President
stating the policy of this Government toward Mexico and warning the
factions that if they can not agree to act together promptly for the
relief of their country, this Government will be constrained to decide
what means should be employed by it in order to help Mexico save herself
and serve her people. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram) |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Instruction to investigate
matter referred to in Mr. Alger’s June 1. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Coen (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction concerning request San Dimas American mining
companies that he obtain suspension of decree of May 4. |
600 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 3 |
Political affairs. The Department’s 741 of June 2 has been delivered
to the Foreign Office for transmission to President Garza. |
Mr. Coen to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Immediate enforcement of
decree of May 4 is contemplated; San Dimas companies notified. |
602 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 4 |
Political affairs. Transmits reply of Conventionist Foreign Office to
the President’s statement, which it has submitted to the
Convention. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Papers publish President’s statement in full without
comment; a friendly reply is promised by the Carrancista Foreign Office;
prompt occupation of the capital was again assured and all possible
protection for foreigners. |
603 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits, with request to forward to Carranza and
Villa, messages to each from President Garza, exhorting them to consider
arrangements for a conference, during an armistice, of all
factions. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
June 5 |
Same subject. Transmits, with instruction to present immediately to
Carranza, the message of President Garza. |
Mr Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits, with instruction to present immediately to
Villa, the message of President Garza. |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Report from Aguascalientes of the local attitude toward
the President’s statement of June 2. |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Report from Mazatlan as to the reception of the
President’s statement. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
June 6 |
Protection of Spanish interests. Quotes telegram from the Spanish
Consular Agent at Mazatlan reporting expropriation, of the waterworks;
requests renewed representations. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
June 7 |
Same subject. Refers to reports from Mazatlan and instructs him to
make vigorous protest to Carranza. |
612 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 8 |
Political affairs. Transmits, with request to forward, a telegram from
himself to Silliman in which he quotes a message from President Garza to
Carranza, renewing the proposal made in his message forwarded in Mr. De
Oliveira’s 603. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Quotes telegram reporting forcible
seizure of Mazatlan waterworks. |
617 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 9 |
Political affairs. Reports postponement by the Convention of
consideration of the President’s statement. |
619 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Transmits response to the President’s statement made by
the American Society of Mexico. |
621 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. The Convention on June 9 deposed President Garza and
elected as his successor Lagos Cházaro. Villista delegate from
Chihuahua. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riñao |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to his June 8; reports indicate
the early restoration of the Mazatlan waterworks to the owners. |
623 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 10 |
Political affairs. The new Conventionist régime threatens even worse
conditions than at present. But Carranza is reported as approaching the
city with intention to occupy it. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s June 5 and reports Carranza’s
thanks and his statement that there is no reply. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 11 |
Same subject Transmits Villa’s reply dated June 10, to the President’s
statement of June 2. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Transmits message from Villa to Garza quoting Villa’s
reply to the President’s statement of June 2; quoting also his
communication to Carranza on the subject. Requests its transmission to
Garza. |
770 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his 623 of June 10. Instruction to impress on
the authorities in control in the capital that harsh measures would
create a most unfavorable impression abroad and might retard the efforts
to relieve the destitute. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. |
June 12 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of Carranza’s “Manifesto to the Nation”
dated June 11, containing a statement of the Constitutionalist policy.
Request to lay it before the President. |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Same subject. Reports reception given at Ensenada to the President’s
statement of June 2. |
631 |
Mr De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits a message from himself to Mr. Silliman,
quoting a communication from President Lagos Cházaro to Carranza and
requesting its delivery. Lagos Cházaro informs Carranza that he seconds
the request of his predecessor, Garza, for an armistice and a conference
of the factions. |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Lansing |
June 13 |
Same subject. Reports favorable reception at San Luis Potosi of the
President’s statement. |
634 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 14 |
Same subject. Reports Carrancista ultimatum to Mexico City authorities
threatening attack if the capital is not surrendered. Acts of violence
are feared if the request for an armistice is refused by
Carrancistas |
322 |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Lansing. |
June 15 |
Same subject. Examples of confiscation and other brutalities ordered
by Villa. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request Carranza to give earnest
consideration to request for armistice made by Mexico City
authorities. |
638 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transcribes Conventionist proposal of armistice
terms. |
777 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits message from villa to Garza, forwarded to the
Department in Mr. Carothers’s June 11. Instructs him to deliver it to
President Lagos Chazato and copy to Garza. |
642 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. It is the general belief, including the leading
diplomats at the capital, that nothing would contribute more to a
settlement of factional differences than an immediate formal and
effective prohibition by the United States of exportation of arms and
ammunition to anybody in Mexico until the end of the trouble. |
779 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of communicating the substance of his 634 to
Silliman with instructions to request Carranza’s earnest consideration
of it; instructs him to do everything possible to obtain a peaceful
transfer of the capital to the Carrancistas. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 15 |
Same subject. Department’s June 15 presented to Carranza, who thanks
Department and says General Pablo Gonzalez has the necessary
instructions for deciding on any proposal made by the forces at present
holding the capital. |
322 |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reports confiscation by Villa of
Turkish subject’s merchandise. His protest is ignored. |
25 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hussein. |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of the substance of Mr. Schmutz’s 312 of
June 1. |
643 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 16 |
Political affairs. Transmits reply of the Conventionist Government to
the President’s statement of June 2. |
645 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports compliance with the requests contained in
Department’s 777 and 779. |
784 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his 631 of June 12 and informs him that
Silliman telegraphs thanks to him for his good offices and says there is
no reply to Cházaro. |
785 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of substance of Silliman’s June 15. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. |
June 17 |
Same subject. Refers to his June 12 and informs him that it has been
transmitted to the President. |
650 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Carrancista general refuses to consider an armistice and
a fight will occur when he approaches the city. Conventionists blame
