187. Telegram Secto 18002 From Secretary of State Kissinger to the Embassy in Kenya1 2


  • Israel Rescue Mission


  • State 166469, Nairobi 6881, Schaufele-Marshall Telcon 4 July 1230 EDT.

Eyes only for Ambassador

1. In transcribing message contained reftel word “diplomatically” inadvertantly omitted from second sentence, which should read “I have wanted you to know, Mr. President, that should Kenya be in need of diplomatic support in days ahead the United States stands ready to cooperate.”

2. What is done is done, and you should do nothing with with Kenyatta to qualify our presentation. When you see Koinange and/or Njonjo you should simply repeat the message in its correct form.

3. There should be no furhter speculation on your part, personal or otherwise, on what the United States would or should not do in any given set of circumstances. Our basic point is a simple one and should be left to stand on its own: the United States should look with great disfavor on any attack on the sovereignty of Kenya.

  1. Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for Africa, Box 3, Kenya, State Department Telegrams from SECSTATE. Secret; Flash; Nodis. Repeated Immediate to Washington.
  2. Kissinger, who was in New York, informed Ambassador Marshall that State telegram 166469 inadvertently omitted the word “diplomatic” before “support in the days ahead.” Kissinger instructed Marshall not to correct the message for Kenyatta, but also not to speculate further on U.S. actions.