722. Memorandum from Chase to McGeorge Bundy, December 21
- Cuba—6:00 P.M. Meeting
1. Attached are 2 copies of the talking points which State prepared for the Secretary. I assume that the meeting is on again. Is this right?
2. Assuming the meeting is on, the attendance list now stands as follows: (1) The President, (2) Secretary Rusk, (3) Ed Martin, (4) Secretary McNamara, (5) another DOD type, (6) Director McCone, (7) Dick Helms or Des FitzGerald, (8) Don Wilson, (9) von, and (10) me, as notetaker.
3. In good conscience I should point out that I heard through the grape-vine that Ben Read cut State’s invitation list from 5 to 2 in deference to the President’s inclination to abhor a crowd. Much as I would like to attend the meeting (I have never attended a Presidential meeting) I will understand perfectly if you feel I should stay home and mind the store. If I do not hear from you, I shall plan to attend.
- Attendance at the meeting with President Johnson scheduled that day. Top Secret. 1 p. Johnson Library, NSF, Country File, Cuba, Meetings, 12/63–3/65.↩