this Government for not securing an armistice. Description of what will
happen, leaving the capital completely cut off from the world and given
up to despair. |
651 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Confirms his 650 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
June 18 |
Same subject. Instruction to say to Carranza that this Government is
determined to adopt such measures as may be expedient to preserve
Mexico, and to intimate that it is within the possibilities to this end
that the United States might recognize General Carranza in view of the
way things appear to be shaping themselves, but that if he does not go
the full length of conciliation and conference with all the principal
factions his recognition may be excluded from consideration. Various
acts prejudicial to peace seem to be sanctioned by his authority, such
as the exportation of supplies from famine-stricken regions. |
793 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
June 19 |
Same subject. Instruction to make representations to the authorities
in Mexico City similar to those sent to Mr. Silliman June 18. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to urge immediately upon Carranza to order
General Gonzalez to use great discretion on occupying Mexico City, to
avoid killing pacificos and especially to save foreign lives and
property. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. Villa’s Foreign Office at Chihuahua notifies the
Department of the appointment of Lagos Cházaro as President of the
Convention. |
326 |
Mr. Schmutz to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. In the matter reported in his 322 of
June 15 Villa refuses to admit his right to represent the Turkish
subject, saying the case should be taken up by the consular or
diplomatic representative of the Turkish Government. In view of the
general instruction of January 9, he requests instruction. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 21 |
Political affairs. Department’s instructions of June 19 earnestly
presented and previous assurances of guaranties by Gonzalez
repeated. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Cobb (telegram). |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. His action approved |
204 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Davis |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his 557 of May 8 |
226 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Guyant. |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to insist to Cantu that no forfeitures be
declared for nonpayment of taxes in Ensenada that have already been paid
in Chihuahua. |
795 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
June 22 |
Political affairs. Informs him of contents of Mr. Silliman’s June
21. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s June 18 and reports that Carranza
replies that under no circumstances will he treat with Zapata or Villa;
he does not want a recognition conditioned upon conciliation; in a
memorandum he states that proper amnesty will be decreed at the proper
time; those taking advantage of it to yield their arms. |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 23 |
Forced loans. Requests action to restrain San Luis Potosi authorities
from demanding forced loan. |
[Page LXXXV]
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
June 24 |
Same subject. Informs him of San Luis Potosi matter reported June 23
by Mr. Bonney and instructs him to request Villa to make this the
occasion for general orders to respect the rights of foreigners. |
Miners’ Committee to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 25 |
Protection of American mining interests. Refers to impending
enforcement of decree of Mar. 19; requests protection. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Bonney (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Informs him of instructions of June 24 to Mr. Carothers.
Instructs him to protest against threatened confiscation of the Cía
Metalúrgica’s property. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
June 26 |
Political affairs. Informs the Department of the appointment of Lagos
Chazaro as President of the Convention, vine Garza, resigned. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. Huerta is on train due at El Paso June 27, 6.30
a.m. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to advise immediately and cooperate with El
Paso representative of Department of Justice. |
Miners’ Committee to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Further information
concerning expected enforcement of decree of Mar. 19. |
37 |
Mr. Hussein to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to Department’s June 15. He has
no information regarding the designation of the German Consul at San
Luis Potosi; he understands that Turkish interests in all parts of
Mexico have been placed in the care of the United States. He will
inquire of the German Consul. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 27 |
Political affairs. Special messenger brings word of defeat of
Carranza’s forces by Zapatistas at Mexico City, which is entirely cut
off and without food. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. Reports arrest of Huerta and Orozco by an agent
of the Department of Justice, the responsibility being assumed by Mr.
Cobb. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports removal of Huerta and Orozco to Fort Bliss on
the responsibility of the Department of Justice. |
Mr. Bonney to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
June 28 |
Forced loans. Department’s June 25 was effective |
637 |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. As the result of his efforts, the
Mazatlan water works have been restored to the owners upon an order of
the Governor. |
Mr. Osborne to Miners’ Committee (telegram). |
June 29 |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to their June
25. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to report status of decree of Mar. 19 and of
his representations: and to do everything possible to obtain repeal of
the decree. |
Mr. Smith to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Taxation. Requests advice as to payment of taxes in Oaxaca. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Express to Villa Department’s appreciation of his prompt
action at San Luis Potosi. |
290 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Alger. |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Approves his action as reported in
his 617 of May 22. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. |
June 30 |
Political affairs. Incloses copy of reply to his representations made
by Carranza’s Foreign Office relating to depredations on property of
Americans at various points in the State of Vera Cruz; it concludes with
a remark on “the unbecoming tone of the telegrams of the State
Department which have called forth this reply.” |
Mr. Ferguson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. Transcribes telegram to him from the Governor
of Chihuahua requesting the provisional arrest of Huerta as a criminal
fugitive charged with murder, etc., and notification of intention to
request his extradition; his reply; telegram from Foreign Minister
Lombardo in the same sense; his reply. Requests the advice of the
Department. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Trial of Huerta et al. postponed to July 12. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Instruction to call
Carranza’s attention to the deplorable status of foreign-owned mining
properties, and of rights of foreigners in general. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Taxation. Instruction to repeat to Carranza that according to a
generally accepted principle of international law, property owners may
pay taxes to de facto authorities, and to insist that local laws in
conflict with this principle shall not be allowed to injure American
citizens. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. |
June 30 |
Protection of Turkish interests. Refers to hi Feb. 17 and incloses
further correspondence on the subject. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. |
July 1 |
Extradition of Huerta. Application for extradition of Huerta to the
Constitutionalist Government and reasons therefor. |
Mr. Lessing to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 2 |
Same subject. Application for extradition of Huerta to the
Constitutionalist Government and reason therefor. |
Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. Information of order to Genera Funston to prevent Huerta
from crossing the boundary into Mexico until further orders. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. By order of the military governor of
Tamaulipas, a Spanish subject was compelled to give up 19,300 Villista
pesos. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Incloses copy of a dispatch from Mr.
