Correspondence with the legation of the Netherlands at Washington.
[536] No. 536.
Mr. de
Wechherlin to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of the Netherlands,
New York, November 8, 1886. (Received November 10.)
New York, November 8, 1886. (Received November 10.)
[538] No. 538.
Mr. de
Weekherlin to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of the Netherlands,
Washington, May 3, 1887. (Received May 4.)
Washington, May 3, 1887. (Received May 4.)
[539] No. 539.
Mr. de
Weckcherlin to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of the Netherlands,
New York, June 28, 1887. (Received June 29.)
New York, June 28, 1887. (Received June 29.)