Exclusion of Goo Kwai, an American citizen of Chinese birth

[431] Minister Hartman to the Secretary of State.

File No. 322.112G64.

[432] [Untitled]

File No. 322.112G64/1.

[433] Minister Hartman to the Secretary of State.

File No. 322.112G64/2.

[434] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Ecuador.

File No. 322.112G64/2./2

[435] The Secretary of State to Minister Hartman.

File No. 322.112G64/1.

[436] The Minister of Ecuador to the Secretary of State.

File No. 322.112G64/3.

[437] [Untitled]

File No. 322.112.G64/4.

[438] The Secretary of State to Minister Hartman.

File No. 322.112GG4/4.

[439] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Ecuador.

File No. 322.112G64/4.