Bonney regarding his action in securing the release of Mr. Garcin, a
French citizen. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 3 |
Extradition of Huerta. After arrest on second complaint Huerta failed
to give bond and has been sent to county jail. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. States, under instructions from the Provisional
Government, that General Huerta, if surrendered to the Chihuahua State
authorities will be given a fair and impartial trial by a competent
civil tribunal; gives precedent for his extradition. |
662 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 4 |
Political affairs. Transmits letter from the Dean of the Diplomatic
Corps summarizing a statement made by the Conventionist Government which
believing that this Government is favoring Carranza, refuses to
acknowledge any responsibility for the violence that may result if the
capital has to be evacuated; this responsibility is upon Carranza and
the United States. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 5 |
Extradition of Huerta. Huerta expects to give bond on July 6; urges
his detention without bond and removal from the border on account of the
revolution forming under Huerta’s leadership. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. The decree is practically
suspended until the end of the year. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
July 6 |
Protection of Spanish interests. Instruction to express to Carranza
gratification with the restoration of the Mazatlan water works. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ferguson (telegram). |
July 7 |
Extradition of Huerta. Department considers extradition unwise at this
time. |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Request that Mr. Bonney be thanked for
his action regarding Mr. Garcin. |
808 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
July 8 |
Political affairs. Refers to his 662. Department disclaims
responsibility for the interpretation put upon this Government’s acts by
the Conventionists; this Government favors no faction. Quotes the
instruction of June 18 sent to Silliman, in part, and Mr. Silliman’s
reply of the 22d. Carranza’s inflexible attitude creates the gravest
situation; this Government has used its best efforts for peace but has
not been met with cooperation by the Mexicans whom it desires to
serve. |
Mr. Lansing to Miners’ Committee. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to their June 26;
refers to Department’s June 29. |
48 |
Mr. Coen to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Protection of French interests. Reports the danger to foreigners in
the territory controlled by the Villista officer, General Contreras,
illustrated by his threats against a French citizen, M. Chanel. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). |
July 9 |
Etxradition of Huerta. Reply to his July 3 and July 5. Informs him
that proceedings in connection with Gen. Huerta are being handled
entirely by the Department of Justice. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Huerta has waived preliminary hearing and will be held
at Fort Bliss without bond until December term of court at San
Antonio. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Garrett (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Reply to his July 2. Unless requested
by the Spanish Embassy to take action, the Department would not be
justified in acting. |
26 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hussein. |
July 9 |
Protection of Turkestan interests. Reply to his June 26. Incloses copy
of Mr. Schmutz’s 326 of June 19. Inquires whether or not the Turkish
Government has any diplomatic or consular representative in Mexico, and
requests a statement of its wishes in the case in hand. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 10 |
Political affairs. Reports entry of Carrancista troops into the
capital. |
Mr. Mendez to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. The Minister of Guatemala informs the Secretary of State
that in pursuance of conferences with him on July 7 he had written to
the President of Guatemala that Mr. Lansing had informed him that the
President of the United States authorized him to invite the Ambassadors
of Brazil, Chile, and Argentina and the Ministers of Bolivia, Uruguay
and Guatemala to an informal conference on the recognition of a
government in Mexico, which he had accepted. He incloses copy of this
letter and of the reply instructing him unreservedly to cooperate with
the Secretary. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. |
do |
Extradition of Huerta. Reply to his letter of July 1. Owing to the
absence of a recognized federal government in Mexico and the well-known
conditions existing throughout Mexico, the Department must decline to
comply with the request for the extradition of Huerta. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Lessing. |
do |
Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of his telegram of July 2. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Llorente. |
do |
Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of July 3. |
671 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing. |
July 11 |
Political affairs. Department’s 808 will be communicated to the
Diplomatic Corps; as there are no Convention authorities in the city, he
requests instructions as to communicating it to them where they
are. |
Mr. De Pena to Mr. Lansing. |
July 12 |
Same subject. Referring to the invitation mentioned by Mr. Mendez in
his July 10, the Minister of Uruguay states that he is authorized by his
Government to place himself at the Secretary’s service in regard to an
international conference on Mexico. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Smith. |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his June 29 |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. |
July 13 |
Political affairs. Incloses copy of telegram from Carranza setting
forth his efforts to reestablish civil government in the capital and
improve food conditions. |
672 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. General Gonzalez appears to be well intentioned; he has
allowed reestablishment of cable service and offered to assist
International Relief Committee. |
Mr. Lansing to the diplomatic representatives of Argentina, Brazil,
Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Uruguay (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Owing to present conditions in Mexico, he asks whether
they have been authorized by their Governments to participate in a
conference on Mexican affairs. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Requests Carranza be informed
of the confiscatory effect of his decree in many cases. |
548 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Amplifies the foregoing |
813 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
July 14 |
Political affairs. Reply to his 671; Department’s 808 will be
delivered to Conventionists by Carothers. Department is gratified at the
splendid work done by the Brazilian Minister in the recent crisis in
Mexico City. |
109 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Schmutz. |
