No. 364.
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard.

No. 96.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herein the quarterly statement of the collector general of customs showing the principal domestic exports of the Hawaiian Kingdom for the quarter ending December 31, 1886; also containing a comparative table of exports for the years 1885 and 1886. A comparison of the total export values for the two past years gives the following result:

Domestic exports, 1886 $10,340,375.17
Domestic exports, 1885 8,958,663.88
Increase, 1886 1,381,711.29

I have, etc.,

George W. Merrill.
[Inclosure in No. 96.]

Domestic exports of Hawaii.

custom-house returns.

We have been permitted by his excellency the minister of finance to publish the report of the collector general of customs, which is as follows:

Finance Department, Bureau of Customs,
Honolulu, H. I., January 3, 1887.

His Excellency Paul P. Kanoa,
H. M.’s Minister of Finance:

Sir: I have the honor to submit to your excellency the table of the principal domestic exports of the Hawaiian Islands for the, quarter ending December 31, 1886. Also, a comparative table of exports for the twelve months 1885, and the corresponding period 1886.

With the highest respect and esteem, I have the honor to be your excellency’s very obedient humble servant,

Jno. M. Kapena
[Page 567]

Quantities and values of the principal domestic exports by customs districts for the three months ending December 31, 1886.

Articles. Honolulu. Kahului. Hilo. Total at all ports.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Sugar, pounds 12,920,851 $527,039.67 295,163 $14,266.36 539,550 $24,950.73 13,755,564 $566,256.76
Molasses, gallons 45,746 6,057 4,320 453.60 50,066 6,510.60
Rice, pounds 1,936.900 76,800.55 1,936,900 76,800.55
Coffee, pounds 1,300 220.00 1,300 220.00
Bananas, bunches 10,760 10,407.00 10,760 10,407.00
Taro flour, pounds 220 15.00 220 23.22 440 38.22
Goat-skins. pieces 6,690 3,733.00 6,690 3,733.00
Hides, pieces 8,302 27,929.42 508 2,170.62 165 604.37 8,975 30,641.41
Calf-skins, pieces 105 105.00 105 105.00
Sheep-skins, pieces 1,895 189.00 1,895 189,00
Tallow, pounds 5,420 216.00 5,420 216.00
Wool, pounds 345,604 30,372.08 345,601 30,372.08
Betel leaves, boxes 72 360.00 72 360.00
Awa, pounds 15,740 2,820.00 3,767 656.54 19,507 3,476.54
Sundries 1,456.00 1,456.00
Total value 687,719.72 16,397.20 26,665.24 730,782.16

Quantities and values of the principal domestic exports for the twelve months ending December 31, 1885 and 1886, showing increase and decrease.

Articles. Twelve months ending December 31, 1885. Twelve months ending December 31, 1886, Quantities.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Increase. Decrease.
Sugar, pounds 171,350,314 $8,356,061.04 216,223,615 $9,775,132.12 44,873,301
Rice, pounds 7,367,253 387,296.63 7,338.615 326,628.98 28,638
Hides, pieces 19,045 71,532.78 31,207 111,910.72 12,162
Bananas, bunches 60,046 58,809.50 45,862 43,824.25 14,184
Wool, pounds 474,121 49,573.93 418,784 37,872.08 55,337
Goat-skins, pieces 19,782 15,023.32 21,173 12,644.35 1,391
Molasses, gallons 57,941 7,050.00 113,137 14,501.76 55,198
Dried bananas, boxes 892 4,265.00 892
Betel leaves, boxes 350 1,945.00 295 1,482.50 55
Sheep-skins, pieces 8,783 1,735.62 9,255 988.00 472
Coffee, pounds 1,675 283.00 5,931 1,067.00 4,256
Fungus, pounds 1,137 113.70 1,137
Calf-skins, pieces 26 20.00 105 105.00 79
Taro flour, pounds 440 38.22 440
Tallow, pounds 21,305 1,011.00 21,305
Awa, pounds 20,372 3,550.24 20,372
Sundries 4,954.36 10,118.95
Total value 8,958,663.88 10,340,375.17