No. 198.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen
Washington, October 26, 1887.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your note of the 24th instant, inclosing a check for $480.75, being the amount of a claim twice sent in for losses sustained by your citizens at Bock Springs, in Wyoming Territory.
I shall have great pleasure in promptly bringing the matter to the notice of the President, who will greatly appreciate the very conscientious and punctilious manner in which your Government has acted in returning this sum, and I cordially accept it in the spirit in which it is offered, as a proof, if indeed any were needed, of the good faith of your Government and its legation at Washington.
I am gratified to learn that your suffering countrymen were pleased at and benefited by the distribution of the award made in their behalf by the Congress of the United States.
Accept, sir, etc.,