July 15 |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his 326 and incloses for his
information a copy of Department’s note to Mr. Hussein of July 9. |
819 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
July 16 |
Political affairs. Reply to his 672; instructs him to say to General
Gonzalez that the Department is favorably impressed with his attitude
and hopes nothing will deter him from his good purposes; instructs him
to inform the General that this statement is being copied to Silliman
for Carranza. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs him to say to Carranza that the Department is
favorably impressed with General Gonzalez attitude and hopes nothing
will deter him therefrom. |
Batopilas Mining Co. to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of official
notice that enforcement of the decree of Mar. 19 will be postponed to
August or later. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. |
July 17 |
Political affairs. Acknowledges his letter of July 13 |
677 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 18 |
Same subject. Reports evacuation of Mexico City by General Gonzalez
under pretext of need for retaking Pachuca. Conditions are every day
further away from improvement; he considers the situation
boneless. |
678 |
Same to same (telegram) |
July 19 |
Same subject. Zapatistas occupy the city on July 18 and President
Cházaro and Conventionist Government are expected. Everything as
hopeless as before. |
827 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. De Oliveira (telegram). |
July 20 |
Same subject. Instruction to communicate Department’s 808 of July 8 to
Conventionists or Villistas if either obtains control of Mexico
City. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 21 |
Same subject. Reasons given by Constitutionalists for withdrawal from
Mexico City. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Firing and raids. Calls attention to the capture of Naco by Calles, in
direct violation of the agreement of Jan. 11; declares that Maytorena
has adhered strictly to this agreement. Suggests that this Government
prohibit exportation of munitions of war from the American side of Naco,
authority for which is to be found in the act approved Mar. 14,
1912. |
Mr. Brown to Mr. Canova |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of Carranza’s
decree of June 19, 1915, extending time for payment of delinquent
taxes. |
Mr. Haff to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Taxation. Incloses circulars showing the intention of the Carranza
Government to ignore the principles of international law respecting the
sufficiency of payment of taxes to de facto authorities. Urges
protection of American interests against second collection of the same
tax. |
683 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 22 |
Political affairs. Zapatistas who took possession of Mexico City after
evacuation are indulging in violence; appeals to President Cházaro at
Toluca unavailing: impossible to obtain redress. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Llorente. |
do |
Firing and raids. Special attention is being given to the matter set
forth in his July 21. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to urge upon Carranza to direct Calles
immediately to withdraw from Naco—a neutral point, as provided in the
agreement of Jan. 11—and to desist from his designs upon Nogales; also
to inform Calles that he will be held personally responsible for any act
dangerous to American citizens at these towns. This Government expects
Carranza to act with great promptness in giving these orders to
Calles. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Urges requesting Carranza to
send telegraphic notice of extension of time for tax payments so as to
prevent heavy fines. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
July 23 |
Same subject. Instructs him to present to Carranza the request in Mr.
Hanna’s July 22. |
Mr. Slay den to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests a vigorous protest against confiscating mining
taxes. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Silliman |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his June 30. Instructs him
to use his good offices in behalf of Turkish subjects, saying that he is
acting on instructions from the Department as a result of action by the
Turkish Government. Further instructs him to protest unofficially
against the summary executions mentioned in his Feb. 16 and to make
similar protests in the future if there should be danger of such
violence. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hussein |
do |
Same subject. In view of the inability of the Brazilian Minister in
Mexico to use his good offices in behalf of Turkish subjects, it is
suggested that his Government be asked to designate some one else to
represent its interests. |
Mr. Breckinridge to General Funston (telegram). |
July 24 |
Firing and raids. Explains the reason for not permitting him to cross
the border in using force to protect American life and property on the
American side, namely the necessity of retaining at Washington the final
discretion in so important a matter. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Alger |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Commends him for his action as
reported in his 637. |
Mr. A dee to Mr. Jusserand |
July 24 |
Protection of French interests. Gives the substance of Mr. Coen’s 48
of July 8. |
Mr. Kai Fu Shah to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Chinese Minister asks that the
nearest American Consul to Cananea be instructed to exercise his good
offices in behalf of Chinese there. |
690 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 25 |
Political affairs. Transmits message from American Society and
International Committee describing the chaos in Mexico City and the
contempt of those in possession for this Government. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Da Gama (telegram). |
July 26 |
Same subject. Having now heard definitely from all the countries
except Brazil on the subject of an international conference on Mexican
affairs, it is desirable to know the disposition of his
Government. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports the end of hope for voluntary agreement among
the factions; Villa’s organization about to collapse but Villa remains a
menace; recommends an embargo or other method of ending it. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. The Foreign Secretary informs him that Naco had been
evacuated by the military authorities after establishing civil
authorities; was not informed as to the movement on Nogales. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Villa has attempted to make a
forced loan; resistance of Chihuahua mine operators may cause trouble;
he has requested Escudero to publish notice of postponement of applying
the decree. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request of Carranza immediate and
material modification of the confiscatory decree of Mar. 1. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Same subject and tenor |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports extension of old tax law for one quarter. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
