No. 365.
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard.

No. 97.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herein three copies of the quarterly statement of the revenue of the Hawaiian treasury, published “by authority,” showing the receipts and expenditures for the quarter ending December 31, 1886.

Among the expenditures the $150,366.62 itemized as “special loan” represents the sum paid Spreckels & Co., being the full amount due that firm for accommodation loans, concerning which there has been [Page 568] some newspaper comments and rumors of repudiation by the Government on account of their supposed illegality. The only remaining indebtedness of the Government to Spreckels & Co., outside the subsidy accruing monthly to the steam-ship line, is on bonds not yet due, which, I am informed, the Government offers to pay at par, but the holders decline to surrender.

I have, etc.,

Geo. W. Merrill.
[Inclosure in No. 97.]

quarterly statement of revenue.

Following is the statement of receipts and expenditures of the Hawaiian treasury for the quarter ending December 31, 1886:

Receipts and expenditures Hawaiian treasury for the three months ending December 31, 1886.

October. November. December. Total.
Balance from September $49,132.51
Fines, penalties, and cost $4,994.84 $2,932.99 $2,970.20 10,853.03
Interior department 40,030.38 33,057.27 100,098.18
Customs receipts 53,234.39 50,279.3 38,508.00 142,021.72
Government realizations 27.75 1.50 170.25 199.50
Loan fund, October 15, 1886 185,000.00 115,000.00 5,000.00 305,000.00
Brands 37.00 37.00
Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank 11,000.00 11,000.00 3,000.00 25,000.00
Revenue stamps 1,589.00 1,314.50 1,323.00 4,226.50
Internal revenue 26,645.74 193,747.38 220,393.12
Total 295,868.36 234,784.59 277,776.10 857,561.56
Civil list 2,377.00 10,625.33 9,543.00 22,545.33
Permanent settlements 100.00 538.00 701.50 1,341.50
Judiciary 7,056.25 6,836.25 5,298.50 19,191.00
Attorney-general 11,739.11 16,541.28 8,170.83 36,451.22
Department of foreign affairs 8,242.61 19,674.87 14,775.21 42,692.69
Interior department 70,705.22 58,579.54 119,798.12 249,082.88
Finance department 134,112.79 29,993.60 23,419.74 187,526.13
Board of health 16,759.36 22,235.67 5,873.46 44,808.49
Special loan 20,000.00 51,163.00 79,203.62 150,366.62
Expense of legislature, 1886 6,894.28 3,878.10 637.17 11,409.55
Board of education 6,726.63 3,283.00 10,009.63
Balance, cash in treasury 277,986.62 226,792.27 270,706.15 775,485.04
P. P. Kanoa,
Minister of Finance.