July 27 |
Firing and raids. Refers to his July 26; instructs him to inform the
Foreign Office that Calles has outposts six miles from Nogales and
indications are that he will attack soon. The site of Nogales is such
that any attack would necessarily endanger life and property on the
American side. Bring the matter immediately to the attention of the
Foreign Office. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s July
26. Government takes the same ground, as to the mining decree of Mar. 1,
as in regard to the export taxes. |
377 |
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Taxation. Reports having induced Cantú to reduce taxes in Lower
California. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. At request of Chinese Legation you
are authorized to exercise good offices behalf Chinese citizens at
Cananea and other points of your district. |
Mr. Phillips to Mr. Silliman. |
July 28 |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of Mr. Hanna’s
dispatch 548 of July 13 and instructs him to bring its contents to the
attention of the appropriate authorities, adding that this Government
expects modification of the decree of March 1. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes Mr. Silliman’s July 26 |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Reply to Mr. A dee’s July 24; requests
that Mr. Coen be directed to use his influence to insure the safety of
M. Chanel’s life and property. |
Mr. Lansing to the Plenipotentiaries of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia,
Chile, Guatemala, and Uruguay (telegram). |
July 29 |
Political affairs. Requests informal conference of the Washington
representatives of the conferring powers on August 5. |
The Plenipotentiaries to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Accept the above invitation |
692 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits another appeal from the American Society to
this Government for aid and description of the intolerable conditions in
Mexico City. |
693 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Zapatistas again evacuate the capital; description of
chaotic conditions. |
[Page XC]
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 29 |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to the foregoing.
Believes tax collection in gold will not be required. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s May 18. Carranza assumes that a
product sold for gold should be taxed in gold, but at the instance of
Mr. Hanna has agreed to postpone collection in gold until the next
quarter. |
694 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
July 30 |
Political affairs. Zapatistas have evacuated and reoccupied the city
three times in five days; the so-called Conventionist Government remains
at Toluca inactive and impotent; danger and hopelessness properly
describe the state of Mexico City. |
481 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hanna |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to his 548 of July 13;
incloses copy of instruction of July 23 to Mr. Silliman and quotes Mr.
Silliman’s July 27. |
658 |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing. |
July 31 |
Same subject. Villa on July 12, requested a loan of $300,000 from the
Mine and Smelter Operators Association to be repaid in tax and freight
credits. The association declined and now requests the Department’s
advice as to their proper course in cases of forced loans. |
Mr. Kai Fu Shah to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Chinese Minister requests protection
of American Consular and naval officers for Chinese at and near
Guaymas. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 2 |
Protection of American mining interests. Villa has called a meeting of
all mining men in Chihuahua to occur Aug. 9 “to receive proposition of
grave import;” failure to attend will be penalized by closing
properties. |
699 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 3 |
Political affairs. Carrancistas occupy the capital under General
Gonzalez, but the distress remains as acute as ever. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Taylor (telegram) |
do |
Protection of Chinese interests. Exercise good offices on behalf
Chinese in vicinity of Guayamas. |
701 |
Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 4 |
Political affairs. Americans will be allowed to retain their arms; the
suffering increases. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. Attack on Nogales has begun. He has given the usual
warning as to firing across the line. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reports confusion in the tax
collector’s office at Monterey, due to obscure instructions. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Forwards statement by foreign and Mexican mine owners
protesting against tax collection in gold. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Coen (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Instruction to use his influence to
secure respect for Mr. Chanel’s life and property. |
1516 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his July 28; informs him of the instruction to
Mr. Coen. |
Mr. Villa to Messrs. Llorente and Bonilla (telegram). |
Aug. 5 |
Political affairs. Statement of policy of Villa; peace conference not
requested nor opposed. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. General Villa has handed him a message saying that
as the Carrancista attack on Nogales was a direct violation of the
Calles-Maytorena agreement of Jan. 11, Villa declines any responsibility
for what may happen unless this Government forces Carrancistas to
respect said agreement. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to inform Carranza that if there is firing
across the line at Nogales, the fire will be returned immediately by the
American forces; the action of Calles is in direct violation of the
agreement of Jan. 11. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Quotes from Mr. Hanna’s Aug.
4; instructs to urge sending orders to Monterey tax collector to accept
currency. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his Aug. 4; refers to the foregoing telegram to
Mr. Silliman. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to interview mining men as to the meeting
called by Villa for Aug. 9. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. He will see Villa as to mining conference. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). |
Aug. 6 |
Firing and raids. Same instructions as the foregoing to Silliman, for
presentation to Calles and to Maytorena. |
[Page XCI]
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 6 |
Same subject. In reply to Department’s Aug. 5, the Foreign Office says
Calles has been instructed not to endanger Americans or their
interests. |
Mine and Smelter operators to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Request that representations
be made to Villa to forestall any attempt to impose a forced
loan. |
Mr. Lansing to Mine and Smelter Operators (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Suggests keeping in close touch with Mr.
Carothers. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Tax collection is to be under old law until Aug.
31. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
Aug. 7 |
Same subject. Quotes Mr. Silliman’s Aug. 6 |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 8 |
Firing and raids. In reply to Department’s Aug. 6 Calles replies that
in the attack on Nogales of Aug. 4 no bullet crossed American territory;
his men have orders to prevent injuries on the American side; as to the
agreement of Jan. 11, Maytorena’s occupation of Naco nullified it.
Requests that all representations be made directly to Carranza. |
Mr. Lansing to the Plenipotentiaries of the conferring powers. |
Aug. 9 |
Political affairs. Incloses draft of communication to be made to the
chiefs of factions, agreed upon at the meeting of the conferees on Aug.
5. |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Calls a meeting of the Conference for Aug. 11 in New
York City and requests their presence. |
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. |
Aug. 10 |
Same subject. Under instructions from Carranza, he protests against
any consideration that may be given at the conferences of the powers of
measures that would interfere with the Constitutionalist
operations. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. Villa authorizes General Scott to treat in his name
for an armistice of three months in order to open railroads, all troops
remaining where they are; Scott to bring Zapata into the conferences and
any faction refusing to treat on peace to be cut off from obtaining
munitions of war from the United States. |
General Funston to War Department. |
do |
Same subject. As it is impossible when pursuing outlaws to determine
whether they are residents of the United States or of Mexico, he deems
it his duty to continue using military to capture them. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Generals Scott and Villa
conferred Aug. 10, and agreed, among other things, on a suspension of
the miners’ meeting set for Aug. 9. |
General Scott to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Same subject and tenor |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Instruction to inform the Spanish
Ambassador of any news he may have of the Spanish confidential agent,
Zapico, not heard from for a month. |
Mr. Polk to Mr. Letcher |
Aug. 11 |
Protection of American mining interests. Acknowledges No. 658 of July
31. Immediate notice of any attempt to impose a forced loan upon Mine
and Smelter Operators’ Association should be given the
Department. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Instruction to make earnest endeavor to obtain Villa’s
withdrawal of confiscatory tax on cotton belonging to Tlahualilo Co. and
others. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Señor Zapico arrived at El Paso Aug.
9. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Instruction to investigate reported
kidnapping of Henry Huguet, a French citizen, held for a ransom of
$10,000. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 12 |
Protection of American mining interests. Convinced Villa of
impracticability of enforcing proposed mining decrees. He has agreed to
let mining men alone and to discuss with them problem of keeping
railroads open. Promises protection. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Letcher (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of result of Scott-Villa meeting. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. Requests that commanders of United
States vessels in Mexican waters give refuge in their ships to Spaniards
in case of need. |
[Page XCII]
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). |
Aug. 13 |
Political affairs. Instruction to deliver, translated into Spanish, to
General Zapata and all other prominent military and civil authorities in
central and southern Mexico whom he can possibly reach, the following
message from the Secretary of State, the Ambassadors of Argentina,
Brazil, and Chile, and the Ministers of Bolivia, Guatemala, and Uruguay:
[Text of a communication, dated Aug. 11, made severally, independently,
and unanimously by the seven above-named plenipotentiaries who,
believing that if the men directing the armed conflict in Mexico could
meet to exchange ideas and determine the fate of their country a
satisfactory provisional government might be created, whose first step
should be an immediate call to general elections; an adequate meeting
place within Mexico should serve as the seat of such a conference. The
seven plenipotentiaries offer, upon invitation, to serve as
intermediaries for arranging the time, place, and other details of such
a conference. They expect a reply to this communication within 10 days
after receipt thereof, subject to prorogation for cause.] Further
instruction to say to General Zapata that, an identical message has been
sent to General Villa and his chiefs; to see that the agent at Puebla
obtains a copy: and to telegraph dates of deliveries. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to deliver the above-mentioned message of
Aug. 11 to all prominent military and civil authorities in his district,
and to repeat to certain consuls for like action. |
Mr. Lansing to Genera Scott (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. Quotes telegram to Consulate General at Monterey
instructing to ascertain whether Obregon will meet Scott at Laredo or
Tampico in an informal conference regarding welfare of Mexico. Suggests
that he may be able to arrange for a conference direct. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Refers to Department’s May 18
and incloses copy of his representation to the Foreign Office and
replies thereto. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Continue efforts to have Villa remove confiscatory tax on
cotton. |
Mr. Lansing to various American Consuls and other representatives in
Mexico (telegram). |
Aug. 14 |
Political affairs. Instruction to deliver the above-mentioned message
to equivalent authorities in their districts. |
Mr. Lansing to all consuls and other representatives of the United
States in Mexico. |
do |
Same subject. Incloses printed text of the above-mentioned
message. |
Mr. Breckinridge to General Funston (telegram). |
Aug. 16 |
Firing and raids. The President wishes to impress upon him the
necessity of the greatest moderation and caution lest his plans for a
peaceful solution be nullified by inception of armed conflict on the
border. |
General Scott to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 17 |
Same subject. He will await at El Paso notification of result of
interview of Consul at San Luis Potosi with Obregon and the consequent
instructions. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Garrison. |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copies of letters
from Miners’ Association in regard to the services of General Scott in
preventing Villa from molesting mining men. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
Aug. 19 |
Political affairs. Communicates Villa’s acceptance of the invitation
of the plenipotentiaries, contained in the message of Aug. 11, for
himself and the Conventionist Government, under date of Aug. 16. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riaño |
do |
Protection of Spanish interests. His Aug. 12 has been referred to the
Secretary of the Navy. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers. |
Aug. 20 |
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses copy of a letter
from the Miner’s Association commending his services at the Scott-Villa
meeting. |
324 |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Taxation. Reports increasing number of requests for advice as to tax
payments; requests instructions. |
Mr. Lansing to General Scott (telegram). |
Aug. 23 |
Firing and raids. Consul at San Luis Potosi telegraphs that Obregon
asserts he can not go to Tampico or border unless ordered by
Carranza. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Instructs to report as to cotton tax |
[Page XCIII]
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. |
Aug. 23 |
Protection of French interests. In view of threatened seizure of
$5,000,000 worth of cotton consigned to French firms in Mexico, requests
appropriate instructions to American customs authorities on the border,
as well as an investigation of the facts. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Aug. 24 |
Political affairs. Transmits Carranza’s inquiry whether the message of
the plenipotentiaries was communicated on the authority of their
Governments or in their private capacities. |
Same to same |
Aug. 26 |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s July
28; refers to his Aug. 6 and 13, concerning the extension of time for
payment of mine taxes to Aug. 31 |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Taxation. Reply to Department’s Aug. 23; impossible to get cotton tax
removed. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of French interests. Informs him of the threatened cotton
seizure and instructs him to investigate. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Incloses copy of his note to the
Foreign Office in pursuance of Department’s instruction of July
23. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
Aug. 27 |
Political affairs. Acceptance of the invitation contained in the
message of Aug. 11. |
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Protection of British interests. Reports seizure of cattle owned by a
cousin of William Benton. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Johnson (telegram). |
Aug. 28 |
Firing and raids. Instruction to urge Mexican authorities at Matamoros
that as firing from Mexican side on United States troops, especially
from a point opposite Mercedes, Texas, has occurred daily since Aug. 22,
they should take immediate action to prevent further firing, the matter
being sufficiently grave to lead to the most serious
consequences. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructions similar to the foregoing, for presentation
to Carranza. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. The Foreign Office says strict
orders have been given to prevent any disorder on Mexican side, and
requests same instructions on American side. |
Mr. Puig to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports calling on Matamoros commander and requesting
cessation of firing to American side. Was told that everything was being
done to that end. Complaint was made, in turn, that there is constant
shooting to the Mexican side. |
Mr. Robertson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Mexican authorities are not
fulfilling promise made as per Mr. Silliman’s telegram quoted in
Department’s July 28. Requests instructions. |
75 |
Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing. |
Aug. 29 |
Political affairs. Incloses copies of replies of Zapata, Pacheco,
Palafox, Baz, and Borrego to the message of Aug. 11; Borrego replies for
President Lagos Chazaro. |
Mr. Puig to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Firing and raids. Commander Matamoros district, Nafarrate, personally
assures him he has given strict orders to assist in every way possible
to avoid trouble. |
General Funston to the War Department (telegram). |
Aug. 30 |
Same subject. Urgently demands more troops; further delay is
dangerous. |
580 |
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing |
do |
Religious orders. Incloses protests to Obregon and Berlanga made by
Catholic women, concerning persecutions by Constitutionalists. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Robertson (telegram). |
Aug. 31 |
Protection of American mining interests. Suggests that miners await
Mr. Silliman’s reply to Department’s Aug. 31 to him. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request two months’ extension of time to
pay taxes under decree of Mar. 1, while reserving all rights under
previous protest against the decree. |
479 |
Mr. Osborne to Mr Simpich. |
do |
Taxation. Reply to his 324 of Aug. 20 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Informs him that advices from Mexico
show no intention of seizure of cotton. |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Henry Huguet has arrived safely at his home. |
Mr. Robinson to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 1 |
Political affairs. Incloses a statement by the Government of the State
of Oaxaca of its views of the message of Aug. 11. |
[Page XCIV]
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 1 |
Firing and raids. Complains of firing by American soldiers on the
American side at Mexican soldiers on the Mexican side at Matamoros,
wounding two. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Aug. 28, 1 p.m., and his own Aug.
28, 8 p.m. He has received written reply to his representations, stating
that orders have been given to refrain from anything that might cause
friction with the United States and for punishment of soldiers found
disobedient. His Government expects a reciprocal attitude and a
redoubling of vigilance to prevent disturbers of peace in Texas from
taking refuge on Mexican side. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s Aug.
31. Carranza has decreed temporary reductions of taxes and suspension of
rates of decree of Mar. 1 until Mar. 1. 1916. |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Incloses text of decree of Aug. 31, referred to in his
telegram of Sent. 1. |
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 2 |
Forced loans. General Peláez at Vera Cruz renewed his demand for
50,000 pesos within 72 hours, made upon the Penn-Mex. Fuel Co. On their
refusal he closed pumping station and secured 5,600 pesos and work was
resumed. The company desires representations to Carranza requesting
armed force to protect their interests. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
Sept. 3 |
Political affairs. Refers to his Aug. 24. Instruction to inform
Carranza that the Secretary of State is formally authorized by the
Ambassadors of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile and the Ministers of
Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guatemala to communicate the following: “My
signature to the communication of August 11 was in my official
capacity.” On his own behalf he sends an identical communication. |
41 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to telegraph statement of conditions in
Mexico City, number of Americans that have left since arrival of
Constitutionalists, status of railway communication with Vera Cruz,
probable number of Americans who will leave at once, and attitude of
American colony toward him. |
50 |
Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 4 |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s 41 of Sept. 3. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Robertson (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Quotes Mr. Silliman’s Sent.
1. |
Mr. Roberston to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 5 |
Same subject. Inquires whether the 4-month period payments specified
in the new decree are the rates per annum and are payable in
currency. |
Mr. Naón to Mr. Lansing |
Sept. 6 |
Political affairs. Asks when the next conference on Mexican affairs
will be held. |
Mr. Arredondo to the President. |
do |
Firing and raids. Incloses copy of a communication to the Secretary of
State protesting in behalf of the Carranza Government against
insinuations in the American press tending to embroil the border
situation and impute to the Carrancista forces participation in border
disturbances, whereas the Carranza Government is the first to deplore
such a state of affairs. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Naón |
Sept. 7 |
Political affairs. The conference is being postponed in expectation of
Carranza’s reply to the message of Aug. 11. |
1531 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. |
do |
Protection of French interests. Reply to his Aug. 23 in regard to
report of threatened seizure of cotton. |
45 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker, (telegram). |
Sept. 9 |
Political affairs. Reply to his No. 50. The Department is again making
representations to Carranza in behalf of the suffering poor of Mexico
City. |
59 |
Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Forwards protest against new
decree, made by American Society of Mexico. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes Mr. Robertson’s Sept. 5 |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Forced loans. Refers to Mr. Bevan’s Sept. 2 and instructs to request
Villa to order Peláez to withdraw demand and cease interfering. |
[Page XCV]
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 10 |
Political affairs. Transmits reply of Carranza, dated Sept. 10, to the
message of Aug. 11 from the plenipotentiaries. Carranza declines to
accept the invitation thereby offered; gives his reasons at length;
offers, in his turn, an invitation to the plenipotentiaries to confer
with him on the border for the purpose of discussing Mexican affairs,
solely from the international standpoint and solely to determine whether
or not they consider him to be exercising a de facto government with all
the attributes for recognition as such and, if so, of recommending to
their Governments his recognition in that character. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo |
do |
Firing and raids. Reply to the letter of Sept. 6 addressed to the
President. Quotes the substance of telegrams from General Funston and
Colonel Bullard giving instances of firing to the American side by
Carrancistas. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s Sept.
9. The new decree makes gradual increase of rates until Mar. 1, 1916,
when rates of superseded decree will be effective; payments to be, made
in gold or its equivalent. |
Mr. Lansing to certain American Consuls (telegram). |
Sept. 11 |
Protection of American interests, instruction to induce all Americans,
and incidentally other foreigners in their districts, to leave Mexico
without any delay; directions in case of their personal danger. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Quotes Mr. Parker’s Sept. 9
and instructs to continue efforts to prevent increase of tax and
confiscation of mining properties. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his No. 59 of Sept. 9, of which Mr. Silliman
has been informed, with instructions. |
Mr. Touche to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Requests intervention to protect his
property in Chihuahua. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 13 |
Political affairs. Refutes statements made by Carranza in the reply of
Sept. 10, and accuses him of seeking a dictatorship. |
Mr. Lansing to the Plenipotentiaries of the powers in
conference. |
do |
Same subject. Calls a meeting of the plenipotentiaries for Sept.
15. |
Mr. Da Gama to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Can not attend the conference on Sept. 15 on account of
illness. |
Mr. Garrison to Mr. Lansing. |
do |
Firing and raids. Incloses copies of instructions which General
Funston proposes to give for the suppression of raids, and approval
thereof. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Robertson (telegram). |
do |
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to his Sept. 5. Quotes
Mr. Silliman’s Sept. 10. |
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Sept. 11; gives the Mexican
Government’s argument; suggests that miners present their case directly
to the Secretary of Hacienda. |
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Da Gama (telegram). |
Sept. 14 |
Political affairs. Postpones conference until Sept. 18 and changes the
meeting place to New York City. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). |
Sept. 15 |
Firing and raids. Raids by both Villa and Carranza troops into Arizona
are increasing, practically without opposition. Urges that military be
given more authority, with detachments at more points. |
Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lansing. |
Sept. 17 |
Political affairs. Protest of Villista Government against the
invitation of Carranza to the plenipotentiaries to confer with
him. |
Same subject. Lists of replies to the message of Aug. 11, received up
to Sept. 18 from military and civil officers of the Carrancista and the
Conventionist factions; the former all refer the matter to Carranza, the
latter refer it to Villa with the exception of certain acceptances
without such reference. |
General Funston to Mr. Garrison. |
Sept. 17 |
Firing and raids. Reports firing across border by Carrancista troops
opposite Brownsville and return of fire, the Mexican officers trying to
make it appear that United States troops fired first. |
Mr. Lansing to Messrs. Letcher and Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Protection of Turkish interests. Instruction to render good offices in